Joint Patrols Aug 1979

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Friday,- Aug.

17, 1979 scrilew~


Joint patrolling
QUARRY HEIGHTS (USSOUTHCOM PAO) - When the new Panama Canal Treaty is implemented Oct. 1, 1979, Panamanian National Guardsmen will join military policemen in patrolling part of what is now the Canal Zone for the first time. Members of both forces will work si de-bv-side in marining gates to Quarry Hefghts, Fort Gulick and Fort Amador, and in conducting walking and/or mobile patrols in Curundu, Quarry Heights, Fort Amador and Fort Gulick, among others. Guardsmen and MPs will patrol Curundu Road and Amador Road, using National Guard vehicles. This new arrangement basically 'gives United States and Panamanian citizens, who are i nvolvedin incidents requiring police action in the military areas of coordination, the opportunity to deal with police of their own nationalitv. It will continue in these areas throughout the life of the treaty.

it's a first here

whichever pol ice unit happens on the scene first. In preparation for the implementation of the joint patrols, both the Military Police and the Canal. Zone Police are conducting joint training courses with members of the National Guard to familiarize them with the law enforcement procedures cerrentlv being practiced. While the new-patrols represent the first joint effort inside the Canal Zone, this will not be the first time members of the two nations' police forces have worked together. Military and Air' Force police participate nightly in combined patrols in downtown Panama, and Canal Zone Police and' Guardsmen have patrolled the Zone border together during the Christmas season. The ability of MPs and Guardia to work together successfully was also demonstrated during field training exercises in Rio Hate last spring, when members of the two units conducted joint patrols and shared guard duties for two months.

operating and housing areas. There, Guardsmen will patrol jointly with members of the Panama Canal Commission police force until March 31, 1982, when the latter will have been phased o ut except for 34 investigative/I iaison officers. At t hat time the Balboa and Cristobal police stations will become headquarters of new National Guard districts, under the supervision of a district commander. Persons arrested in the Balboa or Cristobal district will be t a ken tot h e appropriate station for processing, just as had been done throughout the transition period when those stations housed joint US/RP operations desks. Unlike in the military areas of coordination, where there will be joint mobile and walkinq oatr ols startino Oct. 1, the joint patrols in the Canal housing areas will strictly be mobile for the first ten months. Parts of the present Canal Zone not specifically designated Canal Operating Areas, housing areas, Defense Sites or Military Areas of Coordination will be patrolled exclusively by National Guardsmen upon entry into force of the treaty. This includes such heavily frequented locations as Stevens Circle in Ba I b oa and the area around Colon trai n station on the-Atlantic side. Although only the Guardia will have the right to make arrests in the areas under Panamanian jurisdiction, it has been agreed that assistance in an emergency, 'such as an accident, may be rendered 'by members of

Any Panama Canal Company employee having treaty related questions should write to the Panama Canal Company information office. Department of Defense and military personnel having treaty related questions can obtain further information by writing to U.S. Southern Command Public A ffairs Office.

In the defense sites - Fort Kobbe/Howard AFB, Fort Clayton, Fort Davis, Fort Sherman, Albrook AFS,. Farfan and the Hodman Naval Station - the U.S. will have primary responsibility for security and there will be no National Guard activity except for traffic control and liaison purposes. Although some jurisdictional aspects of law enforcement activity are still under study, the basic method of operation of the joint patrols in the military follows. JOINT DESK A joint MP/PNG desk will be established at MP Headquarters in Fort Clayton (building 172) on the Pacific side and at Fort Gulick on the Atlantic side, with the functions of desk sergeants, radio dispatchers and clerks being manned by officers of both forces. BILINGUAL CREW areas of coordination is as

Calls that come in either English or Spanish will be handled by the bilingual desk crew and the a ppr o pr iate patrol - either joint or entirely MP - will be dispatched. JOINT PATROLS Incidents occurring during joint patrols will be handled jointly, with the officers of each force there to assist the other. Where it is necessary to make an arrest the person or persons involved will be taken to the joint operations desk where a determination will be made as to whether the. case will proceed through the U.S. or Panamanian court system .. 'A similar procedure will be followed for a 30month transition period in the Canal

SSG Potvin
Military .p of ice and Panama National Guardsmen 'portray activities that will commence' Oct. 1 when members of the two units start patrolling jointly in Military Areas of Coordination as provided under the treaty, .
. : "7 " ". . "... . : .'.1. . '.' ' .. ~


, ,NOW~ ., - .

TODAY'STREATYTRANSITIONTIP: This' month National Guardsmen from Panama will be observing Military Policemen at work during the .2:15 - 8:15 p.m, shift as part of

on-the-job training for the combined patrols that start Oct. 1. The-Guardsmen will have no police or arrest aut_hority during this period.

The OJT period seemed to go well. They loved being able to eat in our dining facilities. Once 1 Oct 79 came around things started to change. We had to get 'them to Ft. Amador for meals. They worked guard duty shifts, 6hrs on, 6hrs off which conflicted with our 8 or 12 hrs schedules. They controlled the mobile patrols in Curundu and Ft. Amador. There were many days when conflicts arose creating "Standoffs" requiring Treaty and Liaison personnel intervention. General Chaos at times. A 10 year build up to "Just Cause" John S. Sporrer (MSG / Ret.)




VOL 1 NO. 1 Quarry Heights, Canal Zone
September 4. 1979

Panama Canal
~Zone ends an m .. cera Oct.1,1979
~ T. T. Tips sez:

Treaty Transition Updated News Index

PAGE 000 receives PCC/CZG functions ... 2 3 changes 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 ................. 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16

Canal usage Organizational SOFA beqins .; Passports ........................

::0 -m" l>


Passport applications

Take heed and read this special edition.

. It

Bi-lingual I0 cards Registration of POV

R. de P. drivers license


DoDDS transition School tuition DoDDS begins rates




questions that you have wanted to ask but just haven't got around to. If it doesn't answer them, see page 4 and drop off a line to get that answer. Read on.

Commissaries In case of fire AAFES Postal services Weapons .......................

Health care ..................... Joint patrols Domestic Transferred Employees employees housing elect to transfer

Highlights of Treaty articles



SCNews,Sept, 4,1979

Special Edition



Military police and members of Panama's National Guard who will be conducting joint, patrols in Military Areas of Coordination are receiving training in joint law enforcement functions in a series of orientation courses being given at Albrook Air Force Station, By Oct. 1, when the joint patrols start, operating, 75 guardsmen and. the, same number of Army MPs are expected to have completed the course, The purpose of this intensified course. conducted by noncommissioned officers of the LEA with some subjects given by personnel of t he brigade's Staff Judge Advocate Office, is to instruct the U,S, and, Panamanian military policemen in the law enforcement functions they are going to be carrying out jointly, in Military Areas of, Coordination beginning October 1, Military policemen receive instruction, in English and Spanish, in .j o in t patrol administration arrest, civil disturbance, com mu n icat ions, comm un ttyrelations, conduct and courtesies, court appearances, criminal jurisdiction, fundamentals of criminal law, emergency operations and procedures, evidence and found propertv., domestic'disturbance, flags, joint gate' operations, hot pursuit, investiqations.'

Police Company, the first of its kind in the PanamaNatlonal Guard structure,-'-. -. BEGINNING~6cT. 1

jurisdiction, K:9 dog patrol, military law.' joint patrol operations, MP station operations, supervision and disciplinary action and [oint traffic operations, BESIDES CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION

Beginning October 1, these Army and PNG mi I itary pol icemen will be operating as 24hour joint patrols in the following Military Areas of Coordination in the former Canal Zone: it Curundu Area , Gorgas Hospital and adjacent Herrick 'Heights Housing Area, :.-Quarry Heights '. '. Morgan Avenue in Balboa Fort Amador Fort Gulick Coco Solo/France Field Atlantic and Pacific side Training Areas

In addition to the classroom instruction,' the participan'ts tour the areas they will be operating in on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the isthmus, They also visit the Panama National Guard Headquarters, Carcel Modelo and the night court in Panama City as part of the program, The PNG has scheduled 15Q,guardsmen to take the course after they have completed the B-week Military Police basic course at the PNG's 1Oth Military District in La Chorrera. .Bepublic of Panama, These quardsrnenwill torrna new Militarv

- I n addition 10 these joint patrols, a joint' MP/PNG desk operation will be conducted at Bui Idi ng 172 (Pacific Area, Provost Marshal) at' Fort Clayton and joint patrol of senior police, personnel will act as the patrol supervisors for: all Pacific area joint police operations, Also, a! PNG representative will be located at Howard: AFB who will serve as the police liaison for; the West Bank, and another PNG liaison I 'representative will be located at Fort Sherman during duty hours for planning purposes,

Mpls/Guardi'a patrol together

", QUARRY HEIGHTS (USSOUTHCOM' PAO)--When the new Panama CanalTreaty is implemented Oct, 1,1979, Panamanian National Guardsmen will join military 'policemen in patrolling part of what is now the Canal Zone for the first time. Natlonai' Guarci activity excepffor traffi'e control and liaison pu rposes. Although some jurisdictional aspects of law' enforcement activity are still under study, the basic method of operation of the joint patrols in the military areas of.coordination is as follows, JOINTOE;;K A joint MP/PNG desk will be established at MP Headquarters in Fort Clayton (building 172) on the Pacific side and at Fort Gulick on theAtlantic side, with the functions of desk sergeants, radio dispatchers and clerks being manned by officers of both forces, ' BILINGUAL CREW Calls that come in either English or Spanish, will be handled by the bilingual desk crew and! the appropriate patrol-either joint or entirely MP--will be dispatched, JOINT PATROLS , Incidents oocurring during joint patrols will be handled jointly with the officers of each force there to assist the other. Where it is necessary to make an' arrest the person or persons involved will be taken to the joint' operations desk where a determination will be made as to whether the case will proceed' through the U,S. or Panamanian court system.' A similar procedure will be followed for a 3Dmonth transition period in the Canal Zone, Unlike in the military areas of coordination, where there will be joint mobile and walking patrols starting Oct. 1, the jointpatrols in the Canal housing areas will strictly be mobile for the first ten months. Parts of the present Canal Zone not, specifically designated Canal Operatinq Areas, housing areas, Defense Sites or Military Areas' 'of Coordination will be patrolled exclusively by National Guardsmen uporn entry into force of the treaty. This incl udes suchheavilv frequented locations as Stevens Circle in' Balboa and the area around' Colon train: station on the Atlantic side, Although only the Guardia will have the ,right to make 'arrests in the areas under Panamanian jurisdiction, it has been agreed that assistance in an emergency, such as an accident, may be rendered by members of whichever police unit happens on the scene, first, In preparation for the implementation of the joint patrols, both the Military Police and Canal Zone Policeare copductin joint training courses with members of the National Guard to familiarize them with the law enforcement procedures currently being practiced,

Members of both forces will work .si de-bv-side in manning gates to Quarry Heights, Fort Gul ick and Fort Amador and in conducting walking and or mobile patrols in Curundu, Quarry Heights, Fort Amador and Fort Gulick, among others. Guardsmen and MP's will patrol Curundu Road and Amador Road using National Guard vehicles. This new arrangement basically gives United States and Panamanian citizens, who are involved in incidents requiring police action in the military areas of coordination, the opportunity to deal with police of their own nationality, It will continue in these areas throguhout the life of the treaty, In the defense sites-Fort Kobbe/Howard AFB, Fort Clayton, Fort Davis, ForrSherman. Albrook AFS, Farfan and the Rodman Naval Station--the U.S, will have primary responsibility for security and there will be no _

WnITe tfie new patrol's represent me nrsr joint effort inside the Canal Zone, this will not be the first time members of the two.nations .po l lce forces have 'worked together, . :Military and Air Force police participate' nightly in combined patrols in downtown Panama and Canal Zone police and 'Guardsmen have patrolled the Zone border together during the Christmas season, The ability of MP's and Guardia to work together successfully was also demonstrated durinqfield traininq exercises in Rio Hato last spring when members of the two units' conducted joint patrols and shared guard ; duties for two months.

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