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Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended

programs Conclusions

On the Measure of Incoherent Information in Extended Multi-Adjoint Logic Programs

Nicol as Madrid Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
Univ de M alaga (Spain)

Ostrava Univ (Czech Republic)

April 12, 2013

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Aims of this research

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

We are studying the introduction of two kind of negations into fuzzy frameworks: Default negation: This negation enables non-monotonic reasoning and is introduced by generalizing the semantics of Answer sets and Equilibrium logic. Strong negation: Including this kind of negation into positive fuzzy theories does not aect to the monotonicity of them. In this sense, it is necessary to provide a suitable generalization of the notion of consistency.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

In this work we consider several strong negations. So: We start by giving the notion of extended multi-adjoint logic programs. To deal with strong negations we recall (and extend) the notion of coherence given on residuated logic programs. Subsequently, we measure the incoherence by:
focusing rstly on measuring the incoherence on interpretations and later by extending the measures dened on interpretations to extended multi-adjoint logic programs.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence 2 Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions 3

Denition A multi-adjoint lattice L is a tuple (L, , i , i ) such that:


(L, ) is a complete bounded lattice, with top and bottom elements 1 and 0. for all i , for all x the equations 1 i x = x i 1 = x hold. for all i , and for all x , y , z L the tuple (i , i ) forms an adjoint pair, i.e. z (x i y ) i y i z x .

A negation operator on L is any decreasing mapping n : L L satisfying n(0) = 1 and n(1) = 0.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

The language considered in this approach is propositional. Thus, given L a multi-adjoint lattice with a nite set of negation operators {j }j J : We denote by the set of propositional symbols We dene the set of literals by Lit = {j p | p and j J }

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Extended multi-adjoint logic program
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Given a multi-adjoint lattice with negations (L, , i , i , j ), an extended multi-adjoint logic program P is a nite set of weighted rules of the form F ; satisfying the following conditions: F is a formula of the form i B where is a literal (called the head of F ) and B (called the body of F ) is built from literals 1 , . . . , n and operators i . the weight is an element of the underlying multi-adjoint lattice L.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Let L = (L, ) be a bounded lattice, an L-interpretation is a mapping I : Lit L. The domain of the interpretation is the set of literals, and it can be lifted to any rule by homomorphic extension: Denition (Model) We say that I satises a rule i B ; if and only if I (B ) i I ( ) or, equivalently, I ( i B ). Finally, I is a model of P if it satises all rules in P.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The immediate consequences operator

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

The immediate consequences operator dened on positive multi-adjoint logic programs can be applied straightforwardly to extended programs. We recall its denition below: Denition Let P be an extended multi-adjoint logic program and let I be an L-interpretation. The immediate consequence operator of I wrt P is the L-interpretation dened by TP (I )( ) = sup{I (B ) i : i B ; P}

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The least model

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

The immediate consequences operator TP is monotonic. By the Knaster-Tarski x-point theorem, TP has a least x-point; lfp (TP ). lfp (TP ) coincides with the least model of P. The least model semantics of an extended multi-adjoint logic program P is given by the lfp (TP ). However, one has to take into account the possible interaction between opposite literals. For this purpose we dene the notion of coherence.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The denition
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Let L be a multi-adjoint lattice. An L-interpretation I is coherent if the inequality I (i ) i I ( ) holds for every literal and all strong negation i L. The notion of coherence coincides with consistency in the classical framework. It only depends on negation operators. It allows to handle missing information (i.e I such that I ( ) = 0 for all Lit is always coherent).

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Extension to multi-adjoint programs
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Let P be an extended multi-adjoint logic program, we say that P is coherent if its least model is coherent. Theorem An extended multi-adjoint logic program is coherent if and only if it has at least one coherent model.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherent pair of literals

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Let L be a multi-adjoint lattice and let I be an interpretation. We say that ( , i ) is coherent w.r.t. I if and only if the inequality I (i ) i I ( ) holds. Otherwise the pair ( , i ) is called incoherent. However, it is convenient to provide degrees of incoherence. Consider the following two interpretations on {p , p }: I1 (p ) = 0.5 I1 ( p ) = 0.6 I2 (p ) = 1 I2 ( p ) = 0.9

and the usual negation (x ) = 1 x to determine the coherence. Certainly, the pair (p , p ) seems to be more incoherent w.r.t. I2 than w.r.t. I1 .
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Information measure
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

We propose to assign a value to each element in the lattice corresponding to the inherent information it contains. Denition Let (L, ) be a lattice, an information measure is an operator m : L R+ such that the following holds for all x , y L: m is monotonic. m(x ) = 0 if and only if m(x ) = 0. m(sup(x , y )) m(x ) + m(y ) m(inf(x , y )). Note that the third item imposes no restriction if the lattice is linearly ordered.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The set of coherent pairs w.r.t. i

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Hereafter we will assume that our multi-adjoint lattices have an associated information measure m. In order to measure the degree of incoherence of a pair ( , i ) w.r.t. I we focus on the minimal amount of information we have to remove from I ( ) and I (i ) in order to recover the coherence of the pair ( , i ). Denition Let i be a negation operator. The set of coherent pairs w.r.t. i is the set: i = {(x , y ) L L : y i (x ) }

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Measure of incoherence for pairs of opposite literals

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition (I L ) We dene the measure of incoherence of a pair ( , i ) w.r.t. one interpretation I (denoted by I L (( , i ); I )) as follows:
(x ,y )i (x ,y )(I ( ),I (i ))


m(I ( )) m(x ) + m(I (i )) m(y )

where the ordering within i is considered componentwise. I L (( , i ); I ) measures how much information we have to remove from I ( ) and I (i ) in order to obtain a coherent pair of literals ( , i ) w.r.t. I .

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

A specic case
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

The denition of I L (( , i ); I ) collapses to an extremely simple and intuitive form in the specic case of the unit interval L = [0, 1], the information measure induced by the Euclidean norm, and i (x ) = 1 x : 0 if ( , i ) is coherent I L (( , ); I ) = i I (i ) i I ( ) otherwise

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Measure of incoherence for literals

Denition of coherent literals
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Here, we dene a general degree of incoherence by considering all possible negations of a literal. Denition Let L be a multi-adjoint lattice and let I be an interpretation. We say that a literal is coherent w.r.t. I if and only if the inequality I (i ) i I ( ) holds for all strong negation i L. Otherwise the literal is called incoherent. Denition Given a multi-adjoint lattice with negations {1 , 2 , . . . , n }, we dene the set of coherent tuples w.r.t. L as L = {(x , y1 , . . . , yn ) Ln+1 : yi i (x ) }
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Measure of incoherence I G ( ; I )
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Now, we dene a measure of incoherence for literals, similar to I L , but by considering the set L instead of i . Formally, Denition We dene the measure of incoherence I G ( ; I ) by:
n (x ,yi )L x I ( ) yi I (i )


m(I ( )) m(x ) +

m(I (i )) m(yi )

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Relationship between the measures I L and I G

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Proposition Let L be a multi-adjoint lattice and let I be an interpretation. Then for all Lit and i L we have that: I L (( , j ); I ) I G ( ; I ) I L (( , i ); I )
j L

We need to remove less information from I if we deal directly with the incoherence of all negated literals {i }i of than if we deal independently with each incoherent pair ( , i ). Corollary Let L be a multi-adjoint lattice, let I be an interpretation and let be a literal. Then, I G ( ; I ) = 0 if and only if I L (( , i ); I ) = 0 for all pair ( , i )
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Properties of I L and I G
Null measure
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Proposition If the literal (resp. the pair ( , i )) is coherent w.r.t. I then I G ( ; I ) = 0 (resp. I L (( , i ); I ) = 0). We can ensure the equivalence between coherence and null measure of incoherence in the following frameworks: Whether the multi-adjoint lattice is nite and the information measure used is injective. Whether the multi-adjoint lattice is the unit interval [0, 1] and the information measure is continuous and injective.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Properties of I L and I G
Monotonicity and bounds
Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Proposition Let I J be two L-interpretations. Then I L (( , i ); I ) I L (( , i ); J ) for all pair of literals ( , i ). I G ( ; I ) I G ( ; J ) for all literal . The following proposition shows that I L (( , i ); I ) is bounded by the inherent information in I ( ) and I (i ): Proposition Let I be an L-interpretation, then I L (( , i ); I ) min m(I (i )), m(I ( ))
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The average number of incoherences

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Let P be an extended program. We denote the number of incoherent literals w.r.t. MP (least model of P) as N I (P) and the number of incoherent pairs of opposite literals w.r.t. MP as N IP (P). So we can consider the measures of incoherence L (P) and I G (P) as: I1 1
L I1 (P) =

N IP (P) |LitP | |P | N I (P) |LitP |


G I1 (P) =


Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The maximal size of incoherence

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

L and I G focus on estimating the maximal size The measures I2 2 of incoherence in P.

Denition Given an extended program P, we consider:

L I2 (P) = max {I L (( , i ); MP )} i LitP


G I2 (P) = max {I G ( ; MP )} LitP


Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

The average size of incoherence

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

L and I G can be dened by focusing on The measures I3 3 estimating the average size of incoherence in P.

Denition Given an extended program P, we can consider:

L I3 (P) = i LitP i

I L (( , i ); MP ) L LitP I (( , i ); I )


G I3 (P) =

I G ( ; MP ) G LitP I ( ; I )


Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Weighted measures of incoherence

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

Denition Given an extended program P and a set of weights (with the form {( ,i ) }, resp. { }, with LitP ) we consider:
L I4 (P; {( ,i ) })

i LitP

, i )

I L (( , i ); MP )


G I4 (P; { }) = LitP

I G ( ; MP )


Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

We have extended the semantics of multi-adjoint logic programs to allow the use of several strong negations. We have recalled the notion of coherent L-interpretations. We have measure the incoherence on interpretations by:
determining the incoherence in each pair ( , i ) measuring the incoherence related to each literal

Finally we have extended the measures of incoherence dened on interpretations to extended programs by:
determining the average number of incoherences. measuring the greatest degree of incoherence. quantifying the average degree of incoherences. assigning weights to literals.

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs Manuel Ojeda-Aciego Introduction Preliminaries Least model and coherence Incoherence on Interpretations Incoherence on extended programs Conclusions

On the Measure of Incoherent Information in Extended Multi-Adjoint Logic Programs

Nicol as Madrid Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
Univ de M alaga (Spain)

Ostrava Univ (Czech Republic)

April 12, 2013

Manuel Ojeda-Aciego

Incoherence in Multi-Adjoint Programs

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