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Topic: Will Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba ever be elected to the Zambian presidency?

Power is sweet; it is heroin, which once tasted, increases with a habit. Dr. Nevers Mumba has tasted and enjoyed the pleasurable sensations of power through being the president of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD). And for this he thinks he deserves to be elected to the Zambian presidency. Some important reasons why Dr. Nevers Mumba will not be elected to the Zambian presidency are; his poor strategy of being inconsistent , his love for regional tribalistic politics and last but not the least politics of confrontations. The first reason why Dr. Nevers Mumba will not be elected to the Zambia's presidency is that he lacks personal and political consistency. Unlke the the famous quote by Anthony Robbins and i quote It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. And Dr. Nevers Mumba has been consistently inconsistent in his personal and political career. Taking the case when he was still in the ministry,he once said that being a president of a country was a demotion for him as it was not better than being a pastor. He later abandoned preaching and formed his own party, the National Citizens Coalition (NCC). To the amazement of his political party members, he abandoned his party, the NCC and chose to be a Republican vice president under the Movement for Multi-

Party Democracy after being appointed by the late President Levy Mwanawasa, leaving his party members in the dark and stranded. All these things are still fresh in the Zambian peoples minds and come election time the electorate will definitely remember this and use it as a basis for voting against him. The second reason why Dr. Nevers Mumba will not be Zambia's next president has to do with his love for regional tribal politics. He has been on record as telling the people of Northern and Muchinga province, that he is the only true Bemba among the leaders of all political parties in Zambia who hails from Chinsali district. Hence, he has claimed that Northerners should vote for him overwhelmly as he is their true son and that both his parents are pure Bemba. With such tribalistic approach to politics, this will make it hard for other tribes to vote for him, as we are in an era where Zambians are on the verge of recandling the flame of the once famous One Zambia One Nation. Finally, the third and most important reason why Dr. Mumba will not be elected to the Zambian presidency is in relation to his type of politics of confrontation. In the past , Dr. Mumba has been quoted instructing his Members of Parliament not to cooperate or vote for any economic policy that is presented in parliament by the Patriotic Front (PF) government . His main reasons are to frustrate the PF governments efforts to fight poverty, joblessness and corruption. However, what Dr. Nevers Mumba is forgetting, is that it is the Zambian people he is frustrating because once there is no sound economic

policy approved in parliament, then it will mean fewer resources will be allocated to the construction of hospitals, schools, roads and other social programs for the poor. All these things will only make him more unpopular in the eyes of the electorate. There are many other compelling reasons why Dr. Mumba will not be elected to the Zambian presidency but the truth lies with the Zambian electorate who are watching him very closely ,even thou he still has four more years to change his type of politics, for him to have a realistic chance of being Zambia's next president. Moreover its the same Zambian electorate who voted for a man who promised to bring manner on earth in 90 days. Thank you.

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