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School Subject Class/Semester Text Type Themes Skill Time : SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu Selatan : : VIII / 2nd semester : Transactional/Interpersonal : : Listening and Speaking : .. x 40 minutes


A. Standard Competence: 7. Understanding the meaning in simple conversation for transactional and interpersonal purposes, interactively and no interactively in formal and informal situations to communicate with the closest environment and/or in academic context. . B. Basic Competence: 7.1 Understanding the explicit meaning in simple conversation for transactional and interpersonal purposes employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking, giving and refusing something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and refusing opinion; asking and expressing agreement/disagreement; responding statement and giving attention to the speaker; beginning, extending, and closing conversation; beginning, extending, and closing conversation by phone. 7.2 Understanding the implicit meaning in simple conversation for transactional and interpersonal purposes employing: asking, giving and refusing information; asking, giving and refusing something; correcting and denying information; asking, giving and refusing opinion; asking and expressing agreement/ disagreement; responding statement and giving attention to the speaker; beginning, extending, and closing conversation; beginning, extending, and closing conversation by phone.

C. Learning Objective(s):
By the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. Obtain, give, and refuse information about someones eating out habits 2. Mention /identify names of foods from Indonesia & other countries 3. Give information about foods from Indonesia (esp. Jakarta) 4. Identify foods for different courses of meal 5. Obtain, give, and refuse services in a restaurant 6. Request and offer things and service 7. Identify menu ordered in a restaurant 8. Identify correct responses for questions used in a restaurant 9. Identify expressions of opinions 10.Ask for and express opinions 11.Create a restaurants name and its menu 12.Act as a customer in a restaurant (role play) 13.Act as a waiter/waitress in a restaurant (role play)

D. Learning materials:

1. Conversations A:Hi, Matt! B: Hi, my cellphone is okay now. I got your message. A: Right. Do you want to go to the Riverside Cinema?

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B: A: B: A: Sorry, I cant. Id like to but Im still not feeling great. Come on. Hang on Oh, all right. Ill be there Great. See you!

2. Grammar - Simple Present Tense - To Be - Comparative Adjectives 3. Vocabulary Words related to the theme/topic 4. Expressions and gambits Obtaining, giving, and refusing information Obtaining, giving, and refusing things Accepting and denying information Asking for and giving opinions Requesting and offerings Opening, maintaining and closing conversations Opening, maintaining and closing telephone conversations

E. Teaching methods:
Three-phase technique PPP (Pre Listening, Whilst Listening, Post Listening)

F. Teaching procedures: 1st Meeting

a. Opening - Greetings. - Checking attendance - Discuss students and teachers eating out habits (opening only, done more in main activities) b. Main activities - State lesson of the day and learning objectives - Pre-listening activities (eating habits discussion & vocabulary building) - Listening activities - Checking the answers & giving feedback - Post listening activities (identify the expressions, elicit, and present other expressions) - Practice on using the expressions c. Closing - Summing up and reflection

2nd Meeting
a. Opening - Greetings - Taking the roll - Review previous lesson - Introduction to the new lesson b. Main Activities - Pre-listening activities (predict the expressions that would come up in the dialog) - Listening activities - Post listening activities (discussion and feedback) - Identify the expressions from the dialog (listening script) - Elicit and present more expressions - Practice using the expressions c. Closing - Summing up and reflection - Defining task for next sessions

3rd Meeting
a. Opening

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- Greetings - Taking attendance - Review previous lesson b. Main activities - Introduce lesson of the day and the objectives (opinions regarding restaurant and its services) - Elicit and present expressions of opinions - Practice on using expressions of opinions - Group work on creating restaurant and its menu (students are to use expressions of opinions during the group work) - Check students work and give feedback c. Closing - Summing up and refection - set task for the following sessions a. Opening - Greetings - Taking attendance - Check students preparation for the role play b. Main activities - Have student sit in own groups and prepare for the role play - Set the class as a restaurant - Regroup the students (one group consisting students from different groups - One student in each group acts as waiter/waitress and others as customers - Carry on the first round of role play (customers to start with discussion on where and what to eat) - Continue with the second round with students changing roles. - While ongoing, T goes around the class and monitors c. Closing - Summing up - Reflection

4th Meeting (Role Play)

G. Learning Sources:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conversation Scripts Recordings List of comprehension questions List of expressions Pictures of international foods Restaurant menu

H. Assessment:
I. N o A Indicator, Techniques, Form, and Examples. Techniqu Indicator Form es Ongoing Oral Obtain, give, and Assessme conversation refuse information nt about someones eating out habits Mention /identify names of foods from other countries Identify foods for different courses of meal Obtain, give, and refuse services in a restaurant Non Test Ongoing Assessme nt Ongoing Assessme nt QuestionsAnswers QuestionsAnswers Listening Activities Oral practice Example With a friend, ask and answer these questions


Here are some foods and drinks. What are their names? What do you usually have for appetizer? Listen to conversation and check () the waitresss questions you hear. Practice the following


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F G H I Identify menu ordered in a restaurant Identify correct responses for questions used in a restaurant Identify expressions of opinions Ask for and express opinions Ongoing Assessme nt Ongoing Assessme nt Ongoing Assessme nt Project Ongoing Assessme nt Role Play/ Performance Request and offer things and service Ongoing Assessme nt Listening Activities Listening Activities QuestionsAnswers Oral Practice conversation with a partner. Take turns as the waitress and the customers People are ordering food in a restaurant. Listen and tick () each persons order. Listen to the waiters or waitresss questions and circle the best response. Which of the following express the customers opinions? Work in group and create a restaurants name and its menu. Share your opinions with other members of the group. Work in groups of three. Think of a name for a new restaurant and make a menu. Work in your group. Pretend youre a waiter/waitress in a restaurant. Use your menu to offer food to the customers (your friends in the same group). Your friends will ask questions and order food. Work in a different group. Pretend youre a waiter/waitress in a restaurant. Use your menu to offer food to the customers (your friends in the same group). Your friends will ask questions and order food.


Create a restaurants name and its menu Act as a customer in a restaurant (role play) Non Test Non Test

Role play/ Performance

Act as a waiter/waitress in a restaurant (role play)

Non Test

II. Assessment Instruments 1. Instructions o With a friend, ask and answer these questions o Do you sometimes eat out? Where do you usually go? What food do you like to order? Which restaurant do you recommend to go? Why? Work in groups of three. Think of a name for a new restaurant and make a menu.

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2. Food Pictures

3. Questions - What do you usually have for appetizer? - What food do people have for dessert? 4. a. List of questions tobe identified from the conversation May I help you? Would you care for anything to drink? Are you ready to order? What would you like to drink? What would you like? Large or small? Rare, medium, or well-done? Is that all? How would you like it? Anything else? What kind of dressing would you like? Would you like your drinks now? c. Conversation Script Listen to conversation and check () the waitresss questions you hear. Man: Excuse me, waiter!

Waitress: Yes? Are you ready to order? Man: Yes, we are. Susan?

Woman: Ill have a cheeseburger. Waitress: How would you like it? Woman: Medium, please. Waitress: Uh-uh. Man: And Id like a chicken burger with onion rings.

Waitress: Okay. Woman: And could you also bring me a salad? Waitress: Okay, and what kind of dressing would you like? Woman: Thousand Island, please. Waitress: Would you care for anything to drink? Woman: Yeah, Id like a milk shake. Waitress: Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Woman: Chocolate. Waitress: And you, sir? Man: Orange juice, please.

Waitress: Large or small?

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Man: Large.

Waitress: Okay, so thats one cheeseburger, one chicken burger, one order of onion rings, one salad, one Man: Waitress: Thats right. Fine anything else? chocolate shake, and a large orange juice.

Woman: No, not right now. Thanks. Waitress: Would you like your drinks now? Man: Yes, please.

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N O A Assessed Aspects 1 5 Listening for specific information Identifying menu ordered in a restaurant (Part B.1.) Correct Answer Wrong Answer Identify correct responses for questions used in a restaurant (Part B.2 & 3) Correct Answer Wrong Answer Identify menu ordered in a restaurant Listening for specific information (Part B.4) Correct Answer Wrong Answer Create a restaurants name and its menu Ask for and express opinions Identify foods for different courses of meal (Part C.1) Creativity Presentation Language Participation Give information about foods from Indonesia (esp. Jakarta) Identify foods for different courses of meal Obtain, give, and refuse services in a restaurant Request and offer things and service Ask for and express opinions Act as a customer in a restaurant Act as a waiter/waitress in a restaurant (Part C.1/Role Play) Participation Comprehension Pronunciation Fluency Accuracy Total Score Maximu m Score

20 0 20 0

5 x 20 100 5 x 20 100

1 5

1 5

12.5 0

8 x 12.5 100

25 25 25 25


1 5

20 20 20 20 20


Manna, July . 2010 Approved by, The Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu Selatan English Teacher,

(EDY SYAHRIZAL, M.Pd) NIP.19670505 199702 1002 199412 1 001

(AMDI ZULHEFI, S.Pd) NIP.19711128

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