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Case Study

10,000 beautiful beginnings are delivered every year throughout our Baptist Memorial Hospitals.
We rely on Safe Place from RF Technologies to keep our newborns secure.
Infant security and safety have always been a top priority at the eight Baptist Memorial Hospital locations that provide obstetric care. Thats why, three years ago, we decided to upgrade the technology we use to monitor and track babies throughout our birthing centers. The systems we had in place from RF Technologies were aging, and our hospitals were experiencing an array of frustrating nuisance alarms, and maintenance and service issues. After putting together a checklist of requirements, we talked to four suppliers of infantmonitoring radio frequency identication (RFID) systems. RF Technologies went the extra mile, evaluating each of our hospitals to identify issues and develop solutions, then presenting their ndings to us in a PowerPoint presentation. They were totally committed to helping us obtain exactly the system we needed. After looking at the pros and cons of each system and vendor, we chose to partner with RF Technologies and install its Safe Place Infant and Pediatric Security Solution. Installations were prioritized from oldest system to newest. The rst was Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County in New Albany, Miss., two years ago; the last installation is now underway.

Our hospitals received the customized security they needed.

Our smallest hospital delivers about 550 babies a year; our largest delivers nearly 5,000. Regardless of size, weve found Safe Place completely meets our needs for infant monitoring, security and safety. The system is extremely user-friendly, and we love the Virtual Private Network (VPN), an invaluable three-way remote monitoring system that identies problems and automatically determines whether workow is being handled correctly.

Safe Place was our rst choice for several reasons:

Because most of our hospitals already had RF Technologies systems, we were able to do upgrades instead of complete replacements. The RFID transmitter on the babys ankle provides immediate security. Our nurses really like the soft banding material. Plus, the infant transmitters check into the system every 10 seconds to ensure optimal system performance and continuous infant protection. In the event of an attempted abduction, an alarm automatically sounds, and doors and elevators lock down. Information is centralized on a touch screen PC monitor. Training is ongoing, done through WebEx and on-site, sit-down sessions. RF Technologies provides 24/7 phone technical support, a technician located locally, and a comprehensive service agreement.

Were also pleased by the commitment and responsiveness of RF Technologies. They have been by our side through every step of installation and training, making suggestions for policies and procedures, types of code team drills, and even going so far as to provide the company presidents personal phone number for emergencies. On a regular basis, an expert from RF Technologies dials into our system to do proactive troubleshooting. And, RF Technologies has programmed our system to generate emails to their service technicians in the event certain types of alarms sound or a device faults. Safe Place is so exible, once an issue has been addressed, the hospitals staff can even set it up to alert us if the problem repeats. RF Technologies provides excellent follow-up on the clinical side as well, checking in every 30, 60, and 90 days to make sure our staff is following protocol and that there are no errors in workow and process. The companys Clinical Advisory Board meets with us four times each year to discuss Safe Place and any challenges we might be experiencing, then uses our input to improve the systems it offers. This process began because we wanted to ensure the security of the babies in our hospitals; it has evolved into a true success story. The end result is that our eight obstetrics hospitals have the advanced infant tracking and monitoring technology, expert service and support, and peace of mind because of the collaborative efforts of RF Technologies and the staff from the Baptist Memorial Health Care system.

RF Technologies was 100% committed to making the system work for us, and provided direct accountability with one point of contact.

1.800.669.9946 fax: 262.790.1784 3125 North 126th Street, Brookeld, WI 53005 USA

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