Tips and Strategies That A Super Student Must Know

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Special 17-page report

How to stay motivated, learn super fast and achieve massive results in your studies in less than 5 months! _________________________________

By Jeremy Neo Please request permission for permission to reprint.


Disclaimer: You will most probably end up improving your results if you read this. The successes experienced here are both my own and of the students who have come under my tutelage. While I wish I could say that you will definitely gain results by reading this alone, I also know that no 2 individuals are alike. I cannot guarantee that you will achieve the same success just by reading this manual alone. However, I know that you can succeed, because of the skills you already have, if you undergo proper tutelage. Please request permission for permission to reprint.


Having the ability to accelerate your learning in 5 months is impossible unless you read this report!
The fact that you are taking some time off and reading this means that you have a strong desire to increase your learning speed and achieve massive results in 5 months!

In the next 5 months, most of you who are still schooling will most probably encounter some sort of test or exam. Chances are, you are most probably going to go about your revision the same way and probably end up getting the same results! Arent you tired of average results? Dont you think you deserve so much more?

Imagine what your life would be like if you could learn everything you knew in half the time? Imagine how you would feel if you could constantly top the class or even the level? Sounds impossible? Read on and see with your own eyes how possible it actually is!

1) How to use this report to your ultimate advantage

I have broken down this report into 3 main portions for you. The first part serves to re-introduce you to your powerful brain and the way it functions. I will cover briefly the concepts of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and our beliefs system, which will show you how to align your values and beliefs for success. Please request permission for permission to reprint.


In the second part, I will share the secrets I have used, on myself and with my students, to achieve results that have left many of my peers speechless. These secrets have taken me about 4-5 years to learn and Im giving them away to you for free!

And lastly, I will give you various examples and exercises you can use immediately to take charge of your life and achieve the results that you want!

2) Left brain, right brain, still one brain! You and I are both born with the same set of hardware!
This sentence makes sense doesnt it? You and I are both born with basically the same hardware! A brain (probably almost the same size), some facial features and a body to work with! In other words, we basically share the same neurology! What this means is that you and I are both created equal. Agreed?

However, even though we are all created almost the same, not everyone will eventually become successful! Different people will achieve different levels of success! Now why is this so? What is the difference between someone who is immensely successful and someone whos not? Why is it many of us cannot seem to achieve the same level of success as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? Please request permission for permission to reprint.


Take a moment to think about it!

Still not too sure why? Well, research and studies have shown that the difference between highly successful individuals and their peers is the way they use their brains! Thats right! The ways we use our brain ultimately affect the kind of results we achieve! So basically, if you want to be successful in whatever you do, you need use your brain the way the experts do. You need to use the same set of strategies successful people use!

The difference between highly successful individuals and their peers are their values, beliefs and their set of strategies.

This whole concept might sound a little foreign and unfamiliar to you. In fact you may even be unconvinced! However, just for now, I need you to put aside any doubts you might be having now and allow me to explain myself.

Imagine you know of 2 friends who attended the same school since young. They were taught by the same teacher and went for the same tuition classes. But, during the exams, one of them consistently outperformed the other. Why is that so? Remember, both of them had the same amounts of exposure and the same kinds of lessons!

Does it make sense to you if I said that the one who constantly scored better probably had a set of better strategies that worked? Yes? Imagine how it would be if you could consistently outperform the rest of the class! Wouldnt it be fantastic if you knew what those strategies were? What if I Please request permission for permission to reprint.


told you that all you have to do is read on, and all these strategies will be yours to keep. Will that be of interest to you? I bet it would!

Before you start scanning this page looking for that bit of rare information, I need you to be aware that, in order for all the techniques and strategies to be effective, you will require a certain set of positive beliefs.

Earlier on I mentioned that people are able to succeed because they possess a certain set of values and beliefs. It is this very set of values and beliefs that enable them to get the very best out of themselves!

To succeed at everything you do, you must possess the right beliefs and values!
Imagine what life would be like if you didnt believe that you were capable of anything. Imagine what it would feel like if the first thing that came to your mind every morning is Sigh, what another long and boring day I really dont know why Im putting myself through this Life is just so unfair, life is just so miserable!

Pretty devastating dont you think? Now, if you were this person, do you think you will ever be able to achieve huge success in life? NO! Definitely not! Probably not in a million years!

On the other hand, if you woke up every morning thinking the world is full of opportunities! Im going to make my first million today! or thank Please request permission for permission to reprint.


heavens for everything I have do you think that there is a higher probability that you will succeed? Of course!

How many of you have heard of Michael Jordan? Im sure we all have. But how many of you actually know the story behind his life of success? Did you know that when he was young, Michael couldnt even make it to his schools basketball team? Surprised? Thats exactly how I felt when I heard about it!

However, did he say Oh well, maybe Im not destined to play basketball? Did he give up when all his friends laughed at him? Well if he did, we would all be deprived of a superstar player today!

Many people fail in life because of the set of limiting beliefs they have!

Many people I have come into contact with have limiting beliefs that act as a thick huge wall, preventing them from achieving the kind of success that they desire!

If you were a student and constantly believed that Chinese or Math or Science was a very difficult subject, chances are, youd most probably do average, or perhaps even worse, at that subject. Likewise, if you believe that you are lousy at your CCA in school, youd most probably end up as an average player, or worse!

The reason why I was able to achieve consistently high results for all my Math exams was because I always thought that I was the best! I believed that Please request permission for permission to reprint. -7-

Math was easy and that Math was fun! Contrary to what many of my friends believed, I loved the subject so much I almost topped the level! (I came in second with 97 marks!)

I believed that if its possible for them, its definitely possible for me!

Armed with all these positive beliefs and thoughts about myself, I then applied the same logic to an exam I recently sat for. Now, while most people have the mindset that If youre a science oriented person, then youre most probably do average at an arts subject, I didnt! I believe that I could do it and applied all the strategies I acquired over time. And guess what? Once again, I managed to defy convention and score an A+! (Only the top 5% of the cohort get an A+) (Even I was impressed by my own results!)

If youre still unconvinced at the power of beliefs, heres another powerful example that reassures me that Im headed on the right track. I recently had the opportunity to coach a Pri.4 student. His guardians had warned me of his lack of interest and understanding in almost all of his subjects he took in school. When I finally met this boy of 10 years, I was stunned! His level of competency was literally at rock bottom!

However, after applying the techniques on how to study with him, I realized that he actually had a huge potential for progress! I aim to turn him into the top-scoring student of his year by the end of this year! I admit that its literally an impossible challenge but I belief that I can do it. More importantly, I believe that he is capable of huge success! Please request permission for permission to reprint.


Enough said about the mind and our beliefs. I could write a whole book about it if you asked me. What I hope you have seen from the above examples is how powerful your beliefs can be. Also, I hope you have seen that with a proper belief system, even the impossible will bend over for you! (Remember Michael? )

What I want to focus on next are the strategies you need to have if youre going to sit for an exam. I have used these strategies since the day I found out about them and I am living proof (I will still continue to push myself even harder) of its success!

Super powerful strategy that you must live by:

Beliefs + Strategy Goal Setting Strategy planning Action taking Not so good! Results Good! Please request permission for permission to reprint.


Many successful gurus have used this formula and attained success desired by many in life! These people include Anthony Robbins, Dr. Richard Bandler, Stuart Tan, Adam Khoo, and the many others who were trained in one way or another by them, including me!

1. Setting very specific and quantifiable goals. When youre finally armed with positive beliefs about yourself, you will find that you will be able to set goals for yourself! Now, Im not saying that you cannot set goals without a proper belief system. What Im saying is that without this positive belief system, many people will tend to give up halfway or even when they are nearing their goal! They will start to think that achieving success is impossible or its just too hard to be successful!

In addition to setting that goal, you have to be highly specific about it! Many of my students started out by saying that they want to do better or get better grades or just pass loh. When you dont allow yourself to set specific goals, your mind will not know what to aim for and ultimately settle for anything that comes along the way!

2. Strategy planning After setting that goal (mine is to ensure that the boy tops his level) you have to sit down and plan a series of steps you are going to take to get to that goal!

If youre goal is to top the level in the final year exam, you have to start thinking of ways on how youre going to achieve it! Such steps could include Please request permission for permission to reprint. - 10 -

i) ii) iii)

Studying for x hrs a day Doing x no. of questions a day Seeking help from person x

And so on

3. Taking action This is by far the most difficult step to do! Many of us will plan and plan and plan and fail to put all those plans into place!

Take me for instance. Ive planned for a long time to write this report but I didnt get it done till recently. To be exact, I had intentions on writing it almost 2 years ago! Problem is, many of us face issues like procrastination or the Hmm I think Ill do it tomorrow syndrome.

I overcame this problem by asking myself why I wanted to write this report. I kept on asking why, why, why until I found that reason that gave me the passion to propel me to take action!

4. Results Once, a great man told me this. Whether you pass or you fail, it is still a result! Never look at failure and admit defeat!

Thats very true dont you think? Whether we pass or we fail doesnt represent if were stupid! We can fail and fail time and time again but that doesnt mean that were stupid! It simply means that were using the wrong strategies! Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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So, all we have to do is to go back to step 2 and keep on changing our strategy until we finally achieve the results that we want!

Colonel Sanders of KFC was rejected about 1000 times before he finally managed to set up KFC. He started at a rather old age and became successful over night all because he followed this strategy!

Thomas Edison took almost 1000 times before he finally managed to find the right material to use for the light bulb. His reaction? I dont think I failed at all! I think I just found 999 ways how not to make a light bulb!

The next person could be you. So drop me an email if youve achieved your results after using this formula! Remember, no result is ever too small!

Do you see how important powerful sets of beliefs are? Do you think you could have persisted and accepted a 1000 NO!s ? I still dont think I can yet.

Now that you know how to effectively use your brain, I think youre finally ready! Im going to share with you the secrets I used to get the results I have been getting! Read on only if you want to know how to get great results in a short period of time! Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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Tip #1. Know what youre going to be tested on.

Many students study for the sake of studying. They dont seem to know what they will be tested on and they dont seem to want to find out. Many will wait till a month before the exams before they start panicking. Some will still manage to score well (and brag about it), while others may fall very badly.

The key Ive found to be an expert at any subject is to know what the examiner wants! Some of you may be thinking at this moment How in the world am I going to know what the examiner wants?! While this idea may sound challenging and confusing, implementing and mastering it is pretty simple.

Before you start studying for any topic, quickly look at the kinds of questions that are in your textbook! Pay particular attention to what the question is testing you on. Next, if you have access to any other assessment books, do the same and quickly jot down what you need to know to solve the questions.

This way, when you study, you will know what to focus on and more importantly, what to look out for! How many times have you studied so hard only to realize you didnt cover the main points? Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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Tip #2. Read once through before zooming in The idea here is to get a rough feel of what the topic is about, especially if its a new one. After reading the questions (Tip #1.) and knowing what is expected of you, read the text very quickly. Should you come across any area of difficulty (which you will), glance through it first even though you do not comprehend. Chances are, when you return to the challenging parts, you will already have sufficient knowledge to tackle it.

Tip #3. Set quantifiable goals Perhaps this should have been the first tip. Before you start, tell yourself how much you are going to read and complete and when you are going to take a rest. That way, your brain will be able to adjust itself and motivate you to finish up whatever you have planned. The old adage Failing to plan, is planning to fail applies here. The interesting thing that research has shown, about our brain, is that planning and setting goals literally forces us to finish things that we have started!

Tip #4. Plan your time well While this has been used and repeated over and over again, it never fails to plan your time well so you dont end up cramming for your exams!

How long before should I prepare myself for the exams?

Well as much as I would like to give a definite answer, this really depends on the individual and how he has been training himself over the years. If you Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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are able to retain huge amounts of information for months at a time, then starting up to 3 months in advance should be good enough for you. However, if you find yourself forgetting things very easily (the result of poor memory techniques) then maybe 2 months in advance should be a guide.

The final 2-3 months should be used as time for final revisions! Not the start!
I hope I did not confuse any of you when I stated the short periods above. What I meant by 2-3 months of prep time was dedicating these final months to final preparations! Initial preparations should have started the day your teacher taught you on the subject. What? ON THE SAME DAY?

Yes! You have to start revision within 24 hours of learning or else risk losing up to 50% of your new knowledge!

Using a variety of methods and systems, I have taught the few of my students the ideal time to study so that information retention becomes integrated into the long-term memory!

Tip #5. Find your true source of motivation This tip is simple yet powerful. I need you to ask yourself why you want to succeed. Why do you want to do well in your studies? Why? Find out the true reason why you must succeed and you will! Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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Tip #6. Study as if your life depended on it I asked a couple of my students this questions once. Would the way you study change if I told you that your life depended on it? Guess what most of them said? Their initial reaction was Are you crazy? My life?

Yes, your life I replied. All of them told me that they would increase their efforts by at least another 100%!

Funny isnt it? They knew that if they had to bet their lives on their grades and their results, theyd definitely improve! And they would probably end up getting that A! So whats stopping them? Whats stopping you?

Heres a trick Ive learnt that got me studying even when I didnt feel like it. Would you like to know what I did?

I told myself this. If I didnt get that A, Id have to give half my savings to a charitable organization. What do you think happened?

Tip #7. Practice, practice, practice.

However smart you are, however talented your teachers have made you out to be, you still need to practice! Flaunt this rule and face the consequences! Period.

These are the 7 tips I have come up with over the years and I hope they will be as useful to you as they have to me. Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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Remember, success truly lies in your hands and it is yours to fight for, yours to keep.

Drop me a mail at to find out more advanced strategies on how to learn even faster! (Oh yes, this is only the beginning.) Please request permission for permission to reprint.

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