Tm1 Install Instructionsanu

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TM1 Budget Manual Installation

Date of Issue 14/08/2012

TM1 Install Instructions

CONTENTS..................................................................................................................2 1. INSTALLING THE TM1 CLIENT SOFTWARE.............................................................3 2. INSTALLING HOT FIX 2...........................................................................................9 3. TURNING OFF RIBBON TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.............................................10 4. EC TOOLS.............................................................................................................10

TM1 Install Instructions

1. Installing the TM1 Client Software

The best way to install the client parts of TM1 is to develop a package with SCCM, NAL or some other distribution software. The following describes how manual installations can be done. If distribution software is used, this manual procedure can still be used for the first client. Installation of TM1 from the software CD is similar to most other software products, and utilises a wizard to assist you through the process. The following instructions are provided to assist you if necessary. This command line (silent) install will do the equivalent of the wizard installation shown below. Note that the command line is case sensitive, and includes no carriage returns: "<<path to 32 bit source directory>>\setup.exe" /s /l1033 /v"INSTALLLEVEL=0 INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\" ADDLOCAL=PDFCamp,DocLibrary,TM1Api,Client,Development,TM1Client,TM1 _OLEDB_Provider PRODUCTCHOSEN=TM1P TM1CLIENTADMHOST=esimis01 /QR" 1. Double Click on setup.exe in the TM1 9.5.2 x86 directory.

TM1 Install Instructions

2. Ensure that English (United States) is selected. Click OK.

3. Click on OK. This message is only relevant to users upgrading from older versions

TM1 Install Instructions

4. Click Next on the Welcome Screen.

5. Review the licence agreement. Select I accept the terms of the licence agreement if the terms are acceptable to you. Click Next on the Licence Agreement form.

TM1 Install Instructions


The following form appears. Select TM1 then Click Next.

7. Make sure that the Install to: path is C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\ as shown below, and Custom ... is selected. Click Next:

8. The screen should look as follows. Click on Next.

TM1 Install Instructions

9. In the form that appears, type in the name of the Admin Server Host Machine, ie ESIMIS01. Click Next.

TM1 Install Instructions

10. Click Install.

11. Once the installation has completed, click Finish.

TM1 Install Instructions

2. Installing Hot Fix 2

Hot Fix 2 is an important patch to TM1 9.5.2. 1. To install, copy all files from the TM1 9.5.2 HF2\952_HF2_x86_client folder on the source media into the C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin folder on the PC. Source:


TM1 Install Instructions

3. Turning off Ribbon to improve performance

As an admin of the box, go to C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin\ and look for tm1pRibbonX.xlam and rename it to xtm1pRibbonX.xlam. It will improve the performance in TM1 Excel.

4. EC Tools
EC Tools include copy and paste function in TM1 which the Excelerated consultants have developed.

Click on the icon and it will automatically download it as an add-in in the lastest version Excel.

TM1 Install Instructions

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