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Call more action to beat the Tories

ur national strike showed that despite ten years of local attacks we are still a united force capable of taking on the government and winning. The mood on the picket lines was one of determination and resolve. Nobody wanted this strike, but nobody wants to be left with inadequate or no pension provision once they have retired from the service. The four hour strike across England and Wales let the government know that this is not just a fight between our union leaders and the government. It involves every member of FBU.

We can win this fight


We need to build on that success. The union needs to name the day for more strikes and use our national demonstration on 16 October as the springboard for action. We need hard hitting strikes that can put real pressure on the government as well as the scabs. Surrey firefighters were locked out for the day by their chief officer. They should not be put in that position again. We should show the government and the fire bosses that if they lock us out for a day we will strike for two days, three days, or whatever it takes. If there is one lesson we can all agree on from the national dispute in 2002-3, it is that this union should never blink first.

The issue of Scotland has caused a great deal of disquiet. A deal has now been formally put to Scottish firefighters. This strategy is a mistake and has divided the union at a time when unity is vital. In a number of key areas, such as capability and protection for older members, the Scottish offer is an improvement on the derisory offer from Westminster. But it still falls far short of the unions demands, crucially in the area of actuarial loss for retiring at 55. It is a mistake to cut a separate deal in Scotland. Scottish firefighters should reject the deal and join the rest of the union in a campaign of strikes across Britain. Teachers, postal workers, civil service workers and university workers are all set to strike this autumn.

Unite the Resistance Conference Saturday 19 October, 12-5pm @ Bloomsbury Baptist Church
235 Shaftesbury Ave, London WC2H 8EP
Speakers include:

Billy Hayes


CWU general secretary

We should be striking together against this viciously anti working class government. The Tories are protecting the profits of the bankers and the bosses who caused the economic crisis while we are told to pay the price with attacks on our pensions, wages and benefits. Once again FBU members have shown their willingness to fight. We need our leaders to match that willingness and call further national action now.

Liz Lawrence

UCU vice-president

Ronnie Draper

BFAWU general secretary

Jeremy Corbyn MP Jane Aitchison PCS Phil Jackson

EIS national president

Frank Morris
Crossrail dispute

Sean Vernell

Unite the Resistance

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Firefighters 07/10/13

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Plus speakers from disputes at Hovis, One Housing, Glasgow social care workers, Barclays Bike, Whipps Cross hospital, Lewisham hospital campaign, ISS East Coast Mainline cleaners and many more...

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