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Self Practice: 1. Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes every day. 2.

Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes: Many people hate to hear the sound of their voice and avoid listening to themselves speak. However, this is a very important exercise because doing it will help you become conscious of the mistakes you are making Reading Step 1: Identify Step 2: Understand Speaking Listening Step 3: Integrate

Improve Your English

3. Pay attention to sentence structures: When you read an article or watch a movie, it is important to pay attention to how sentences are constructed. This practice helps ingrain different sentence structures and will help your spoken and written English. 4. Tense: Start with working on the tense. Tense dictates the verb. It defines the timeline of action. You have to memorise the verb forms. Truth is we do not use all the tenses in spoken English. 5. Find some grammar exercises:

To learn English grammar well, you'll need to practice each grammar point until you can use it easily. Look for a book of grammar exercises that also has answers. Online activities and quizzes can also help. Focus on just one grammar point each time you study. 6. Pay close attention to grammar when you read English. When you're trying to learn correct English grammar, it's not enough to understand general idea of what you read. You'll need to understand exactly why each sentence is written that way. When you read a sentence, ask yourself if you can make similar sentences. If you can't or you're not sure, find text book exercises for those grammar points and practice. 7. How to improve ones essay? I] Lead with your main idea: As a general rule, state the main idea of a paragraph in the first sentence II] Vary the length of your sentences: In general, use short sentences to emphasize ideas. Use longer sentences to explain, define, or illustrate ideas. III] Put key words and ideas at the beginning or end of a sentence: Don't bury a main point in the middle of a long sentence. To emphasize key words, place them at the beginning or (better yet) at the end. IV] Actively edit and proof read: It's easy to overlook errors when merely looking over your work. So be on the lookout for common trouble spots when studying your final draft. V] Develop the Introduction Paragraph: Many students find that writing the essay's introduction after the main points are developed is much easier because it enables you to focus your writing. Your introduction should include at least two parts: 1. A sentence stating the main purpose or idea your essay will address 2. One to three sentences that briefly introduce the three main supporting points that will prove, support, or justify the main idea of the paper.

VI] Develop the Closing Paragraph : The conclusion paragraph should be a brief restating of your introduction should include at least two parts: 3. A sentence that reminds your reader of the main purpose or idea your essay addressed; and 4. A sentence that briefly reminds readers that Plan of Action at school: I] Regular practices of writing different types of Essays will be practiced. II] Impromptu speeches will be conducted on a regular basis. III] Comprehensions will be given to improve the listening skills as well to analyze, understand and write. IV] Grammar will be done on a regular basis, not only the exercises but also understanding the rules which need to be applied. V] Major focus will also be on sentence construction and usage of quotes, proverbs, idioms, phrasal verbs etc. VI] On a daily basis three new words will be learnt and applied in writing or while speaking. VII] Completing the work on completion of every prose, poetry and the novel will be mandatory.

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