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NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


1 0 1

What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence. Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

Small children wear them so that they dont sink when they are learning to swim. ________________

2 3 4

Person or team that comes second in a sporting competition. They come out of the back of a car and cause air pollution.

________________ ________________

Typically a person who lives far from their place of work and gets the train to work. ________________

An informal word meaning resigns, often used in newspaper headlines. ________________

6 7 8 9 10 2 0

If you are driving you must not exceed this.

________________ ________________ ________________

The line at which the earth and sky appear to meet.

Legal name for a person who pays rent to a landlord or landlady. A rough, first version of, say, a report. A person who watches television. ________________


Underline the word which forms a common collocation. This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates at work.

Representatives from the various governing authorities/associations/bodies of boxing met in Mexico City today.

The organisers of the Fun Run hope to earn/raise/increase money for several charities.


NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


Climbing in the Himalayas was a far shout/scream/cry from hill walking at home in Ireland.

If your hotel wasnt as described in the brochure, you should be able to get financial compensation/reward/return from the tour company.

The river burst its banks, causing wide/extensive/thorough damage to surrounding buildings.

6 7 8 9

My father values/boasts/prides himself on looking smart and neat. Much as I liked the flat, I noticed there was very little storage place/space/scope. My bike is not what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its purpose/aim/reason. Customer/Market/Target research indicates that the companys products have a reputation for quality.












predictable/imaginable/foreseeable future. 3 0 1 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals. Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS

The ________________ effects of moderate amounts of red wine are well-known to health professionals. BENEFIT

Richard is now a black belt in judo and has won several ________________ . COMPETE

All the fighting and looting has brought life to a virtual ________________ in the capital city. STAND

The lack of women in senior government posts is a rather ________________ issue at the moment. SENSE


NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


The so-called argument which the press reported between Kournikova and her coach was in fact simply a minor ________________ . AGREE JUSTIFY

6 7 8

There can be no ________________ whatever for violence like this! Were fortunate to live in such a quiet, safe ________________ .


There has been widespread public ________________ with the Prime Ministers controversial new education policy. SATISFY ACCEPT

9 10

Im sorry, but I find your remarks totally ________________ .

After my last ________________ attempt at making a cake, this time I think Ill just go and buy one. DISASTER

Megolds: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 armbands runner-up exhaust fumes commuter quits speed limit horizon tenant draft


NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


10 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


bodies raise cry compensation extensive prides space purpose Market foreseeable

beneficial competitions standstill sensitive disagreement justification neighbourhood


NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..


8 9 10

dissatisfaction unacceptable disastrous

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