Creating A Learning Organization

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Creating a Learning
First Edition

The objectives of this book are:

• To explain commitment to learning by the organization
• To explain commitment to learning by the individual
• To explain training opportunities

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Disclaimer: This assessment was written to test the reader on the content of the book. The publisher
and author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person with respect to any loss or
damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the assessment contained herein.
© 2002 Crisp Publications, Inc. • 1200 Hamilton Court • Menlo Park • CA • 94025 •
Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 2

Assessment Questions for

Creating Learning Organization, First Edition

Select the best response.

1. A learning organization is one in which:

A. Management believes in training.
B. Some employees take courses to upgrade their skills.
C. Learning is a regular part of the job.
D. Learning is required for promotion.

2. In a learning organization, employees:

A. Learn about the business side of the company
B. Know how to manage themselves
C. Respond to the demands of management
D. All of the above
E. A and B

3. Systems thinking is useful in today's business because:

A. The entire organization is able to focus on change.
B. One person is responsible for new directions.
C. Both of the above

4. People willing and able to learn are more successful in today's business climate than
those who mainly respect tradition.
A. True
B. False

5. To become a learning organization, a company must invest about:

A. 10% of the work week
B. 5% of the work week
C. 3% of the work week
D. Any of the above
E. More than A, B, or C

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 3

6. A top learning organization will invest in training about:

A. 1% of its payroll
B. 4% of its payroll
C. 6% of its payroll
D. 7% of its payroll
E. 8% or more of its payroll

7. To become a learning organization, companies should:

A. Emulate a model
B. Create a custom-designed learning environment

8. In an excellent learning organization:

A. The training department is responsible for learning.
B. Training is done by in-house trainers or outside experts.
C. Technical, business, and interpersonal skills are learned.
D. Training focuses on today's needs.

9. In the learning organization:

A. Everyone teaches and everyone learns.
B. The training department teaches and everyone learns.
C. Training classes are homogeneous (managers with managers, etc.).
D. A and C
E. B and C

10. In the learning organization, mentors are people with high position and status.
A. True
B. False

11. Cross-training:
A. Helps an organization respond to changing needs
B. Helps an individual to continue growing
C. Should not incur pay rewards
D. All of the above
E. A and B

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 4

12. Allowing five minutes or so at the end of a meeting for everyone to assess the
productiveness of the meeting is:
A. A good idea
B. A bad idea

13. To be productive, learning plans require:

A. Individual creation and commitment
B. Stated objectives that use specific key phrases
C. Both of the above

14. A company at its peak should be prepared to make changes because its next natural
move will be probably downward.
A. True
B. False

15. Mistakes will be made if you take risks:

A. So you should focus on fixing mistakes
B. So taking risks is not desirable
C. But errors should become learning opportunities

16. If you think of your work as practice rather than work, you'll probably be most ready
to learn as you work.
A. True
B. False

17. Employers send a "mixed message" about training if:

A. The training simply increases the workload.
B. Everyone experiences training.
C. The CEO also receives training.

18. On-the-job learning should be:

A. Accidental and spontaneous if it is to be meaningful
B. Consciously planned

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 5

19. Transformational learning or a "paradigm shift" often requires:

A. Unlearning
B. Incremental learning
C. Seeing what was "true" as "false”
D. All of the above

20. If you are a lifelong learner, you will often need to say, “I don’t know.”
A. True
B. False

21. Making judgments:

A. Tends to prevent learning
B. Should be exchanged for discovery
C. Can be an unconscious reaction
D. All of the above

22. A reactive-responsive orientation is to powerlessness as a creative orientation is to:

A. Leaving things to chance
B. Good luck
C. Proactive living
D. Retrospective learning

23. Creative living allows you to concentrate more on:

A. Problems
B. Challenges

24. Linguistic intelligence emerges more slowly in people than does musical intelligence.
A. True
B. False

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 6

25. Managing creative tension is letting people, your own actions, and observations help
you. You must also be:
A. Judgmental
B. An expert
C. Introspective
D. All of the above

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

Crisp Learning: Creating a Learning Organization, First Edition 7

Answer Key for

Creating Learning Organization, First Edition

Recommended response (Corresponding workbook page)

1. C (4) 6. B (11) 11. E (27) 16. A (50) 21. D (84)

2. E (5) 7. B (17) 12. A (28) 17. A (52) 22. C (85)
3. A (6) 8. C (18) 13. A (29) 18. B (57) 23. B (85)
4. A (8) 9. A (23) 14. A (37) 19. D (62) 24. A (91)
5. A (11) 10. B (26) 15. C (47) 20. A (73) 25. C (98)

Assessment 351-4ACU 03/30/01

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