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Tuesday, June 2, 2009 | Page 4 A

Last weeks question:
American just celebrated Memorial Day, but how important is patriotism to most Americans? 52% Very important 25% Somewhat important 19% Not very important 4% Not sure

Our columns will always be open to the public to discuss anything that will be for the upbuilding of the community.
From The Erwin Records rst editorial, Jan. 27, 1928


Real-life adventure about to begin

I wonder how much cash all the recent Unicoi County High School graduates received in total last week? The beauty of graduation is how friends and family usually give you gifts of money usually in cash. Heck, the gifts of money may actually beat the joy of nishing all those years of servitude, I mean, public education. My nephew graduated recently from preschool in full cap and gown, no less. On the way to the ceremony, Amy stopped at Walgreens so I could run in and buy one of those cards specically designed to hold cash. And get $20 in cash to put in the card, Amy said. Twenty! I said. This is his preschool graduation. What are we giving him when he graduates high


By Connie Denney

This weeks question:

Will you alter summer vacation plans because of the economy? Yes No Not sure Cast your vote at

Birds friendship was enlightening experience

The night the lights went out in Erwin well, one light, anyway was an eye-opener! But, hold on, Ill shed more light on that later. Coco needed a home. He was not social. He did not sit on a persons shoulder and make loving sounds, as some expect a bird to do. He did not want to be petted. But, Coco was smart. Sure, youve heard people brag about pets before. But, really, he was smart, just a bit peculiar about showing it. He had his own room. He had a cage, a large one. He was a big bird. He was in the cage sometimes but liked to climb out and use the perch on top. Did he not y away? Well, there was that one time we were away and he felt bored and explored. Otherwise, he did not seem to want out of his room. As a matter of fact, he seemed to know it was his room. Lace panels at doorways seemed to be welcome barriers to protect his territory. Im using the word seem or some form of it a lot. But who knows what a birds thinking? There are only clues. Although African Grey parrots may be noted for the ability to seemingly say the right words at appropriate times, he wasnt too interested in conversation most of the time. Certainly, he could communicate displeasure in loud shrieks. Coco said hello and thank you. Sometimes they sounded a lot alike. It was not unusual for me to talk as I fed him, trying to get a response. It was not unusual for him to sit in his hunched way but mumble a hull-o as I turned to leave the room. I would go into his room to feed him and/or spend a bit of time. He seemed to enjoy my reading aloud from LONGFELLOWS POEMS. We made it through most of the book. An elegant grey and red feather marks the last stopping place. Yes, my references to Coco are past tense. Such birds can live long lives. We, of course, did not know his age. He was with us for several years. That is not the note on which I want to end. Heres an enlightening story: The light went off in the kitchenjust the overhead light, not the electricity. Could he have? You see, the kitchen light is on a two-way switch and can be turned on or off from this room (yeah, his room is now the computer room), as well as from the kitchen. I turned the light back on, then hid and watched. Coco, climbed onto the portion of the cage from which he could reach the light switch with his beak, and off went the kitchen light. What we came to realize was that he wanted darkness at night. He could control both rooms lights. He did that many, many times. It was not a uke thing. He did not bite into the plastic switch but simply moved it up or down with his closed beak. Once when I was working in the kitchen and the light went off, I told him to turn it back on. He did. A coincidence? I dont think so. If you have an open mind and an open heart, I feel sure you will have met folks who didnt seem to invite you into their lives right away, took a little work to get to know. But they were WAY worth knowing. Coco was one.

By Mark A. Stevens school? It doesnt matter, she said. You wont like it anymore than you do now. Thats probably true, but, then again, if my nephew looks like hes going to be destined for great things president of the United States and/or NFL quarterback, for example Ill probably want to be particularly nice. (When your nephew can one day buy you a beach house, its best to be remembered as his fa-

218 Gay St. P.O. Box 700 Erwin, TN 37650 Phone: (423) 743-4112 Fax: (423) 743-6125
Mark A. Stevens

vorite relative.) Another interesting thing about graduation time is how so many people send all those gifts of cash through the mail. Theres no other time we would dare send cash through the mail, but, at graduation time, we throw caution to the wind and load up envelopes with ves, 10s and 20s and dont think a thing about it. Of course with the current bad economy, its possible some of those cards were empty of cash this year. So, welcome to the real world, kids, and the worst economy since, well, before you were born. If you didnt get a lot of cash, chalk it up to the fact that youre not a poorly run bank or a struggling American-owned car company. Theres no bail

out for you, Im afraid. At every graduation anywhere, students are told that now the adventure is about to begin. Students nally realize once and for all those warnings from teachers and principals about the dreaded Permanent Record was nothing but idle threats. Well, sort of. The real permanent record does exist its just in the form of car payments, home mortgages, deadlines, headaches, clogged toilets, piled-up laundry and veday workweeks that stretch into seven. When we say to graduates, Welcome to the real world, we really mean it now more than ever. I think its included in the small print at the bottom of each diploma.

ON THE DRAWING BOARD with Charles E. Holt Jr. Jerry Hilliard

Associate Editor Lesley Hughes

News Editor Eileen Rush

Staff Writer Robert Sorrell

Staff Writer Cody B. Lewis

Staff Writer Kevin Lewis

Sports Writer Donna Rea

Accounts Brenda Sparks

Circulation Manager Betty Davis

Advertising Director Anthony D. Piercy

New Media Director Keith Whitson

Printing Supervisor


Use prayer, not gossip
To the editor, My name is Gossip, and if this is true, I have many friends, that I speak to. Oh you know me well for this is true, for I dwell in your churches, towns and homes, too. Oh, I can be nice and have you laugh ... or ... I can be mean and loud and dont care what I do. Are you for sure what I am saying is true, or just repeating what is said to you. Have you walked in that persons shoes? Have you seen the tears and the hurt I can do? You know I can be stopped ... by each of you. Instead of gossip ... prayer will do. For prayers can heal and where love abides, Gods love will shine. My God is an awesome God and he heals the tears and hurt I cause. Gossip hurts yet prayer changes things. Barbara Bailey, Erwin ness owner of Erwin, Arrow Ministries, As Seen on TV store in Johnson City, the Daily Beacon, Dicks Sporting Goods, Eds Bubar, Capitol Cinema I & II, Food Lion, Four Seasons Outdoor Country Store, Larry Surber (Henrys A Big Rock Sports Company), Peavys Signs and Design, Rick Tredo, Roadrunner Markets, Liberty Lumber/Ace Hardware, McDonalds, the Unaka Mountain Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, TWRA, the DariAce, Unicoi County Sheriffs Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Erwin National Fish Hatchery), U.S. Forest Service and Walmart. A special thanks to the town of Erwin employees Carroll Mumpower and Carl Lee Scott for their hard work in preparing the park for this years event and Pascal Bailey for moderating this years rodeo. Most of all we would like to thank the parents, grandparents and volunteers for taking time to bring children to this event. Tony Garland, Facility Operations Specialist, Erwin National Fish Hatchery the report, giving the les to the new incoming congressman was his responsibility, not vice-versa. The report reminded Davis that Congressman Jenkins, when leaving ofce, had turned over his les to Davis. It works that way because les are condential, and it is the outgoing congressman who gets permission from the individuals to turn the les over to the new congressman. This breaks my heart for the families of 700 people in East Tennessee. Once again, politics has a bad name and peoples needs were swept aside. It is political stunts like this one of Davis that cause people to lose faith in government. Heaven help Congressman Phil Roe as Im sure his staff is working overtime to try to reach out and nd these people and get their cases back on track. What a mess and what a disappointment. Sharon R. Gutkowski, Erwin Dennis Swift

Print Shop Foreman

Alma Broce

Jay Steinberg

Carl A. Jones

Carleton A. Jones III


Letters Policy
The Erwin Record welcomes Letters to the Editor. All submissions must be signed and include, for verication purposes only, the authors full street address and telephone number. Therefore, anonymous letters are never published. Letters are limited to no more than 500 words. Deadline is Friday at noon. The newspaper reserves the right to reject or edit letters for libelous content, space, clarity or grammar. Send letters to The Erwin Record, PO Box 700, Erwin, TN 37650, e-mail letters to or fax letters to 743-6125. You may also drop letters by the newspapers ofce, located at 218 Gay St. in historic downtown Erwin.

A familys thanks
To the editor, Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or you sat quietly in a chair. You may have made generous memorial donations, or maybe you brought nourishment to us. Perhaps you sent a plant, gurine or funeral spray. If so, we saw it there. You may have been assisting us in the hospital, or you might have been with us in prayers. We are sure you spoke the kindest words, as any friend or loved on could say. Perhaps you werent able to be there at all, and just thought of us those days. Whatever you did to console our hearts, we thank you so much whatever the part. We cannot begin to name every person and we will not try to for fear of overlooking your name. We and
Please see LETTERS, Page 5-A

Hooked on Fishing Rodeo

To the editor, The 7th annual Fishery Park Kids Fishing Rodeo was held Saturday, May 16. This years shing rodeo was a tremendous success. If not for all the hard work and preparation that went into this years shing event this would not have been possible. This year 188 children registered for the rodeo. The 1,250 rainbow trout for this years event were stocked from the Erwin National Fish Hatchery and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agencys Erwin State Fish Hatchery. Donated prizes totaling $2,500 were awarded after the shing event. We would like to thank the following people and representatives from the various agencies and organizations for their donations and assistance in this years rodeo: anonymous busi-

Disappointed in Davis
To the editor, Recently, WJHL-TV in Johnson City aired a segment on its news program that really got my blood boiling. WJHL reported that the former congressman, David Davis, when leaving ofce, did not turn over the case les to the new congressman, Phil Roe. Davis presented himself as a Christian who cared about others, but apparently that all took a back seat to political bitterness when he lost the election. I have heard of many lowdown, dirty political stunts, but this takes the cake. It is beyond belief and lower than low. In the news report, Davis tried to blame his failure to turn over the les on Phil Roe, but according to

Tennessees Best in 1957, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008

Periodicals Postage Paid at: Erwin Post Ofce, Erwin, TN 37650 POSTMASTER: Please send any address changes to Erwin Publishing Co. Inc. 218 Gay St., P.O. Box 700 Erwin, TN 37650 SECD: 178660

THE ERWIN RECORD, Tuesday, June 2, 2009, Page 5-A

Continued from Page 4-A

you know what all you have done for us and for Roy. Our special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of Unicoi County Memorial Hospital, Teresa Parkey, Unicoi United Methodist Church, the staff of Unicoi Funeral Home and pastors Odle and Pinner. The Family of Roy E. Jones Lucille Louise Jones, Terry, Pamela and Myikaela Jones, Tony, Martha, Taylor and Tyler Jones and Christine and Jack Chambers, Unicoi

Great car show

To the editor, I would like to thank each and everyone that helped in the Relay For Life Car Show fundraiser held May 22. Thanks to Royal Vision, K.N.K. Automotive, Bell Casey, Advance Auto Parts, Danny Bryant of Unaka Mountain Search and Rescue and a very special thanks to Gary Taylor, Walmart store manager. It was a great success. Pennie Keplinger, Relay For Life Team Captain for Unicoi Walmart SuperCenter, Erwin

Public issue
To the editor, Fridays front-page story in the Johnson City Press that headlines Public vents at NFS at Erwin meeting, is a disservice to

the company, the community, and the country! The principal objectors at the meeting are antinuclear anarchists that should not be given the credibility of representing the community or the public. These persons, Chris Tipton, Sam Pinkerton (Chris husband) and Linda Modica are recognized antinuclear advocates, that do not represent our public! These same type people are largely responsible for the USA being second-rate to France, where 80 percent of electricity is nuclear generated. No nuclear plant has been ordered in the USA since the 1970s, thanks to antinuclear environmentalists. Additionally, they worked against the community in thwarting the $1.5-billion Urenco investment, when Unicoi County was being actively considered for siting of the nations only private commercial uranium-enrichment plant. The plant is now built and operating in Lea County, N.M., and expecting 300 jobs. At a public hearing conducted by the National Regulatory Commission, everyone should be allowed to put in their two cents, but there is no obligation to publicize their views and misrepresent them as our public. James A. Long, Erwin

Since being here at Unicoi County Memorial Hospital so long, Ive thought a lot about good people that I know. First is the good newspaper man, Mark Stevens. He works so hard to get us the news. I could never forget our sheriff, Kent Harris. The night of the ood, he had someone call me that they would be coming to rescue me. (I live right on the bank of South Indian Creek.) He didnt know I was in the hospital. The next morning Arney Edwards and Herbert Buchanan went to my house and called to tell me that it was OK. Years ago, Terry Haynes (bless you Terry) had put rocks over the creek banks and they held solidly. My neighbors, the J.R. Bowman family, are so good to me along with Harry Corn and Tommy John Pate family. The Lord has blessed me so much, especially by allowing me to have the best little sister in the world, Flo Smith. I still have a reasonably sound mind for an old woman, and I still believe theres a lot more good people in the world than bad. I have a lot of gratitude for Unicoi County. Geneva Mashburn, Erwin

Parent-Teacher Organization, Unicoi Elementary School

Cashing In!
To the editor, The Cash Family/Clincheld Pottery Collectors Club held its 10th Anniversary Show and Sale at Unicoi County High School cafeteria May 23. We would like to thank many individuals and businesses for all their help and support. The Cash Club would like to thank all of our local individuals for their hard work, and businesses especially The Erwin Record, WEMB Radio Station, the Elizabethton Star, the Johnson City Press, Franks Furniture, Walgreens and Garland Tire Co. A great thank you to the Erwin Board of Mayor and Aldermen for ofcially designating Erwin, our Valley Beautiful, as the home of Cash Family Pottery. Our newly elected ofcers are Donald Carson, president, Jimmy Fain, vice president, Lisa Pilkington, secretary, and Phil Grady, treasurer. The board of directors are John Pilkington, past president, Allison Burnette, Larna Smith, Rocky Tilson and Thelma Garland, lifetime member. Lisa Pilkington, Erwin

at Unicoi County Middle School went to Charleston, S.C., last week for two days. I was fortunate enough to be able to go along, and I want to thank the teachers and students for a great trip. It was educational and fun. The teachers did a great job of organizing the trip so that the kids had plenty to keep them

busy, but still enough time to enjoy themselves. The kids were well behaved every place we went. One vendor at the Old Slave Market commented to me about how well behaved he thought they were. Thanks to all the teachers who gave up their time to go along on this trip. Rita Plemmons, Erwin

Come o See eU Us s For Fo F or Summer S ummer ummer mm C mm Cash Ca aSSign sh! s h h! ign iig up p for fo

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Thanks for support

To the editor, Thank you for your help with our annual Spring Fest! We couldnt have done it without you.

Great trip to S.C.

To the editor, The fth-grade class

1137 N. Main Ave. Erwin, Tennessee

Next to Sunsational Tanning

Some good people

To the editor,

Continued from Page 2-A

Raleigh, N.C., Heath Taylor, Kansas City, Kan., Wesley Taylor and Andrew Taylor, both of Milligan College, and Adam Taylor, Elizabethton; a sister, Mable Hunt, Johnson City; a brother, Don Taylor of Maryland; and several nieces and nephews. A celebration of the life of Dewey H. Taylor was held at 8 p.m. Friday, May 29, at Dillow-Taylor Funeral Home with the Revs. Jody Livingston and Dave Schinault ofciating with Masonic services provided by the Masonic Lodge No. 489 Limestone led by Bill Cutlip. Graveside services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 30, at Roselawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Heath Taylor, Wesley Taylor, Allen Taylor, Adam Taylor, Bryan Taylor, Carl Tipton and Mike Ford. Honorary pallbearers were Bill Taylor, Don Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Art Phillips, A.D. McElroy, Jim Powell, Bill Holden, Argil Hunt, Morris Taylor and other special friends. Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Assoc., P.O. Box 918, Johnson City, TN 37605 or National Kidney Assoc, P.O. Box 1135 Blountville, TN 37617. Dillow-Taylor Funeral Home and Cremation Services was in charge. LULA MAE MARIE ROBERTS TROMBLEY Lula Mae Marie Roberts Trombley, age 84, Center on Aging and Health, 880 S. Mohawk Drive, Erwin, died Sunday, May 31, 2009, at her residence following a courageous battle with cancer. Mrs. Trombley was a native of Johnson City and had lived throughout the United States, primarily in Bristol, before moving to Erwin in 2004. She was a daughter of the late Wilbourn and Lillie Kate Patrick Roberts. Mrs. Trombley was formerly employed at the Best Western Hotel, Bristol, as supervisor of housekeeping and prior to that worked as a cook, waitress and private housekeeper. She was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witness, Unicoi Congregation, where she was a baptized sister. Mrs. Trombley was well known for her musical talents and yodeling, and she loved baking and traveling throughout the United States and Canada.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Estey Anthony Trombley; three brothers, Earl Dwayne Roberts and twins John and Robert Robert; and ve sisters, Mary Alice, Mable Nancy, Minnie Nola, Virginia Stella and Dorothy Bessie Roberts. Survivors include special daughter, Penny Rose Lundman and husband, Larry, Erwin; two step-sons, Mark Trombley and wife, Donna, Palm Bay, Fla., Michael Trombley and wife, Karen, Talapoosa, Ga.; eight step-grandchildren, Samuel Michael Lundman, Daron Allen Lundman, Derrick Adam Lundman, Michael Trombley, Christina Trombley, Kelly Brock Trombley, Amanda Trombley and Tim Spry; ve step-great grandchildren, Victoria Rose Lundman, Samuel Michael Lundman, Norman Lundman and twins, Cobe and Blake Spry; several nieces and nephews, including special nieces Marie Mitchell, Abingdon, Va., and Lula Mae Peters, Johnson City. A memorial service will be conducted Wednesday, June 3, at 8 p.m. in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witness, Unicoi, with Elder Keith Metcalf ofciating. The graveside committal service will be held Thursday, June 4, at 10 a.m. at Mountain Home National Cemetery. Pallbearers will be selected from family and friends. The family will receive friends Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. at the Robert Ledford Funeral Home. Robert Ledford Funeral Home is in charge. JOSHUA LEE WILLIAMS Joshua Lee Williams, age 20, died Friday, May 29, 2009, at Johnson City Medical Center. Mr. Williams was a native of Washington County. He was the son of Ronald Williams Sr. and Wilma Lee Tate. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather, Thamer Williams Sr.; grandparents, Doral and Dorothy Buchanan; sister, Tabitha Tate; aunts, Linda and Brenda Buchanan; and uncle, Roland Williams. Survivors are father and step-mother, Ronald Sr. and Cynthia Williams of Johnson City; mother and step-father, Wilma Lee and Harold Tate of Erwin; paternal grandmother, Bea Bray of Starlight, Ark.; brothers and spounses,

Jeff and Addie Mae Buchanan of Erwin and Ronald and Jennifer Marie Williams, Jr. of Jonesborough; sister, Christal Buchanan of Erwin; step-sisters, Jennifer, Heather and Riva Tate; several nieces and nephews, including special niece, Bryann A. Tate of Erwin and special nephew, Anthony Buchanan of Erwin; several aunts and uncles, including special aunt and uncles, Thamer Williams Jr., Ed and Bertha Buchanan, Michael Wayne Buchanan of Jonesborough; special Cousins, Lee, David and Johnny Buchanan; special friend and neighbors, David and Jan Winters and Sadie Winters; and good friend, James Julian. Graveside services will be held Wednesday, June 3, at Beans Creek Cemetery, Beans Creek, N.C., at 11 a.m. The Rev. Clayton Winters will ofciate. The family will receive friends at Valley Funeral Home from 9:30-10 a.m. Wednesday, June 3. Valley Funeral Home is in charge. LINDA ANN WILLIAMS Linda Ann Williams, age 62, of Erwin, died at her residence Tuesday, May 26, 2009. She was a native of Mill Creek, N.C., and the daughter of the late Alonzo Shelton and Almettie Blankenship Shelton. She was a homemaker and a member of Coffee Ridge Baptist Church. Survivors include daughter, Kristie Flowers and husband, Corey, of South Carolina; brothers, Steve Shelton of Alabama, Hilden Shelton of Flag Pond, Harmon Shelton of Erwin, Freemon Shelton of North Carolina and Glen Shelton of Flag Pond; and sister, Mollie Hensley of Erwin. Graveside services were held Wednesday, May 27, 2009, at 2 p.m. at Joe Shelton Cemetery in Mill Creek, N.C., with the Rev.Homer Tweed ofciating. Valley Funeral Home was in charge.

3rd An n


This is a Public Notice for a Public Hearing for the Planning Commission to adopt the Land Use and Transportation Plan to be held on July 13th, 2009 at 5:30 pm.

at Unicoi i i United i d Methodist h di Ch Churchs h F Family il Life if C Center Tickets are $12.50 each. Available at The Erwin Record.

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