Meeting Minutes 10/2/2013

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Student Government of Seattle University Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes October 2, 2013 CHDN 144 at 6:00 p.m.

I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM Roll Call Everyone is here Approval of the Minutes - No minutes to approve Public Comment - No public comment Dr. Jeff Philpott Dr. Jeff Philpott, Director of University Core Curriculum Mallory welcomes Dr. Philpott to talk about the core SGSU is a critical partner in the process of the new core, enjoys speaking to the group every year This is an update on what is going on with the core and the nitty gritty details Dr. Philpott is a big believer in transparency Whats going on right now: new core has taken off, almost all the student body is aware Faculty have developed 356 new courses, no old courses, some were adjusted but most were entirely new More than 210 faculty for more than 30 departments, 4800-4900 new registrations in the UCOR There will always be new issues, but everyone has been moved from the old core to the new core, decided to flip the switch and move everyone over for two reasons: the thought of running two cores at one time was unsustainable, and two the new core was interesting and exciting enough to move everyone Last overview: Core affects all undergraduate students except UHONORS and Matteo Ricci College

Curriculum and what is involved: Passed out Handout #1 New curriculum, how and why it is structured Five words to capture new core: inquiry (scholar, want to ask the important questions and search out good answers), Jesuit (roots, philosophy, theology, social justice), Global (this comes particularly from the students, they want a core for the 21st century and the globalized world), the how Choice (heard from students, wanted more flexibility and options in the core, students in the old core were picking courses more often because of the time of day and they were not picking based on the content of the courses, lots of different options), Coordinated (really hard behind the scenes that even though one course may be about solar systems and one about witchcraft, both aim to have students have the same abilities, all courses coordinate to work towards certain learning objectives) Refers to the Handout 1, old core was 15 courses, this is 8 or 10 credits smaller than the old core so that students have more flexibility

Module I: What is the academy about? Same as the composition course has been taught in the past, the topic is now front and center Quantitative reasoning instead of the Math 110 (basically high school algebra II all over again and Math 110 was part of a sequence but most students who took it, they were never going to take a math class again) and Calculus distinction, they wanted to develop the last math class that students would ever take (UCOR 1200), really teaching you to make arguments with numbers and evaluate statistics, satisfy this by taking MATH 118 or higher Creative Expression and Interpretation: visual art courses where you have to make art (theatre, painting, sculpting, etc, musical traditions), creative writing courses are now here as well

Brady: Photography is still included? Philpott: photography is still included. Second half of module one is the heart of the new core, the teacher picks a topic that they are passionate about, their research, NOT a survey course, dont have to cover the whole discipline, make a narrow deep dive, how do you think like a scholar? What counts as a question? How do you evaluate data? Courses on witch-hunts, zombies, how the Olympic mountains are formed, food sustainability, urban wastelands all reflect the interests of the faculty It is possible to fill 1800 in two ways: the UCOR or the major level course, Choice is important Get RID of the survey courses, all topical Module II: Jesuit heart of this, Theological explorations, theology as an academic discipline, the academic study of spirituality, how do theologians think? Must have an element of the Jesuit Catholic tradition, need to know something about where your education comes from Philosophy of the Human Person: introduces students as philosophy as an academic discipline: free will, mind/body, things central to Jesuit philosophy Ethical Reasoning: how to think about ethical problems, all including common content deontology, virtue ethics, but also the global ethics, ethics of food, etc. Module III: One of the absolute necessities was to make it easier for students to study abroad, because you couldnt transfer in a lot of the credits by sophomore and junior year, wanted to move fifteen credits to the end of the core so they could take three courses abroad and satisfy the requirement Religion in a global context: religious studies, NOT a theology course, many have to explore other religions, help students grapple with social and global challenges. If you think of the inquiry seminar as bringing you in, the last courses are about sending students out into the world, these issues confront the problems of the world, confront certain problems in the world through the lens of a particular discipline (must connect in the civic sphere) Take the ivory tower to the world Chemistry (humanities and natural sciences), hum

Brady: You said that you decided to offer these so that students can study abroad. Can you transfer credits?

Philpott: Yes. We are trying to be really flexible here. For example, Biology in a Costa Rica qualifies for UCOR 3810 Brandon: Will any of these classes have a global abroad component? Philpott: Yes, they will continue and Im hoping to continue that. Model IV, departmental capstone, course in the major, students benefit from a culminating course in their major, for example, the engineering major and have a project from start to finish The old core senior synth was supposed to be different, a whole synthesis in ten weeks, this is now freeing up faculty, whats a culminating activity for the students? All core courses now are UCOR, except the capstone because it is a major course Mallory suggests to wrap up soon and move to Q and A 1. Handout #2: What do we want the curriculum to do? Learning objectives, what are the goals of the curriculum? Four Learning objectives: Jesuit, Catholic Intellectual Traditions, Disciplinary Knowledge and Integrative Learning, Communication, Global Engagement (on the core website) 2. Handout #3: Technical Versions of the Core by Major (A-D) and cheat sheet for all the majors on campus which tells you the version of the core you take 3. Handout #4: Transfer students, describing how the core works, under the old core it was under 45 credits, so now it is lowered to 36 credits if theyve studied somewhere else, other side is a chart of the prequistes for the core This year: governance structure, assessment processes (focus groups of students, SGSU can help to recruit students to give honest reactions to experiences in core courses), works with faculty to train them (i.e. science profs must teacher writing) Jeff Philpott Q&A Mallory: Im a sophomore, I took part of the core last year, how are the students who were caught in between going to be affected? Philpott: we translated them to the new core, DO NO HARM is our policy, and nobody is ever going to ever have to take more courses under the new core than they had to under the old, not equivalencies, but substitutions, one of the things we hadnt anticipated, a lot of students found themselves done and module three has low enrollment at this point, put together a team of advisors in the undergraduate colleges to handle all the extra cases. Dominic: Im assuming the natural science seminar is like lab science? Philpott: Yes but its not a survey Dominic: Has this improved lab times? Philpott: I wish, we are struggling with that, new building will be helpful, still hard to schedule Kristen: I know in the past if you went to program evaluation [it wouldnt show the new core]? Philpott: They have all been updated. You should have suggested four and two year plans. Eric: When you said about UHONORS what about Core honors? Philpott: Its using courses in the new core. Dr. Kidder and I have worked to have a new

sequence of classes in the core. University honors is going through discussions right now as well and were working to sort out an umbrella organization. Kristen: With that, one of the emphasiss is with the cohort, so in module three how? Philpott: Good question. We are still working with that. Thats where the program is right now. I know they value the cohort problem. Thats not a new problem but theres a bandaid fix right now. Were looking at other ways to structure that. Clark: Has the new core impacted faculty members? Philpott: Depends on who you ask. Its been a lot of work. But its also given faculty the option to teach classes they have never been able to teach. It has meant some shifting in where faculty are teaching from. As we move from one set of requirements to another, that has meant some shifting. Nobody was let go just because of the new core. But we have adjusted staffing in the departments due to the new core which does require hiring new people. Mallory thanks Dr. Philpott for coming Philpott: If there is anything remotely that the core office should hear about it, I want to know. Email me, come by my office, catch me around, whatever, please be my eyes and hears where your constituencies are having any problems. VI. Old Business REPA 20130508 Elections Code (Mallory Barnes) Action Mallory: Mackenzie is in this evening to talk about the elections code. Mackenzie: From last years SGSU, we made adjustments after last spring elections. Biggest things: gray areas, but some really specific, and how do we actually control social media for example? There are a couple small things as well to make the elections smoother and not as nit picky. Mallory (POI): Lets talk about the changes we made last year, what do we still need to make, are these changes ok? Kristen: Is copy highlighted? (Yes) Change 1: Contact each candidate and inform them of the results of their race before the end of the Monday following the election period Brady: Whats the time its found out? Mackenzie: Friday night it closes, last Fall elections Nikki and I looked at the results Monday morning. In Spring we looked at on Saturday Nikki: Im the only one able to access. Mackenzie: Keeping it on Monday means that we dont have anything on the weekend Brady: What is the purpose of notifying them before everyone else? Mackenzie: Just so theyre not blindsided.

Clark: Is there a reason why the votes/numbers are not released to the general public? Nikki: In the past, students who ran had a personal issue with having the numbers displayed (lost by a lot) which came up a few times. Brandon: If a candidate is running on a specific target issue, isnt knowing the number of votes actually a valuable number to see. I see the argument that the numbers coming out Brady: How often do you see someone going into votes knowing super stoked on an issue? Raquel: Could it be something that is a decision made by the individuals that they would like to see the numbers and just them can see the numbers and mutually decide? Samantha: I agree with Raquel Brady (POR): It might become difficult in the sense it would become weird where only two have the numbers. Dominic: Is there anything in the code that we release the numbers to the actual candidates that ran (some got to see the results in the spring who had access). Mackenzie: Theres nothing that says we cant. I didnt tell you because that is something I dont feel conformable saying. Mallory: I think last year people could actually come and ask about their personal numbers and what they were for their particular race. Brady: If this is something that, and I personally agree with Mackenzie, could we not make it in the actual agreement for running. When you sign here, it would be in the fine print per se Raquel: I want to clarify that they dont make it public, but personally, which apparently is allowed to happen. Clark: I bring this result up for transparency, because its an election. Im not saying that the numbers need to be publicized or released. Samantha: I think we should make it clear that you can ask. Mackenzie: I will put this in the candidate info session Eric: Public Record, the numbers are anyone at anytime can request to see them, this is being added in the code, anyone can ask about any numbers Raquel: We should inform them that for your information, it is public record that someone can come in and look at the numbers Mackenzie: I will make a point of saying it Added: All election result numbers are on the public record by request. Eric seeks to move all election result numbers are on the public record by request. Clark moves Kristen seconds The motion is open for discussion. Brady: What stops the Spectator from coming in and asking for the numbers? Eric: point of verification, it is public record by request, nothing is stopping the spectator from coming in and asking for the numbers Dominic: Technically right now there is nothing stopping the Spectator from coming in and doing that, we are just making it more transparent. Mackenzie: From the personal side of it, I dont think that it feels very good but I understand Mallory seeks a motion to move to vote on this motion that is currently on the table Clark moves

Raquel seconds Motion passes unanimously The motion itself passes unanimously. The Secretary of Elections shall be selected by the SGSU Advisor and the incoming SGSU president Mackenzie: Rather than the old president and move the hiring process up a little bit, before Spring elections to be hired in the winter. Right now it says that it shall be selected by the outgoing secretary of elections. Change to current SGSU President, Advisor, and current Secretary of Elections Brandon: I think we will need to address the date to two quarters prior Eric: I agree with this that it allows the Secretary of Elections to develop a new relationship. Mackenzie: Learning the code takes time, having that continuity is really helpful Raquel: Does it need to be two whole quarters before? Or does it just need to be before spring. It doesnt need to be winter quarter. Change: The Secretary of Elections will be selected before the Spring Elections prior to his/her term of office and function as an elections commissioner in the Spring Elections. On PT H Nikki: Changing the term of office for the Secretary of Elections for one academic year. Mackenzie: They will be slotted for the job, but it will be the academic year from September to June. On PT G Clark: On PT G, why are they are preferred to come from Student Activities and former SGSU? Mackenzie: They are more familiar with the material. On PT L Mackenzie: The elections commissions hold informal meetings. Brady: We wanted there to be notes from the committee. On PT M Mackenzie: Must complete 2 office hours a week for election commissioners. Right now, its more flexible but as of Monday, we are required to have office hours which will be public. Kristen: Do they only have office hours when it is election time? Brady: Should we put that in? Mackenzie: Its already in the job description. Eric: You said at one point you need more people signing off on things, do you have thoughts about that now? Mackenzie: All the advisors Mallory: Can we table this until next week? Mackenzie: My only concern is the social media stuff. Brady: Is it possible we could just change that piece today?

Nikki: I would do it all at once; it looks less concrete looking for all the changes. But it is your decision, but this is still an important document, and any decision is important. Dom: Theres a lot to discuss but I think that it needs to be discussed. On point of Multicultural Rep Mallory: The idea is that it matches up with the bylaws. The Multicultural Representative: must have self-identified him/herself as a member of an ethnic or racial minority group(s). Change: The Multicultural Representative must be committed to representing and advocating for all cultures and identity groups on campus. Mackenzie: I seek a motion to table this until next week. I can make the social media piece work and give more time to the rest next week. Austin moves Dominic seconds Motion passes unanimously The item is tabled until the next week. VII. New Business REPA 20131002 SGSU Budget (Bharat Bhojwani) Action

Bharat: Reviews the budget we covered last time $77,140 Brandon: When will we know about the potential 5%? Nikki: Hopefully October 10th, but we will move it around winter quarter if we have. Austin: Are we planning Senior week will take up $6,000? Bharat: That number is a current estimate. Nikki: For historical context, it was originally about $12,000 so we cut that in half. We did not realize that there was a separate amount of money for Senior rep. Dominic: Where does publicity money go? Bharat: All flyers, publicity, etc. Mallory: We had more money in publicity last year but dont want to assume that this year. Bharat seeks a motion to approve this Budget on the screen Dominic moves Clark seconds The budget passes unanimously. Bharat: The Spectator wants the numbers and I want to release the numbers and be transparent but there is a potential five percent so what should I do? Raquel: Descriptions should be with the numbers? Dominic: Is your problem with the 5%? Where is that coming from. Bharat: Yes, there might be a 5% cut not a 5% extra. Brandon: I think that you make the point that we might lose the extra five and have already lost Nikki (POC): There was never a 12% cut.

Samantha: This is up to you, maybe you should reschedule with them. Mallory: I think that it is a good idea to be transparent with the stipulation of the cuts. Nikki: Take the Potential 5% column so that the administration Brady: How would this impact the student activities fee? Mallory: Lets table that for now. Logan: What is the spin of the article? Bharat: Just our plans for the year. Mallory recommends that we stick with these suggestions. Bharat: One last POC, Eric is meeting with the Spectator too and I believe that the articles will be joined. REPA 20131002 Events List (Mallory Barnes) Mallory seeks a motion to change the Discussion item to an action item Dominic motions Raquel seconds Passes unanimously Events List Midnight madness 10/18 (6) Fall preview day 10/20 (30) Alumni and Family Weekend Legacy Reception 10/1 (4-5) Labor of Love 11/2 (5) +WAC Cross-Country Championship 11/2 (5) Redout 11/13 (7) Christmas Tree Lighting 12/5 EVERYONE Dominic: I think that midnight madness should be a mandatory event because it is a new tradition. Eric: This list is subject to addition. Kristen: I know that the cross-country team has the WAC championship here this year. I think its early November. That would be a good event to add. The time is still TBA. Kristen motions to add the WAC Championship to add this date to the list. Samantha seconds. The motion passes unanimously. Mallory seeks a motion to approve the Events List. Dominic moves Kristen second The motion passes unanimously VIII. Officer Reports: A) Eric Chalmers-President 1. Executive meetings are every Tuesday from 12:25 1:25 and they are open 2. The activities fee is moving foreword (spoke with Ft. Steve) B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President Discussion

C) D) E)


1. NEW NAME TAGS 2. Agenda Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance 1. We will have budget reports every week 2. Lots of clubs are being made aware of appropriations Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs 1. Hopefully submitting flyers for committees by Friday 2. Application process Representatives 1. Dominic: applications for Senior week are out 2. Austin: working on tobacco free and beats campaign, and SBA members on the committee 3. Clark: Represented SGSU to the Taiwanese Student Association last Saturday 4. Brandon: working with spectator on feature for students with disabilities (SGSU, CfSwD), contacted HR about faculty 5. Samantha: raffle items for midnight madness and organize halfway there 6. Raquel: activities fee and event schedule, working with Dominic on graduate school information and career upon graduation task force 7. Kristen: catching up since missed training, going over the slides, sending out emails to athletes, met with Erin Engelheart Advisors 1. Nikki: commend all on discussion, info about Student Activities retreat leaving at 5:30 PM, needs a final exact count of all in attendance for that meeting and sending out an email about health needs, arriving back no later than 6 PM on Saturday, remember to be leaders on social media


Committee Reports Discussion 1. PAB: first Friday donuts 2. Steering: events and retreats 3. Appropriations: We will be having practice appropriations meeting before meeting. 4. UA: Nothing yet Announcements Discussion 1. Mass of the Holy Spirit, it is not necessary to be in office hours 2. Samantha be punctual \\ Adjournment at 8:12 PM



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