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The Rights of Every Filipino Child To be free. To have a family who will take care of me. It is my right to be born.

be born. To have a name and nationality. To have a good education. To develop my potentials. To have enough food and shelter. Have a healthy and active body. To learn good manners and right conduct. To be given an opportunity for play and leisure. To be given protection against abuse, danger and violence due to war and conflict. To live in a peaceful community. To be defended and assisted by the government. State of children Main problems faced by children in Philippines: Poverty In the Philippines, close to 1 out of every three individuals lives below the povertyline, while the country itself is in full economic expansion. Although this is encouraging for the future, the present situation remains bleak for a great many households. Poor families frequently suffer from hunger or malnutrition from which follow numerous health problems, particularly among children who are physically more vulnerable than adults. Health The infant mortality rate is particularly high in the Philippines. Furthermore, more than 1 out of every 5 newborn children exhibits dietary deficiencies from the moment of birth. Childbirth is risky both for the infant and for the mother. In fact, the number of mothers who die during childbirth remains considerably highespecially since many young girls, through lack of both information and contraceptives, face unwanted pregnancies. Furthermore, access to healthcare remains difficult in the countrys more remote regions. Of course, it is in these areas that undernourishmentand resulting problems are the most virulent. Finally, no one takes responsibility for children who suffer from mental health problems. They remain marginalized and do not receive the appropriate care. Child Labour More than 10% of Filipino children are compelled to work so as to support the needs of their family. Close to a million Filipino youths work as garbage scavengers in public dumps. The working conditions are utterly filthy and often have serious effects on the health of these individuals. Other children find employment in rural sectors. They work nonstop on sugar, rice or tea plantations as the case may be. Filipino youths also work in their nations fishing sector which is highly developed. Right to non discrimination Children born out of wedlock : They are the object of considerablediscrimination in the Philippines. The law, for example, still refers to them as illegitimate childrena term that is largely negative and unjust, seeing how they did not choose to be born under such conditions. Furthermore, their right to an inheritance is considerably limited. They clearly do not stand on equal footing with children born to married parents.

Native People : The children of these minorities are frequently the victims of racist acts, nor does legislation protect them. Their opinions are hardly ever taken into account, although much progress has been made concerning the children of nonindigenous peoples throughout the country. With regard to education, healthcare or even the right to life, indigenous children are routinely treated less favorably than others. Young Girls : They too are unable to fully enjoy their rights. Young girls are the object of notorious discriminatory practices that often continue throughout their entire lives. Mentalities must undergo a serious amount of change if the idea of equality between the sexes is ever to become a reality. Handicapped Children : They are very numerous in the Philippines, owing to nutrition- and hygiene-related problems. The country has yet to set up a sufficient number of establishments that can adequately attend to the needs of such children. Consequently, their access to educationaland healthcare services remains severely limited. Child Soldiers The Philippines number among 20 countries in which children are often deployed as soldiers in armed conflicts. Certain armed groups have recently stated that they will no longer use children in this capacity; however, the total absence of child soldiers is far from being verified. Totally prohibited by the International Convention of Childrens Rights, the use of child soldiers is an abhorrent practice whose effects on the health and well-being of children are wholly negative. Such children are caught up in a violent and cruel environment where they are in constant danger of being killed. Their role models are brutal and aggressive men whose influence on their development will clearly be far from positive. Child Marriage 14% of young women in the Philippines get married before the age of 18. One prepares them very early in life for their future role as a wife. However, these marriages often have grave consequences for the health of these young girls who do not understand what such a marriage entails. Violence against Children Corporal punishment is frequently practiced in the Philippines, notably within the family. It is not the object of any explicit legislation. Thus, many children suffer daily from violence at the hands of their parents who treat them in a cruel and humiliating manner. Children are equally the victims of sexual abuse in certain families. These are serious crimes and all too often they are not condemned, nor does the justice system adequately protect children from threats and intimidation on the part of criminals. Justice for Minors The Committee of Childrens Rights has expressed profound concern about justice for minors. With regard to armed conflict, there have been numerous executions and extrajudicial imprisonments involving children. The killing of children is a serious violation of the Convention of Childrens Rights; yet the crimes themselves remain unpunished. The Philippines thus needs to make a more concerted effort to put a stop to these practices and to actively see to it that the authors of these atrocities are held responsible for their acts. As it stands, the pursuit of justice in relation to such crimes is insufficient and the results are profoundly deceiving. In addition, there are hundreds of people who are the victims of forced disappearances in the Philippines. When they do return (which is very rare), they suffer from both physical and mental trauma as a result of their experience. Children who are in prison are not de facto protected as they ought to be. Although the countrys legislation forbids inhuman and degrading treatment, numerous reports leave one with the impression that children in prison are still being subjected to torture. Right to an Identity 17% of births are not officially registered in the Philippines. The country has made some progress on this issue. However, not all children are able to benefit from these improvements. Indeed, most Muslim and indigenous children still lack anofficial identity. This leads to great difficulties for such individuals because, owing to their official nonexistence in the eyes of society, they will be unable to enjoy their rights.

Juvenile delinquency, also known as juvenile offending, or youth crime, is participation in illegal behavior by minors (juveniles) (individuals younger than the statutory age of majority).[1] Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such asjuvenile detention centers, and courts. A juvenile delinquent is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were an adult. Depending on the type and severity of the offense committed, it is possible for persons under 18 to be charged and tried as adults. AGE OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY MANILA, Philippines The proposed amendments to the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act is on its way to being enforced, but the age of criminal responsibility, after debates to lower it, will remain at 15. The Senate and the House initially clashed on the age of criminal responsibility, with congressmen wanting to lower the age of criminal liability to 12 years old from 15. In the end, lawmakers agreed to retain the age of criminal liability at 15, in keeping with international standards, during the bicameral conference committee session on May 28. Other amendments introduced to the law include: 1) Children aged 12 to 15 who commit heinous crimes or repeatedly violate the law be subject to a community-based intervention program. 2) The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) becomes the lead agency that will implement the law. It was originally the Department of Justice. 3) Those who use children to aid them in criminal acts will face the maximum punishment for the crime committed by the children. 4) Funds were allocated to construct Bahay Pag-asa in different parts of the country, especially in areas where there is high incidence of children in conflict with the law. The bill aims to protect the welfare of children in conflict with the law, most of whom are guilty of petty crimes like theft, vagrancy, and sniffing glue. We also allocated funds in the law for the construction of Bahay Pag -asa in different parts of the country because this has been the problem, there is no facility for children in conflict with the law that is why they are just set free, Sen Francis Escudero, chairman of the Senate justice committee, said in an interview last week. Here, under the bill, we allocate specific funds for the construction of Bahay Pag -asa, especially in places with high incidence of children in conflict with the law. Escudero explained that repeat offenders who already underwent rehabilitation can be involuntarily committed to a facility through a petition by the DSWD or the childs parents. While it is the states primary responsibility to ensure that children are led in the right path, it is a joint responsibility of the parents and the state, Escudero added. He added that criminals using children to violate the law face maximum penalty. As for children aged 15 to 18, they can face char ges if it is proven that they are capable of discernment in accordance with existing law.

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