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Written by Mickey Gray 225-241-5354

FADE IN: INT. VIJAYS CONDO - DAY A nearly bare living room, with very modest furnishings in a cookie cutter condo. VIJAY DIWAN, early 30s and a native of Bangladesh, sits at a table next to large stack of papers. His wife RINA DIWAN, late 20s with a rich brown complexion and beautiful eyes, stands at the opposite end of the table folding laundry. RINA I cashed the check you gave me. How much do we owe this month. VIJAY 2,500 dollars, give or take. RINA That will leave us with enough to scrape by til the end of the month. VIJAY There is a big meeting at work tomorrow. RINA What do you think it will be about? VIJAY I do not know. INT. SOLAR CORP. OFFICES - DAY A once thriving office clears out cubicle by cubicle from top to bottom as someone speaks over an intercom to the sea of OFFICE WORKERS who pack up their desks. Vijay stands at his desk, now nearly bare. He presses his fist against the sheer linoleum surface. He closes his eyes. Vijay picks up a single bag of belongings and walks out of the door.


INT. SOLAR CORP. RICHS OFFICE - DAY A small white office, with a desk lined with photographs. On the wall is a single degree and several inspiring truisms printed beneath the faces of clueless animals. RICH HEAD, 50s bald, has probably fired 50,000 people in his life. He reads a book, when Vijay tentatively peaks into the office. Come in! Vijay steps in. VIJAY Vijay Diwan. RICH Names Rich Head, Im a continuing employment counselor. VIJAY A what? RICH I am going to help you transition from this job to your future career! Vijay hands him a small stack of papers. RICH Masters at MIT, from Bangladesh. How long you been in America? VIJAY Six years. RICH Heres your paperwork unemployment, all the information is filled have your visa status for company in. You will looked at. RICH Whats your name?

He signs the paper and gives Vijay another folder with a company logo on it chocked full of papers. Okay. VIJAY Thank you.

He grabs the full stack of papers, throws them in a single bag and walks out of the door.


RICH One last thing, youre living in the employee housing correct? Yes. VIJAY I- why?

RICH I need you to come in tomorrow around 10:30. INT. VIJAYS CONDO - DAY Vijay paces around the living room, Rina urges him to sit down and attempts to soothe him. RINA If you do not have a job, will they let you stay here? VIJAY I have to talk to the INS on Wednesday. RINA Whats next? VIJAY I have one more meeting at work. RINA They have already fired you what else could they want? VIJAY They said it was about the condo. INT. SOLAR CORP - DAY Rich stands next to MARTY PERKINS a mid-level executive. Vijay sits across from them and is dwarfed by the two much larger men. Hey. Yes. MARTY Marty. Marty Perkins. Now, look Vijay, I got some bad news for you. (MORE) MARTY Vijay, right? VIJAY

4. MARTY (CONT'D) Youre currently living on a property previously owned by the company that has been sold.

VIJAY What does that mean? MARTY Means you gotta leave. VIJAY I have been paying rent for two and a half years. MARTY Your lease has been month to month this entire time. Now since you have paid rent for February, and it is the 25th, you will have 3 more days to figure out your plans. RICH There are twelve company families living in your building. VIJAY What are they doing? RICH What you will probably be doing, counselling with their loved ones, making a plan for the future. VIJAY You will give us nothing? RICH The state of California provides ample opportunity for subsidy in residential and commercial needs. I assume you have some savings. Vijay nods. RICH But first things first, go to the INS office on Los Angeles Street. INT. BILLS OFFICE - DAY BILL WILSON, 30s and an INS agent, sits with a stack of folders, across from him sits Vijay.


BILL From my records youve been in the United States for 6 years, correct? VIJAY Yes. BILL Right now your visa status is strictly work based, meaning that if you stop working, you forfeit your visa, unless you become a citizen. VIJAY How do I do that? BILL The bureaucratic method is congested, although you do have several points, which helps. But, the fastest path to citizenship is to marry an American. VIJAY I have a wife. BILL She is from Bangladesh? VIJAY Yes. BILL I will need her information as well. VIJAY How long do I have before you start to deport me? BILL It depends, if there are any red flags when we review your file, it could be expedited. But, you dont look like the kind of guy to have any red flags. They both laugh uncomfortably. VIJAY What are flags?


BILL Things like no permanent residence, a criminal background. EXT. HOTEL - DAY The sputtering Honda hatchback stops in front of an old hotel with a light up vacancy sign that is missing the second a. INT. VIJAYS HOTEL ROOM - DAY Vijay and Rina sit in a dingy hotel room. Vijay sits in front of a tiny laptop. Rina sits beside him. VIJAY The man at the INS told me we can file for an extension. We need proof of marriage from Bangladesh and proof of residency here in the United States. RINA But, we have just lost our house. VIJAY I do not know what will happen. RINA There has to be something we can do. VIJAY I will look for work starting tomorrow, maybe you can too. RINA When must you speak to him again? VIJAY My follow up appointment is in a week. RINA We have only 1,000 dollars left. VIJAY I will think of something. promise. Silence. I


EXT. LOS ANGELES ST. - DAY Vijay trudges the pavement in a suit that looks like it was sewn circa 1970 with greased hair so rigid it could break glass. He walks into a giant office building. INT. TEMP AGENCY - DAY Vijays hand slightly trembles as he tries to hand a resume to a CLERK, a young woman with a tight bun and a pant suit. CLERK Have a seat well have one of our counsellors with you shortly. Vijay has a seat in the otherwise empty office. INSERT: The hands of a clock begin at 9:30 and fast forward to 3:00 PM. Vijay still sits patiently in an office that now has several other people moving in and out. The same clerk steps from behind a desk. CLERK Im sorry weve seen everyone we can today. Those resumes left over will be contacted tomorrow morning. Thank you all. Vijay rushes to approach herVIJAY Excuse me Ive been here for about 7 hours. I was the first resume you had this mornCLERK Im sorry to hear that. UnfortunatelyVIJAY Unfortunately what? CLERK Let me take a look. name? I waited. Whats your

VIJAY Diwan, Vijay. D-i-w-a-n.


CLERK BJ? Vijay. VIJAY V-i-j-a-y.

CLERK I dont have a copy of your resume. VIJAY Youre kidding. CLERK Sir, please dont raise your voice. Look. day. VIJAY You know Ive been here all

CLERK Alright, look you need a job? I know a place in East L.A. looking for janitors. Youre Mexican right? VIJAY What? CLERK Never mind. Just take this over there tomorrow. VIJAY Did you even look at my resume? CLERK You want a job? VIJAY I have a masters in electrical engineering. CLERK I got a 1,000 people to cycle through. And all of them will take this job if you dont. Vijay sighs. VIJAY Okay. He yanks the paper out of her hand.


CLERK Show up tomorrow at 7 am to that address. VIJAY Thanks. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY Crate after crate lined and stacked in rows that seem to go as far as the horizon. Small roadways separate each of the storage units. Vijays dented Honda hatch back putters into a mostly empty parking lot in front of a small erector set construct that serves as the office. He exits his car and slouches over to the door. INT. AMERICAN STORAGE. FRONT OFFICE - DAY Vijay nervously peers his head inside. Sitting at a desk that looks like plywood scraps screwed into one another is SERGIO CORDOVA, late 50s, the manager of the property. SERGIO Looking to open a locker? VIJAY No... No sir. Im looking for work. Sergio laughs, then catches himself. SERGIO Did the agency send you? VIJAY Sight unseen. Ive got my masters from MIT. SERGIO Well, were looking for a janitor. VIJAY Its either this or deportation proceedings. Sergio laughs again. SERGIO Where are you from?


VIJAY Bangladesh. SERGIO Like India. No. VIJAY Are you Mexican?

SERGIO Youve got that right. VIJAY So, youre like Guatemalan. Sergio laughs. SERGIO Like I said, I need someone to scrub the shit out of my toilets. Youre the first person theyve sent over. VIJAY No other choice in the matter. unemployed, homeless. Im

SERGIO Well, I like you. Youre honest. Go clean my bathroom and well talk money. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill reviews a stack of papers, as Vijay uncomfortably shifts in his chair. BILL So youre working? VIJAY I started this week as a janitor. Bill laughs. BILL Well youre visa is entirely contingent on your being employed. Youre wife thoughVIJAY What about her?


BILL The stipulation of your contract with Solar Corps was the factor that allowed her to obtain guest visa status. VIJAY So what she is losing it now? BILL As a technicality, your work visa remains intact, employed at American Storage for another year, during which you should have ample time to complete the first round citizen application. VIJAY And her? BILL Ill need to speak with her face to face. INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Vijay and Rina sit knee to knee on the side of the bed. RINA Should we just hide from the INS? VIJAY That is no way to live. RINA Well what should we do? VIJAY I do not know. RINA If I go and speak to themSilence. After a moment VIJAY The man at the office said the easiest way to get citizenship is to marry an American. RINA But, we are married.


VIJAY We need to scam a marriage. RINA What? VIJAY Find you an American who will take what we have. RINA I do not know, Vijay. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Bill sits in the parking lot of the INS. cell phone. It rings on speaker phone. ANGELA (V.O.) Youve reached Angela Cummings, please leave a message. Bill speaks into the phone. BILL H-hi Angela its Bill. Its Wednesday around 4:00, just calling to see how you are doiHe presses a button on the phone. PHONE (V.O.) Message erased. Record new message? Bill hangs up his phone. A few minutes later it vibrates. He mutters as he reads a text message. BILL Leave me alonHe slams the flip phone closed again. INT. BAR - DAY Bill plops his briefcase on the bar. MIA SLOANE, 40s, approaches him from behind her nook in the bar. MIA Hey, Bill. He picks up his


BILL Hey. MIA Why so glum? BILL You ever get that feeling like youre trapped? Uh-huh. MIA What ya drinking? Rocks.

BILL Double whiskey. MIA Yikes.

She pours the glass almost entirely full, and drops a single ice cube. BILL My kind of girl. She laughs. MIA Thats probably what you need. Whens the last time you got laid? Bill laughs nervously. BILL Angela. MIA You still hung up on her? Look do yourself a favor, call this number. Ask for Gustavo. Hell hook you up with someone. She hands him a business card. BILL Isnt this illegal. MIA Only if you tell someone.


INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Bill drives in silence from the bar down a busy street. looks at the card in his hand. A motivational tape plays. SPEAKER (V.O.) The inner life of the spirt depends on what you channel through itBill turns the radio down. cellphone. Hola? BILL Is this Gustavos. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Si. BILL I would like uhGUSTAVO (V.O.) Nina o nino? A girl. BILL Woman, a woman. He sighs and picks up his He


GUSTAVO (V.O.) 1900 Los Angeles Street, 45 minutes. Click. Bill turns his car around.

INT. VIJAYS HOTEL ROOM - DAY Vijay looks out of crappy blinds in a room that looks like it is made out of cardboard. VIJAY Come look at this woman. Rina walks to the window. RINA What about her? VIJAY Do you think she is a prostitute?


RINA She is dressed very- Why? VIJAY Who buys a prostitute? RINA A man. VIJAY A lonely man. RINA What are you saying? VIJAY It would be an easy way to find someone? RINA I will not have sex with a stranger! VIJAY You do not need to have sex with him. You offer him money to marry you. RINA I do not know Vijay. VIJAY I promise, I will protect you if he tries to do anything. Now come on. He opens the door. They walk out -

EXT. LOS ANGELES ST. - NIGHT Cars slowly creep through traffic. over use crowd the street. Giant buildings worn with

SHARON GUTIERREZ, an aging beauty queen/pornstar, dressed in high heels and a short mini stands on the corner. Vijay approaches her. SHARON You Bill? VIJAY Are you a prostitute?


SHARON You call Gustavo. VIJAY Yes. I- Yes. SHARON Well, you got a room? VIJAY Yes. I- follow me. They walk back to the hotel room. INT. VIJAYS HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Vijay and Rina look at Sharon. RINA This is a prostitute? SHARON Look its gonna be extra for a threesome. Especially with another chick. VIJAY Yes. I- let me get wallet. He walks behind the bed. SHARON Im going to freshen up. She walks into the bathroom. Vijay grabs Rina by the shoulders and points out of the window. VIJAY Go stand outside. If the man comes, get in his car. Tell him you are her. He pushes Rina outside. When Sharon returns, she sees him standing at the door nervously. SHARON Wheres your girl? VIJAY Can you tell me how to get a man? SHARON Huh?


VIJAY My wife needs to find a man to marry. SHARON Some kind of swingers or what? She starts to kiss his neck up to his ears. as she starts to touch him. VIJAY I- this. Shh. SHARON Come sit down. He stands stiff

She continues to touch him. VIJAY Please stop! Stop. She relents for a beat. SHARON Whats wrong? VIJAY I-we need help. SHARON Huh? EXT. LOS ANGELES ST. - NIGHT Rina stands nervously on the corner. BILL You Gustavos girl? RINA I- Yes. BILL Well uh- get in. She gets in the car. INT. BILLS CAR - NIGHT A self help tape plays as Bill pulls out onto the road. Bills car pulls up.


SPEAKER (V.O.) Realize and actualize. Synergize to energize. In it to win it! Bill cuts off the volume on the stereo. BILL Is that the- erm hotel. Silence. BILL (Continuing) LetsHe turns his car around and goes back to the motel he picked Rina up at. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - NIGHT Vijay stands with his back against the corner. fend off Sharon. SHARON You need to relax. Unless this is what youre into, cause I have some leather. VIJAY I, my wife. She is with your American John. Slow down. Your guy. Shit. SHARON You arent Bill? SHARON American John? VIJAY Trying to

He shakes his head. INT. BILLS HOTEL ROOM - DAY Bill closes the door behind himself and Rina. She jumps nervously. BILL Well I umm-


RINA I must go to my car to get things. BILL Are you parked close? Yes. RINA Five minutes.

She opens the door and dashes out. EXT. VIJAYS ROOM - NIGHT Rina pounds furiously on the door. crack by Sharon. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - NIGHT Sharon paces around the room eyeing Vijay and Rina. SHARON I cannot go visit my client now that he has seen you. And the way I see it, you owe me 1000 dollars, scratch that 2000 including my session with Vijay. Vijay coughs. Rina glares at him. She is let in with a

RINA What did you say? SHARON I thought he was Bill, so I fucked him. Sharon makes a duck face. RINA Vijay!?! VIJAY She is lying! I would neverSHARON Men are all the same. VIJAY Please, all I did was ask for help.


SHARON He asked for it alright. gave it to him

And I

VIJAY Will you please believe me? She approaches him. RINA You- why do you smell like perfume? Sharon grinds on Vijay. VIJAY She is lyRina silences Vijay. RINA What do I do? SHARON Dont be stupid, you fuck him. Do whatever he wants, and then you take 1000 dollars from him, or I kill you. RINA Okay. I understand. do. Sharon laughs. SHARON Lemme show you what I did with Vijay. She kisses his neck and glares at Rina. RINA What are youVijay tries to push her away. Sharon draws a knife on him. But what do I

SHARON Quit the shit, and get me my fucking money beforeRINA Okay. VIJAY Please believe me.


SHARON Now look squirt some of this on you and make him use this. She opens her purse and spritzes her with perfume and hands her a few condoms and forces her out the door. EXT. BILLS HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Rina knocks gently on Bills door and is let in by Bill. INT. BILLS HOTEL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Rina nudges Bill toward the bed. RINA Are you ready? BILL Ye- yeah. She hesitantly slides down to his crotch. Her hands shake violently as she tries to unbutton his pants. BILL (CONTD) Are you okay. RINA I- IShe bursts into tears. BILL Hey, hey relax. He picks her up and helps her sit on the bed. RINA I am sorry. BILL Tell me whats wrong? RINA I have never- this is. Bills eyes light up. BILL Are you a virgin or something?


RINA No- I have a husband. your help.

I- we- need

BILL Oh. Oh- What do you mean? RINA I have money to offer to an American who will marry me. BILL I dont think I can do that. RINA I know this is sudden, and if you would like, we can do the thing you paid for. Really? BILL Um- okay

RINA Please be gentle. She leans into him and he nervously kisses her. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BILLS HOTEL ROOM - LATER Bill sits upright in bed covered in blankets to the waist. Rina quietly dresses her self. BILL Thank you. She turns from him and blushes. RINA I hope it was good, I have only had sex with one person. BILL You are not at all like what I imagined I would get from an escort service. RINA Was it bad? BILL It was amazing.


RINA Okay. BILL Ill think about that thing you wanted as well. I might be able to help you, as long as I can see you again. Thank you. that. RINA Yes- I- I would like

Bill writes out his phone number. BILL How much do I owe you? Rina hesitates. RINA Whatever you have. it. I can not keep

Bill reaches into his wallet a pulls out a wad of 20 dollar bills. Rina doesnt bother to count it. Bill hands her his phone number. BILL Id like it if you called me. Okay. RINA I will.

He kisses her on the cheek. She finishes dressing herself. She stands and looks back at him from the door, and nervously walks out. EXT. LOS ANGELES ST - NIGHT Rina quietly closes the door behind her. ahead of her stands Sharon, near a car. Sharon approaches her. SHARON Lets see the money. She shows her the wad of $20s. RINA I asked for $1,000. About 15 yards


SHARON Give it to me. She takes the wad of money from Rina, counts it and pockets it. SHARON (CONTD) Fucking four hundred dollars short. RINA ISHARON Look youre lucky I dont kill you. Some of Gustavos bangers would slit your throat for this shit. RINA Thank you. Sharon starts to walk towards her car. back at Rina who looks disheveled. Sharon adjusts Rinas dress. SHARON Do yourself a favor, when you go back in there dont ask him what happened and dont tell him what happened. RINA Okay. Sharon gets into her car and drives off. walks off to Vijays hotel room. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - NIGHT Vijay stoically sits at the edge of the bed, loading what few possessions that were scattered around the strewn sheets and on the floor into a suitcase. Rina stands at the door. VIJAY How was it? RINA Nothing really happened. me his phone number. He gave Rina sighs and She turns to look


VIJAY I called my friend Sergio. He will give us a bed. Pack. I will go check out. He slams the door behind him. walks into the bathroom. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - LATER Rina has changed into more comfortable clothes. She zips her suitcase closed. Vijay opens the door. VIJAY Are you ready? Rina nods. She grabs two suit cases and walks to the door. Vijay looks in behind her, and turns off the light and shuts the door. EXT. FREEWAY - NIGHT The small Honda hatchback glides silently south east of downtown on one of the countless freeways in Los Angeles. INT. SERGIOS HOUSE - DAY Sitting on a small cot are Vijay and Rina. Their suitcases are crammed next to them in a tiny corner in a bed room where two other people sleep. Sergio helps them organize their luggage to optimize room. SERGIO You can stay here for about a month. Rent for this room is 750. VIJAY I can pay you cash. SERGIO Be careful with that around here. Vijay reaches into the pocket of a suitcase and hands Sergio a stack of bills. VIJAY Can I pay you the rest out of my first check? Rina takes off her clothes and


SERGIO I think we can work something out. I need you first thing tomorrow . EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. FRONT OFFICE - DAY He speaks into a

Sergio props his legs up on his desk. phone, laughing.

Vijay walks from his small bathroom dressed in a jump suit, holding a bucket. SERGIO (On the phone) Hasta luego. He looks up at Vijay, who sweats from manual labor. SERGIO (Continuing) Hows it look in there? VIJAY Almost finished. SERGIO Well look, I need you to take fifteen minutes and go clean out a few storage units. Tony called in, so its just you. VIJAY Sure. What should I do with the stuff in there. Toss it. though. SERGIO Make sure its spotless



A few cardboard boxes, some smaller plastic tubs and some trash bags overfilled with junk crowd the middle of the room. Vijay sifts through some of the boxes and stacks them on a cart that he rolls in and out of the unit. He sweeps dust off the floor and picks up the last box, which is poorly taped.


As he walks towards the door with the box barely gripped, a compact revolver falls from the bottom which sagged from the weight of the package. As the gun clatters against the concrete, Vijay jumps against the wall, nearly dropping the box. When the gun does not discharge, he picks it up and clumsily inspects it, to find it loaded with six slugs. VIJAY (Exasperated) Oh myEXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. FRONT PARKING LOT - DAY It

From the front gate, Sharons black mustang pulls in. parks right in front of the front office. She saunters towards the door. his office. SHARON Papi! She tightly embraces Sergio. SERGIO Miha! SHARON I was in the neighborhood. wanted me to stop by. SERGIO Needs the space again? Gus

Sergio peaks his head out of

Vijay comes around the corner and stops dead in his tracks when he sees the unmistakable figure of Sharon hovering over Sergio. He clenches his fist looking down at the gun once gingerly cradled. He holds it at his side, but with his hand now firmly gripped on the butt. When Sergio looks back at him, he slips the gun into the pocket of his jumpsuit. SERGIO Whats up? VIJAY Oh nothing.


SERGIO Meet my daughter. Sharon smiles, winks and makes a kissy face. nearing convulsion. INT. BILLS BEDROOM - NIGHT Bill lies in his bed covered only by a sheet with pillows and blankets strewn about him. He tosses and turns. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Bill sits at his desk in a robe drinking a cup of coffee. silently goes about the tasks in his morning routine. He Vijay shakes

Before leaving for work, he stares at his computer for some time and looks at his phone. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Stuck in bumper to bumper on the 101 South, Bill turns on the tape player. The self affirmation tape plays. SPEAKER Internalize, analyze, actualizeBill ejects the tape, rips it from the deck, rolls down his passenger window and throws it onto the side of the road. He looks long at his phone. INT. BILLS OFFICE - DAY For the first two hours of Bills day, he talks to no one. He sits at a computer editing massive documents, and printing and faxing various papers. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY A small refrigerator sits next to a small counter top with a Mr. Coffee. A vending machine is across the small room. A table in the middle with magazines and condiments. PETER GIFFORDS, 42 balding, drinks a cup of coffee and eats a muffin. Bill walks into the break room, prepares himself a cup of coffee and retrieves a sandwich from the refrigerator.


PETER I never remember to pack a lunch. Ive been eating snickers and muffins every morning. BILL I got in the habit of doing it for Angela. PETER Look you gotta stop talking about her. How long has it been? BILL 15 months. PETER Isnt she already married. BILL Guys a doctor. Loads of cash.

PETER You got anything? BILL Maybe this one girl. Peter punches Bill in the arm. PETER Whats her name? BILL Rina. PETER Ooh ethnic, nice. BILL Like no woman Ive ever met. PETER Dont get ahead of yourself. BILL I gave her my number, but Ill probably never hear from her again. Peter sips his coffee.


PETER Did you hear? We got something planned for a major trafficking case pinned against a guy named Gustavo Juarez. BILL Humans? PETER By the dozens, from Guatemala, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela. Usually young girls. BILL Do you have proof? PETER We wired his house last night. are staking out there starting tomorrow. BILL If you need your recordings encoded, I can reformat them. PETER Sure. Bills cellphone buzzes- he doesnt recognize the number. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - DAY Vijay and Rina sit on a cot with a laptop open. They have several windows open with documents about immigration. The largest of them being the INS website. Rina dials a number on an old school flip phone. RINA Is this Bill? INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Bill puts his hand over the receiver of his phone. to Peter. BILL I need to take this. Peter nods. He turns We


INT. HALL WAY - DAY Bill walks around the corner from the break room into an isolated corner. BILL Rina? INT. SERGIOS HOUSE - DAY Rina inhales sharply. RINA I want to meet you again. INT. HALL WAY - DAY Bill turns into the corner and whispers. BILL There is a hotel close to my work south on Flower St. INT. SERGIOS HOUSE - DAY Rina combs her hair back with her hand nervously listening to Bill. RINA I will be there. INT. HALL WAY - DAY Bill starts to walk from the end of the hall way back to the other offices, still on the phone. BILL Is this a good number to reach you at? Good. Ill call you. He hangs up. EXT. MOTEL - DAY Bills car pulls up behind the tiny silver hatchback. He sees one light amongst all the other rooms lit. The door is ajar.


He walks up to the room, which is directly in front of the car. He pushes the door inINT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Rina lies on the bed, she wears slightly revealing clothing. Bill walks in. BILL Ive been thinking about the other day. I really enjoyed myself. RINA Me too. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Vijay nudges open the door that separates the bedroom and the bathroom. He peers in on Bill approaching his wife. His eyes widen and then narrow as he recognizes Bill. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Bill nervously sits down next to her, their shoulders touch just slightly. RINA Can you help me. BILL Yes, I can. But before we talk about that, can I kiss you? She nods nervously. passionately. IThe bathroom door swings open. Vijay tackles Bill and wraps him in the blanket at the edge of the bed. He places him in a headlock and punches him until he gives. Rina falls back behind the bed and stifles a scream. VIJAY If I see you put another hand on my wife, you are a dead man. They begin to kiss, timidly and then RINA



BILL Your wife?

RINA Vijay, let him go! INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY The interior of his loft is plush with luxurious paraphernalia atop expensive furniture. GUSTAVO JUAREZ wears a white suit and smokes a cigar as he walks around the room. Sharon is sprawled across one of his many couches. GUSTAVO I need you to call your East L.A. guy, and have him shut down his spot. SHARON When? GUSTAVO End of this week. SHARON Ill call him. Whats the package. GUSTAVO Packages. Got it. SHARON Just say the word.

EXT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Outside of Gustavos apartment, a white van idles on the street. INT. VAN - DAY The inside of the van is filled with electronics. Peter and FRANK MARTIN, 50s head INS agent, listen in on GUSTAVOS CONVERSATION. GUSTAVO (V.O.) One week, fifteen packages.


SHARON (V.O.) Should be no problem. PETER What do you think that is? FRANK Probably girls. PETER Agreed.

INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Sharon stands up and approaches Gustavo. SHARON Theres something I gotta tell you. GUSTAVO Make it quick. SHARON This is important. GUSTAVO Go on. SHARON So, that trick you sent me on last night. I got kidnapped. Gustavo screams. INT. VAN - DAY The force of Gustavos scream reverberates in their speakers, slightly affecting play back. GUSTAVO (V.O.) What the fuck? SHARON (V.O.) This guy pretended to be the John and held me hostage while his wife, Rina or some shit, slept with my mark. The speakers pulsate as Gustavo pounds his fist over the speakers. As he does, they hear the microphone dislodge.


INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Gustavo stands from behind his desk and walks towards Sharon who sits on the couch in front of it. GUSTAVO What the fuck is that shit? SHARON Look dont freak out about it. He never saw my face, and I made her pay me the score. Gustavo leans back on the desk. GUSTAVO GoodHe looks down and sees a sizable wireless microphone on the floor underneath his desk. INT. VAN - DAY Peter and Frank hear the static as Gustavo picks up the microphone. PETER I think he found it. Peter moves up to the front seat of the car. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Oh fuckStatic. EXT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Peter looks from the window of the van to see Gustavos facade bearing down at the window. The van peels off. INT. VAN - EVENING Peter drives from the scene of the crime. PETER I want to stop somewhere and copy off this information.


He calls Bill. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bills answering machine picks up. for him. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Bills cellphone rings. answers his phone. Vijay looks at Bill and nods who Peter leaves a message

BILL Bill Wilson. Yes sir. INT. VAN - NIGHT Peter drives wildly while on the cellphone. PETER Im 5132, I need to stop. are you? BILL Home. PETER Pick up your house phone, Ill be there in 30 minutes. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Bill looks at Rina and Vijay. BILL If Im not at my house, theyll come looking for me, and find you. VIJAY Take us to where you live, I will keep out of sight. BILL If you say so. RINA Just cooperate. done this. I am sorry he has Where


VIJAY You are sorry who has done what? Rina is silent. Bill escorts them out with a gun in the small of his back wielded by Vijay. EXT. BILLS CAR - NIGHT Bill and Rina drive in absolute silence. BILL If it means anything, Im glad youre the one whos kidnapping me. Rina smiles. RINA I agree. BILL I dont know what his plan is, but I could get the feds on him and you so quickly. RINA For me and you. If you help us or at least me, I will pay you. BILL I dont need your money. RINA What can I give you? Silence. EXT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bill pulls into the driveway of his west side condo. Vijay parks behind him. Vijay exits his car first, and walks up to Bills car wielding the gun. Bill exits the car with a gun pressed against his flank. Rina exits and sternly looks at Vijay. RINA The man does not need to be herded. Vijay shoves the gun lightly into Bills back to force him along into his front door.


INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Vijay sits in front of Bill, holding the gun. BILL For all I know Peter will be here in five minutes, maybe less. VIJAY You will talk to him in this room alone. BILL I will need to set up a laptop. The table and chairs Bill and Vijay sit at are catty corner to an open laundry area. VIJAY I will stand there. But if you do or say anything suspicious, Ill shoot you. RINA Please relax, Vijay. There is a pounding at the door. Vijay nods at Bill he opens the door and steps back directing the traffic of Peter and Frank into the front room where Bill has his laptop set up. BILL What are you doing here, Peter? PETER Its INS procedure in case of potential hostile situations to stop at the nearest safe spot. BILL I am no where near the target zone, were practically in Beverly Hills right now. PETER Whatever. I got some crazy shit for you to hear. Its gonna be all over the office tomorrow. Bill plugs in speakers and attaches the hard drive. After a few clicks of a button, a GUI appears with a directory of sound clips. Peter selects a few files from the list and plays them together.


Gustavos static voice begins to play softly. GUSTAVO (V.O.) I need you to call your East L.A. guy, and have him shut down his spot. GUSTAVO (V.O.) (CONTD) One week, fifteen packages. The recording skips some. SHARON (V.O.) This guy pretended to be the John and held me hostage while his wife, Rina, slept with my customer. There is a sharp knocking and then static. FRANK Well take about it tomorrow in the office. Best guess is those packages are girls. PETER Were certain that the female is Gustavo Juarezs confidant and convicted felon, Sharon Gutierrez. FRANK The only one we dont have the angle on is the last bit. Bill inhales sharply. BILL If you want to leave those clips with me, I can start editing and annotating them. FRANK Sure kid. Just be sure to always keep an original. PETER Get some sleep. Tomorrows going to be rough. They pack up their stuff, finish their drinks, and shake Bills hand as they walk out the door. Vijay jumps out and approaches Bill.


BILL I have to go to work tomorrow VIJAY I will wait outside for you at 5:00 PM. Silence. BILL Well I can bring a mattress upstairs if you want. VIJAY I will not sleep. EXT. INTERSTATE TEN - DAY Bills SUV is tailed closely by the small silver hatchback. Rina rides with Bill and Vijay follows behind. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY The leather is crisp and the seats are tilted back. Rina sits with a knife in her lap. rhythmically. BILL Put that up. Rina puts the knife in the back seat. RINA Okay. As she sets the knife down in the back seat her hand runs up against his arm. He looks at her. Their eyes meet. As she turns back to sit looking straight forward, she rests her elbow on the center console, her hand dangles off the end and brushes his arm. Silence. EXT. INS OFFICE - DAY In a distant corner of the parking lot, Bills SUV and Vijays hatchback park side by side in a lot of 100 cars. Bill drives, breaking


Vijay exits his vehicle. He turns to face Bill, this time wielding a hand gun. He motions for Bill to exit the drivers side of the car. Bill exits, he has his hands in front of him. BILL Are you nuts? Put that down. Vijay puts the gun at his side. 5:00 PM. VIJAY Be here alone.

INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill nervously walks through an abnormally crowed and busy hall en route to his office. Peter stops him. PETER Mornin bro. You ready? BILL Id like to spend another hour with the audio before we made a presentation. PETER Talk to Frank. Bill continues down the hall, several people look up at him and silence as he walks. He turns the corner toINT. FRANKS OFFICE - DAY As deputy director of the INS, Frank is the first in and the last out. His office is crowded with files and he sits behind a stack of paperwork Bill peaks his head into the office door and gently knocks. Frank looks up FRANK Help you? BILL I was talking to Peter. Id like one more run through on the system computers before I make my report.


FRANK Fair enough, should take you about 30 minutes? Its 9:15 now, so be in 261 in 45 minutes, we have a long day ahead of us. BILL Yes sir. INT. CRIME LAB - DAY Several large computer monitors and towers sit near a wall. They are surrounded by elaborate audio equipment. Bill sits alone in front of a computer, he listens to the playback of Gustavo and Sharon. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Packages. Bill rewinds. He highlights a small portion of the time line and moves it over to a new timeline. SHARON (V.O.) -s wife Rina slep. He slows down and reverse this clip. Stops, clicks a few times, presses a few keys ending with the spacebar. SHARON (V.O.) Rina slep. He clicks a few more times highlighting part of the clip. He presses delete. He blows up an image of the audio wave pattern and matches it with the original which he plays back. The name Rina echoes as Sharon says it twice. Bill presses delete. He clicks the save icon and ejects his flash drive from the computer. INT. SUITE 261 - DAY Bill is met by Frank, Peter and GEORGE CHASE, INS brass in a giant conference room. FRANK Bill, this is George Chase. in from Washington. Hes


GEORGE Peters been telling me about some audio clips. BILL I just finished editing them. Theres about 15 minutes of audible speaking, but I isolated the key points. FRANK Good man. Pass on the raw audio to the people upstairs for us. BILL Sure. INS AGENTS trickle in from a rear door. FRANK Gentlemen, have a seat where you can. They sit in unison. FRANK Thank you. Before we begin let me introduce George Chase. He flew out from Washington to assist with the investigation. We recorded Gustavo Juarez planning a human smuggling operation. GEORGE We have an opportunity to of the Juarez brothers on of the border. So a small specialists and I will be with the bust. nail both this side group of assisting

FRANK Bill Wilson has taken the time to format our recordings. They all turn to Bill and cough. BILL For the sake of this initial briefing, I isolated the most important ninety seconds. Bill presses play on a computer, Gustavos voice resonates loud and clear throughout the office.


GUSTAVO (V.O.) I need you to call your East L.A. guy, and have him shut down his spot. Pause. SHARON (V.O.) Ill call him. Whats the package. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Packages. Pause. GUSTAVO (V.O.) One week, fifteen packages. SHARON (V.O.) Should be no problem. Pause. SHARON (V.O.) This guy pretended to be the John and held me hostage while his wife or some shit slept with my mark. The recording stops. FRANK Gustavo Juarez is the male voice, and the woman is likely Sharon Gutierrez. GEORGE Our first objective is tracing the transportation of the underage girls. This includes digging into Gustavo and his brother Julio Juarez. PETER I will be spearheading reconnaissance on Sharon Gutierrez. FRANK Finally, Bill will be in charge of following up on the kidnapping reference made by Gutierrez. Frank pats Bill on the shoulder, who jolts at the contact.


BILL Thank you. I- am not sure what to say, Ill begin a preliminary investigation, and open it up to the excellent agents working with me. FRANK Great. There will be a memo in everyones desk after lunch. Please see Peter, Bill or myself for questions. Thats it. INT. BILLS OFFICE - DAY Bill sits at his desk. Several manila folders stuffed with documents lay in front of him. His computer runs the same sound program. The clock on the wall reads 4:30. His phone sits on his desk. He prints up several documents, pick up one of the folders on his desk, and disconnects his flash drive. He picks up his phone and makes a call. BILL (On phone) Ill be outside in 20 minutes alone. Meet me at my car. INT. VIJAYS CAR - DAY Vijay and Rina sit in the Honda parked in downtown L.A. VIJAY (On phone) I will park there. But, we must meet closer to the building. INT. BILLS OFFICE - DAY Bill stands and gathers his things. BILL No closer than the edge of the parking lot. 4:55. He hangs up the phone. wall which reads 4:41. Bill looks up at the clock on the


He starts backing his way out of his office. the door and startles him. PETER Headin out already? BILL I have some places I want to stop by before six. PETER A few of us were going have a drink in a couple of hours. BILL You can call me, but I know Ill be running around on this hostage thing until late. PETER Easy, cowboy. I know this is a big step, but dont burn yourself out. No sweat. BILL A drop in the bucket.

Peter stands at

He laughs. Peter pats him on the shoulder as he walks out of his office. EXT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill walks cautiously to the front door. small drive in front of the building. He looks across the

Lurking behind a tree near the edge of the parking lot is a lone Vijay. They eyeball each other. After a moment, Bill crosses the street. in front of Vijay without flinching. He stands directly

He feels the poke of Vijays gun barrel concealed closed to him. They walk nearly shoulder to shoulder to Vijays car. Rina walks by Bill and gets into the car gingerly. Bill slowly backs away keeping his hands in the air, and gets into his car. Vijay hops in an already running hatchback and follows Bill out of the parking lot.




Bill sits at a table opposite Rina. Vijay stands above his shoulders. Bill produces a pile of paper. BILL They have audio that indicates both of you. VIJAY Well you fix our papers and make us disappear. BILL It wont be that easy. RINA I know you can help us. Bill stutters. BILL I will do what I can. VIJAY Never. RINA Vijay, it will keep you safe. VIJAY If anything happens to her, I will kill you. BILL I know. But the less they see of you, the easier it will be. RINA Please, Vijay do what the man says. Vijay lowers the gun slightly but keeps it at his side. INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Gustavo sits on a lavish couch, a glass mirror with a pile of white powder sits on a marble table. Sharon straddles Gustavo. But


SHARON Give it to me! GUSTAVO You want it? SHARON You know what I want. GUSTAVO Well take it. SHARON Give it to me! Gustavo brushes her aside and does a massive line of cocaine. GUSTAVO Tony Montana, fuckin Pablo who else all those mother fuckers combined aint got shit on Gustavo Juarez! Sharon moves towards the table, Gustavo holds her back with one arm. SHARON Daddy, please? GUSTAVO Fine, but you know how to earn it. SHARON Now? GUSTAVO Yes, now. He unzips his pants. SHARON I need to boost before I get to work. GUSTAVO Fine. She grabs a card and picks up a practically white C-note on a glass table covered inch to inch in cocaine. She does a giant rail. Puts the rolled up bill down and repositions herself at Gustavos waist line.


GUSTAVO Julio will be coming up through Tecate in 4 days. She stops pulling down Gustavos underwear. SHARON I still need to call Sergio. He lifts her up but the hair and dress strap and sits her on the bed. GUSTAVO Pinche puta, he will be here in 4 days. SHARON He can take care of a location in 24 hours. GUSTAVO You are cut off until you call him. She takes out her phone. INT. SERGIOS HOUSE - DAY Sergio and several of his family members and friends are eating a big meal. Sergios phone buzzes loudly, he looks at it. He stands and excuses himself. SERGIO Hola? SHARON (V.O.) Papi? SERGIO Si. INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Sharon looks over at Gustavo, who sits up. SHARON Le necesito cerrar su lugar de trabajo el la noche de sbado. INT. SERGIOS HOUSE - DAY Sergio, looks at calendar.


SERGIO Cunto tiempo necesita el lugar? SHARON (V.O.) Diez de la tarde Sabado a las cinco de la maana el Domingo SERGIO Le llamar el maana. He hangs up. INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Sharon hangs up the phone. SHARON Hell let me know everything tomorrow. GUSTAVO Shut up and come over here. Sharon slinks over the couch and ends up in his lap. He tries to kiss her, but she hunkers over the pile of cocaine. SHARON Please sir, I want some more. GUSTAVO What? SHARON Please sir, I want some more. Gustavo strikes her and chases her around the room. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bill, Vijay and Rina sit around Bills kitchen table. There are two giant bags of take out food. They eat sandwiches on napkins and wrappers. VIJAY What do you plan to do? BILL Wait. VIJAY WAIT! YOU CANNOT WAIT. find me with you. They will


BILL They will not find you as long as you keep your head down. If you keep showing your face, more importantly that carRINA You need to trust him, Vijay. can help us. He

VIJAY I will give you four days to fix it. BILL I dont know if you are in the position to negotiate time limitations. Vijay pulls out his gun and presses it against Bills temple. VIJAY Never forget who is in control. BILL Do you want to live in America legally or not? RINA Yes of course. BILL Then you need to let me work. I can make you disappear either back to IndiaVIJAY Bangladesh. BILL Back to Bangladesh or if you give me time and trust me, I can give you both green cards. RINA Vijay, please listen to the man, I know he is telling the truth. Rina approaches Vijay and touches his shoulder. her off. VIJAY Sharmuta. He brushes


RINA Please, Vijay. He is willing to help us. VIJAY Us? He spits. RINA Please, Vijay. I did it for us. VIJAY There is no us. There is me and there is you and there is him. BILL I have as much to lose as you do. VIJAY Impossible. BILL If this got out, at the very least I would be fired. VIJAY You have no idea what would happen to me if I were deported. RINA Please Vijay. BILL And if you dont let me do what I know I can do, we will all get arrested. VIJAY Okay. BILL So will you please put that fucking gun away. VIJAY Fine. RINA Thank you, Vijay. Vijay sets his gun on the table. He picks up one of his two suitcases off the floor and places it up on the table.


He opens the suitcase, removes a few shirts and gently places the gun in and stuffs the shirts back on top. He drops the bag on the floor. EXT. INS OFFICE - DAY Vijay parks next to Bill. Bill exits his car. He slows down and idles.

Peters large SUV drives by Bill. PETER You ready?

BILL Yeah. From the looks of it, its fairly benign. PETER He pitched you a soft ball, but if you can hit a home run, hes talking about bumping you up. BILL Thanks for the heads up. PETER Give me a second to park and well walk in. Whos that parked next you? BILL I dont know, looks like he works here. Peter drives up a bit and parks a few spots down. Bill dashes back over to Vijay. He pounds on the door. Vijay rolls the window down. BILL Leave now, if you know what is good for you. Vijay nods and backs out quickly, almost hitting the car directly behind him. He speeds out. Bill opens his passenger door and grabs his briefcase. Peter walks up as Vijay turns out of the parking lot. PETER That was weird.


BILL Didnt really get a look at him, was in my passenger seat digging for my bag. PETER Well, Gustavos men did see us, and may have pieced the puzzle together a little. He looked brown right? BILL Not sure. PETER Silver Honda hatchback? BILL Almost positive its Toyota. Id say early eighties to be sure. INT. SUITE 261 - DAY Frank, Peter, George, and Bill sit at a round table. Several folders sprawled across the table. Other agents sit in the room. PETER Question is, since we lost the trace, how are we gonna find the drop site? FRANK We could tail Gutierrez. GEORGE How? BILL Have someone call Gustavo and have him ask for Sharon. FRANK Excellent idea. GEORGE Are there are any other suggestions? PETER I got nothing.


FRANK Do we have the number to Gustavos escort service? Everyone shakes their head no. BILL I do. PETER How? BILL The girl who serves me drinks at the place around the corner handed me this card. I never used it. He reaches into his wallet and pulls out Gustavos business card. FRANK Excellent. We may need to follow up with the bartender. BILL I will try to find out the next time she works. PETER Id like to help him. FRANK Sounds like a great idea. Bill youre working with big boys now, follow his lead. BILL Im there fairly regularly. PETER Well I guess you and I are having some drinks tonight. INT. BAR - NIGHT Bill and Peter sit at the bar surrounded by PATRONS. walks up. MIA Hey Bill, whos your friend? Mia


BILL This is Peter, he works with me. And this isMIA Mia. PETER Hello, Mia. You run this place? MIA Something like that. regular? Bill nods. PETER Whats his regular? MIA Double whiskey, one ice cube. Peter whistles. PETER Put hair on your chest. two of those. She walks off. PETER Since its my investigation on Gutierrez, I want to take on the mission. BILL You want to try to sleep with her. PETER Can you blame me? BILL No. But, do you think you can be cool? Peter laughs. PETER As a cucumber. Mia returns with two glasses filled to the brim with whiskey. She places them before Bill and Peter. Make it Bill, your


Bill pounds his very quickly, Peter sips and when he notices Bill chugging he speeds up to finish. He coughs wildly. PETER You drink like your twenty three. BILL Helps me feel alive. PETER Okay, one more of these and then Ill ask about Gustavo. MIA! Mia saunters up. PETER Two more regulars. MIA Sure thing. You know how to get down. She walks off. PETER Frank thinks real high of you. I had no idea you had a side that drank straight whiskey and picked up prostitutes. BILL While I appreciate the vote of confidence, I need you to remember to speak slyly with Mia. PETER Sure. Mia walks up to the two of them. She places two drinks, filled even more to the brim. Bill finishes his just as fast, almost mechanical. Peter chokes half of the second one down before slamming it against the counter and panting and coughing. MIA Easy, cowboy. PETER Bill here is something else.


MIA Hes one of my regulars. Did you enjoy my treat? I havent seen you since. BILL Wonderful. But the reason Im here is because my buddy here is interested inShh! MIA Do you have the card?

PETER I would like one of my own. MIA You aint a cop are you? Silence. Mia laughs. Silence.

PETER If I were a cop, Id have to arrest Bill. MIA Unless you were a dirty cop. Peter coughs. PETER Im dirty. But not a cop. give me G-mans number. Now

MIA I have never heard of Gustavo being referred to as G-man. PETER I- I made it up. MIA Well, Bill brings you here, youre cool. Call this number. She hands him a card. Thanks. He places an hundred dollar bill on the table. PETER Keep whats left over. He inspects it.



INT. VAN - DAY Bill and Peter sit inside the van parked across the street from the same shady motel. BILL So, say you had a really good time with Sharon at the 1800 block of Los Angeles. Wanted a second go. If he hesitates offer extra, the going rate is 1000. PETER Frank gave us a little extra money to spend, we should be fine. Peter clicks a button on the computer, it starts a dial tone. He dials on the number pad and the computer beeps accordingly. The sound of a phone ringing echoes from the machine, Peter wears a headset. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Hola? PETER (stuttering) Gustavo? GUSTAVO (V.O.) Si. PETER I had a great time with your girl, Sharon. Can we do it again? GUSTAVO (V.O.) Sharon is busy tonight. PETER I have extra if that helps. GUSTAVO (V.O.) How much? PETER Five thousand. Im at 1800 Los Angeles St. GUSTAVO (V.O.) She will be there in 45 minutes. He hangs up.


BILL Since you wont be wearing a wire, call me if there is an emergency. PETER All I need is to get at her car. He pulls out a small black box with a strong magnet. BILL Be careful. Peter spritzes himself. PETER Ill be back soon. He exits the van. EXT. LOS ANGELES ST - NIGHT At the corner of Los Angeles street, Peter stands nervously rocking back and forth clapping his hands together. A black sports car pulls into the hotel. Sharon, dressed to the 9s, looking half her age, steps out slowly. She sashays over to Peter who stumbles up to her. SHARON You the guy? PETER Thats me. SHARON Thought you was a John I knew. PETER My buddy told me all about you. recommended you. He

SHARON Normally, I dont do business like this. You got the five grand? PETER Yes. But, first the room is on the first floor. They walk past her car. Peter walks over to it.


PETER Is this yours? Yeah. SHARON Lets get going.

PETER Hold up, let me tie my shoe. He leans down by the car, which obstructs Sharons view of him briefly. He slips the tracking device and clips it on the underside of the wheel well. You ready? SHARON I got places to be. He stands quickly.

She walks over to him.

PETER Ready when you are babe. INT. MOTEL ROOM - LATER Peter lies rigid underneath bedsheets up to his nose. sits at the edge of the bed putting her bra on. She sighs. SHARON For some reason, that always happens. Peter pants. PETER That was amazing. Alright. cash? SHARON In a hurry. Got the He takes out his wallet Sharon

Peter sits up and grabs his pants. and counts stacks of hundreds.

PETER Forty eight and fourty nine. He runs out of bills to count and grins sheepishly at Sharon. SHARON Just give me that. She rolls them up and sticks them in her bra.


She buttons up her shirt. She stands, straightens herself and walks out of the door. INT. VAN - NIGHT Bill sits in front of the computer in the white van parked across from the motel. Bill looks out of the back window and sees Sharons car peel off into the night. His cellphone rings. PETER (V.O.) Start the tracer, the program should be open on the computer. He types into the computer, reads a few pages and clicks a couple of times. BILL Whats your password? PETER (V.O.) Password, no capitals. BILL Thats a horrible password. He types into the computer, strikes enter twice. BILL Up and running. INSERT: The computer screen displays a street layout of Los Angeles with a red dot moving around. Peter swings open the back door of the van and hops in. PETER Now right click on the giant red dot. Select record query. When it asks for a storage spot its the J drive. Bill clicks a couple of more times. BILL Which folder? PETER INSMEDIA/GJ/W0311a.


BILL Ah-ha. He types quickly. Strikes enter. Peter looks at the screen.

PETER Lets roll and hope that thing doesnt fall off her car. EXT. LOS ANGELES ST - NIGHT The van turns its lights on and slides into traffic. About twenty feet down the street, Vijays hatchback powers up and he pulls out behind the Van. EXT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bills lights are on. driveway. INT. VAN - NIGHT Peter extends his hand to Bill to shake it as Bill reaches for the door. They shake hands. PETER Hey why are your lights on? BILL Must have forgotten this morning. PETER Sounds expensive. BILL Yeah. A lot on my plate. tomorrow. PETER Yes, sir. EXT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT The silver hatchback drives up. and parks half a block down. Vijay sees the idling van See you The van pulls in front of his

Bill steps out of the car and briskly walks to his front door. As he puts the key in the lock, the van starts up and makes a sharp left into the driveway next door.


The van turns around and drives up Bills street. the van coming and turns off his lights. INT. VAN - NIGHT

Vijay sees

From the corner of his eye Peter sees the same Honda hatchback. He slows down briefly, and then speeds up and drives off. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT A fairly elaborate spread for dinner is displayed in an immaculate house. Bill enters to find Rina putting the finishing dish. Wow. you? BILL How long did all this take touches on a

RINA Most of the day. BILL Looks incredible. RINA Where is Vijay. BILL I lost him after work. Vijay pounds on the front door. Vijay. Bill opens it for him.

RINA I cooked you Torkari.

VIJAY I am not hungry. Rina scurries to the kitchen. RINA Please, Vijay. She turns and looks to the kitchen. RINA I smell the curry. back. I will be right


She sprints out of the room leaving Vijay and Bill. BILL Can you please do something for me. I need you to lay low. My coworker, a federal agent, is already suspicious about your carVIJAY Fine. Rina brings the last of the dishes out and places it on the table. RINA It is ready. BILL Dont know about you, but I am starving. They sit at the table and eat. INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - NIGHT Gustavo paces around the room on his cellphone. number. GUSTAVO Hola? INT. JULIOS ROOM. TECATE, MEXICO - NIGHT JULIO JUAREZ an older, rugged Mexican national with a graying beard and worn face, props his feet back on a chair. JULIO Gustavo? GUSTAVO (V.O.) Si. JULIO Como estas? GUSTAVO (V.O.) Muy bein. Mi ruca encontro un lugar por entrenga. He dials a


JULIO Estoy conduciendo quince nias en la frontera la noche del viernes. INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Gustavo sits at his expensive table smoking a cigarette. GUSTAVO Bueno. There has been a little heat recently. Should be no problems. JULIO (V.O.) I will call you when I am in San Diego. If it is getting hot in L.A. well move the transfer south. GUSTAVO They got nothing. Well be ready for you. JULIO (V.O.) Adios, herrmano. GUSTAVO Adios. He hangs up the phone. SMASH CUT TO: EXT. SERGIOS HOUSE - NIGHT Sergio stands out side next to a clandestinely dressed Sharon. SHARON Saturday they cross into American and will probably unload early Sunday morning. SERGIO We dont open until 11 on Sundays. SHARON I am positive G and his man can do business in no more than twenty minutes.


SERGIO The first person comes in at nine on Sunday. SHARON What time do you close on Saturday? SERGIO Eleven. SHARON I will have men there at eleven thirty. We will be gone at eight. She hands him a thick stack of money. SHARON And I need you to make sure no one else shows. Cause if they do, theyre dead. SERGIO I can get everyone out by 11:30, but call me before you show, sometimes we get stragglers. SHARON Can you write down directions and an address in spanish. SERGIO No problem. Give me Gustavos phone number. She hands him a card. SHARON I will call you on Friday. EXT. HAMMEL STREET - NIGHT On the street a few blocks up, the van is parked. small satellite on the roof. INT. VAN - NIGHT Peter sits in the front seat about a block from where Sharon and Sergio stand. Their voices echo. SERGIO (V.O.) I will need to pay a few people at American Storage. There is a


SHARON (V.O.) Gustavo should be cool with that. The recording cuts out. EXT. SERGIOS HOUSE - NIGHT Sharon lightly brushes the side of her face to Sergio. SHARON Buenos Noches, Sergio. She walks to her car, starts it up and drives off. seconds after the van takes off behind her. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Peter, George, Frank and Bill sit around a round table, a few other AGENTS stand at the doors clandestinely. There is a wall of photographs displaying arrest pictures of Gustavo, Julio and Sharon. PETER I found out the name of the storage facility alluded to in the conversation between Sharon and Gustavo. FRANK Thats excellent. PETER One catch, there are twelve in greater Los Angeles. BILL If you recall though, in the recorded conversation we have, they mention her East L.A. guy. FRANK Excellent. Peter looks at the map. PETER That lowers it down to four, if you start with downtown and work to San Gabriel. Peter hands the map to Frank. Twenty


FRANK Did you discover the name of her L.A. Man? PETER I tracked Sharon from Gustavos to a home in Angelino Heights. I parked some 20 yards from the target. I was able to discern a few key points, namely that Sharon Gutierrez is purchasing sole access to a American Storage on Saturday night into Sunday morning. FRANK Excellent. Well need to start with the American Storage closest to the Angelino Heights house. Well get the records of all the employees, find the one that lives at that address. FRANK We need to start with a subpoena of the documents. GEORGE Ill issue a search warrant and a gag order on an executive level, they should have a master list with the information of all of their locations. FRANK How long will that take? GEORGE Ill push some buttons, get it on your desk before Friday night. FRANK That leaves Agent Wilsons report. BILL There isnt a whole lot to go on, except public records and warrants. FRANK Anything with the name Rina?


BILL No. Etymology of the name is upper caste Indian, which is not commonly associated with Latin American prostitution rings. FRANK I figured itd be a wild goose chase. Keep at it, but I may need you to switch focus for the bust. BILL Ill have something concrete by then, I have a feeling Im close. Peter glares at him. PETER Ive been working with him on some of the aspects of his case. Hes doing well. FRANK Bill, youre one of our finest agents. Hows the title assistant manager of the Planning Department sound? PETER Youll be working upstairs with me and Gerkowski. BILL Thank you. Ill close out this investigation before Friday. FRANK Great. Probably nothing but a red herring. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Rina busily prepares a meal, heating several pots and pans simultaneously. She hears the front door open and turns down the heat. Bill walks in from the hall way next to the front door. BILL Wheres Vijay?


RINA I dont know he left about an hour after you. Said heBILL Mean- were alone? RINA Yes. ButBill walks up to her. BILL He hasnt given either of us a second to breath. RINA I love Vijay. He puts a hand on her shoulder. BILL The man has held a gun to your and my head. RINA He is not- this is not the man I married. BILL Its hard, it must be. I got spurned by a woman. She didnt threaten murder, but just as well. RINA I cannot be alone in this country. BILL You wont be. They look long at one another. They lean towards one another. From the hall, the front door slams shut. VIJAY (O.S.) Rina, did you finish cooking. Where isHe turns the corner as Bill is fully distancing himself from Rina. Vijay. RINA Dinner is almost-


VIJAY What the fuck were you doing? Me? BILL What?! Nothing.

VIJAY And you wonder why I call you a whore. He spits and walks out of the room. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - NIGHT A giant neon sign, with half of its tubes blown, reads American Storage. A giant warehouse of storage units and a giant parking lot with streets weaving between the storage compounds. Sergio locks the last of the storage units. A lone black sports car pulls up. From it exit Sharon and Gustavo. Sharon kisses Sergio on the cheek. SHARON Mi amore, how are you? SERGIO Bueno. Sergio walks up to Gustavo, they share a firm hand shake. GUSTAVO Que pasa? SERGIO Nada. Only one left at work at its ten to midnight. GUSTAVO Excellent. SERGIO Should be even easier on Saturday, because everyone is trying to get out of here. GUSTAVO Do you have empty storage lockers that you can leave unlocked?


SERGIO Two right next to each other all the way in the back. 1266 and 1267. GUSTAVO Can they fit big trucks in them? SERGIO Depends on how wide the truck. GUSTAVO And if needed, could it comfortably fit 15 people? SERGIO Between the two of them, as long as none of them are fat or tall. GUSTAVO None of them will be, trust me. SERGIO Wouldnt recommend leaving them in there for long. GUSTAVO Should be quick and easy, but you never know. INT. VAN - NIGHT On the street next to the compound sits the white van. Peter, Frank and another AGENT stare at the screen. Bingo. PETER Were in business.

FRANK Do you have the recording equipment set up. PETER Yeah, yeah. No problem. He types a few things. There is a sharp feedback that reverberates from the equipment. FRANK Shit.


EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - NIGHT The screech from the microphone startles Gustavo. GUSTAVO The fuck was that? SERGIO Ill go check. GUSTAVO Im out of here. SHARON Ill call you. GUSTAVO Lets go. They hop in the car and start to peel off. INT. VAN - NIGHT They hear Gustavo peel out and drive off. lights on and drives slowly. Peter turns the

PETER I hope thats not enough to spook them. FRANK Well keep a man here around the clock. PETER I want it. FRANK What? PETER I want to be the surveillance guy. FRANK This is entry level stuff. He isnt raiding the place, just sitting in an unmarked car, about a block down the street.


PETER We are 36 hours out from an opportunity at the largest bust in agency history. We need our best at the front line. FRANK Ill think about it. EXT. MEXICAN HWY. TWO - DAY A small semi with a 20 foot cargo space barrels steadily down an empty highway. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CARGO SPACE - SAME The wall is slightly thicker than normal, but has the same metal seal. The truck is loaded with boxes. From above the second wall is not completely attached. Behind it FIFTEEN GIRLS silently line the walls. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - SAME Julio sits in the front seat. He has a stack of paper work and an American Passport with his face on it. EXT. MEXICAN HWY. TWO - DAY The sign on the road says Estados Unidos Frontera - 10 km beneath that is written San Diego - 27 km EXT. BORDER STATION - DAY A row of terminals and a giant fence as far as the eye can see. The three lanes of the highway become three terminals for crossing A black car is waived through by a BORDER PATROL OFFICER. The giant truck pulls up behind a car in line. Julio is waived over by the officer and the truck pulls in right up to the cross guard manned by another officer. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - DAY Julio picks up his stack of papers, with the passport on top. He opens the door and hops out of the cab.


EXT. BORDER STATION - DAY The two officers approach Julio. Julio speaks without the slightest trace of an accent. JULIO How are you? Names Alberto Sanchez. Im a driver for a major plastics manufacturing company with labor divisions in San Diego and Tijuana. OFFICER #1 Let me see your papers. Julio hands him the passport and stack of papers. officer walks around to the back of the truck. OFFICER #2 What are you carrying? JULIO Plastics, mainly tubing, they manufacture the small pieces down here to do the more complex stuff in San Diego. OFFICER #2 Do you mind if open your back? JULIO Be my guest. He unhinges the latch that opens the door on the truck. The officer immediately notices the wall and inspects it. OFFICER #2 Why the thick walls. SMASH CUT TO: INT. JULIOS TRUCK. STORAGE - DAY From the point of view of a young girl wedged in the back of the truck. JULIO (O.C.) It makes unloading easier, its also eco-friendly. I dont know how, thats just what the manufacturer told me about the truck when I bought it. The second


EXT. BORDER STATION - DAY The the guard holding the paper work walks over to Julio. OFFICER #1 Can you show me RX-462 and G-917. JULIO (awkwardly) No Problemo, Amigo. He gives the a-ok with his right hand. The officers laugh.

He climbs into the truck, he pushes two giant boxes forward. He cuts off a piece of the label, slides open the box and grabs a small plastic part. He jumps out of the truck and hands the parts to the officer. OFFICER #1 Looks good to me. OFFICER #2 These walls solid? He walks towards the walls. obstruct his path. Julio attempts to momentarily

JULIO They are slotted and there is a small exhaust on the bottom. The officer knocks on the wall in certain places. loudly in some and less so in others. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. STORAGE - SAME One of the girls coughs loudly. EXT. BORDER STATION - SAME The echo of the cough inside the truck startles one of the officers. OFFICER #2 Let me look at those slots again. Julio opens the truck he pounds on the walls. It echoes


INT. JULIOS TRUCK. STORAGE - SAME Julio climbs along the wall covering the false fronts as best as possible. He begins pounding loudly on the door Out of ear shot he whispers up next to the wall. JULIO Pinche puta. Quieres morir? He coughs loudly and waves the officer in. JULIO There are studs running the inside. OFFICER #2 Ive never heard of it. JULIO This is one of our newest trucks. Its supposed to be almost entirely green. OFFICER #2 Sounds good. Not like it makes a huge difference. JULIO I know, right. They both laugh. OFFICER #2 Have a safe trip to San Diego. JULIO Thank you. He hops in the cab on the truck and turns it on. The cross guard goes up, and one of the officers waves him through. He drives into California, merging onto I-5 north. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - DAY Julio picks up his phone and dials a number. JULIO Gustavo? Me condujo a travs de la frontera con Estados Unidos. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Bueno.


JULIO I will be in San Diego in 30 minutes. We will leave for L.A. 12 hours later. GUSTAVO (V.O.) Call me in San Diego. JULIO Of course. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY The clandestine storage complex hides behind bigger more obtrusive buildings in the sprawl of East L.A. Several unmarked white vans line the street in front of the building. Peter, Frank and George stand away from the American Storage, they are surrounded by other agents. FRANK Tonight we leave people over night, through Sunday. GEORGE We will have federal agents reinforcing the reconnaissance efforts of the INS approximately tomorrow at 5:00 PM. PETER I will be in my sedan parked right next to the compound. Frank and George will be manning vans a block up the street. GEORGE A mobile patrol squad in unmarked cars is periodically canvasing the area. PETER Bottom line this is go time. FRANK Wasnt Bill supposed to meet us here.


PETER He said he had to do some stuff to finish his assignment. I can call him. FRANK Call him and tell him to get his ass down here. That whole thing is nonsense. Peter steps out of earshot of everyone else. his phone and places a call. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill sits in front of a computer with several files stacked next to him. Vijays picture is on the computer screen next to a series of drop down menus. Bill reads from the folder and selects options in the program. He moves to click accept, his cellphone vibrates loudly on the table next to him. He jolts and removes his hand from the mouse. He looks at the phone and tentatively picks it up. BILL Bill Wilson. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY Peter paces around with the phone in his hand. PETER Bout time you pick up. Were gearing up over here at American Storage. Figured you would meet up with us. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill nervously stares at the computer screen. BILL I am putting the finish touches on some paperwork. He takes out


EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY Peter lights up a cigarette. PETER Fuck paperwork. Sides, Frank said the things nonsense, so get your ass down here. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY Bill hurriedly reviews several pages on the computer. BILL Let me rush through this last fifteen minutes of work, and Ill hit the road. Alright. See you soon. He hangs up the phone. After thoroughly reviewing the contents of the screen, adjusting some options with the mouse, he clicks enter. He types into the bar Diwan, Rina. Her file shows up, he adjusts her information, much like he did with Vijays. When it comes to the section about marriage, he marks her as single. He shuts down the computer turns off the light and quietly slips out of the door. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Bill drives on a jam packed freeway he makes a phone call. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY The cellphone rings on the table in an empty room. comes rushing in and answers it. RINA Bill? BILL (V.O.) I have to go to the American Storage on Cesar Chavez for the day. Tell Vijay it would be suicide to try to stake me out there. Rina


RINA I will tell him. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY

He is asleep.

Bill merges into a different lane. BILL I have a surprise for you that will have to wait until I come back. Bill laughs. BILL I should be good to come back tonight, but if not I will call. Okay. You too. He hangs up the phone. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Rina hangs up the phone. Vijay leers over her from the hallway. Rina turns around and is visibly startled by Vijays presence. VIJAY What did he say? Rina steps back. RINA I think he has fixed our status of immigration. VIJAY When will he return. RINA Not until later. They are investigating at a American Storage. VIJAY Investigating what? RINA I dont know, but he said it would be suicide for you to go over there.


VIJAY I will give him until 8 tonight. You will call him then. RINA I will do whatever you want, just please dont go down there. I think we are safe. VIJAY We are not safe! We will not be safe until he is gone. Now, where is the place they are going? RINA I will notVIJAY I have no problems killing you. Silence. RINA VijayVIJAY Shut up, sharmuta. he is. Tell me where

He raises his hand to strike her. RINA American Storage on Cesar Chavez. VIJAY I will find him. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY Frank, Peter and George stand near a giant black SUV. FRANK We have the perimeter shut down with unmarked cars. PETER Fairly certain hell be coming in a semi. 15 packages. GEORGE Well, bottom line is as soon as the packages arrive, my boys are moving in.


Bills SUV drives up and parks behind Frank. BILL Sorry, I had to swing by the office and finish filing my report. FRANK Any news? BILL I found a few registered married couples with a spouse named Rina, but none of them appeared to have any legal issue when it came to citizenship. FRANK I figured it was a fart in the wind. But now its your turn to play with the big boys. PETER Were probably 6-8 hours away from prime time. BILL And you guys arent leaving? PETER Hell no. This is what makes this job bearable. FRANK There is a lot that needs to be done around here. We will need you here through the morning. PETER We go in shifts, there is a little joint around the corner you can grab a bite from. GEORGE First things first, we need to scan the perimeter of the premises. Peter why dont you take Bill with you. EXT. INTERSTATE FIVE - DAY

He hops out.

Julios truck crawls through traffic, in the distance is the sprawl of Los Angeles.


He drives by a sign that reads Los Angeles - 25 mi. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - DAY Julio picks up his phone. JULIO Gustavo? I will be in L.A. in one hour. I will wait at the city limits until night fall. Is everything okay over there? INT. GUSTAVOS LOFT - DAY Gustavo smokes a cigarette as Sharon gives him a massage. GUSTAVO Si. We are going to canvass the area tonight before you arrive. JULIO (V.O.) I will call you from the from the stop point once I arrive. We meet at American Storage at midnight. GUSTAVO Si. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - DAY Peter and Bill circle the complex. PETER There are two entrances one onto Cesar Chavez and a smaller alleyway entrance controlled by employees. BILL Did you find who the guy is? PETER Fairly sure his name is Sergio something. But its not important. BILL Do you think theyll both come in the back? PETER It wouldnt surprise me. Depends on how big that truck is.


In the distance Vijays car creeps by. PETER Isnt that that same car? silver hatchback?

Peter notices it.


BILL There are probably a million cars of that description in L.A. Bill looks at the car that passes and recognizes it instantly. PETER Im pretty sure thats the one. BILL Should be no problem? PETER But who is it? Im pretty sure you know. BILL What makes you say that? PETER Intuition. BILL Probably one of Gustavos goons who got wind. PETER Then Ill tell one of the feds to scoop him up. BILL You cant! PETER Whys that? BILL Because- you said it yourself, we cant draw attention to the fact that there are close to a hundred cops here. PETER Well if he shows up during the exchange, Im taking care of him myself.


EXT. CESAR CHAVEZ ST - DAY Up the road from where the American Storage is, Vijays car is pulled to the side of the road and idled. Vijay sits inside clutching a gun in his hand. EXT. CESAR CHAVEZ ST- NIGHT There are several road blocks and signs diverting traffic immediately in front of American Storage. Four unmarked black SUVs are parked on the street parallel to the building, which feeds out on to Cesar Chavez. Vijay turns on his headlights. He creeps into traffic. Looking down the side street, he sees briefly Bill exiting his car. He makes a sudden turn on the side street. As he pulls around on that street, Sharons black sports car blast through the first stop sign he comes to. Approaching the street next to American Storage they turn left going away from Cesar Chavez. INT. SHARONS CAR - NIGHT Gustavo drives the black sports car seamlessly through East L.A. side streets. He and Sharon are both dressed in black semi-formal attire. GUSTAVO I am going to park on the north side of American Storage and call Julio. Did you see anything? SHARON I thought for some reason, do you remember me telling you about the guy who kidnapped me. His car. GUSTAVO What? SHARON Could have been someone else. GUSTAVO If you see him, shoot him. They turn left, passing all the SUVs unnoticed. a cellphone. He picks up


INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - NIGHT Julios phone buzzes. He turns on his truck. JULIO Si. Quice minutos. Hasta la vista. Aye papa.

He hangs up the phone. He pounds on the trailer of the truck. JULIO Estar listo para correr en una camioneta blanca. Quince minutos. Tan pronto como abre la puerta, vamanos! He starts the truck and drives down a deserted side road. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - NIGHT Sergio locks the door to the office, he walks to his car and and opens the passenger door to put in a case. He slams the car door and takes out his cellphone. INSERT: Sergios cellphone displays the time 11:01. He walks around to the drivers side and sits in his car. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - NIGHT Sergios car pulls onto Cesar Chavez and heads west. It creeps slowly past the first few side streets, before speeeding up after the second or third block. SERGIO (V.O.) Looks good. Adios. He disappears into the night. From the back of the compound, Gustavo drives the black sports car into the lot, shutting the headlights off. He exits the vehicle followed by Sharon. GUSTAVO Find 38 and 39, Serg left a van I rented in there. Should be unlocked. SHARON How long will it take Julio to get here?


GUSTAVO No traffic, fifteen minutes. SHARON Lets do it, papi. She kisses him. SMASH CUT TO: EXT. CESAR CHAVEZ ST - NIGHT The black SUVs drive in a line towards the construction in front of the main entrance. Several agents hop out of the back, including Bill, Peter, Frank and George. They crawl to a wall in front of the complex and hide between the construction and the front of the American Storage. FRANK Get your men ready were going to the right. GEORGE You heard the man! The order is shoot to detain, unless they get hostile. Several agents cock their small submachine guns. INT. JULIOS TRUCK. CABIN - NIGHT Gustavo slowly rolls down Cesar Chavez. phone. He picks up his

JULIO Im turning next to the place, Ill be in the back entrance in 3 minutes. He turns the truck off of the major street onto a small side street. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. UNIT 39 - NIGHT Gustavo opens the door to storage unit 39. He walks in and hops in a giant white van. He backs it out of the storage unit and drives it towards the rear entrance, parking next to the black sports car. He jumps out. Sharon stands there holding a pistol.


SHARON In case it gets ugly. GUSTAVO Julio es mi herrmano. EXT. CESAR CHAVEZ ST - NIGHT Vijay walks up the street wielding a pistol, he walks towards American Storage. He watches as the agents dash into the compound. He follows behind, remaining unnoticed. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE - NIGHT Julios truck slowly pulls into the back entrance in reverse. It comes to a loud stop, and Julios door opens. JULIO Vamanos! Vamanos! Julio pounds on the walls of the truck. He moves around to the back and release the door to the back of the truck. JULIO Break open the side walls. Julio throws Gustavo a crowbar, and uses his to smash the chunk of wall that needs to be removed. They begin loosening nails and screws, slowly prying the wall away. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. FRONT PARKING LOT - NIGHT The agents can see the truck from about 200 yards away. They advance towards it. The sound of prying and hammering drives the agents to advance more rapidly. PETER Lets move! They begin to sprint towards the compound, ducking out of sight of the truck at the last second. Vijay runs behind the agents and finds a place on the compound to watch unnoticed. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. UNIT 39 - SAME Gustavo and Julio use their hands to remove the last of obstruction, removing a layer of insulation. They shine flashlights into the revealed space.


JULIO Vamanos! Vamanos! They jump off to the back of the truck. ramp. Julio sets up the They are

Slowly fifteen HISPANIC GIRLS exit the crevasses. all very young and covered in grease and sweat. GUSTAVO Aqui! Aqui! He points to the van. Gustavo and turns on the lights.

starts the engine of the van

Peter and several agents walk from behind a storage crate on one side. From the other side behind the truck a group being led by George approaches, guns pointed forward. Peter holds his hand up, the girls are all almost out of the truck. Bill looks behind everyone and sees a lone Vijay creeping up. BILL (whispering) I see someone by themselves coming up behind us. GEORGE Hang back with one of my guys to keep an eye on it. Wait for the signal men and remember the order shoot to detain and avoid the girls if possible. Bill walks back towards the front entrance, an agent follows him. Peter pulls his hand down slowly. The girls are nearing the van being led by Gustavo and Julio. As soon as their backs are both completely turned, Peter points forward. In unison ten armed men stand up and point their submachine guns forward. Gustavo opens the back door of the van, and helps the girls in one by one. When they all exit the truck, Julio closes the door. Peter motions to George.


PETER Move! At once all of the armed agents swarm towards Sharon, Gustavo and Julio. They all pull out guns and open fire running to their respective vehicles. Gustavo slams the door to the van shut. GUSTAVO No mi chingues, gringo. Sharon runs to the black car, dodging bullets. She gets in and peels out, with a bullet shattering her windshield as she drives off. Gustavo and Julio fire shots killing three agents. Peter steps forward and hits Gustavo in the leg he collapses. Julio shoots back at him in the arm/upper chest. Peter falls back. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. FRONT PARKING LOT - SAME Bill hears the shots and hunkers down. The agent next to him remains alert. From around the corner, Vijay turns and opens fire on the agent. He falls to the ground, Bill looks up and sees Vijay wielding a pistol in his face. BILL What the fuck are you doing here? VIJAY I want to know you did not cheat me. BILL You are both legal citizens. VIJAY I want the paperwork. BILL Look I am going to have a lot of shit on my plate in 30 seconds. You need to get the fuck out of here now. The gun fire increases, machine guns go off relentlessly. VIJAY Fine.


He runs to his car. Bill fires a few more shots in the air. Vijay peels out as he leaves. He speeds down Cesar Chavez in the distance and disappears. EXT. AMERICAN STORAGE. UNIT 39 - SAME Bill runs up to the fire fight, the shooting has ceased. Peter sits against a box bleeding. Gustavo is hand cuffed. Julio is shot dead against the truck. Two agents lie dead on the concrete. Bill kneels down to Peter. BILL You okay? PETER Just my arm. I hope that son of a bitch never walks again. Frank walks up to them. FRANK I heard shots from your end, Bill. Wheres Martinez? Bill jumps up. BILL He shot him. FRANK Who? BILL He got away. Sped off down the street. FRANK Well send someone over there. see anything? You

BILL I returned fire. Couldnt make out a face or anything. FRANK As long as youre okay. out JulioWe. We took

GEORGE Dont let me take the credit.


FRANK Okay so I bulls-eyed the prick right between the eyes. GEORGE You could be in Washington in no time, if I say the word. FRANK Really? George pats Frank on the back. GEORGE Most definitely. Ill have my men take Gustavo into custody. Weve got an all points looking for a black coupe. EXT. CESAR CHAVEZ ST - NIGHT Vijays car speeds down the street. He passes a number of unmarked SUVs and sees even more behind him. He makes a sharp right turn to avoid them. He blows through a stop sign on the first side street. As he is half way through the intersection, his passenger side is tboned by Sharons black sports car. The small hatchback is forced backwards, but the steel reinforced doors of the mid-eighties sedan withstand the blow much better than Sharons mostly plastic sports car which collides with him at 45 mph. Vijays car rests against a stop sign in the intersection. He kicks the door open, and hobbles over to Sharons completely crumpled car. She is wedged between a semi-deflated airbag and steering wheel and a front seat that is much closer to the dash. She gasps. Vijay rips the door open and pulls her out to the ground. instantly recognizes her. She looks up and gasps. She tries to scream, and uses her remaining energy to grab and claw at Vijay. Vijay fires three bullets into her face, and is covered in blood. He hobbles down the street and disappears, before several cop cars arrive, after hearing the shots. He


A POLICE OFFICER steps out of a car that blockades the middle of the street with a flashing siren that bathes Vijays car and Sharons body in a red light. The officer uses the radio on his shoulder. POLICE OFFICER Got a 187 on a 11-79. Units be advised of a possible lone gunman on foot. EXT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY The sun is barely rising. Bills SUV pulls into the driveway. He stumbles, drunk into the house. He is traced by Vijay, who appears from around the side of the house. INT. BILLS BEDROOM - DAY Rina lies asleep in Bills bed. The room and the entire house are immaculate. Bill walks in to see her sleeping there and smiles. He sheds his ragged clothes and walks into the bathroom and closes the door. This awakens Rina, who looks to see that it is Bills clothes on the floor. RINA Are you hungry? some breakfast. I can make you

BILL (O.S.) I am going to clean myself up and then sleep until Monday morning. If you wanna scramble me some eggs or something. RINA I cooked last night. home. Nobody came

BILL (O.S.) Vijay never made it, huh? No. RINA He drove to find you.

Bill walks back out in a towel, and plops on the bed. BILL So how about that plate?


He collapses onto the bed, and falls asleep. of the bedroom in a robe. INT. BILLS BATHROOM - DAY

Rina walks out

Vijay stands in the bathroom, peeling off soiled and bloody clothes. He rubs water and alcohol and wraps an open wound on his leg. He hears Rina walking by. He exitsINT. BILLS LIVING ROOM - DAY A still bloody and disheveled Vijay approaches a half awake Rina as she turns into the kitchen. She walks to the fridge while he stands in the door way. VIJAY Have you seen the papers. Rina jumps and turns around. RINA Oh my god, Vijay what happened? VIJAY I wrecked the car. RINA Why is there so much blood? VIJAY I shot the womanRINA What woman? Are you okay? She walks up to him and reaches to embrace him. her away and backs against the wall. VIJAY I killed her. The prostitute. He shakes. RINA Shhh. Its all over now. make you some food. Let me He pushes

She reaches to embrace him, and he crumples into her. Can we go? VIJAY You and me?


RINA Okay. They embrace one more time. INT. BILLS BEDROOM - DAY The sun is barely rising through a window. Bill lays passed out in bed alone. His alarm blares over and over. He rises slowly and readies himself for work. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Bill slowly sips a cup of coffee and eats a piece of burnt toast with a little butter and jam. He grabs his keys off the table and walks out of the door. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Bill sits in bumper to bumper traffic. INT. INS OFFICE - DAY The office buzzes with the usual intensity. Everyone goes about their business. Bill walks through, practically unnoticed and heads to his office. His office door has a sign that reads Head of Planning. He opens the locked door. INT. BILLS OFFICE - DAY Bill sits alone in his office for what seems like hours. The day goes by and he periodically checks his phone. No calls, no texts, no voice mail. He dials a number on his phone and sets it on his desk. OPERATOR (V.O.) The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and dial again. Peter pounds on the door. Hey buddy. PETER Man you look like shit. Completely silent.


BILL Thanks. PETER Seriously. Ever since the bust you have just been in the dumps. BILL I dunno. PETER If I were you, Id celebrate. Promotion, raise. Hell were all heros. Bill sighs. PETER Before I forget, they found out who that silver hatchback is registered to. Bill shoots up straight. BILL Oh yeah? PETER Yeah. Now Im pretty certain its the same guy who had been tracking you. BILL Whats his name? PETER Well its registered to a Vijay Diwan. But he has absolutely nothing to with Gustavo. Hes a chemist from India or something like that. BILL Is he clean? PETER As a whistle. In fact hes fully immigrated. BILL Maybe it was stolen?


PETER Looking into that. Funny thing is we cant seem to find the guy to ask him. BILL I can do some sniffing, see if I can find an address. PETER That would be great. Can you put something on my desk in the next 48? If not, this one may go cold. He walks out of the office, slamming the door behind him. Bill flips open his cellphone. OPERATOR (V.O.) The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and dial again. Bill flips his cellphone shut. INT. VIJAYS APARTMENT - DAY The small studio apartment contains one or two actual remaining pieces of furniture, Vijay storms around a small studio, as Rina tries to fold clothes. VIJAY Our rent is due. to get a job. I think you need

RINA I have looked. It is not easy. VIJAY I work 12 hours most days. What is it that prevents you from doing 8. RINA I will look, but for what? VIJAY I dont care, a dish washer or a nanny. Anything you think your capable of to help support us. He tries to lay a hand on her and she ducks out of reach and grabs his hands.


RINA Have a good day at work darling. She lightly kisses him on the cheek. He grabs a coat and walks out of the door slamming it behind him. After a moment, Rina walks to the front door and locks it. She walks over to the couch and pulls out a cellphone from wedged between the cushions. She runs to her purse and digs to the very bottom of the bag and pulls out a torn piece of paper. She turns on the cellphone and dials a number. RINA Hello, Bill? INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Bill is practically horizontal after hearing Rinas voice. Oh my god. BILL Youre alive.

INT. VIJAYS APARTMENT - DAY Rina moves to a corner. RINA I want to see you. I live in North Hollywood. I dont have a car. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Bill jumps up and grabs his keys. BILL I can be there in 20 minutes. EXT. LANKERSHIM BLVD - DAY Bills SUV makes a sharp turn across the busy street near an apartment complex. Rina stands outside. She runs and jumps in the car.

BILL Where do you want to go?


RINA Your house. INT. BILLS BEDROOM - DAY Rina and Bill sit on the bed, knees touching. RINA He works two jobs so he wont be home until tonight. Bill clears his throat. BILL I want to tell you something. When I fixed your citizenship, I dissolved your marriage with Vijay. RINA You mean, I am not his wife? BILL Not in this country. She looks long at him. RINA ISilence. BILL You are all but completely off the INS radar. I cant say the same thing for Vijay unfortunately. RINA What do you mean? BILL He murdered Sharon Gutierrez and John Martinez and they traced his wrecked car. Its only a matter of time before they arrest him. RINA What should I do? BILL You can come with me. RINA When will they come get him?


BILL If I got a tip as to his address, we could bring him in tonight or tomorrow. RINA I need to get some things. BILL When does he work? RINA 9 in the morning to 11 at night. BILL Can you get out of there at 7? RINA He wakes up at 6:30. BILL Okay its almost 9. Ill take you home. Call me at 6, Ill come get you. He kisses her on the forehead and rubs her cheek with the back of his hand. RINA I love you. INT. VIJAYS APARTMENT - NIGHT The table is laid out with a fairly elaborate display. brings the last entree to the table. Vijay opens the door. carries a big bag. Rina

He wears the remnants a jumpsuit and

RINA How are you? So tired. VIJAY This job is killer.

RINA But we are getting ahead. I am thinking about getting a job. VIJAY Really?


RINA There is a meeting very early in the morning tomorrow. VIJAY Very good. Soon we will live the American dream. Soon. cold. RINA Eat up. Before it gets

Vijay plops down in his chair and eats a giant plate of food. VIJAY It looks amazing thank you. He tries to kiss her and misses. RINA I am very tired Vijay, I am going to lie down, must be up very early tomorrow. Okay. VIJAY Good night. I love you.

RINA I- love you too, Vijay. She walks into the bedroom, looking back at him eating childishly and slovenly. INT. VIJAYS BEDROOM - NIGHT A queen sized bed is about the only thing in the room. A small armoire is next to a chipped credenza that holds all of their world possessions that remain. Rina opens the draws to the credenza. She pulls out a couple stacks of papers and puts them into a little bag. She rummages through the box and finds a photograph. INSERT: Photograph of Rina and Vijay in Bangladesh as a young couple. She tears and puts the picture in the bag. She grabs a few pairs of clothes and throws them in the bag.


INT. VIJAYS BATHROOM - NIGHT Rina rummages through the drawer and throws whatever hygienic products Vijay wont miss in the bag. She opens the cabinet beneath the sink and hides the bag. RINA Vijay! Im going to bed. you. Try not to wake me. She turns off the lights. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bill picks up his cellphone. BILL Peter? Its Bill. INT. PETERS HOUSE - NIGHT Peter sits in a recliner in front of a flat screen television watching a basketball game. PETER Yeah boss? Uh huh. Shit. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bill frantically paces around his living room. BILL I was tracing some paperwork on the car and I eventually found a forwarding address. I guess your guys hadnt noticed. The address is off Lankershim in North Hollywood. INT. PETERS HOUSE - NIGHT Peter turns off the television and sits up. PETER How sure are you? Multiple sources. You are on the ball, shit let me get a pen. He stands and walks to the counter and grabs a pen and paper. I love


PETER Okay so 4342 Lankershim Ave. Connected to a Vijay Diwan. INT. BILLS HOUSE - NIGHT Bill pauses. BILL So hell probably be there at 8 AM. He laughs. INT. PETERS HOUSE - NIGHT Peter laughs. PETER Ill get them to send a squad out for 7 tomorrow, pick him up before he gets his day going. Alright buddy. Look thanks. Im telling you, any more of this stuff and you might have my job. He hangs up the phone. INT. VIJAYS ROOM - DAY The sun has yet to rise. Rina tosses and turns and continually looks at her clock. She eventually stands quietly and looks at the sleeping Vijay. She kisses him on the head. She creeps to the bathroom and shuts the door and turns on the light. INT. VIJAYS BATHROOM - DAY The bright fluorescent blinds Rina momentarily. Once she adjusts she grabs the bag from under the counter. She pulls a pair of clothes from the bag and strips from her pajamas. As she changes, she looks at her self in the mirror silently for a long time.


EXT. LANKERSHIM BLVD - DAY It is still mostly dark outside. Rina runs to the road with a bag in her hand. She whips out her cellphone and looks at the time. INSERT: Her cellphone reads 5:54. She dials a number. RINA I am outside. Where are you? INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Bill drives up Lankershim. He stops at a red light. Can

BILL I will be there in 10 minutes. you cross the street? He hangs up the phone. EXT. LANKERSHIM BLVD - DAY

Rina stands in front of a giant shopping center across the street from the row of apartments in which she lives. Bills car drives by pulling to a stop as Bill pops open his passenger door. Rina gets in the car. INT. BILLS CAR - DAY Rina throws her belongings into the back of the car. RINA Where are we going? BILL I need to bring you back to my house and then get ready for work. The feds should be at his door within the next 45 minutes. He drives off.


INT. VIJAYS ROOM - DAY Vijays alarm clock goes off and he jolts up. He looks at the clock to see 6:45. He looks over, Rina is gone. He rummages through some stuff as he is getting dressed and notices that all of her belongings are gone as well. He finishes dressing himself and sprints into the living room. INT. VIJAYS APARTMENT - DAY As soon as Vijay sets foot in the main room of his studio, there is a harsh knocking on the door. FEDERAL AGENT (V.O.) This is the FBI, we have a warrant for Vijay Diwan in the murder of Sharon Gutierrez and John Martinez. Vijay looks around him and realizing there is no escape he ducks behind the couch and picks up a pistol. After a second knock and silence, the door is kicked in. Two FEDERAL AGENTS with pistols walk in and see nothing. Vijay cowers behind the sofa. FEDERAL AGENT Mr. Diwan if you are in here avoiding this will only make it worse. Vijays hand grips the pistol. He jumps up from behind the couch and fires the gun rapidly in the face of the federal agents. Neither of them is hit once. He drops the gun in terror and throws his hands up. They strong arm him out of the front door. INT. FRANKS OFFICE - DAY Frank, Bill and Peter are in the office. phone. FRANK Thats great. Oh I will definitely. Good to hear. He hangs up. Frank is on the


PETER Well. FRANK Nailed em. Couldnt of done it without Bill here. Bill laughs. BILL It was all in the paperwork. PETER Youll have to show me how to do that some time? BILL What? Use a computer? Peter socks him on the arm. FRANK Listen Wilson, how about you call it a day at lunch. Well still pay you, in fact, go buy yourself a steak and a scotch on me. He whips out his wallet and hands Bill several hundred dollars. INT. BILLS HOUSE - DAY Bill walks in the door and finds Rina steadily cleaning his house. BILL They got him. She jolts up. RINA Is he alive? BILL Yes. Hell probably spend the rest of his life in jail though. RINA Why are you home?


BILL I got the day off, Frank gave me 300 dollars and told me to treat myself to steak and scotch. RINA Steak and scotch. Well lets go have two steaks and two scotches. BILL That is the best thing a woman has ever said to me. She laughs. FADE OUT.

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