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t he da Vinci Papers

Classes / Workshops,
continued from page 5
Watercolor Pouring Workshop: Instructor, Lee Edge, October 10, 11, 12, $150/$180; 9:30 AM 3:30 PM; bring your lunch each day for half hour lunch break Synopsis of the Class Prerequisite: Basic drawing and water color painting skills. Participants will pour diluted pigments from mini-cups or eyedroppers onto stretched water color paper. Sessions will begin at 9:30 to 12:30 with a half hour lunch break (bring a sack lunch). The afternoon session will begin at 1 and end at 3:30 with students remaining longer if needed. CLASS NUMBERS: Session numbers: 9/10 will carry the class with 15 maximum. (See handout at the Art Center for complete details.)

Parkside Open Door Gallery: Quarterly Meeting

Parkside Open Door Gallery members will have their quarterly meeting on Monday, October 21 beginning with a pot luck supper at 6:30 PM. Please let President Janet Trewhitt know if you will be attending and what you will bring to the pot luck supper. The regular meeting will begin at 7 PM. Members will jury in any prospective new members work during the meeting. Sales have been great this quarter. All members should thank Renita Andrews who volunteers at the PODG desk for 4 hours or more every week. She keeps things in order at the desk, etc., and has made a lot more sales since she began volunteering. Think about it!

In Our Thoughts and Prayers

The month of September was an especially sad one since two current and two former members passed away, all of them very, very dear to the Art Center family: Barbara Wolf was a long time volunteer and charter member at the Center, a wonderful artist, a charter member of the Fountain City Art Guild, a former member of the Parkside Open door Gallery, and one of the kindest, most gentle, and considerate people you could ever hope to meet. We send our condolences to husband Robert, daughter Susannah, and son Robbie. Gordon McClary battled her illness for more than 10 years, but she never complained. She loved to see the exhibits, occasionally entering something herself. She also took clay and drawing classes at the Center when she could. She leaves behind husband L. B., her daughters, and her sisters, most of whom visited the Center with Gordon over the past few years. We will truly miss her intelligent conversations and her cheerful, friendly disposition. Julie Reese was a former Art Center member, Parkside Open Door Gallery member, and Fountain City Art Guild member. She was also an oil painting student of Aurora H. Bull and an occasional volunteer at the Center. Besides oil painting, Julie loved to play golf with her husband and friends. Our hearts go out to her family and friends. Charlie Coker was the generous, charitable, and very personable father of former Art Center member and board member Steve Coker. Mr. Coker did electrical repairs at the Art Center over several years, completely free. We all enjoyed getting to know him; our sincerest sympathy is extended to Steve Coker and his family. A memorial gift was made to the Fountain City Art Center by Maureen Lucas in memory of Gordon McClary and Barbara Wolf. Aurora H. Bull and her students made donations to the Center in memory of their classmate Lois Chesney who passed away last quarter.

Welcome New and Returning FCAC Members!

This past quarter, we are proud to welcome to the Art Center family of members the following individuals and families: Melissa Martin, Cody Swaggerty, Sarah Wimberly, Judy Blackstock, Drew Cosby, Brian Parker, Karen Schmidt, Claudia Erwin, Don & Debra Ferguson, Diane Baxter, and Adam & Naomi Rowe and family. We warmly welcome back to the Center the following people: Connie Dickson, Jeannette Woodward, Beci Bolding, and Sarah Jenkins.

Much Thanks for Your Donations!!!

We finally got all the electrical repairs done, and we would like to thank all you wonderful and generous members who contributed toward that cause this quarter: Mary Baumgartner, Dr. Charlotte Dorsey, Drew Cosby, Dawn and Randall Lockmiller, Penny Berridge, Elyse Hendricks, Elaine Flaherty, Jann Bohnenberger, and Holland and Jamie Rowe. Other generous donations this quarter were made by: Rikki Taylor, Judy Sells, Sally Robinette, Debra Belvin, Judy Sells, Nan Scott, Christine S. Harness, Bob and Maureen Lucas, Roy and Kate McCullough, Julia Malia, Brian Parker, Myron Ely, Dick Penner, Mary Carter, Charlotte Walton, Bob Meadows, and Suzanne Jack. Leslie Feulner, Wayne Feulner, and Nan Scott also donated the money for a laser jet printer and cartridge. If your name was inadvertently left out, please let us know; we will be sure to acknowledge you in the December edition of the Da Vinci Papers. Please accept our apologies. Thank you ALL!!!
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Photo taken in Aurora's class recently. Left to right are Aurora Bull, Connie Dickson, and Dawn Holbert in the Wed. morning class.

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