Security Consultant Monthly Dec 08

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MONTHLY From the desk of:
Johnnie L. Mock
Security Consultant
Phone/Fax: 49-6805-615971

Vol. 1, Issue 1.
Dec. 2008

Welcome to our first issue of Security Consultant Monthly. This will be a digest of thoughts,
ideas, and sources for the security professional who is engaged in primarily security
consulting or security training. Where information is gleaned from other primary sources,
proper credit will be given. If you desire to be on our mailing list to receive the Journal by e-
mail please let us know at:
We encourage readers to contribute knowledge and experiences to the journal, or to request
information on a topic of interest to you.
As this year comes to a close, many important developments have transpired worldwide. We
live in dangerous, but certainly interesting times. It is critical for the security professional to
stay current and well informed.
Hopefully this journal will expand with contributions and insight to make it worth your time
to read it.
Finally, we wish all of you a very


In this issue

1) Consultants Musings: Is the client always right?

2) Stories from the field: A winning smile
3) Book Review: Security Consulting, Third Edition
4) Product Review: Canon CanoScan Lide70 scanner
5) Organizations of Interest: ASIS, Security College
6) Final Word: Seeking reader input

Consultant’s Musings
Is the client always right?

Security, regardless of discipline, is a service oriented industry. That means that in order to
be successful, you have to please the client. In sales, they often say that “The Customer is
always right!” That might make for a great sales bottom line, but is it true in the security
industry? And if not, when do you tell the client “No”, possibly risking future business?
Obviously the answer will depend on the situation, where you are operating, the legal and
cultural environment you are in, and your personal tolerance in regards to moral and ethical
My first experience with this issue came when I was doing labor dispute security in the
United States. Labor strikes are covered by Federal law, primarily the National Labor
Relations Act, as well as case law stemming from it, and it outlines what striking workers as
well as their employers can and cannot do during a strike. I have had clients ask me to do
things such as covert surveillance of Union activities which is a definite legal no-no. Often
they were unaware that what they were asking was illegal. A polite explanation usually
solved the problem, but when they were insistent, a polite “No” was in order. Even at the
risk of loosing the assignment.
Since I have been working internationally, I have had to review under what circumstances I
would have to tell a client “No”, and decided on some basic rules of thumb. Primarily, I will
refuse to perform any act that would jeopardize the security of my country, or of its close
allies. Nor would I commit gross violations of international law. There are a lot of security
practitioners who have found themselves in a lot of trouble for not thinking this issue
through before acting on client requests.
Each security practitioner works in their own environment, and it is a good idea to think
every operation through as to when you might have to tell the client “No”. The client is not
always right.
Stories From the Field

A winning Smile

Understanding human nature in any given circumstance goes a long way in this business. A
few years ago I was on my way to an assignment in Kosovo, flying out of Dayton Ohio,
with a connecting flight in London. There was a major storm front closing in on the East
Coast with airport after airport shutting down, and flight after flight being canceled. The
terminal was full of irritated and grouchy passengers who most certainly did not want to
spend the night in the airport terminal. The entire line of people in front of me at my check-
in gate had been particularly obnoxious with the young lady trying to reschedule their
flights, and when it was my turn at the counter she looked at me with this haggard deer in
the headlights look. I smiled at her and said” Hi, I’m Johnnie. Take a deep breath and relax.
You are not God and can’t change the weather, so whatever you can do for me will be just
fine”. I noticed her male colleague glance at me out of the corner of his eye.
The young lady did the best she could but there was no way I was going to be able to get a
flight out of Dayton to make my connection in London. It looked like me and Mr. Laptop
were going to spend an uncomfortable night in the airport, and to make it worse the bar was
closed. As I thanked her for her efforts her colleague came over and said “We are not
required to do this, but I am authorized to give you a voucher for a room at the Airport Inn
with complimentary breakfast in the morning. I will even arrange to get you your checked
bags to you so you will have a change of clothes. You have been the only decent human
being this woman has dealt with all day.”
So while most of the other passengers on my canceled flight probably spent the night in the
terminal, I and Mr. Laptop had a free room at the Airport Inn, and the bar was even open!
It’s important to know when to smile.
Book Review
Security Consulting, Third Edition
Charles A. Sennewald
ISBN: 0-7506-7614-0

In the profession of security consulting, Charles A. Sennewald needs no introduction. He is

the founder and first president of the International Association of Security Consultants, and
the author of a number of security texts including Effective Security Management, Fourth
Security Consulting, Third Edition is an excellent primer for those security practitioners who
are considering launching a new career as security consultants.
He walks the practitioner through a number of steps needed to start a consultancy. Chapters
include “Security Consulting as a Profession”, “Qualifications of a Professional
Management Consultant”, “Starting the Business”, “Fees and Expenses” ect. He covers the
important subjects of how to write a security survey, insurance and liabilities issues, and the
consulting contract.
It was this book that finally convinced me to set up a website for my practice.
This book is a must read for anyone considering security consulting as a profession. ASIS
members can purchase it on their online bookstore (see Organizations of Interest below)
Product Review
CanonScan LiDE70 scanner

Those who travel a lot in this profession (like me) and basically need to take along a
portable office are always faced with the tradeoff parameters of functionality, size, and
weight. I have found myself more and more needing a portable flatbed scanner that would
fit in my computer case (my case is the maximum size that will fit in an aircraft overhead
compartment) along with my laptop and portable printer, which I could also use efficiently
in the office. The LiDE 70 fits my requirements.
The software that comes with it is user friendly and allows you to scan and save documents
on your computer in Adobe pdf format (assuming you have Adobe Acrobat installed on
your computer.) Since I construct all of my documents and training manuals in pdf, this was
a plus for me. It is powered directly from the computer by USB-2, saving on an additional
power cable. It also comes with a nifty stand leg that allows you to store it on its edge,
saving space on crowded desks like mine.
There are a lot of functional flatbed scanners on the market, but I have used this one
extensively and can highly recommend it for the consultant on the go who requires the use
of a flatbed scanner without having to depend on client assets or hotel business center
Photo from Canon's Website
Technical details can be found on Canon’s website at:
Organizations of Interest
We will post here various organizations that may be useful to the security practitioner. If
you have an organization that you would like posted, please let us know.

1) American Society for Industrial Security International:

ASIS is the largest security organization worldwide for security practitioners. If you
are not already a member, and are engaged in the security profession, I urge you to
join. They offer three highly rated certification: Certified Protection Professional
(CPP), Physical Security Professional (PSP), and Professional Certified Investigator
Their monthly magazine, “Security Management” is one of the finest in the field.
They also publish the “Protection of Assets Manual”, and “The Security Industry
Buyers Guide”.

Affiliation in this organization is a must for any serious security professional. You can find
them at:

2) Security College BV

If you live in Europe I can highly recommend this group. They offer a number of security
training courses to include training and coaching for the three ASIS certifications: CPP,
PSP, and PCI. (See the ASIS article above). Although the website is in Dutch, they speak
excellent English and give their ASIS training in English. They are also a really great group
of professionals. Contact them at:
Final Word
I stared this newsletter as a fun project and a way to enhance my contacts worldwide.
I actively solicit articles from other security professionals; particularly those
involved in Physical Security Consulting, Security Training, and IT Security.
If you would like to contribute to our expanded Jan. 09 issue, please submit your
article to:

Best regards and stay safe,

Johnnie L. Mock

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