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MONTHLY From the desk of:
Johnnie L. Mock
Security Consultant
Postfach 12 87
66267 Kleinblittersdorf
Phone/Fax: 49-6805-615971

Vol. 1. Issue 3.
Feb. 2009

Risk Analysis, Asset Protection, Physical Security Audits, Security Training and
Development, Firearms Training Programs. I am board certified by ASIS as a Physical
Security Professional. For more information on my cost effective services please visit:

In this issue

1) Consultants Musings: A New Administration

2) Stories from the field: The effects of proper rule
3) Book Review: How to Succeed as an Independent Consultant
4) Computing for Consultants: Advanced System Care
5) Organizations of Interest: International Association of
Professional Security Consultants
6) Final Word: Your submissions
1) Consultants Musings:

Since “Musings” is basically my editorial section I thought this month to share my thoughts
concerning the new administration in Washington, the current economic situation
worldwide, and the impact they will have on segments of the security industry.
First, the administrations Homeland Security policy is posted on the White House web site
at . It is basically the standard fare you would expect from any new
administration regardless of party. The real issue is going to be how much money is going to
be allocated by Congress. If the infrastructure portion of it gets heavily funded, this would
create a lot of opportunities for security professionals.
However from an overall perspective, there are some immediate warning signals concerning
this administration. This administration’s attitude towards the military will rival that of the
Clinton Administration in my opinion. There is already the stated goal of allowing openly
homosexuals to enlist and I believe this is going to be detrimental to moral in the ranks with
the attendant drop in re-enlistment and recruitment. The selection of Hillary Clinton as
Secretary of State was little more than crass politics. What Mrs. Clinton knows about
fighting international terrorism on the diplomatic level would fit in a thimble. I’m not trying
to be partisan here. I’m simply stating what I see. I predict a “touchy-feely” approach that is
going to boondoggle. I am convinced that is why the Israelis blitzkrieged through Gaza and
got out before Team Obama took office. Whether these mistakes can be corrected in time to
prevent disaster is a good guess. Either way, I predict a lot of new opportunities for the
security community.
On the international level, the economic crisis is going to determine how much money the
individual players are willing to invest in security. At the basic level, as the economy
worsens, crime increases, with the attendant need for additional security. At the international
level, it is going to take the next round of terrorist attacks to push funding for new security
programs and policies with money that the Western socialist democracies (now including
the United States) would rather spend on social welfare programs.
No matter how it goes, I am predicting a good year work wise for the security industry. You
just need to be in the right place at the right time. After all, most of our work is incident
driven, and I’m seeing the stage being set for a whole LOT of incidents worldwide.
Once again, just my opinions.
2) Stories from the field:
Last month in “The Stranger” I shared thoughts on how not to enforce rules, especially with
stressed out people. This month I want to share an experience on the benefits of proper rule
enforcement. A number of years ago I was part of a security team protecting a major tire
manufacturer that was experiencing a serious labor dispute. I was assigned to access control
of their sales office in Nashville Tennessee. Corporate management had instructed us in no
uncertain terms that everyone, including themselves, would show and wear their company
identification cards when entering the building. There were to be absolutely no exceptions
for anyone for any reason.
Sales types tend to be very individualistic, but I was able to get the concept accepted by
most of them fairly quickly. There was one particular young sales lady who was a
stunningly gorgeous blonde and a bit of a flirt besides. I could see why she was highly
successful in sales. One morning she came in running a bit late and suddenly realized that
she didn’t have her ID badge on. Walking up to me she batted her baby blues, gave me her
best seductive look, and cooed “Johnnie, you know me. You are not going to make me go
back and get my ID are you? I’m really running late for an important meeting. Please, just
this one time?”
I smiled at her and answered politely “I’m sorry, but you know I can’t do that. Your
management has given us strict orders not to make any exceptions for any reason. I’m afraid
I must ask you to get your company ID before I can allow you to enter the building.”
Her look changed from Heavenly Angel to Daughter of Satan instantly and she began a
lengthy discourse on my maternal parentage. She stomped out the door towards the parking
lot evidently oblivious to the fact that a down pouring rain had begun. She returned a few
minutes later looking like a drowned water rat with streaking mascara and shoved her ID in
my face exclaiming “ Are you happy NOW?!” I replied with a smile, “Thank you for your
cooperation. I sincerely appreciate it” She stomped off and as I turned around I saw one of
the corporate execs standing by the reception desk giving me the thumbs up and mouthing
“Good job”. I had NO problems with getting cooperation on ID badges after that.
A few months later I was part of the security team for the same company during the
Automotive Convention in Vegas. The company had hired Jay Leno to do a private show,
and I was stationed at the front entrance for access control. Same rules. Company ID or no
entrance, no exceptions. The elevator was half way down the hall, and when it opened with
the first group of guests, Blondie stepped out followed by about five other people. When she
looked up and saw me she squeaked “My God, it’s HIM!” The others frantically checked to
make sure they had their company ID on. Blondie walked by staring straight ahead finger
pointing at her ID badge. The others politely showed their badges, and the last gentleman in
line was the same corporate exec who gave me the thumbs up a few months earlier. He
smiled again and whispered “Good job!”
I had no problems with getting cooperation on ID badges that evening either.
Friendly. Firm. Fair. The three rules for enforcing rules.
3) Book Review

How to Succeed as an Independent Consultant

Fourth Edition

Herman Holtz and David Zhan

John Wiley and Sons Inc.
ISBN 0-471-46910-6

In their fourth edition of this classic text, the authors continue their almost encyclopedic in-
depth analysis of what it takes to succeed as an independent consultant. This book is not
specific to security consulting per se, but has a wealth of information for the beginning
security consultant as well as the seasoned veteran. This volume takes the reader through the
entire journey of consulting per se, with sections on such critical subjects as why consultants
fail, keys to success, finances and taxes, marketing, proposal writing, seminar speaking,
ethics in consulting, and a tremendous amount more. This book is a must read for anyone
considering any form of consulting, security or otherwise and is available to ASIS members
at a discount at their online store.
4) Computing for Consultants: Advanced System Care

Busy consultants tend to use their computers a lot. They also tend to use a lot of programs
that are often not always as compatible as one would like. There are a number of good
maintenance programs on the market that take up where the various versions of Windows
leave off. I have used Norton System Works in the past, but I have a couple of issues with
Norton products. In my experience they tend to “take over” certain parts of my computer,
and I believe their products have designed obsolescence. To be fair, many people including
the U.S. Government use their products with good results.
There are a number of free products available that do the job just as well in my opinion.
One I have been using on both of my computers for the last month with excellent results is
Advanced System Care by IObit, available for download at:
This is a multi function program that does things such as spyware removal, registry repair,
and privacy sweep to clear your internet history, as well as a program that analyses your
security settings. The utilities setting will defrag your registry and you can also defrag your
entire computer with their Smart Defrag. This program works amazingly fast, and I have
had great success with it. Check it out. After all, it’s free.

5) Organizations of Interest: International Association of

Professional Security Consultants
The IAPSC was founded in 1984 by Charles A. Sennewald, and was its first president. Mr.
Sennewald is a premier American security consultant and the author of many security
books. This organization is only for truly professional security consultants who consult full
time, and are NOT vendors selling products. Complete information can be found at:

6) Final Word: I enjoy doing this newsletter and have gotten a lot of positive feedback
from readers. I would truly like to expand its value by including articles from security
professionals from all security fields. I solicit your input and will gladly publish any well
constructed and informative article you wish to submit. Of course complete credit will be
given you as well as any link to yourself or your organization.

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