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Bible Topics In The Christian Library


Ezekiel 37:1-4 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever felt inadequate to do a certain job. Did you ever think that you were inferior. Have you ever been in a situation that you thought hopeless. No doubt, all of us have been in these situations at least once. Twenty six hundred years ago the prophet Ezekiel probably felt the same about Israel's national condition. Judah had just been destroyed as a nation and had been take into captivity by the Babylonian Empire. But God related a different picture through the vision of the valley of dry bones. In thinking about this story we can learn some great principles concerning our spiritual condition. We often find ourselves in the valley of dry bones. BODY I. WE SEE OURSELVES IN THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES. A. We sell ourselves short. 1. We limit ourselves. 2. We all think that we are one talent individuals. 3. But even on etalent man was entrusted with a large sum. a . We don't exploit our potential. B. But the Master can take ordinary people and mold them into great tools in his service. 1. Moses a. Exodus 3:11-16; 4:1, 10-16 2. Isaiah a. Isaiah 6:1-8 3. Peter a Luke 5:8-"depart from me for I am a sinful man" b. Mark 14:66-72 Peter cursed and denied the Lord three t i m e s . c. But look at what the Master made. 4. Paul a. I Timothy 1:12-15[2/4/2011 6:45:30 AM]


II. WE SEE THE CHURCH IN THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES. A. "THE Church is weak and helpless" 1. But the church is the channel through which God is glorified. a. Ephesians 3:10-the manifold wisdom of God made through the church. b Ephesians 3:21-"Unto him be the glory in the church..." 2. As weak as some of it's members may be the church is still the Israel of God. B. God can bring us to life.! 1. God will grant the increase if we sow the seed. 2. Gospel is the "Dynamite of God" a. Romans 1:16 3. God will bless us if we are faithful. a. Revelation 3:7-12 III. HOW DO WE BECOME THE KIND OF TOOLS THAT ARE USEFUL IN GOD'S HANDS. A. We must yield ourselves to God's will. 1. Romans 6:16 2 James 4:8-"Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. B. Believe that God can bless us. 1. Ephesians 3:20 2. Philippians 4:19-"My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." CONCLUSION: God can do great things with us if we will only yield to Him.
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