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The Elephant Man

by Arthur Taylor

Te a c h e r s Material

c o n t e n t s

To the Teacher ...................................................................................................................... 3 Before Reading ..................................................................................................................... 5 After Reading: Extra Challenges ......................................................................................... 6 After Reading: Group Work ................................................................................................. 7 Possible Answers to Group Work ....................................................................................... 8 Worksheet 1: Chapters 1-6 . ................................................................................................. 9 Answers to Worksheet 1 ..................................................................................................... 10 Worksheet 2: Chapters 7-12 and Epilogue ........................................................................ 1 1 Answers to Worksheet 2 .................................................................................................... 12 Final Test .............................................................................................................................. 13 Answers to Final Test .......................................................................................................... 14 Answers to Questions in the Reader ................................................................................. 15

Before using the following teachers material, we recommend that you read the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet.

Copyright 2011 Burlington Books

The Elephant Man


Main Characters
Dr Gomm: the head of the London Hospital. Nurse Wellington: a nurse at the London Hospital. Nurse Hartley: a nurse at the London Hospital. Leila Maturin: a kind widow.

Joseph Carey Merrick: The Elephant Man: a badly deformed man. Dr Frederick Treves: a doctor at the London Hospital. Tom Norman: a circus freak show owner.

P l o t S u mm a r y
Joseph Carey Merrick was not born deformed. But as he grew, his head became huge, his back bent and lumps formed over his body. After being thrown out of his house, he joined a circus freak show. Tom Norman, his owner, was cruel. One day, Dr Treves came to the circus and asked to examine Merrick. The next day, Merrick went to the London Hospital, where Dr Treves examined him. Treves asked his supervisor, Dr Gomm, if the hospital could help Merrick but Gomm refused. Before Merrick left, Treves gave him a card and said, If you ever need help, please come and see me. When Merrick returned to the freak shows, he saw a protest. The people of London felt these shows were inhuman and cruel. A law was passed against the shows and Tom Norman was sent to jail. Now, Merrick and the other performers were out of work. Merrick joined Sam Ropers Travelling Fair and performed in secret. People continued to complain and eventually, Roper sold Merricks contract to a man in Belgium. Merrick travelled alone to Belgium where a new manager, Ferrari, was waiting. Ferrari was even more cruel than Norman. He beat Merrick, stole his money and abandoned him. Hungry and sick, Merrick travelled back to London where he was attacked in the train station by an angry mob. The police found Merrick lying on the floor, crying. In desperation, Merrick showed them Dr Treves card, and the police brought Merrick back to the London Hospital. Dr Treves cleaned Merrick, fed him and finally convinced Dr Gomm to help. Dozens of people sent letters and donations, and Merrick was finally given a permanent home at the hospital. Merricks life changed. The nurses became less scared of him. He had food and company. Treves taught Merrick to act like a gentleman. Merrick learned how to dress, how to greet people and how to drink tea. A special armchair was designed so that Merrick could sleep comfortably. Life seemed to be improving, until a newspaper reporter got hold of Merricks story and wrote an article claiming that The London Hospital is hiding a monster! Now, crowds gathered at the hospital, eager to catch a glimpse of the monster. One night, some criminals broke into Merricks room and attacked him, poured wine over his head and humiliated him. Nurse Hartley saved him just in time. A kind widow, Leila Maturin, became Merricks friend and helped to build his confidence. Soon, the Princess of Wales wanted to meet him. He was even given a standing ovation at an opera. But he was still lonely. He hoped to move to a hospital for the blind in order to meet a woman, but he was turned down. In time, Merrick made peace with his life at the London Hospital. Just for one night, Merrick wanted to sleep normally, without the special chair or all the pillows that usually propped him up. He lay down on his bed without support. This proved fatal for Merrick; he accidentally dislocated his neck and died in his sleep. Dr Treves and the nurses were devastated. Treves was knighted, and Merricks bones were saved at the London Hospital. Over 100 years later, scientists were still fascinated by the Elephant Man.

The Elephant Man

 Freak shows are exhibitions that feature unusually large or small humans, or people with extraordinary physical conditions. In addition, shocking performances are also part of these exhibitions. Also known as sideshows or circus sideshows, these exhibitions often travel from location to location, much like a circus. The first recorded freak shows took place in Europe in the 18th century. Although they have been banned many times, these controversial shows continue to exist today.  The Victorian Era was the period of Queen Victorias reign, from 1837 to 1901. It was a period of prosperity, expansion and technological advancement for the British people. There were many forms of entertainment during the Victorian Era, including brass bands, musical comedies, opera and drama. Victoria reigned longer than any Queen until today.  Good manners means many things to many different cultures. Manners are the standards by which society determines if a person is well-behaved, polite and refined. In England during the Victorian Era, gentlemen and ladies were terms often used for people who had learned proper manners, usually from growing up in a particular social class.  The London Hospital, also known as the Royal London Hospital, was founded in 1740 and was originally called the London Infirmary. Today, although still active, the hospital also has a museum which is located in the crypt of a 19th-century church. This museum covers the whole history of the hospital, including material on Jack the Ripper, the Christie Murders and the Elephant Man.  Proteus Syndrome is a very rare disorder, passed through genes, that causes skin overgrowth and unusual bone development. It is often accompanied by tumours covering more than half of the body. The disorder is named after the Greek sea-god Proteus, who had the power to change his shape.

The Elephant Man


Lead-in Activities

Ask the questions and elicit the answers from the whole class. Some possible answers are provided in italics. If you prefer, students can work in pairs or small groups. 1.  How do you think circuses of the 19th century were different from the circuses of the present day? (In the past, living conditions were more difficult. People and animals were probably not treated well. Today, circuses put more emphasis on acrobatic skills and not on showing people who have got some kind of deformity.) 2.  What do you think the expression Beauty is only skin deep means? (True beauty is not what is on the outside but a persons true character from within.) 3.  Why do you think there has always been a fascination with freak shows? (People are often ignorant about a lot of diseases that cause physical deformities and it is this curiosity that attracts them to stare at these individuals.) 4.  How should we treat people who are disabled? Is it better to pretend that they are not different or to acknowledge that they are? (We should act normally towards them so they dont feel uncomfortable, but it is also important to accept them with their disability.)

K e y V o c a b u l a ry
1.  Pre-teach the words in bold. Write the words on the board and then write the following text (omitting the words in bold). Ask the students to copy the text and fill in the correct words.  The Elephant Man had a rare disease. People stared at him as he walked down the street. They made fun of him even when he could hear them. All he wanted was a little kindness. He was ugly, but he was not insane. He avoided mirrors and he was ashamed of his strange appearance. Could anybody care about this poor, deformed creature who struggled to survive? 2.  Pre-teach the following adjectives. disappointed disgusting challenging relieved calm proud

 Ask pairs of students to write a sentence with each of the above words. The students then read their sentences to the class.

Before Reading Activities

The Before Reading activities in the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet, pages 8-11, can be applied to The Elephant Man. 1.  Read the poem on page 9 of the reader. What do you think it means? (People cannot be blamed for being physically different. They should be accepted.) 2.  Look at the picture on page 14. Why do you think the people are protesting? (They are protesting against the exploitation of deformed people in sideshows.) 3.  On page 19, the Elephant Man says, Even a person like me has dreams. If you were him, what would your dream be? (My dream would be to be cured and to live a normal life.) 4.  Look at the picture on page 43. What do you think happened before the nurse arrived? (People tried to hurt the Elephant Man or wanted to make fun of him.) If you saw someone insulting or hurting a person with a disability, what would you do? (I would help; I would call the police; I would walk away.)

The Elephant Man

af t e r r e adi n g : E X T R A C H A L L EN G E S
Make Your Students Think
Here are some points that more advanced students can be asked to consider after reading the book. 1.  How did John Merrick try to protect himself? 2. Why did Merrick carry a photo of his mother with him throughout his life? 3.  Was the closing of the sideshow a blessing or a curse for Merrick? Was he truly happier as a gentleman in the hospital? 4. What do you think Merricks life would have been like if he hadnt met Dr Treves? 5. Many celebrities befriended Merrick. What attracted them? 6. Why was it so important for Merrick not to sleep lying down?

Drama Activities


Project Suggestions

1. Imagine that you are Merrick. Write a diary entry at the end of a freak show attraction. 2.  Imagine you are Dr Treves. Write your first description of the Elephant Man and your diagnosis. 3.  Write a letter from Dr Gomm to The Times describing the Elephant Man and his special needs. Request donations from the public and from the Queen. 4.  Work in pairs. One of you is Dr Treves and the other is Merrick. Act out the conversation when Treves tries to teach Merrick to be a gentleman. 5.  Work in groups of three. One of you is Dr Treves, one of you is Mrs Treves and one of you is John Merrick. Act out the tea party scene where Merrick spills tea on Mrs Treves. 6.  Imagine you are a journalist, writing for a newspaper. Write the questions you would ask the Elephant Man if you could interview him. 7.  Prepare a speech, convincing the public why sideshows that include people like the Elephant Man, Siamese twins, bearded ladies and midgets should not be allowed to perform in public. 8.  Imagine you are a sideshow boss in court. Defend your right to put on sideshows with freaks. 9.  Write a letter that Merrick might have sent to his father after his stepmother threw him out of the house. 10.  Use an encyclopedia or search the Internet for information about human rights during the Victorian Era.

The Elephant Man

af t e r r e adi n g : G R O U P W O R K


1. Hand out some of the following statements to the groups.  2.  The groups discuss the statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) and give reasons for their answers. 3. The group spokesperson reports the groups ideas to the whole class.




 iscuss the following statements. Decide if each is true (T) or false (F). Support your opinion with D observations and details from the story. Statement 1. Tom Norman treated John Merrick with respect. 2. Dr Gomm was interested in helping Merrick. 3. The freaks were angry about the new law. 4. Life in Belgium was harder for Merrick than in London. 5. The policemen helped Merrick. 6. The nurses at the hospital liked Merrick. 7. John Merrick was not intelligent. 8. The hospital was always safe for John Merrick. 9. Merrick was good at making friends. 10. The London Hospital would not sell Merricks skeleton to Michael Jackson because his offer was too low. See the Burlington Reader Series general information leaflet, pages 13-15, for more After Reading activities. T/F Examples to support our opinion

Group Work

1. False. p.6: Tom Norman knew he could make a lot of money by displaying Merrick at the circus. p.8: Norman sees Merrick only as a moneymaker for him. He woke Merrick by hitting him with his cane. 2. False. p.12: Gomm did not think Merrick could possibly be cured. p.13: Gomm did not want the hospital to be a hotel for freaks and insisted that Dr Treves remove Merrick from the hospital. p.29: Gomm said that the hospital was not a hotel for the insane or the deformed. 3. True. p.16: They were angry because they could no longer earn a decent salary and it would be impossible to survive. The Tattooed Man said that it wasnt the show but the new law that was inhuman. 4. True. p.19: It was worse than anything he could have imagined. People saw him as a foreigner, an invader. His boss was very cruel and made him sleep in a cage. Merrick didnt manage to save any money. p.20: Merricks boss had stolen from him. He had no money and he was totally alone. p.21: He slept on the streets and almost died in a forest. 5. True. pp.26-27: The policeman smiled at Merrick and told him that they wanted to help him. pp.27-28: The policemen told the mob to stop persecuting Merrick, and they brought him to the hospital to see Dr Treves. 6. True. p.32: The nurses brought him breakfast and were happy to talk to him about his day. p.38: The nurses were very kind, especially Nurse Hartley and Nurse Wellington. p.42: Nurse Hartley tried to get the intruders to stop bothering Merrick. p.55: Merrick shared his secret dreams with the nurses. They said, We like you just as you are! p.56: Nurse Wellington cried and tried to wake up Merrick when he died. 7. False. p.9: He read a poem by Isaac Watts. p.28: Merrick recited a passage from the Bible. p.33: Dr Treves writes that Merrick was more intelligent than he appeared. He reads, writes and is a very sensitive soul. p.44: He built cardboard model buildings with much patience and skill. p.55: He collected books and read them all. 8. False. p.10: When he first arrived, sick people in the waiting room started to pull at his coat and push him around. pp.37-38: A man with black hair and a brown hat walked in. He sat down and said that he was from the hospital. Merrick told him his whole life story. Later, the man admitted that he was a reporter from The Times. pp.41-42: One night, the door opened and a gang of drunks suddenly entered Merricks room. They pulled him from his chair and turned him around. They sang and yelled. Then, they took a bottle of wine and tried to make him drink it. 9. True. p.17: Harry and Bertram became Merricks good friends. p.33: Dr Treves called him a surprisingly friendly fellow. p.46: Merrick and Leila Maturin became true friends. p.52: Merrick made many friends at Fawlsey Hall. 10. False. p.58: David Edwards, the London Hospitals chief administrator, would not sell Merricks skeleton because they would never do anything to exploit his memory.

The Elephant Man

W O R K S H EET 1 : C H A P TE R S 1 - 6
A. Complete the sentences with a word from the box. disappointed breathe stole displayed disgusting chased relieved

1. Tom Norman .......................... the Elephant Man at the circus for all to see. 2. John Merrick could not .......................... while lying down. 3. Dr Gomm thought Merrick was .......................... . 4. Dr Treves was .......................... that Merrick couldnt stay in the hospital. 5. The crowd .......................... Merrick through the streets. 6. Merrick was .......................... to have help from friends. 7. In Belgium, Ferrari .......................... all of Merricks money.

B. Circle the correct word in each sentence. 1. Life was (unfair / wild) for John Merrick. 2. He (enjoyed / suffered) his whole life because he had a rare disease. 3. He was forced to (cover / scream) his scary head. 4. People paid a (fee / cure) to see him take off his hood. 5. The nurse tried to (beg / calm) the nervous patient. 6. The thief (robbed / shouted) Merrick while he was sleeping. 7. Merrick thought the angry mob might (disappear / murder) him. 8. The police came to (cough / save) Merrick just in time.

C. Write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence. ..... 1. John Merrick didnt know what his mother looked like. ..... 2. Dr Treves wanted to examine John Merrick. ..... 3. Merrick travelled to Belgium with the other freaks. ..... 4. Ferrari treated Merrick well. ..... 5. The public wanted to help Merrick financially. ..... 6. Dr Treves told Merrick that he had to leave the hospital. ..... 7. Dr Treves wanted Merrick to meet a woman. D. There are four false sentences in exercise C. Correct them. ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................

Worksheet 1: Chapters 1-6

A. 1. displayed 2. breathe 3. disgusting 4. disappointed 5. chased 6. relieved 7. stole

B. 1. unfair 2. suffered 3. cover 4. fee 5. calm 6. robbed 7. murder 8. save

C. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T

D. 1. John Merrick carried a photograph of his mother in his pocket. 3. Merrick travelled to Belgium alone. 4. Ferrari was very cruel to Merrick. 6. Dr Treves told Merrick that he could stay in the hospital.


The Elephant Man

W O R K S H EET 2 : C H A P TE R S 7 - 1 2 A N D E P I L O G U E
A. Match the words in A with their definitions in B. A 1. politely 2. refused 3. charming 4. greet 5. liar 6. challenging 7. handsome 8. ignore 9. embarrassed ..... b. attractive ..... c. polite and friendly ..... d. a person who doesnt tell the truth ..... e. loud noises ..... f. not paying attention to somebody ..... g. humiliated ..... h. behaving in a courteous way ..... i. say hello ..... j. difficult to do B ..... a. didnt agree to do something

10. shouting

B. Complete the sentences with words from column A above. 1. Merrick .......................... himself when he spilled the tea. 2. Princess Alexandra heard that Merrick was absolutely .......................... . 3. Im not a .......................... . I always tell the truth, the man said. 4. It was hard for Merrick to .......................... peoples rude comments. 5. Merrick sometimes imagined being .......................... . 6. Making model buildings was .......................... but Merrick loved doing it. 7. The doctor taught Merrrick how to .......................... someone. 8. Merrick .......................... to drink the wine. 9. The doctor taught Merrick to speak .......................... . 10. Merrick couldnt sleep at night because there was a lot of .......................... outside. C.  Match A and B to form sentences. A 1. Dr Treves taught Merrick 2.  Merrick spilled the tea 3. Nurse Hartley called the guards 4. Merrick taught himself 5. Merrick liked Leila Maturin 6. Dr Treves was worried B ..... a. how to build model churches from cardboard. ..... b. because Merricks head was getting bigger. ..... c. because his hand trembled. ..... d. because she was gentle and kind. ..... e. how to be a distinguished gentleman. ..... f. because Merrick was attacked.

D. Who is speaking? Write the correct name from the box below. the reporter Leila Maturin Dame Madge Kendal Mrs Treves Nurse Hartley

1. Its only a little spill. ..................................... 2. Ive got to earn a living just like everybody else. ..................................... 3. Stand back, or Ill kill everyone one of you! ..................................... 4. You can tell me all about your dreams. ..................................... 5. He is a genuine soul and a fine Englishman! .....................................

Worksheet 2: Chapters 7-12 and Epilogue

A. 1. h 2. a 3. c 4. i 5. d 6. j 7. b 8. f 9. g

10. e B. 1. embarrassed 2. charming 3. liar 4. ignore 5. handsome 6. challenging 7. greet 8. refused 9. politely

10. shouting C. 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. b

D. 1. Mrs Treves 2. the reporter 3. Nurse Hartley 4. Leila Maturin 5. Dame Madge Kendal


The Elephant Man

A. Choose the correct answer. 1. In his pocket, John Merrick carried a. Tom Normans business card. b. a photograph of his mother. c. a lot of money. 4. Merricks Belgian manager, Ferrari, a. was very kind to Merrick. b. stole Merricks money and abandoned him. c. helped Merrick return to England.

2.  Dr Gomm did not want to allow John Merrick to remain at the hospital because a. Merrick was incurable. b. Merrick was violent. c. Merrick didnt have any money. 3.  When the freak show was closed down, Merrick and his friends a. went to jail. b. performed in secret. c. got jobs in the factories.

5.  When John Merrick went to the Christmas opera, people a. laughed at him. b. wanted him to leave. c. cheered. 6. In the end, Merrick died because a.  he didnt have enough food. b. he lay down. c. he got a bad cold. 30 points (5 points each)

B. Choose the correct answer.  John Merrick was so deformed that people often (1. made fun of / disappeared) him. He was (2. disappointed / ashamed of) being seen in public. People would (3. beg / stare) at Merrick wherever he went. In the street, he (4. wore / was wearing) a hood to (5. cover / display) his head because people thought he was a monster.  Once, an angry crowd (6. chased / robbed) Merrick in the train station (7. where / which), fortunately, two policemen came to his rescue. They ordered the crowd (8. to leave / leaving) immediately and (9. offered / was offered) to take Merrick to the London Hospital.  Life changed for Merrick at the hospital. Dr Treves and many of the nurses (10. ignored / cared about) him and Merrick no longer felt so (11. lonely / ordinary). Merrick knew that the doctor (12. couldnt / shouldnt) find a (13. cure / disease) for him, but he wanted to (14. survive / suffer). If Merrick hadnt met Dr Treves, his life (15. would be / would have been) much more difficult. Unfortunately, he died in his sleep one night. 45 points (3 points each) C. Choose one topic and write a paragraph. Your paragraph should be at least 60 words long. 1.  Describe the relationship between Dr Treves and John Merrick. In what ways was Treves more than a doctor to Merrick? 2.  How did the publics attitude towards Merrick change over the years? 3.  John Merrick dreamt of being normal. What did he imagine being normal was like? 25 points


Final Test

A. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 6. chased 7. where 8. to leave 9. offered 10. cared about 5. c 6. b 11. lonely 12. couldnt 13. cure 14. survive 15. would have been

B. 1. made fun of 2. ashamed of 3. stare 4. wore 5. cover

C. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Possible points for inclusion: 1.  In addition to being a doctor, Dr Treves was a friend and a teacher to John Merrick. When he realised he couldnt cure Merrick, he still wanted to help any way he could. He gave Merrick his business card.  He spoke a lot with Merrick and arranged for him to stay permanently at the hospital. He protected Merrick from the streets and got him a nice room and a special chair to sleep in. He also convinced others, like Dr Gomm and the nurses, not to be afraid of Merrick.  Treves also taught Merrick how to act like a gentleman. He showed Merrick how to dress, talk and behave in company. He invited him to his home to drink tea. He also introduced Merrick to his first female friend, Leila Maturin, and accompanied Merrick to the opera. He even tried to help Merrick move to an institution for the blind, but they wouldnt accept him. Treves also continued to examine and look after Merrick until the very end. 2.  In the beginning, most people were afraid of John Merrick. They screamed when he was on stage and some even fainted. They attacked him in the street and told him to take off his mask. They called him names in the newspaper, and even had a cartoon of a man with an elephants head. A  s he began to live at the hospital, more and more people stood up for him. Some wrote letters to The Times and made donations for him. The British Medical Journal wanted to write about him. Famous personalities like Dame Madge Kendal, Princess Alexandra of Wales and Lady Knightley all praised him. The crowd at the opera cheered for him. Even the Queen donated money in his name.  When he died, the newspaper wrote nice things about John Merrick. Many are still fascinated by him and think of him as a hero. 3.  John Merrick imagined being able to go somewhere and not being attacked or stared at. He wanted to have a loving relationship with a woman.   But most of all, Merrick dreamt of having a bath, shaving and dressing with ease. He dreamt of walking through the city without a hood and speaking normally. And he dreamt of coming home to a wife and children and sleeping in a normal bed.


The Elephant Man

These answers relate to the questions on pages 60-63 of the reader itself. Chapter 1 1.  Some small bumps grew on the left side of his body. Over the years, more bumps appeared all over him. His head started to grow larger and his spine became bent. A tumour grew over his right eye. His right hand became deformed and a fungus covered his entire body. 2.  His mother died and his father remarried. His fathers new wife threw him out, because she didnt want to raise a monster. 3. He couldnt breathe when he lay down. 4. He kept a photo of his mother in his pocket. Chapter 2 1.  They shouted at him to take off his mask. They started to pull at his coat and push him around. 2.  The doctor asked Merrick to undress. For almost an hour, he walked around him and looked at him very carefully. He took notes. Then he asked Merrick if he wanted something to eat or drink. 3.  Dr Treves believed it was the worst case of elephantiasis ever recorded. Dr Gomm disagreed, because more than half of the Elephant Mans body wasnt normal. 4.  Dr Gomm called Merrick a creature. He did not want to treat Merrick because he didnt think he was curable. Also, Dr Gomm said that Merrick was disgusting in front of him. Dr Treves thought this was cruel. 5.  The rooms were so clean and the food was so good. He wanted a simple room where nobody would look at him, or be frightened by him. Chapter 3 1.  Some people thought it was cruel to pay money to see human curiosities. They also thought that the people should not be treated like animals. 2.  They saw hungry children and old men begging for coins. Their faces were dirty from cleaning chimneys, and their feet were bare. 3.  There was work for him in Belgium. Roper sold the Elephant Mans contract to a Belgian man named Ferrari. There was nothing left for him in England because the police had destroyed their business. Chapter 4 1.  Ferrari was a very cruel boss. He shouted at Merrick and beat him without any reason. He didnt feed him and even made him sleep in a cage. Also, Ferrari didnt pay Merrick enough money.

2.  Merrick learned that Ferrari was stealing from him. Then, one day, he woke up and Ferrari had left him. Merrick planned to go back to England. 3.  The captain thought that the Elephant Man might have a disease and might make the passengers ill, too. Also, he thought he would scare the other passengers to death. 4.  Merrick travelled on a wagon to Ostend. From Ostend, he went on the ship to Dover, England. When he got to Dover, he took a train to London. Chapter 5 1.  He was happy he was returning home after his terrible experience in Belgium. Merrick sat alone at the back with his face covered. He tried to be as quiet as possible but he kept coughing. He was very tired and he started to feel ill. 2.  People pushed Merrick around. A crowd gathered and surrounded him. People pulled him into a filthy corner of the train station where they kept the rubbish bins. They called him names and pointed at him. They wanted to kill him. 3.  Two policemen saved Merrick from the crowd. Merrick showed them Dr Treves card, and they took him to the London Hospital. Chapter 6 1.  Dr Treves took him up to the hospital attic and ordered the nurses to bring him food and a bed. The nurses cleaned him and fed him. Then he rested. 2.  Dr Treves asked the Elephant Man to recite some poems he had learned. He recited a passage from the Bible. 3.  Dr Gomm thought Merrick was incurable. Gomm said that the hospital was not a hotel for the insane or the deformed. 4.  He didnt appear in freak shows any more. He was given rooms overlooking a beautiful courtyard. They built a special chair for him. He had his own chair and desk, books to read and paper to write on. He woke to the sound of birds singing, bathed with sweet-smelling soaps and wore clean clothes. He didnt have to hide his face from anyone. The nurses brought him food. Every Sunday, Dr Treves came to visit and they talked.

The Elephant Man

Chapter 7 1.  Dr Treves first lesson was for Merrick to put on a shirt. It was hard for Merrick to push his hands through the sleeves, and to open and close the little buttons. 2.  Dr Treves taught Merrick how to behave with people in a social situation. Merrick learned how to thank people, how to walk, sit and stand, how to offer someone a drink or some food, and how to offer a chair to a lady. 3.  Merrick spilled half the cup of tea on his shirt and the other half on Mrs Treves dress. 4.  He created a special armchair for Merrick to sleep in, sitting up. It had a metal frame and a big soft centre. 5.  A newspaper man from The Times interviewed him. He wrote that Merrick was a monster, hiding in the London Hospital. Chapter 8 1.  The Times cartoon pictured a regular man in a suit with the head of an elephant. 2.  The crowds at the hospital were hoping to see the Elephant Man. They called his name and threw stones at his window. 3. They wanted Merrick to dance. 4.  Nurse Hartley saved Merrick from their attack. She called for the guards and they arrested the criminals. Chapter 9 1.  Merrick wanted a loving relationship with a woman. Dr Treves offered to bring his friend, a very nice widow. 2.  Leila Maturin visited Merrick in the hospital. She shook his hand and smiled at him. Then they sat down together. Before they even spoke, Merrick began to cry. 3.  The crowd cheered, clapped and smiled. Some even cried. One man shouted, Bravo! Chapter 10 1.  Dr Treves noticed that the sores on Merricks face seemed bigger. His head was growing and his condition was worsening. 2.  Merrick wanted to live in an institution for the blind. He thought that he might meet a woman there who enjoyed his company and didnt see that he was a monster.

3.  Merrick was sent to Fawlsey Hall, in Northampton. It was the estate of Lady Louisa Knightley, a friend of Dr Treves and his wife. 4. There were no mirrors in nature. Chapter 11 1.  The hospital for the blind was afraid that Merrick would scare the patients, even though they couldnt see him. 2.  He imagined that he was a handsome gentleman, wearing an elegant black suit and a top hat, and walking around with a beautiful black cane. He also imagined that he was a courageous warrior with a metal shield, armour and a silver sword. He was fighting an enormous dragon. 3.  Merricks biggest dream was to be normal. He wanted to have a bath, shave and dress with ease. He wanted to walk through the city without a hood and to speak normally. He wanted to come home to a wife and children, and sleep in a normal bed. 4.  Merrick chose to sleep lying down in a normal bed instead of in his special armchair. He knew that it was dangerous, but he didnt care. Chapter 12 1. Merrick died on 11th April, 1890. He was 27. 2. Nurse Wellington discovered him. 3.  She said that Merrick would have died on a railway platform or alone in a mental institution without him. Epilogue 1.  His body was saved for scientific study. Plaster casts were made of his head and body. Dr Treves also took skin samples and examined his insides. During World War II, most of Merricks remains were lost in a bombing. His skeleton still exists today at the London Hospital. 2.  Michael Jackson first offered $500,000 and then he offered $1 million. The London Hospital refused the offer because they didnt want to exploit Merricks memory. 3.  People believed that Merrick was deformed because his mother had been trampled while she was pregnant with him.

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