Winterization of Biodiesel by Micro Process Engineering

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Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597

Winterization of biodiesel by micro process engineering

S. Kerschbaum, G. Rinke *, K. Schubert
Karlsruhe Research Center, Institute for Micro Process Engineering, Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

Received 26 July 2007; received in revised form 18 January 2008; accepted 23 January 2008
Available online 21 February 2008


A new method for winterization of biodiesel based on waste cooking oil is demonstrated, using micro heat exchangers with channel
diameters of 200 lm. Biodiesel is pumped from a vessel through a micro heat exchanger in such a way, that pure seed crystals of satu-
rated fatty acid methyl esters are produced at the outlet of the micro channels and injected back into the biodiesel vessel. Thus micro
process engineering allows the reduction of the sum of saturated fatty acid methyl esters within biodiesel based on waste cooking oil
from 21.3% to 9.6%. This corresponds to a reduction in CFPP value of 11 K, which means that this biodiesel can be used at temperatures
down to 264 K.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biodiesel; Winterization; Micro heat exchanger

1. Introduction low ambient temperatures must have a low cold filter plug-
ging point (CFPP). There is a correlation between saturated
Rapeseed oil can be used as fuel for combustion engines, fatty acid methyl esters, the higher the concentration of sat-
but its viscosity is much higher than usual diesel fuel and urated compounds the higher CFPP value [8].
requires modifications of the engines. To avoid such mod- One possibility to overcome this disadvantage arising at
ifications of the engines rapeseed oil is converted into bio- low temperatures is the so-called winterization. This tech-
diesel by transesterification. Biodiesel fuels have a lot of nique can be applied to pure oils [9] or biodiesel [10,11].
environmental advantages [1–3], e.g. they are biodegrad- In case of biodiesel the concentration of saturated fatty
able, non-toxic and show low emission during combustion. acid methyl esters has to be reduced. One possibility is to
However, there are some disadvantages. The costs of pro- ozonize vegetable oil [11], which cannot prevent the forma-
ducing biodiesel are larger than of normal diesel fuel and tion of crystals, but will lead to smaller crystals. The sim-
biodiesel is often only competitive because it is tax- plest method is to cool down biodiesel with subsequent
favoured. These costs can be reduced if waste cooking oil removal of crystals by filtration [10]. In this paper, biodie-
is used as raw material instead of rapeseed oil [4–6]. sel based on waste cooking oil was used and the treatment
A technical aspect is that parts of automotive engines may resulted in a reduction of the CFPP value of 4 K. However,
be chemically attacked by biodiesel components. Biodiesel the method did not work reliable and sometimes failed. To
has a limited storage stability, which depends on chemical enhance the yield, it may be advantageous to use a solvent,
composition of biodiesel [7]. Furthermore, in winter crystal- e.g. hexane [12]. After this treatment hexane has to be
lization of high melting saturated fatty acid methyl esters removed. This is associated with additional process engi-
may lead to plugging of filters and tubes. A fuel suited for neering and costs. Another possibility to produce biodiesel
with low cloud points is the chemical reaction of soy oil
using solid acid catalysts at high temperatures [13], where
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 7247 823556; fax: +49 7247 823186. the cloud point (first crystals arise) of biodiesel based on
E-mail address: (G. Rinke). soy oil, was reduced for 6 K. Unfortunately the viscosity

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597 2591

Fig. 1. Gas chromatogram of biodiesel based on waste cooking oil, see Table 1 for more details.

increased. A simple method is the blending of biodiesel 2.2. Analytics

with mineral diesel to get a lower CFPP value [14].
Recently, attempts were made to use additives, e.g. Visco- For analyzing the chemical composition of biodiesel
plex 10-305TM [15]. In this case biodiesel based on a mix- during the winterization process we used a gas chromato-
ture of 80% rapeseed oil and 16% pork lard methyl ester graph (Agilent 6850 Series II, Injector Agilent 7683) with
showed a reduction of CFPP value of 7 K. Although the a DB-Wax column (length: 30 m) and a FID at 573 K.
crystals produced with these additives are small enough Helium was used as carrier gas with a throughput of
to fulfil the CFPP standard, they are not always small 64 ml min1. Furthermore H2 with 30 ml min1 and air
enough to pass modern fuel filters. For this and other rea- with 400 ml min1 were employed. The temperature pro-
sons Viscoplex 10-305 is no more available commercially.1 gram started at 403 K. This temperature was hold for
Aim of this work is the winterization of biodiesel based 1 min and then heated up with a rate of 5 K min1 to a
on waste cooking oil, which is less expensive than biodiesel temperature of 513 K. This temperature was hold for
based on rapeseed oil. Until now, no method and no addi- 10 min for the rest of the chromatogram. The calibration
tives are known to solve this problem in an economic way. of this column was done with three standard samples Rot-
Our new method does not use additives or blends and ichrom ME11, ME19 and FO73 containing all fatty acid
employs a pure physical method. The method is based on methyl esters, we needed. The temperature program was
winterization with micro system technology using micro optimized to get well separated peaks. The integrated peaks
heat exchangers [16] developed by the Karlsruhe Research of all measured compounds were linear as a function of
Center. concentration. The reproducibility and accuracy of these
measurements amount ±0.1%. Fig. 1 shows a typical chro-
2. Experimental procedures matogram of our biodiesel sample. The relevant com-
pounds are shown in Table 1 together with the retention
2.1. Samples times.

All experiments were done with samples based on waste

cooking oil methyl ester (WME). They were taken directly 2.3. Preliminary investigations
after production from a biodiesel plant2 and consumed
within one month. The simplest idea for winterization is to cool down bio-
diesel slowly in order to precipitate high melting saturated
fatty acid methyl esters. This was done first with a double-
RohMax Additives GmbH, Kirschenallee, 64293 Darmstadt,
2 3
Biowerk Sohland GmbH, Saxony, Germany. Carl-Roth GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany.
2592 S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597

Table 1
Retention times of gas chromatographic peaks for each compound
Compound Retention time (min)
Myristic acid methyl ester 8.44
Palmitic acid methyl ester 11.78
Stearic acid methyl ester 15.14
Oleic acid methyl ester 15.50
Linoleic acid methyl ester 16.22
a-Linolenic acid methyl ester 17.19
Arachidic acid methyl ester 18.26
11-Eicosenic acid methyl ester 18.56
Behenic acid methyl ester 21.28
Eruric acid methyl ester 21.60

walled glass vessel, filled with biodiesel in its middle part. A

cooled ethylene–glycol mixture was flowing through the
double-walled space. In spite of the fact that crystals were Fig. 2. Schematic view of the experimental setup.
produced, no change in chemical composition was
observed. Another experiment was done with a vessel, sur-
rounded by a cooling coil and thermal insulation. At the 2.4. Experimental setup
inner wall of this vessel crystals were generated and
removed by a rotating scraper. In this experiment no Fig. 2 gives a schematic view of the experimental setup.
change in chemical composition of the liquid phase was A thermally insulated 5 l beaker was filled with a biodiesel
observed, neither. The compositions were measured by sample, which may be stirred with a magnetically coupled
the described gas chromatographic method. Because the stirrer. The biodiesel is delivered by a gear pump (pump
concentrations of the liquid phase did not change, the crys- 2) to a cross flow micro heat exchanger [16], which is shown
tals have to be clusters of saturated fatty acid methyl esters in Fig. 3. The micro heat exchanger consists of 75 foils per
containing liquid unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters passage, each foil having 100 rectangular channels 40 mm
inside. As fractionized crystallization methods failed, we long with 200 lm width and 100 lm depth. Having passed
looked for possibilities to produce pure crystals of satu- the micro heat exchanger the biodiesel returns back to the
rated fatty acid methyl esters. Micro process engineering beaker. To be sure that no crystals of saturated fatty acid
was found to solve the problem. This method is described methyl esters enter the micro heat exchanger, the tube
in detail in the following. between the beaker containing biodiesel with crystals and
For a proper design of micro heat exchangers for cool- the micro heat exchanger was surrounded with a heating
ing of biodiesel the cold flow behaviour of biodiesel must tube. Within this heating tube hot water of 323 K was cir-
be known. The most important property is viscosity, as cled, coming from thermostat 3. For cooling the biodiesel
the pressure drop in heat exchangers depends on viscosity. within the micro heat exchanger thermostat 1 (Haake Phö-
So far most measurements have been done at room temper- nix C25P), filled with a 1:1 mixture by volume of water and
ature or above [17,18]. Little information is available for ethylene glycol, was used. This cooling liquid is pumped
temperatures below room temperature. Therefore, we mea- (pump 1) through the second passage of the micro heat
sured the viscosity of biodiesel based on waste cooking oil exchanger and then back to thermostat 1. Thermostat 2
at temperatures down to 258 K [19]. is filled with the same refrigerant and is cooling the beaker

Fig. 3. Cross flow micro heat exchanger with inner structures.

S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597 2593

filled with biodiesel by a PVC tube wrapped around this This large ratio was chosen to get a uniform temperature
beaker. The surrounding is enclosed with a thermal insula- profile at the biodiesel outlet of the cross flow micro heat
tion. In order to observe crystals, we used an inspection cell exchanger. When the temperature of the water–ethylene
with two glass plates mounted at the outlet of the micro mixture flowing through the micro heat exchanger was low-
heat exchanger. The experimental setup allows controlling ered, small crystals were observed visually in the inspection
the throughput of biodiesel and of the cooling liquid by cell, which were injected into the beaker. After that the
variation of the pump speed. temperature in the beaker was kept constant. The biodiesel
At the inlets of the micro heat exchanger platinum tem- within the beaker was stirred continuously in order to dis-
perature sensors and pressure sensors were used. The tem- tribute all crystals homogeneously. Then the temperature
peratures at the outlets of the micro heat exchanger and of the biodiesel in the beaker was lowered by changing
within the beaker were monitored, too. All data were mea- the temperature of thermostat 2 with a rate dependent on
sured with a data acquisition system (Yokogawa DX220-1- the experiment. The composition of the liquid phase of bio-
2). The temperatures of the cooling liquids can be con- diesel was measured with the GC. Fig. 4 shows the temper-
trolled and programmed with a precision of ±0.2 K. ature of biodiesel in the beaker and the sum of
concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters in the
beaker as function of time. The concentration drops and
3. Results
after 16 days the concentration is reduced to about half
of its initial value. Table 2 shows the concentrations of
Two experiments were done to investigate two different
the most important compounds of biodiesel at the begin-
ning and the end of the experiment.

3.1. Method 1
3.2. Method 2
Biodiesel in the beaker was cooled down just above the
cloud point indicated by the formation of crystals and scat- The second experiment was similar to the first one.
tering of light in the inspection cell. This value was deter- Again, the production and injection of crystals were started
mined before this experiment by measuring the after the cloud point had been reached. The difference to
temperature when the first crystals arise. Then the biodiesel method 1 was that after 1 day the injection of crystals
was pumped through the micro heat exchanger at a and stirring within the beaker were stopped. Therefore,
throughput of 100 ml min1. The throughput of the sedimentation of saturated fatty acid methyl esters could
water–ethylene mixture flowing through the other passage begin. Fig. 5 shows the temperature of biodiesel in the bea-
of the micro heat exchanger amounted to 1000 ml min1. ker and the sum of concentrations of saturated fatty acid

Fig. 4. Temperature and sum of concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters as function of time, crystallization method 1.
2594 S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597

Table 2 Table 3
Concentrations in weight percent of different biodiesel compounds Concentrations in weight percent of different biodiesel compounds
(unsaturated and followed by saturated saturated fatty acid methyl esters) (unsaturated and followed by saturated fatty acid methyl esters) at the
at the beginning and at the end (15.8 days) of the crystallization beginning and at the end (8 days) of the crystallization procedure, method
procedure, method 1 2
Compound Starting concentration Final concentration Compound Starting concentration Final concentration
[%] [%] [%] [%]
Oleic acid ME 40.7 45.5 Oleic acid ME 40.7 46.5
Linoleic acid ME 33.2 37.5 Linoleic acid ME 33.6 38.6
a-Linolenic acid ME 3.6 4.1 a-Linolenic acid ME 3.6 4.2
11-Eicosenic acid 0.8 0.9 11-Eicosenic acid 0.8 1.0
Eruric acid ME 0.3 0.3 Eruric acid ME 0.2 0.3
Myristic acid ME 0.4 0.5 Myristic acid ME 0.4 0.5
Palmitic acid ME 15.8 8.2 Palmitic acid ME 15.4 6.6
Stearic acid ME 4.4 2.2 Stearic acid ME 4.3 1.8
Arachidic acid ME 0.4 0.2 Arachidic acid ME 0.4 0.2
Behenic acid ME 0.5 0.3 Behenic acid ME 0.5 0.3
Lignoceric acid ME 0.3 0.2 Lignoceric acid ME 0.3 0.2
Sum of saturated 21.8 11.6 Sum of saturated 21.3 9.6
ME = methyl ester. ME = methyl ester.

methyl esters in the beaker as function of time. The concen- 4. Discussion

tration drops, too. The rate of temperature decrease was
varied again in order to see the influence on the rate of For the following discussion it is important to note that
the concentration decrease. In this experiment the concen- the CFPP value is correlated to the sum of concentrations
tration is reduced to about half of the initial value after 7 of saturated fatty methyl esters according to the following
days. Table 3 shows the concentrations of the most impor- equation [10]:
tant compounds of biodiesel at the beginning and the end
of the experiment. CFPP= C ¼ 0:99 ð% Saturated fatty methyl estersÞ  19:0

Fig. 5. Temperature and sum of concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters as function of time, crystallization method 2.
S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597 2595

Fig. 6. Sum of concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters as function of biodiesel bath temperature, crystallization methods 1 and 2.

Our biodiesel had 21% saturated fatty methyl esters After 8.4 days from the beginning the temperature of the
before winterization, which gives a CFPP value of 1.8 °C biodiesel bath was hold constant again for nearly 3 days.
(275 K) according Eq. (1), which is within the accuracy During this time the concentration drops further, similar
of Eq. (1). The CFPP value was measured only one time4 to the first temperature plateau. However, after these 3
before the beginning of our experiments and amounted days the concentration values did not change any more
274 K. It was not possible to measure the CFPP value dur- and equilibrium is reached. This means that the bath tem-
ing the winterization process, because the volume of the 5 l perature is too high to establish the same supersaturation
biodiesel sample was too small and the measurement would as at the beginning.
disturb the experiment. To establish a supersaturation of After 11.2 days from the beginning the temperature was
saturated fatty methyl esters the bath temperature should set to a rate of 1.25 K d1 and the concentration drops
be lower than the CFPP value. further, indicating supersaturation again.
Fig. 4 (method 1) shows a decrease in the sum of the The rates of concentration decrease at the beginning and
concentrations of saturated fatty acid methyl esters as a the end of this experiment are nearly the same and amount
function of time. This is a result of crystallization of satu- 0.4% d1. The largest slope was reached after 6.3 days
rated fatty acid methyl esters, which was achieved by and amounts 2.0% d1.
decreasing the bath temperature. At the beginning the con- Fig. 5 (method 2) shows a similar behaviour. The initial
centration drops slowly with falling temperature within temperature rate was 1.25 K d1. The largest concentra-
1 day. Though the temperature was hold constant for the tion change was reached at the beginning and amounts
following 3 days, the concentration was still falling with 4.7% d1. The rate of concentration at the end of this
the same rate (0.4% d1). This means that crystallization experiment amounts 1.0% d1.
has set in and continues independently of the temperature Generally, the sum of concentrations of saturated fatty
of the bath. Even when the temperature was set to fall acid methyl esters is linearly correlated to the CFPP value
again (0.7 K d1) after 4 days, the concentration drops [10]. If these concentrations are low, the CFPP values are
with the same rate. This means that the supersaturation low, too. In our experiments the CFPP values could not
is still large enough for crystallization. After 6.3 days the be measured, because the volume needed for this analytical
concentration drops with a larger slope although the rate technique is too large compared to our 5 l biodiesel beaker.
of temperature decrease is kept constant, because supersat- In Fig. 6 the sum of concentrations of saturated fatty
uration increases again. acid methyl esters, which is proportional to the CFPP
value, is plotted against bath temperature. Deviations from
the straight lines can be explained by deviations between
the CFPP values and the measured bath temperatures. Ide-
Biowerk Sohland GmbH, Saxony, Germany. ally the bath temperatures should be chosen in such a way,
2596 S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597

Fig. 7. Concentrations of some saturated and unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters as function of bath temperature, crystallization method 1.

that the difference between the CFPP value and the bath as calorific value or damaging effects in engines should not
temperature would be constant. change.
With method 2 we got the best winterization. At the
beginning the concentration of saturated fatty methyl 5. Conclusions
esters was 21.3%, corresponding to a CFPP value of
275 K using Eq. (1). At the end of the winterization process Comparing our preliminary investigations in Section 2.3
we measured a concentration of saturated fatty methyl with those in Section 2.4, the difference is only the use of
esters of 9.6%, which corresponds to a CFPP value of micro process technology for the generation of pure seed
264 K. crystals of saturated fatty acid methyl esters without unsat-
Fig. 7 shows the concentrations of the most important urated fatty acid methyl esters inside. This is a consequence
saturated and unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters as func- of the small channel diameters, which have a hydraulic
tion of bath temperature for crystallization method 1. The diameter of only 133 lm, and of the powerful heat
behavior is nearly the same for method 2. Palmitic acid exchange of micro heat exchangers [16]: the biodiesel flows
methyl ester has the highest concentration among the satu- laminary through each of the 7500 micro channels (Rey-
rated fatty acid methyl esters. Its concentration is reduced nolds-numbers in each micro channel are below 1 for all
to half of its initial value just like stearic acid methyl ester relevant temperatures). The temperature profile is thus par-
concentration. Tables 2 and 3 show this behavior for all abolic with minimum temperatures at the walls. Saturated
compounds at the beginning and end of the process in more fatty acid methyl esters with their high melting temperature
detail. The concentrations of nearly all saturated fatty acid will start to crystallize near the walls. Ideally this point
methyl esters are reduced by a factor of two. This is impor- should lie near the outlet of the micro heat exchanger.
tant to know, if the method is applied to biodiesel based on There is no chance for unsaturated molecules in the middle
feedstocks with different chemical compositions. of the micro channel to get between this layer and the wall.
The winterization procedure described in this paper The throughput of biodiesel, cooling temperature and the
changes the chemical composition of biodiesel (Tables 2 construction of the micro heat exchanger have to be chosen
and 3). This may have an influence on other biodiesel prop- properly. Otherwise crystallization will begin inside the
erties, e.g. storage stability. In our case the chemical com- micro heat exchanger resulting in plugging. For an optimi-
position of the winterized biodiesel based on waste cooking zation of this procedure it is important to decrease the bath
oil resembles that of biodiesel based on rapeseed oil (RME) temperature with the same rate as the CFPP value
and will show properties similarly to RME. Properties such decreases as a result of winterization.
S. Kerschbaum et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2590–2597 2597

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Biowerk Sohland GmbH, Saxony, Germany.

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