Regurg September 2013

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The Leeds Medical School Magazine

September 2013
In This Issue - Top tips for Freshers! - Introduction to Year 1 - So you want to be a doctor? - Much more!

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13/06/2012 10:15

Letter From The Editors

Welcome back to a new academic year! A big welcome to all the new Freshers too. September is a time of new starts and new beginnings so this issue contains lots of articles about university life and hints and tips from former freshers. This is the last isssue by the current committee, so a big thank you for all their hard work over the last year. Were always looking for writers and people to help out, so please send us an email: or join our facebook group: Regurg Magazine. Also, we are now on twitter @regurgmagazine, for those of you who like tweeting! Finally, if you have any feedback or suggestions, wed love to know! /RegurgMagazine @regurgmagazine

In This Issue
4. 5. 8. 12. 14. 17. 19. 22. 25. 27. 29.

Regurg Committee Forget the generic, listen to the logic

Freshers Flu - Insights & Recommendations Top Tips for Ladies: Drinkin at Unaaay! Visits around Leeds So You Want To Be A Doctor? Cavernoma Food For Thought Tips To Make Your Money Go Further Hunterian Museum Year 1 Module Guides

Regurg Committee
Emma Gees | Editor James Gupta | Editor

Hannah Panayiototou | Advertising Rep Steph Harrison | Advertising Rep

Alison Hallett | Publicity Rep Tom Wilson | Publicity Rep

Our Writers

Weve all been there. That moment of separation.Whilst gently coaxing the parents out of your room, they throw every possible life lesson at youas though the second you step back into your room again you will forget how to function as a normal human being. Know that this is because they love you - regardless of how naff their advice sounds - a lot of the time its how they say it that makes it sound utterly unacceptable. Here are the real reasons why 3 of the most generic pieces of advice tend to be useful for when youll be running around like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons.

Freshers forget the generic, listen to the Nilo Mofared logic.

Feature Freshers - Forget the generic, listen to the logic

love you no matter what. Through our teen years were an annoyingly hormonal part of society yet they stuck by us. This is not the case at uni.

The real reason that you should be yourself is that apart from looking like a psycho if you keep changing your personality, you want to be with people you feel comfortable around. You will, eventually, find people you get along well with - if not in Freshers - then soon after. There are a lot more people at university compared to school; people tend to be open-minded and there are societies with like-minded people 1) Be yourself if you ap- you can meet.For example, if you preciated the Harry Potter quote wouldve replaced my frankly I above, thats grand. If not, frankPeople will love you ly I dont care. Im not being rude, no matter what. if people were all into the same thing the world would be horrenRubbish dously boring. My point; dont worry too much about people getting you or fret about fitting in. dont care with Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn maybe take a gander at the LUU Film Society. People will love you no matter You might not decide to join, but what. Rubbish.Only Mum & Dad have to youll most likely find some other

like-minded people. You may even find that together, you decide to try something COMPLETELY different.Of course, its helpful to adapt a bit to encourage a comfortable, communal vibe (maybe avoid your weirder habitsI dont know, like ritual kitchen squats in your mankini while warming up your morning porridge) But dont assume that no one will like you if you make a nerdy joke, or dont go out clubbing one night because youd rather go to a Give It A Go sesh. Give people a chance, and theyll

Feature Freshers - Forget the generic, listen to the logic

because going through the Imnever-drinking-again feeling is a valuable and important lesson every fresher must experience.

An often cited reason is because you will have sex, you will get (someone) pregnant, and die. Possible. In some cases, probable. But if you stay safe during Freshers - unlikely. To be fair, no parent would paraphrase Mean Girls to illustrate what theyre really afraid of. Unless you are stupidly reckless, these arent the main reasons you shouldnt drink too much. The fact is no one likes that guy. What guy? You know what guy. The guy that shows off how much he/ shes drinking and peer-pressures others to do the same. The guy that comes up with stupid ideas and gathers a group of like-minded (blank-minded more like) followers to employ his unfunny plans. The guy, who by some miracle makes it out, will have to be brought back in a wheelbarrow because no taxi would take them. The guy that no one reaaally wants to go out with in the first place.It may sounds harsh, but this hypothetical guy is a character we all become when weve had a-few-too-many.

most likely do that same for you. 2. Dont drink too much slightly hesitant with this one. Mainly because I dont want to sound like a hypocrite, but also

Well done to those of you who spotted the Harry Potter reference

Drunken people are funny, and during ones tipsy tomfoolery, life is beautiful and enjoyablebut you ought to get to know your limits ASAP. Pull the paralytic card onetoo-many times and the only friend youll have left to drink with is Jack Daniels and if you cant afford him, Lady Lonelinessand if you cant afford hera lad named Larry. 3. Be prepared for what? For the death of the King. What, is he sick? No fool - were going to kill him. And Simba, too. CLASSIC. [Little

Feature Freshers - Forget the generic, listen to the logic

youre doingjust turn up to the Worsley building and a group of firsties will be there as befuddled as you. One of the joys of med school is that there are a lot of you and someone will spread the word. to be unprepared Unloading all your stresses onto the people around you isnt appreciated. Unfortunately as a fresher you need to work some things out for yourself freshers asking other freshers to help them is like a chicken asking another chicken if they could open a tin of sweet corn for them. No chance. You all lack the same thing experience. Flapping about and freaking out about every little uncertainty will drive you mad as well as others around you. Do your best to know whats coming the next day but if its not crystal clear then Yolanda, be cool. You wont get chucked out for being unsure of things in first term. Such a clich, but its as simple as that. You tend to get through your first term by going with the flow. Experience will come quickly and you will adapt to change. As long as youre happy, healthy and doing your best with keeping up with work youre doing

Ask medic parents for advice

aside, bring Disney movies to university with you - hangovers are much more tolerable with a tonne of cereal and a Disney film] because youll fall behind if you dont Yes, its med school. Yes, its hard and theres a lot to take in. But no, you wont be expected to be any good at anything, especially in Freshers Week. So dont freak out if you dont know exactly what

the right thing. Theres so much Freshers Flu: help available to you that you can afford to make a few mistakes. Insights & Ask medic parents for advice, Recommendations call up your family for supNicholas Wroe port, and discuss things with The incidence of influenza C subcourse friends so you can be con- type F1F1 infections commonly fused and bemused together. known as freshers flu has been estimated at one in every one individuals1. While numerous prophylactic strategies have been suggested, few are effective and the conditions bio-psychosocial implications can be profound. This article aims to provide the background knowledge to effectively identify and manage this common group of conditions. Signs and Symptoms The condition presents with a heterogeneous combination of headaches, fever, sore throat, gastritis and heartburn, coughing and general discomfort. In males, an impending sense of doom can be seen, making man flu an important differential diagnosis. Pathophysiology The condition is a prototypical low-grade viral infection. Risk factors include: Convergence of students from across the country bringing foreign pathogens.

Article Freshers Flu: Insights & Recommendations

Poor diet and heavy alcohol consumption leading to weakened immunity and low morale. Many symptoms, such as headache, gastritis and sense of impending doom can be made worse by concomitant hangover.

Article Freshers Flu: Insights & Recommendations

Psychological stress from leaving Mummy and Daddy at home can further weaken the immune system, exacerbation the condition. One study found that cases with homesickness, along with lack of sleep, correlated worse prognosis. Differential Diagnosis - Normal non-fresher flu - Man flu - Swine flu - Hangover - Meningitis

followed by investigations into the source of the condition. Quarantine may be indicated in severe cases, but the condition is often self-limiting. Useful over-the-counter medication may include Paracetamol to manage pain and hot chocolate to address the psychological sequelae of the condition. Conclusions While Freshers Flu presents an annual blight on the health of 18-24 year olds, effective management is comparatively simple and centres on the effective exclusion of hangover as a differential diagnosis, wherein a prescription of GetOverItTM proves an effective regimen.

References [1] University of Personal Experience. 2011-2013. Investigations [2] Nick Wroe, University of Leeds General history and examination This one time I had Freshers Flu it should be followed by specific ex- was awful oh my god I wanted to amination of the patients toilet die. 2012 bowl for vomit, bile and other stigmata of hangover. Important bedside clues include paracetamol and Lemsip. Management In the acute setting management should take an ABCDE approach,


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Top tips for Ladies...Drinkin at Unaaay!

Outfit ready? Check! Purse packed? Check! Tickets printed? Check! [insert preferred beverage]? Check! Clubs, pubs, socials, initiations, MUMs, halloween parties, Christmas parties all seem to have one thing in common. No, Not that unsuitably old man sitting in the corner watching you and your friends...alcohol. Every social gathering seems to revolve around drinking. For women, evolution seems to have helped up develop a sense of unity where we look out for one another, especially on nights out. Remember though, in a new place, you dont actually know what people are like when theyre drunk. New uni friend to drunk uni fweend can be an ugly transformation. So girls, being able to look after yourselves on nights out requires a being a bit savvyand these tips (not in order) have been voted the most valuable by a selection of experienced ex-freshers.

Tips Ladies - Drinkin at Unaay

bar + water bottle in your prepacked bag for the recovery. 2) Dont take your credit/debit card out with you for some reason you feel like P-Diddy during the night out and you will regret it later. 3) Dont put all your money in one place in case youre pick-pocketed - which isnt uncommon! (Notes in the bra works wonders, but be careful if youre the type to allow exploration...I dont, as Im ticklish and have a slap reflex).

Nilo Mofared

4) Pre-drink as much as possible to prevent spending too much while youre out. Theres an art to this. You dont want to feel ill before leaving, but the cusp of the oooh myyy feeling will do for the rest of the night if you stop drinking there and then. Youll be relatively and conveniently sober by the time youre home. If you do drink whilst you are out... 5) Finish your drinks at the bar. If you are having your drinks bought for you, well done, but go with them to the bar. Even if theyre not spiking your drink, you wont know who has had a chance to spike it be1) Get your things for the next fore getting to you. Keep an eye out, day ready - especially if you it happens more than you think. have a 9am, include a cereal





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There will also be stalls at freshers where you can collect free bottle stoppers to try and reduce this risk. 7) Always do your PHONE, TICKET, MONEY,KEY and ID check before leaving. The unpredictability of nights out is what makes them amazing, and having these gets rid of any limitations. Even if you lose everyone, you will get home if you have them on you. 8) If youve had too much DO NOT try and compensate for a bottle of wine and 1/2 bottle of cognac by downing bottles of water. Sip slowly to recover. Otherwise, you will pass out then chunder into a champagne bucket in the middle of a club and be home before midnight. So undignified. Editors note: Some people prefer not to drink and that is also fine. Whilst freshers does feel like a time where everything revolves around alcohol, there are events which dont involve it and there are plenty of people in the same boat. Do not worry and dont feel pressurised into drinking if its not your thing. For those that do, take care of yourselves and follow our top tips.

Article Visits around Leeds

Visits around Leeds

Leeds is well known for its vibrant night life, but less people seem to know about the many places to visit in the surrounding area. Perfect for weekend afternoons out and about, walking off that hangover or just getting away from it all. Here are some of our suggestions: 1. Kirkstall Abbey Some of the countrys oldest Cistercian ruins are situated just a short walk from the city centre. There is plenty of space for picnics and it is free to visit. 2. City Museum A free museum on millennium square. It was opened in 2008 and has been popular with both students and families. Its exhibits include a 3,000 years old mummy and a Life on Earth Section. 3. Temple Newsam A Tudor- Jacobian house complete with gardens and park land. The house is home to a wide collection of furniture and decorative arts. In the parkland, there is a rare breeds farm and plenty of walks through the woodland.

Emma Gees

4. Harewood House A house on about 15 minutes by bus from the city centre. You can take a tour around the house or visit the large bird garden or parkland. Admission is half price for those who come by public transport. On Wednesdays, admission is free for students. 5. Leeds Liverpool Canal A long canal, around 128 miles in length to Liverpool. It is a leafy tranquil bliss, which goes straight through the city centre, through Kirkstall and beyond. Perfect for morning walks or as part of a running route.

Article Visits around Leeds

7. York Leeds more historic and some would say more civilized sibling. The walled cathedral city is a tourist hot spot and there are plenty of things to do including museums, quirky shops and coffee shops galore. 8. Tropical World and Roundhay Park Tropical world is home to exotic plants and animals, with swamps, waterfalls and indoor rainforests. Its currently undergoing renovation so be sure to check opening times before going. Across the road is Roundhay Park, where you

York is a beautiful city, easily accessible from Leeds with lots to see and do!

6. Harrogate A lovely place to relax and unwind.The town is surrounded by lots of lovely gardens and there is a Turkish baths. There are plenty of tea shops and cafes, including the famous Bettys.

can stroll around its twin lakes or enjoy a coffee by the lakeside. 9. Ilkley Moor Whether youve heard of the song or not, this is the perfect location for an energetic walk to dust off the cobwebs. The Cow and Calf pub serves fantastic food so is a perfect stopping point during the walk.


10. The Yorkshire Dales and The Yorkshire Moors Buses and trains can take you right to the heart of either

Article Visits around Leeds

of these two national parks and are well worth a day trip.

Roundhay Park: A great escape from the city!

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So you want to be a doctor sounds simple enough when you put it like this. This is, in fact, the slogan of Leeds Widening Access to Medical School (WAMS) scheme. Indeed, when I applied to medical school and through into first year, wanting to be a doctor was certainly as far as my career planning had gone. However as I began to talk to other students, many of whom could tell me exactly what type of doctor they wanted to be, how they were going to get there, and what they were going to be doing in ten years time, I began to worry. When would the day come when I would know for sure that this is the doctor I want to be? Why had that day not come for me already, if it had come for so many others? Was I doing something wrong?

So you want to be a doctor?

Article So you want to be a doctor?

options fully and will not make an informed career decision. A career that suits you now might not suit you in five years time when your priorities (both inside and outside work) have changed. It is also important to remember that your priorities are not the only thing that may change in five years time. Medicine today is a dynamic profession; every specialty is evolving all the time, and so when thinking

Stephanie Harrison

about your future career it is crucial that you consider what it will be like to work in tomorrow, and not just today. In a profession which is undoubtedly highly stressful and highly competitive, choosing the I usually plan everything and so career that stimulates you the most naturally there were (and still are!) will help you to remain motivated. times that I feel rather perturbed that my career plans have such a One of the commonest arguments lack of direction compared with made in favour of choosing a casome of my colleagues. Howevreer soon after entering medical er being open has its advantages. school is that you can begin to get Dedicating yourself to a particuthe invaluable work experience lar specialty too soon can mean you need to create a competitive that you neglect to explore your

Not everyone finds their niche in the first few weeks

CV. Undoubtedly, extra-curricular activity specific to the career that interest you is pivotal if you want to create a competitive CV; however if you spend your time at medical school gaining experience in surgery only to decide dermatology is for you this might delay your progress. Choosing too early, without sufficient experience in a specialty to know what it is truly like to work day to day in that environment could cost you more time in the long run, particularly if it means changing specialty training.

Article So you want to be a doctor?

I do not wish to suggest that it is unadvisable to have a career plan in mind early on during your medical training it has many advantages if you know where you want to go. Although it is crucial to take time to choose the right specialty for you, it is equally crucial that when you are confident about where you see yourself practising medicine in ten years you begin to consider how you can build a CV that will make you stand out from the rest. Voluntary work experience, well chosen SSCs and attending student conferences relevant to your chosen area of medicine all demonstrate sustained commitment and enthusiasm. Early networking can open

up opportunities for work experience and research/audit . Showing interest in relevant medical school societies by becoming a member, or even a committee member, are all beneficial, and have the added benefit of developing transferrable skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication. Even writing articles of interest based on your experiences for your very own medical school magazine Regurg can show your interest in the latest research, ethical issues, or techniques in that particular area of medicine. It is this evidence of pro-active approach to finding out more about the speciality that employers look for in all prospective job candidates. Good news is that by getting your place in medical school youre heading the right way; the bad news is that youre not quite there yet- but there is no need to be concerned. Although it is nice to have a plan about your future career, the reality is that not everyone finds their niche within their first few weeks of medical school; many remain unsure after their first few years of medical school! Do not worry if you are not sure about your career plans now, but do make sure that you start looking sooner rather than later.

I was 16 when I first had a stroke; caused by a cavernoma. Found in one in every 40,000 people with symptoms, it is rare. With an average age of diagnosis of 40, I was rather young to be found to have one. It took my family and I a while to adjust to this previously alien condition, but after several hospital appointments we were happy learning that the chance of it rebleeding was small. I was told that it was definitely not going to be surgically treated, if anything radiosurgery was the only option available to a lesion in the thalamus. So when I got my A level results and got into Leeds University to study medicine I was exceptionally pleased. I made some wonderful friends, had just passed my first exam and was getting used to the intricate working style of a medic. I came back after New Year excited about the new term. It was only a few weeks into this term that I started to experience problems. I would often feel, when conversing with someone that the words they were saying to me were simply floating over my head. I also started to get headaches, nothing so serious that it prevented me do-


Article Cavernoma

Gabrielle Farrar

ing work, but enough to make it a struggle. I saw a neurosurgeon in Leeds, who referred me on for a scan. However, the night before this scan I was writing up my notes when I suddenly felt extremely lightheaded. I managed to make my way to the kitchen, but trying to turn on the tap was such an exertion that I ended up on the floor. My flatmates took me to A and E. In the scanner it turned out to be another bleed. During the 6 months since my last scan my cavernoma had grown from a small lesion worthy of keeping an eye on, to a large 4cmx3cm requiring immediate surgery. This all, of course, was with it being in the same place, and therefore with the same extremely high risks as before. After two weeks in Leeds Teaching Hospital, and Addenbrookes I was let home. The surgery was planned and so I could relax. I knew what was wrong with me. However, on one night things started to go wrong. I was struck down with the worst headache imaginable. I couldnt really sleep, and spent the night tossing and turning. Our GP came round when morning thankfully arrived and admit19

ted me to hospital. After morphine had been administered and I had rested for a while I headed off in an ambulance to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. I arrived in searing pain that it seemed needed endless morphine to cure and my memories of that night and the next morning are mixed between the foggily hazy, and those as clear

Article Cavernoma

I was 16 when I first had a stroke, caused by a cavernoma

as glass. I was wheeled off that very day to have a shunt inserted, and the feeling after the operation is one of my favourite memories; to wake up, after 36+ hours of pain, completely pain free was bliss. Hydrocephalus was the cause of my extreme pain. It was caused by the enlarged cavernoma blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain. It causes increased intercrainial pressure, which led to my symptoms; headache, vomiting, and nausea. So, then began a long process of waiting around for my final surgery. I had friends to visit, my shelf space filled up with cards, and it hardly

seemed to matter that I had a tube and a bag, semi filled with orange fluid, attached to me. As a result of my status as a medical student I was invited along to the early morning doctors sessions. They would watch videos of various operations, or go over some key part of the complex anatomy of the brain, and, the bits I understood (which as a first year medical student were few and far between) were fascinating. When the surgery finally did come around I had mixed emotions. On the outside I was rather excited; partially to get rid of the rapidly filling bag I had to carry around with me all day every day. However, on the inside I was frightened. These inside feelings I barely allowed myself to access, I think I knew that if I did I wouldnt be able to put them away. This was one of the reasons I decided not to let my parents in to the anaesthetics room; I said goodbye to them in my room, and that was the last memory I have of them for quite a while. I am glad that I did this; I was able to chat and laugh with the anaesthetics doctors and nurses, without facing up to the significance of what was about to happen. My first post-operative memory is waking up and not being able to

move the right side of my body. In many ways this shouldnt have been a shock, after all I had been told that this would be one of the outcomes of splitting the two hemispheres. But still, the hopeless feeling of trying to move a limb, and not being able to was devastating. Eventually, with the excellent help of the occupational therapy and physiotherapy teams, I could just manage to move my leg and arm. Then began the slow process of re learning how to walk. I had a cast of my leg made, the type that you would wear if you had broken a bone. This kept my leg straight and prevented it from wobbling, and whilst I still had to walk with support without it, when it was on I was independent. In those days, it felt as though I was barely recovering. It felt like this for weeks. It was only when I was back home, in a rehab hospital in Norwich, that I regained a bit of confidence. With endless physiotherapy and electrical stimulation of my foot muscles, finally I was walking. This was all that I needed to spur me on, and within two weeks I was home. These experiences, despite being devastating and scary at the time, I believe will help me when I do eventually qualify as a doctor. I will

Article So you want to be a doctor?

be able to understand some of the multitude of feelings that my patients will inevitably experience, and I have seen and experienced the brilliant ways in which doctors and nurses act when their patient is in acute emotional distress. Knowing this will be extremely helpful in the future, and I doubt that I will ever forget the time I spent in hospital.


Food for thought: How gloomy treats changed the face of Mental Health Fundraising
Mental illness is no sweet deal, but thanks to an array of cupcakes, macarons, biscuits and other goodies, things are looking up for an area that has long since been plagued by stigma and bad press. The Depressed Cake Shop (DCS) is simple. Care about mental health? Bake grey cakes, sell grey cakes, raise awareness for mental health, and raise money for your local mental health charities. The DCS was the brainchild of Emma Thomas (a.k.a. Miss Cakehead), the founder of the creative baking agency Cakehead Loves. Every year Cakehead Loves a charity project, and for 2013 they chose to focus their campaign on raising awareness for mental health by creating a pop-up shop in their hometown of London, selling mental health-themed baked goods. Grey cupcakes, black dog biscuits, rain cloud cake-pops, 1 in 4 Battenberg,

Article How gloomy treats changed the face of Mental Health Fundraising

and sad-faced macarons the possibilities were endless, as long as they represented the daily struggles of people suffering with mental illness.

Charmian Reynoldson

Cakehead Loves had already received recognition for previous projects, and so it was not long before the local and national media picked up on their new endeavour. The DCS on Brick Lane, London, opened for a day at the start of August and raised over 1000 for local mental health charities. This started a chain-reaction of highly successful pop-up shops all over the UK, including our very own Leeds; where in the first week of August, Alice Wood from Opposite Caf collaborated with a number of local bakers and set up a shop in the Corn

One in four people will suffer from mental illness at some point


Exchange, raising 536.74 for local mental health charities Dial House and Inkwell the second highest total in the UK at the time of writing. As you read this, the DCS will have raised money and awareness as far away as Austrailia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and the United States; and been featured in press coverage from huge media powerhouses such as the BBC, CNN, and Time Magazine. It is now truly a worldwide phenomenon, but why is it so important?

Article How gloomy treats changed the face of Mental Health Fundraising

provide a valuable platform for discussion about mental illness and to engage with people the myriad of complex issues that stem from this disease, and with its international success and wide media coverage it has certainly done just that. But aside from the wider appeal, the DCS also has benefits on a smaller scale. Many of those who have participated in the campaign have personally been affected by mental illness, either themselves or through loved ones. Not only does that help fuel their passion for raising awareness, but it means they can reap the benefits of talking to like-minded people who might share in their experiences. The DCS has united people through common beliefs and experiences, and has helped to provide support not only for the cause but for the individuals involved. On top of the therapeutic benefits baking has been shown to provide, this campaign has become something truly deserving of its success. With many stalls across the UK and the world still to come, 2013 has truly been a good year for mental health awareness. Heres hoping we can continue it for many years to come.

One in four people will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives: by now you probably know the statistics off by heart. However these figures mean nothing if they dont reach the people that will be affected by them everyone! In her original blog post for the DCS, Emma Thomas stated that the campaign aimed to

DCS is doing fantastic work for mental illness across the world

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10 Top Tips to Make Your Money Go Further

Its Freshers Week. There you are, bright eyed and bushy tailed, with more independence than you can shake a stick at. Youre thrown into halls with thousands of other people your own age and mum and dad have gone. Then, all of a sudden, Student Finance England plonk around 1400 into your bank account. Not a good combination. Having to make your first loan instalment stretch till Christmas can be a challenge for even the most frugal of people, let alone 1st year students with no experience of budgeting. Youll have urges to do something wild with your new found wealth: be it buying a Mac and thinking youll be able to make the remaining 400 last till Xmas, or investing in a 1200 Tempur mattress because lets face it, mattresses in halls arent exactly comfy. Fight those temptations, then follow these simple 10 tips to make sure youre not eating beans on toast for the last 6 weeks of term... 1. Dont buy every book on the reading list! We know were guilty of being a little bit competitive from time to time were medics after all but

Tips How to make your money go further

there really is no need to but brand spanking new copies of every book on the reading list. If you do, youll be looking at your bookshelf in 4-5 years time at a shelf of obsolete textbooks which you may have used once or twice. Get the basics: Grays Anatomy and Kumar & Clarkes. The library is likely to have several copies of anything else you need. 2. Cook in bulk from scratch Gone are the days when mum has tea waiting for you on the table when you get back. But instead of reaching for the Dominos flyer, get yourself down the shops and buy ingredients to make a big meal which will last you the week. For example, fry 500g of mince and a load of veg in a pan, add two tins of chopped tomatoes

Adam Brown

You only need a TV license if youre watching live TV

and voila youve got 3 servings of Bolognese. Eat one and freeze the other 2 in plastic food containers for later in the week. Might seem pricy initially, but divide by


three and the savings are obvious. freshers week to go to them all. Wait until you get settled in - you can always join later in the term. 3. Pre-drink This one is pretty obvious. The more you tank up on booze from 6. Watch TV legally... without a the off-licence before you go out, TV licence the less you have to spend on al- dont be intimidated by the threatcohol while youre out. This could ening letters from the TV licence save you a small fortune in freshers people. You only need a TV liweek alone. Careful though, you cence if youre streaming live TV. need to be able to walk into the club. If you only use iPlayer/4OD etc to watch programmes that have already been shown, or if you just 4. Get a Railcard Chances are youll be using the use your TV for consoles, you train to go back home every so of- dont need a licence. And if you ten. You can get a railcard for 30 do decide to get a licence, rememfor one year or 70 for three years ber to get a refund for the sumwhich gets you 1/3 off all rail fares. mer months if nobodys there. The card pays for itself on a single ticket to London, so imagine 7. Dont buy contents insurance how much you save over a year. Or at least check with your parents Apply at before you do the contents away from home section of your parents 5. Dont join every society at policy might already cover you. freshers fair Weve all been there. You walk 8. Ask for student discounts around the Freshers Fair with the If you dont ask, sometimes you first loan instalment burning a hole dont get retailers dont always in your pocket and suddenly youve advertise the fact they offer a dissigned up to do football, snor- count for students. Take your stukelling, archery and hand-glid- dent ID out with you when you ing. Although societies are a great go shopping and always ask about way to meet people, chances are discounts youve nothing to lose. youll be too busy/hungover in

Tips How to make your money go further

9. Dont get a takeaway on the way home from a night out Its 4am, youre on your way home from a heavy night, and youre absolutely ravenous. Instead of opting for a greasy Doner kebab with chips, wait till you get home and have a bowl of cereal or some bread. Youll feel a lot less guilty the morning after and youll have saved enough for a couple of pints on the next night out. (However, if the temptation is too great, Pizza La Fonte on Burley Road opposite Park Lane College do a cracking meat feast

History The Hunterian Museum

and are open till the early hours.) 10. Dont pay for condoms At the last time of checking, a pack of 18 Durex Fetherlite condoms was 12 from Sainsburys a princely 67p each. That can work out quite expensive if youre a LAD or if its been so long youve forgotten how to put one on. You can get condoms for FREE at your GP, or at the sexual health clinic, which is 100yds past the LGI Jubilee Wing on your right (if youre walking in the direction of town).
Sam Amin

The Hunterian Museum: 200 Years of Recording

Located at The Royal College of Surgeons and in the heart of London is the Hunterian Museum. Marking its 200th anniversary this year, the museum was opened in 1813. For the last 200 years, the museum has gathered a unique collection of human anatomy, pathology as well as natural history. The human and the animal specimens on display are quite remarkable, and I can verify this as I paid a personal visit to the museum. are commendable. Descriptive tales and interesting stories behind the origin of the specimens bring these fascinating collections to life and capture the audience.

The museum was founded by John Hunter (1728-1793), a Scottish surgeon renowned for his observations and use of what we now know as the scientific method in medicine. It is for these reasons that he is known as the Father of Scientific Surgery. However, times were difThe museums efforts in preserv- ferent in the 1700s. The common ing and presenting the collections purchase of criminals bodies for

purpose of anatomical dissection by surgeons would be an idea unacceptable in modern era. Therefore, Hunters methods in collection of his specimens are somewhat controversial and hard to grasp today. However, criminals were not the only easy targets for study of human anatomy. Individuals who were considered to be of unusual stature would be sought after their death. A notable specimen of the museum belongs to Charles Byrne, who was known as the Irish Giant. He was well over 2m tall and was considered a mystery. Hunter purchased Byrnes body after his death and studied his anatomy. It was not till years lat-

History The Hunterian Museum

haler used in 1846 in Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston by William Morton to prove the effective use of ether inhalation for management of pain in surgery. Other objects of note include Joseph Listers carbolic acid spray engine, a pioneering tool in antiseptics. This museum doesnt fail to portray the evolution of surgery for the visitor. The natural history section of the museum includes hundreds of interesting specimens of mammals, birds, insects and fish which were all collected by Hunter for their own unique reasons. This section is well worth the visit, too. Most of the specimens are still kept intact within the same containers that were used by Hunter some 200 years ago. Overall, the museum receives a thumbs up from me. Hunters work enhanced our understanding of human anatomy and opened a new door for developments in surgery. I highly recommend paying a visit to this museum as it surely has the capacity to fascinate you.

er that the cause of his gigantism was established to be a pituitary tumour. His tall skeleton today looms over the museum collection. Among other interesting items within the collection are early surgical tools for those interested in surgery. These include an early ground-breaking anaesthesia in-

Hunters methods in collection are somewhat controversial and hard to grasp


Regurg Module Guides!

For the first time at Regurg, weve asked the various Year 1 Module Leaders to write a short summary

Modules Introduction to Medical Science

of what their module is about and what you Freshers have to look forward to over the coming year - enjoy!
Dr. Mike Routeledge

Introduction to Medical Sciences - IMS

I am the course lead for IMS, an ICU that aims to provide students with an introduction to a range of topics that underpin medical science, such as cells and tissues, DNA, proteins, immunology, pharmacology, genetics etc. I am a scientist with a research focus on genetic toxicology and molecular epidemiology, which basically means that I am interested in understanding how genes and the environment interact to cause human disease. As a scientist (and sometimes as a patient) I believe that medical doctors need to have a thorough understanding of the science that underpins clinical practice, so that they can understand the evidence on which modern medicine is based. Fortunately, the GMC agrees and sets out clear guidance that medical doctors should be scientists as well as clinicians! IMS is the start of learning to become a clinician/ scientist and you will build on what you learn here throughout the first

two years of the MBChB. Those of you who have done Biology at A-level (not all of you I know), will have covered some of the material we will study in IMS. However, I think you will see it from a new perspective in many cases, and start to find out how the science is applied to clinical scenarios. Most topics are revisited at greater depth in later parts of the MBChB and many students look back on IMS and see how what they learned in IMS fits in with their more clinical courses and has given them a solid grounding on which to build their understanding of medical science. We provide a number of quizzes and a practice test during IMS, to help focus your mind on what you need to learn. The in course assessment for learning is an MCQ/EMQ exam before Christmas. This is to ensure that you have achieved a sufficient level of knowledge to allow you to understand the other science ICUs in year 1 that start after Christmas. Although it may be stressful to do

Modules Campus to Clinic

an exam before the end of the first term, it is good practice for the integrated exam in the summer (same format) and you will have a great sense of achievement when you go home for the holidays! Of course, there are always a small number of students who dont pass first time, but we help those The Campus to Clinic course runs across the first three years of Medical School and, as the name suggests, is designed to enable you to put your theoretical learning into clinical practice. Over the three years, you will spend increasing amounts of time in clinical areas, seeing patients, so that you will go from being a medical student, to being a student doctor, with all of the responsibility that this entails. The aim of Year 1 of this course is to prepare you to be ready to see patients. In the first term, teaching will be predominantly within the University. However, over the following two terms, there will be an increasing emphasis on teaching within the clinical environment, together with self-directed learning. The teaching year at the university will provide you with the necessary

students to achieve the necessary level of understanding by giving them some additional work to hand in early in the second term. This ensures that their understanding of the key concepts is up to scratch to ensure their progress on the later ICUs.

Campus to Clinic - C2C

skills, knowledge and attitudes that you will require when you start seeing patients. You will explore how to communicate with patients here in the safety of small group learning before being able to put this into practise in the clinical environment. This strand of the course will allow you to appreciate why effective communication is important in the practice of medicine. You also will be taught about the ethical and legal principles that will underpin your career as a medic. On placement you will get a chance, in small groups to experience healthcare delivery in different settings as you will have one placement in primary care and one in secondary care. You will get a chance to meet different health care professionals and start to understand their different roles and how these overlap. During

Dr. Gail Nicholls

your clinical placement in Primary Care you will have the opportunity to visit a voluntary group close to the practice and to learn about the importance of the voluntary sector as potential partners in healthcare delivery.The first time you talk to a patient on your own you should As a heart specialist - I have a heart-centric view of medicine. When asked why I decided to specialize in cardiology - the best reason I have been able to identify is that it was always first on the curriculum and I tended to run out of revision time before getting to other systems.I enjoy what I do - and have colleagues in Respiratory and Renal Medicine who are equally enthusiastic about their specialty. Then we have a great anatomy department that has years of experience (I trained there in 1978)combined with an innovative approach to teaching. Together we form the Core Body Systems course - whichadopts an aspirational motto each year. First Becoming Tomorrows Doctors then He who saves a life saves a world and most recently Death Defeated. The concept

Modules Core Body Systems

not feel unduly anxious (although a degree of nerves is common!) The course is designed to give you the information and support that you need to enter the clinical environment. We know that you will enjoy it as seeing patients was what you came to medical school to do! is that through anatomy, lectures and clinical symposiawe help to lay down the understanding that will later allow lives to be saved through the care of the three core body systemsthat occupy most of the attention of medical staff during patient first-aid, resuscitation and intensive care. Which brings me to the other (most?) important group of teachers on CBS - the anaesthetists. These doctors are experts in all three specialty areas and beyond - with particular expertise in the care of the critically ill patient. Professor of Anaesthetics Phil Hopkins is joint lead for CBS and a major advocate of the CBS vision. We are all keen to help you get an early understanding of medicine and to use your raw enthusiasm to drive your learning of the foundation medical science topics. Welcome to CBS !

Core Body Systems (CBS)

Dr. Alistair Hall

Individuals and Populations (I&P)

Our course content describes the social sciences explaining a) why people think and behave in the way they do, b) how peoples reasoning and social context affects their morbidity, health behaviours and treatment decisions, and c) the interventions to change peoples lifestyle behaviours and treat mental health problems. We know students attending our Wednesday morning lecture and small group teaching learn a new way to think about health and illness that forms the foundations of being a conscientious doctor delivering evidence-based practice within a changing society. In our small group teaching, students work together on two projects investigating the individual and societal factors around HIV, and Chronic Illness and Disability (CID). The in-course assessments are a presentation and essay for each project. Other individual topics help students make links between the facts in lectures with their application to people in the real world. For example, lectures on learning, memory, and cognition link with small group sessions on panic attacks and relaxation.

Modules Individuals and Populations

The end-of-year exam includes questions from both the lecture and small group teaching sessions. Last year, students fed-back that the projects were enjoyable and the course content was interesting. Our staff are enthusiastic about delivering a course to help you understand medicine using social science explanations of people and society. In the research and service delivery part of our jobs we use the science and skills daily that you learn about in this individual and populations course. All our staff either carry out research to understand patient and professionals experience of health problems and evaluate interventions to improve these experiences, and/or deliver services to diagnose and treat mental health problems, and/or train others to deliver care effectively. We are looking forward to working with you over the next year. The Individuals and Populations year 1 course team are: 3 senior academics delivering the psychology and sociology in medicine lectures, Dr Hilary Bekker (course lead), Dr Louise Bryant (small group teaching lead) and Professor Andrew Hill (assessment lead).

Dr. Hilary Bekker


Modules IDEALS Dr. Rob Lane

The GMC through its document Tomorrows Doctors (2009) requires medical schools to address 3 aspects of a student doctors education; doctor as practitioner, doctor as scientist and doctor as professional. The IDEALS course is designed to meet most of the needs of the doctor as professional requirements. Some areas, like ethics, are integrated into other parts of the course. Within IDEALS are a number of strands that underpin professional practice: - Learning and teaching - Patient safety - Professionalism & The GMC - Career planning - Healthcare systems - Teamwork and leadership

ment and to develop into life-long self-directed learners able to continue to develop in clinical practice. We also start to look at the important skill of teaching and through project work give opportunities for peer teaching with feedback. We are proud to say that we were the first UK medical school to introduce a comprehensive patient safety curriculum. Within patient safety we are trying to address the inevitability of error, its impact on patients, carers and professionals and the role of systems and culture in creating error traps. Planning a career in Medicine is becoming increasingly important as competition for jobs in the NHS increases. We are not attempting to get students to choose their career but to give them the IDEALS is about attitudes, behav- tools to help them decide on and iours and skills; it is not something progress their careers later on. that can be taught through lectures and so most of the work is Within professionalism we will fodone in small groups with a tutor cus the first year on the underlying you will get to know over 2 years. skills and knowledge required and Early in term 1 year 1 we introduce in year 2 move on to practical apthe notion of self-regulated learn- plication. In year 1 we will try to ing and try to help our students develop personal awareness and continue to be effective learners help you try to decide the charin the new University environ- acteristics you would want to de33

velop to be the doctor you want to be. Medicine is a high burnout profession and we will look at resilience and how to survive. Professional practice requires reflective skills and we will work on developing these early in the course. Most of our graduates will work in the NHS and will work in team hence the inclusion of lectures and projects looking at healthcare systems and a strand running through years 1 and 2 looking first at effective team work and then ay aspects of leadership. IDEALS is not best assessed by

Modules Nutrition & Energy

traditional tests of knowledge. We have introduced a passport system of assessment. You will be required to submit reflective pieces of work for critique by your tutor and meet to discuss these at the end of terms 1 and 3. Most students pass the assessment but be warned a few do fail mainly through lack of engagement. The passport is designed to lead into appraisal in the NHS and we have started to introduce the notion of 3600 feedback. IDEALS is a space to stop and think about your values, beliefs and behaviours we hope you use the time well. tures to its use in clinical practice, through a series of clinical lectures, and work sessions which allow you to consolidate your lecture material, and relate it to clinical case studies. Nutrition is extremely important for health, both for the population as a whole, and for patients whose illnesses stem from malnutrition. Everyone is aware of the problems associated with increasing levels of obesity this is currently costing the NHS over 5bn/year not only for the treatment of growing numbers of patients with obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes,
Dr. Sue Whittle

Nutrition & Energy (N&E)

The Nutrition & Energy ICU starts at the beginning of March, and lasts for 8 weeks. During this time you will learn about the processes of digestion, absorption, and how food is converted to energy, or stored for later use. Youll explore the anatomy of the abdominal cavity, understand how it develops, and how its structure varies along its length so that different parts of the gut can undertake a range of roles. Youll learn about the role of the liver and the pancreas in digestion and homeostasis. You will then relate the science content of lec-


but also for the purchase of equipment capable of coping with the increasing weight of some patients, such as larger beds, and hoists capable of moving heavier patients. On the other hand, there are patients who suffer from dietary deficiencies. Would it surprise you to know that doctors still see cases of rickets and scurvy in the UK? Youll need to understand how to treat a patient who cant or wont eat; many hospital patients need supplementary or artificial nutrition. As a qualified doctor, youll meet many patients who have problems associated with their digestive tract. Youll treat patients who cant digest or absorb their food properly, such as patients with cystic fibrosis, or inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohns disease, and those whose bodies cant control what happens to the nutrients after they have been absorbed, such as patients with diabetes. The liver is responsible for more than 500 vital functions, including storage of vitamins and minerals, metabolism of nutrients, synthesis of blood proteins, and safe removal

Modules Nutrition & Energy

of toxins from the body, so it is not surprising that anything which affects liver function, e.g. infections which cause hepatitis, lifestyles which lead to liver damage and cirrhosis, can have serious consequences for a patients health. Many of the diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract are chronic conditions; they must be managed rather than cured, so patients may be treated by both primary and secondary health care teams. You will be taught using a mixture of lectures and small group teaching, and provided with on-line resources to support your learning. You will be encouraged to integrate the materials you learn, both within the ICU, and with materials from other ICUs, e.g. Introduction to Medical Science. There are Assessments for Learning during the ICU which help you to engage with the course material, and test your knowledge and understanding; some of these are on-line, offering instant feedback, while your knowledge of anatomy, embryology and histology will be tested via a spot test in the dissection room at the end of the ICU.


Research, Evaluation & Special Studies (RESS)

RESS provides an opportunity to acquire, develop and apply research and evaluation skills. This is in line with Outcome 1 of the GMC regulations in Tomorrows Doctors 2009: The Doctor as a Scholar and Scientist. Why are research and evaluation skills important when training to be a doctor? Evidence based practice is the cornerstone of good medical practice. As a doctor you will need to select and apply the most appropriate clinical management strategy for the individual patient or population. At graduation the newly qualified doctor will be able to critically evaluate research findings, recognise the inherent limitations and strengths of evidence, understand how this should be used in management guidelines, and be able to evaluate application to clinical practice. Through the RESS strand of the Leeds MBChB Curriculum you will participate in a breadth and depth of curricular experience to develop your individual research and evaluation skills. What work will I be doing? The first year provides structured, peer to peer and independent learning and practice of research and evaluation skills. There will be two projects in Year 1: MEDI1213: Human Body Measurement (HBM) This project runs in the Autumn term and will introduce you to the skills needed to carry out research effectively. Working in small groups, weekly tutorials will take you through the research process in a stepwise manner covering: how to read a research paper; asking research questions and gathering information and resources; developing a hypothesis; methods and collecting data; analysing and presenting data; discussion and conclusions; communicating research and the peer review process. The work required for the final HBM project report is structured into weekly tutorial tasks. The outputs from these tasks are compiled towards the end of the project to produce the final HBM project report. MEDI1218: Special Studies Project (SSP) This student selected project runs during the second term. The purpose of SSP is to apply and practice research and evaluation skills that you developed during the first

Modules Research, Evaluation & Special Studies

Dr. Sue Whittle

term - mostly through self-directed learning. A portfolio of around 30 projects will be offered. Students will have opportunity to work alongside research leaders on a wide range of current research topics. There will be a RESS1 Conference Day held towards the end of term. Students will learn how to make a poster. The Conference Day is an opportunity for you to present your project poster to fellow students, and to learn about other projects. How will I be assessed? 1. HBM Project report. 2. SSP Project report, poster and reflective log. Prizes are best HBM awarded for the and SSP reports.

Modules Research, Evaluation & Special Studies

the data analysis software in relevance to your project; carefully follow the tutorial task instructions. These will all save you time in the end. Apply the skills learnt in term 1 to ensure you work consistently throughout your SSP. Dont leave it all to the last minute. Where can I go to if I need help? RESS Team in the L&T office

Any advice about the projects? Make full use of the HBM project resources on VLE, e.g read the study guide and any literature recommended, review the descriptive statistics resource and try the self test questions, follow the instructions in the videos on how to use


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If you would like to get involved with Regurg, whether it be writing or behind the scenes, please let us know, by emailing

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