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PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.

Head Ofce Talavera Ofce Park 20th Floor Jl. Let. Jend. TB. Simatupang Kav. 22-26 Jakarta 12430 Phone (021) 7592-46117 Fax (021) 7592-4617 - Jl. Raya Mojosari-Pacet Km. 50 Sampang Agung, Jawa Timur - Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 19 PO Bag 3264 Jakarta 15122 Phone (021) 619-0108 (Hunting), 545-0750 Fax (021) 619-4835, 619-0190 Telex 43426 JAKBIR IA Beverages PMA

Food and Beverages

Summary of Financial Statement

(Million Rupiah) 2008 2009 2010
Total Assets Current Assets of which Cash and cash equivalents Trade receivables Inventories Non-Current Assets of which Fixed Assets-Net Other Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities of which Trade payables Accrued expenses Taxes payable Non-Current Liabilities Minority Interests in Subsidiaries Shareholders' Equity Paid-up capital Paid up capital in excess of par value Retained earnings Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating Profit Other Income (Expenses) Profit before Taxes Profit after Taxes Per Share Data (Rp) Earnings per Share Equity per Share Dividend per Share Closing Price Financial Ratios PER (x) PBV (x) Dividend Payout (%) Dividend Yield (%) Current Ratio (x) Debt to Equity (x) Gross Profit Margin (x) Net Profit Margin (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Total Assets Turnover (x) ROI (%) ROE (%) PER = 16,61x ; PBV = 28,82x (June 2011) Financial Year: December 31 Public Accountant: Siddharta & Widjaja
(million rupiah) 2011 2010
Total Assets Current Assets Non-Current Assets Liabilities Shareholders' Equity Net Sales Profit after Taxes 1,211,970 660,737 551,233 942,199 269,771 859,785 246,749 20.36 91.47 860,509 425,874 434,635 611,370 249,049 868,794 220,820 25.66 88.67


941,389 524,813 276,849 103,515 103,212 416,576 403,172 4,889 597,123 561,144 49,590 93,250 171,258 35,979 88 344,178 21,070 1,802 321,306 1,325,661 686,556 639,105 352,819 286,286 27,690 313,976 222,307

993,465 561,482 337,162 91,685 110,497 431,983 420,864 4,615 888,122 852,194 49,884 94,386 191,544 35,928 132 105,211 21,070 1,802 82,339 1,616,264 766,918 849,346 335,962 513,384 (40,893) 472,491 340,458

1,137,082 597,241 206,585 216,394 101,153 539,841 528,879 4,863 665,714 632,026 45,954 141,201 56,082 33,688 147 471,221 21,070 1,802 448,349 1,790,164 761,988 1,028,176 411,888 616,288 (22,126) 594,162 442,916

Business Company Status

Financial Performance: The Company booked net income amounted IDR 442 billion in 2010, higher than last year income worth IDR 340 billion. Brief History: The company began its operation in 1931 under the name of NV Nederlandsch Indische Bierbrouwerijen. Since 1936, the company has been under a Dutch company, Heineken International Beheer BV. The main products of the company are beer and stout, marketed under the brands of Bir Bintang and Guinness. Bir Bintang controls over 60% share of the beer market. The company has technical assistance cooperation with Heineken Technische Beheer and Guinness Overseas Ltd. After selling the softdrink plant in Medan in April 1994, the company now run breweries in Mojosari, East Java and Tangerang, West Java. At the end of 1994 the companys head ofce was relocated to the Tangerang brewery. The company is relocating its brewery in Ngagel, Surabaya to Sampangagung, Mojokerto to increase production capacity from 300.000 to 800.000 hecto liters. This total of 60 million liters per annum will cost around Rp. 150 billion. On October 13, 1997, the company started to export beer to Japan and North Australia.

10,551 16,335 15,000 49,500

16,158 4,993 3,650 177,000

21,021 22,365 21 274,950

4.69 3.03 142.17 30.30 0.94 1.73 0.48 0.17 6.65 1.41 23.61 64.59

10.95 35.45 22.59 2.06 0.66 8.44 0.53 0.21 6.94 1.63 34.27 323.59

13.08 12.29 0.10 0.01 0.94 1.41 0.57 0.25 7.53 1.57 38.95 93.99

Shareholders Asia Pacific Breweries Limited Hollandsch Administratiekantoor B.V. Public

75.10% 7.43% 17.47%

ROI (%) ROE (%) In June


Indonesian Capital Market Directory 2011

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.

Board of Commissioners President Commissioner Dr. Cosmas Batubara Commissioners Subarto Zaini, MBA, Bobby Henry Noya, Sijbe Hiemstra, Koh Poh Tiong, Roland Pirmez

Food and Beverages

Board of Directors President Director Leonard Cornelis Jorden Evers Directors Bambang Britono, SH, Elien Clara Smits, Chan Poh Keng Number of Employees 352

No 1 2

Type of Listing First Issue Company Listing

Listing Date 15-Dec-81 12-Jan-01

Trading Date 15-Dec-81 12-Jan-01

Number of Shares per Listing 3,520,012 17,549,988

Total Listed Shares 3,520,012 21,070,000

Underwriters PT Danareksa (Persero), PT Inter-Pacific Finance Corporation, PT Merchand Investment Corporation Stock Price, Frequency, Trading Days, Number and Value of Shares Traded and Market Capitalization

Stock Price and Traded Chart

Stock Price (Rp) 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Jan-10Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10May-10Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10Sep-10Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11May-11 Jun-11

Thousand Shares 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -

Institute for Economic and Financial Research


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