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Cynthia To 11FoodTech

Growing & Harvesting: There are several methods of growing rice, depending which country it is grown on such as its climatic conditions. Based on the location and climate of where the rice is planted, there are two ways to plant African and Asian types of rice. One planting process is called lowland rice. Here rice is grown in flooded plains, called rice paddies, so its roots are able to absorb and use the nutrient content present in the water it is planted in. The seeds are typically planted in small seedbeds, and then transferred into flooded fields which have already been ploughed. Developed countries instead use a drill to plant the seeds in fields already prepared mechanically. It is then flooded by rainwater or irrigation. Another planting method is upland rice. This process is used in locations with little quantities of moisture to cultivate the crop. The rice is planted on the soil and its roots only obtain nutrients depending on the available nutrients in the soil. This method however, harvests fewer types of tice as only a limited amount of nutrients are obtainable to the rices roots in comparison to paddy rice. From these two methods, rice can be harvested within three to six months. In developing countries, farmers harvest the rice by using a knife, then gather the crop and tie them into bundles. These are then left in the field to dry. Another procedure involves animals to walk over the rice, taking out its grain. This is called threshing. In developed countries, harvesting machines called combines are used. It harvests the rice, and after that removes and cleans the grain. The grains are then left to dry in high temperatures. Countries which use rice as a staple:

Different Products Made From the Staple: - Rice Husks - Rice used in Beverage Making - Rice Bran - Rice Paper - Broken Rice - Rice Glue - Rice Flour - Rice Cakes (mochi) - Rice Milk - Rice Vinegar - Rice Pudding - Rice Soy Milk - Rice Starch - Red Yeast Rice

Rice Straw Rice Bran Oil Rice Based Food Products

Traditional Dish from One Country Which Uses Rice: Sticky Rice Cakes (bnh chng) are a traditional Vietnamese dish part of Vietnamese New Year (Tt) meals. It consists of glutinous rice, pork meat and green beans paste. This is wrapped in a square of

bamboo leaves, which gives the rice a green colour after boiling. During Tt, these rice cakes are generally served with lean meat pie (gi la) and salted sour onions (hnh mui). How the Protein Quality of this Staple can be Improved: The protein quality in rice can be increased by eating brown rice as it contains the highest amount of protein amongst all the different types of rice or to eat the rice with protein-rich foods such as meat. Deficiency Diseases Associated with Rice in Developing Countries: Vitamin A Deficiency This disease is mostly widespread among those whose diets consist mainly of rice. This is because rice does not contain -carotene (pro-vitamin A), which is used to convert into Vitamin A by the body. It is a very serious disease as it could lead to critical symptoms such as: blindness, weak immune systems, impaired haematopoiesis and skeletal growth. Beriberi On the outer husks of the rice grains and coating of the rice kernel, the thiamine (Vitamin B) can be removed through the process of polishing rice (white rice). This therefore caused many people to develop Beriberi or thiamine deficiency and other heart and nerve diseases. There are three types of this disease: infantile, wet and dry. If left untreated, beriberi is often deadly.


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