Flunking The Debunker

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By William Lyne

(A response to "Bobdee's"/Clark Daniel's

"Debunking William Lyne" at Scribd.com)

This response is called for because of the misleading and defamatory effect of the
article, "Debunking William Lyne", at Scribd.com, based on Clark Daniel's
("Bobdee's") misinterpretation not only of what I said in my book, Occult Ether
Physics: Tesla's Secret Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It,
but also his misinterpretation of what Nikola Tesla said. Clark Daniel has
"debunked" no one except himself, as the documentation will show.

Opportunistic sociopaths always look for weakness to "pounce on" to make

themselves look better. A few weeks ago Clark Daniel barged into the
teslaflyingmachine@yahoo.com forum-obviously thinking that he knew more about
Tesla than he did-and unsuccessfully tried to create a divide-and-conquer "wedge"
between members of the forum and myself, but could get nowhere. Being a degreed
electrical engineer who was a recent convert to what he thought was "natural
philosophy", he decided to try out his new natural philosophy "wings" on us, and
failed. First, he tried denying that Nikola Tesla ever said (emphasis mine)-

"The most probable medium filling all space is one consisting of independent
carriers immersed in an insulating fluid." (1)

Because of Clark's misinterpretations and false conclusions, he was an annoyance.

His denial went on for several days, until we proved that yes, Tesla made that
statement. Having failed in that, he then tried to split hairs by saying that
Tesla was referring to the "air" as the ether's "insulating fluid" ("fluid"?) As
his "proof", he presented a completely different statement by Tesla, regarding the
air, in which he said in pertinent part (emphasis mine)-

"But the action, as explained, implies that the air is insulating-that is, that it
is composed of independent carriers immersed in an insulating medium." (2)

(Note the difference here, where Tesla described the ether, then the air-different
things-in similar but different terms. But Daniel doesn't see that difference, and
seems deluded, insisting that the two obviously different statements refer to the
same thing.)

Tesla was referring to a "fluid" in relation to the ether, and a "medium" in

relation to the air. (He was only stating the obvious since even an idiot who has
experimented with an electrostatic generator knows that the charges would never
build up if the air was conductive, and besides, we would all get the hell shocked
out of us every time an electrical appliance is turned on.)

It has pretty much been standard parlance for quite some time for the ether to be
referred to as an "incompressible fluid", but Daniel apparently doesn't realize
that either, because he also launched into a big steamy and stinky load of totally
unrelated "theorization" that Tesla's space propulsion system "created a vacuum"
in front, and "pressure" in the back, in the ether, to propel the ship. A sort of
"push-pull" idea which is wrong. Since the ether is also said to fill all space,
how could Daniel's (not Tesla's) ether "composed of independent carriers immersed
in the air" exist in outer space? It couldn't.

In another statement, in which he elucidated further on this point, Tesla said, in

pertinent part (emphasis mine)---

"What impresses the investigator in the course of these experiences is the

behavior of gases when subjected to great rapidly alternating electrostatic
stresses. But he must remain in doubt as to whether the effects observed are due
wholly to the molecules, or atoms, of the gas which chemical analysis discloses to
us, or whether there enters into play another medium of a gaseous nature,
comprising atoms, or molecules, immersed in a fluid pervading all space." (3)

(In the first part of the above statement Tesla was referring to the atmospheric
gases, as compared to the ether in the last part, in regard to rapidly alternating
electrostatic stresses.)

Speaking of "the ether in all space", Tesla continued (in pertinent part, emphasis

"...only a homogeneous, incompressible, and elastic fluid-such as the ether is

supposed to be-would remain." (4)

So now we see, with no doubt as to Tesla's meaning, the crux of the problem.
Daniel fundamentally cannot discern between when Tesla was referring to what he
considered to be the properties of the ether, and when Tesla was referring to the
properties of the air. Being unable to understand the difference, he simply
confuses the two, failing to comprehend that Tesla considered that the ether
consists of "...independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid", while at
the same time, considering that the air is "...composed of independent carriers
immersed in an insulating medium."

It just goes to show that even an education in electrical engineering did not
prepare Daniel to deal with the subtleties of Tesla's thoughts. He does not
understand that, according to Tesla, the ether, whether in the atmosphere or in
outer space, is composed of independent carriers immersed in its own insulating
fluid, while the air-not in outer space-is also composed of independent carriers
(of much, much larger size and mass) immersed in an insulating medium.

In another slanted argument (citing Wikipedia), Daniel referred to a drawing from

Nikola Tesla's patent #723,188, Method for Signaling (from page 197, my book
Pentagon Aliens) stating that an oscillating high frequency electromagnetic
dipole, tuned to three-eights (or one-quarter) wavelength, produces only "an A.C.
node". This flies in the face of the fact well-documented (from a standard
electrical engineering text) in the first edition of my 1993 book Space Aliens
From the Pentagon-

"...an oscillating electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges of
dipole moment p, where p oscillates sinusoidally with time. A dipole which is
tuned to 3/8th (or 1/4, the same) will continue to throw out energy even when the
conditions are reversed, because there is a time lag between changes in charge and
current distribution." (5)
So Daniel's "node" is not really there, and what results is negative electrostatic
discharges, D.C. in sign. Most schlubs would assume that the dipole is "supposed"
to produce an A.C. node, but it does not do so at sufficiently high frequency,
because of this phenomenon, which Tesla knew about in the 1890s, which is why he
called his single terminal ("pancake") coil "...my method for producing direct
current with an alternating current."

Daniel simply refuses to understand Tesla, posturing himself as knowing better

than Tesla what he meant! And the real problem with Daniel is that he really
doesn't appear to know how to read. For example, I didn't say that Tesla did not
consider the ether as gaseous as Daniel falsely concluded, but only that it wasn't
the "half-hearted gaseous ether of Lorentz". See what I mean? False conclusions.

What I have tried to do in Occult Ether Physics is to dig Tesla's Dynamic Theory
of Gravity out of the shadows of government secrecy, because the theory was never
published in complete detail, and the government has this and many other Tesla
secrets locked away in an underground vault beneath the J. Robert Oppenheimer
Research Center in Los Alamos, New Mexico. These secrets have been beyond the
public's reach since 1943 when Tesla died. But the main effort of my book was to
reconstruct Tesla's UFO propulsion technology, which is naturally related to his

I discovered in my research that Tesla's technology was the same or similar to

that of J. J. Thomson. (6) I know this because Tesla never disputed Thomson's
Electromagnetic Momentum Theory, never said a word about it. Tesla never failed to
dispute a theory if he thought it was false. Ergo, he agreed with it but didn't
want to discuss it. As they say in the law, "He waived any objection to it, and
can thereby be deemed to have accepted it as true." Tesla did take Thomson to task
in regard to another issue, the production of fluorescence in gases in glass tubes
at low pressures. In that case (7), Tesla proposed that electrostatics was better
than electrodynamics, to which Thomson agreed!

Tesla's stony silence on the Thomson theory was because Thomson was letting the
cat out of the bag, and any statements Tesla could have made would only have made
matters worse, because this was Tesla's biggest secret.

A Third Revised Edition of Occult Ether Physics is being published in the Russian
language, to be sold in the Russian-reading world. An English language version of
my Third Edition will be issued in the near future in America.

I have to admit that I really don't mind rubbing it in, but Clark Daniel is,
according to documentation, wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong. When he bit this
off, he should have considered whether or not it was more than he could chew. And
perhaps he should sign up for a remedial reading class, as well as basic
philosophy 101. After all, "natural philosophy" employs logic.

William Lyne, Author of Occult Ether Physics, Pentagon Aliens, and Occult Science

End Notes:

1. T. C. Martin, The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla; Lecture

before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London (1892).

2. T. C. Martin (supra)
3. T. C. Martin, (supra)

4. T. C. Martin, (supra)

5. R. L. Armstrong and J. D. King, The Electromagnetic Interaction, Prentiss-

Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

6. J. J. Thomson, Recent Researches in Elect. And Mag. (1891); chap. 1; (1893 p.

13; Phil. Mag., xxxi (1891) p. 149.

7. T. C. Martin, (supra)

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