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after calling ParseCommandLine. instead.

SetRegistryKey Causes application settings to be stored in the

ParseCommandLine Parses individual parameters and flags in the registry instead of .INI files.
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) command line. EnableShellOpen Allows the user to open data files from the
Quick Reference ProcessShellComma Handles command-line arguments and flags. Windows File Manager.
nd RegisterShellFileTy Registers all the application’s document types
Author: Jialong He GetProfileInt Retrieves an integer from an entry in the pes with the Windows File Manager.
Email: application’s .INI file. Enable3dControls Enables controls with three-dimensional WriteProfileInt Writes an integer to an entry in the appearance.
application’s .INI file. Enable3dControlsSt Enables controls with a three-dimensional
CObject GetProfileString Retrieves a string from an entry in the atic appearance.
CObject Default constructor. application’s .INI file. OnFileNew Implements the ID_FILE_NEW command.
operator new Special new operator. WriteProfileString Writes a string to an entry in the application’s OnFileOpen Implements the ID_FILE_OPEN command.
operator delete Special delete operator. .INI file. OnFilePrintSetup Implements the ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP
operator = Assignment operator. AddDocTemplate Adds a document template to the application’s command.
AssertValid Validates this object’s integrity. list of available document templates. OnContextHelp Handles SHIFT+F1 Help within the
Dump Produces a diagnostic dump of this object. GetFirstDocTemplat Retrieves the position of the first document application.
IsSerializable Tests to see whether this object can be ePosition template. OnHelp Handles F1 Help within the application (using
serialized. GetNextDocTempla Retrieves the position of a document template. the current context).
Serialize Loads or stores an object from/to an archive. te Can be used recursively. OnHelpIndex Handles the ID_HELP_INDEX command
GetRuntimeClass Returns the CRuntimeClass structure OpenDocumentFile Called by the framework to open a document and provides a default Help topic.
corresponding to this object’s class. from a file. OnHelpFinder Handles the ID_HELP_FINDER and
IsKindOf Tests this object’s relationship to a given class. AddToRecentFileLi Adds a filename to the most recently used ID_DEFAULT_HELP commands.
st (MRU) file list. OnHelpUsing Handles the ID_HELP_USING command.
CWinApp SelectPrinter Selects a printer previously indicated by a user
through a print dialog box. CDocument
m_pszAppName Specifies the name of the application.
m_hInstance Identifies the current instance of the CreatePrinterDC Creates a printer device context. CDocument Constructs a CDocument object.
GetPrinterDeviceDe Retrieves the printer device defaults. AddView Attaches a view to the document.
m_hPrevInstance Set to NULL in a 32-bit application. faults GetDocTemplate Returns a pointer to the document template that
m_lpCmdLine Points to a null-terminated string that specifies InitInstance Override to perform Windows instance describes the type of the document.
initialization, such as creating your window GetFirstViewPositio Returns the position of the first in the list of
the command line for the application.
objects. n views; used to begin iteration.
m_nCmdShow Specifies how the window is to be shown
initially. Run Runs the default message loop. Override to GetNextView Iterates through the list of views associated
m_bHelpMode Indicates if the user is in Help context mode customize the message loop. with the document.
OnIdle Override to perform application-specific idle- GetPathName Returns the path of the document’s data file.
(typically invoked with SHIFT+F1).
time processing. GetTitle Returns the document’s title.
m_pActiveWnd Pointer to the main window of the container
application when an OLE server is in-place ExitInstance Override to clean up when your application IsModified Indicates whether the document has been
active. terminates. modified since it was last saved.
HideApplication Hides the application before closing all RemoveView Detaches a view from the document.
m_pszExeName The module name of the application.
m_pszHelpFilePath The path to the application’s Help file. documents. SetModifiedFlag Sets a flag indicating that you have modified
m_pszProfileName The application’s .INI filename. CloseAllDocuments Closes all open documents. the document since it was last saved.
m_pszRegistryKey Used to determine the full registry key for PreTranslateMessag Filters messages before they are dispatched to SetPathName Sets the path of the data file used by the
e the Windows functions ::TranslateMessage document.
storing application profile settings.
and ::DispatchMessage. SetTitle Sets the document’s title.
CWinApp Constructs a CWinApp object. SaveAllModified Prompts the user to save all modified UpdateAllViews Notifies all views that document has been
LoadCursor Loads a cursor resource. documents. modified.
DoMessageBox Implements AfxMessageBox for the CanCloseFrame Advanced overridable; called before closing a
LoadStandardCurso Loads a Windows predefined cursor that the
r IDC_ constants specify in WINDOWS.H. application. frame window viewing this document.
LoadOEMCursor Loads a Windows OEM predefined cursor that ProcessMessageFilt Intercepts certain messages before they reach DeleteContents Called to perform cleanup of the document.
er the application. OnChangedViewLis Called after a view is added to or removed
the OCR_ constants specify in WINDOWS.H.
ProcessWndProcEx Intercepts all unhandled exceptions thrown by t from the document.
LoadIcon Loads an icon resource.
LoadStandardIcon Loads a Windows predefined icon that the ception the application’s message and command OnCloseDocument Called to close the document.
IDI_ constants specify in WINDOWS.H. handlers. OnNewDocument Called to create a new document.
DoWaitCursor Turns the wait cursor on and off. OnOpenDocument Called to open an existing document.
LoadOEMIcon Loads a Windows OEM predefined icon that
the OIC_ constants specify in WINDOWS.H. OnDDECommand Called by the framework in response to a OnSaveDocument Called to save the document to disk.
RunAutomated Tests the application’s command line for the dynamic data exchange (DDE) execute ReportSaveLoadExc Advanced overridable; called when an open or
/Automation option. Obsolete. Use the value command. eption save operation cannot be completed because of
WinHelp Calls the WinHelp Windows function. an exception.
in CCommandLineInfo::m_bRunEmbedded
after calling ParseCommandLine. instead. LoadStdProfileSetti Loads standard .INI file settings and enables GetFile Returns a pointer to the desired CFile object.
RunEmbedded Tests the application’s command line for the ngs the MRU file list feature. ReleaseFile Releases a file to make it available for use by
/Embedding option. Obsolete. Use the value SetDialogBkColor Sets the default background color for dialog other applications.
boxes and message boxes. SaveModified Advanced overridable; called to ask the user
in CCommandLineInfo::m_bRunEmbedded
whether the document should be saved. m_bAutoMenuEnab Controls automatic enable and disable area.
PreCloseFrame Called before the frame window is closed. le functionality for menu items. GetDeviceScrollPosition Gets the current scroll position in device
OnFileSendMail Sends a mail message with the document rectDefault Pass this static CRect as a parameter when units.
attached. creating a CFrameWnd object to allow GetDeviceScrollSizes Gets t he current mapping mode, the total
OnUpdateFileSend Enables the Send Mail command if mail Windows to choose the window’s initial size size, and the line and page sizes of the
Mail support is present. and position. scrollable view. Sizes are in device units.
CFrameWnd Constructs a CFrameWnd object. GetScrollPosition Gets the current scroll position in logical
Create Call to create and initialize the Windows frame units.
window associated with the CFrameWnd GetTotalSize Gets the total size of the scroll view in
DoPreparePrinting Displays Print dialog box and creates printer object. logical units.
device context; call when overriding the LoadFrame Call to dynamically create a frame window ResizeParentToFit Causes the size of the view to dictate the
OnPreparePrinting member function. from resource information. size of its frame.
GetDocument Returns the document associated with the view.
LoadAccelTable Call to load an accelerator table. ScrollToPosition Scrolls the view to a given point, specified
OnDragEnter Called when an item is first dragged into the
LoadBarState Call to restore control bar settings. in logical units.
drag-and-drop region of a view. SaveBarState Call to save control bar settings. SetScaleToFitSize Puts the scroll view into scale-to-fit mode.
OnDragLeave Called when a dragged item leaves the drag- ShowControlBar Call to show the control bar. SetScrollSizes Sets the scroll view’s mapping mode, total
and-drop region of a view.
SetDockState Call to dock the frame window in the main size, and horizontal and vertical scroll
OnDragOver Called when an item is dragged over the drag- window. amounts.
and-drop region of a view. GetDockState Retrieves the dock state of a frame window.
OnDrop Called when an item has been dropped into the
ActivateFrame Makes the frame visible and available to the
drag-and-drop region of a view, default
handler. InitialUpdateFrame Causes the OnInitialUpdate member function m_hWnd Indicates the HWND attached to this CWnd.
OnDropEx Called when an item has been dropped into the belonging to all views in the frame window to CWnd Constructs a CWnd object.
drag-and-drop region of a view, primary DestroyWindow Destroys the attached Windows window.
be called.
handler. Create Creates and initializes the child window
GetActiveFrame Returns the active CFrameWnd object.
OnDragScroll Called to determine whether the cursor is SetActiveView Sets the active CView object. associated with the CWnd object.
dragged into the scroll region of the window. GetActiveView Returns the active CView object. PreCreateWindow Called before the creation of the Windows
OnInitialUpdate Called after a view is first attached to a window attached to this CWnd object.
CreateView Creates a view within a frame that is not
document. CalcWindowRect Called to calculate the window rectangle from
derived from CView.
OnScrollBy Called when a view containing active in -place GetActiveDocument Returns the active CDocument object. the client rectangle.
OLE items is scrolled. GetControlBar Retrieves the control bar. GetStyle Returns the current window style.
OnScroll Called when OLE items are dragged beyond GetExStyle Returns the window’s extended style.
GetMessageString Retrieves message corresponding to a
the borders of the view. command ID. Attach Attaches a Windows handle to a CWnd object.
IsSelected Tests whether a document item is selected. IsTracking Determines if splitter bar is currently being Detach Detaches a Windows handle from a CWnd
Required for OLE support. moved. object and returns the handle.
OnActivateView Called when a view is activated. PreSubclassWindow Allows other necessary subclassing to occur
SetMessageText Sets the text of a standard status bar.
OnActivateFrame Called when the frame window containing the EnableDocking Allows a control bar to be docked. before SubclassWindow is called.
view is activated or deactivated. DockControlBar Docks a control bar. SubclassWindow Attaches a window to a CWnd object and
OnBeginPrinting Called when a print job begins; override to makes it route messages through the CWnd’s
FloatControlBar Floats a control bar.
allocate graphics device interface (GDI) message map.
BeginModalState Sets the frame window to modal.
resources. EndModalState Ends the frame window’s modal state. Enables UnsubclassWindow Detaches a window from a CWnd object
OnDraw Called to render an image of the document for all of the windows disabled by FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CWnd object when
screen display, printing, or print preview. given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object
BeginModalState .
Implementation required. is not attached to the handle, a temporary
InModalState Returns a value indicating whether or not a
OnEndPrinting Called when a print job ends; override to frame window is in a modal state. CWnd object is created and attached.
deallocate GDI resources. ShowOwnedWindo Shows all windows that are descendants of the FromHandlePerman Returns a pointer to a CWnd object when
OnEndPrintPreview Called when preview mode is exited. ent given a handle to a window. If a CWnd object
ws CFrameWnd object.
OnPrepareDC Called before the OnDraw member function is is not attached to the handle, NULL is
RecalcLayout Repositions the control bars of the
called for screen display or the OnPrint CFrameWnd object. returned.
member function is called for printing or print OnCreateClient Creates a client window for the frame. DeleteTempMap Called automatically by the CWinApp idle-
preview. time handler and deletes any temporary CWnd
OnSetPreviewMode Sets the application’s main frame window into
OnPreparePrinting Called before a document is printed or and out of print-preview mode. objects created by FromHandle.
previewed; override to initialize Print dialog GetMessageBar Returns a pointer to the status bar belonging to GetSafeHwnd Returns m_hWnd, or NULL if the this pointer
box. is NULL.
the frame window.
OnPrint Called to print or preview a page of the CreateEx Creates a Windows overlapped, pop-up, or
NegotiateBorderSpa Negotiates border space in the frame window.
document. ce child window and attaches it to a CWnd
OnUpdate Called to notify a view that its document has OnContextHelp Handles SHIFT+F1 Help for in -place items. object.
been modified. CreateControl Create an OLE control that will be represented
CView Constructs a CView object. in an MFC program by a CWnd object.
CScrollView IsWindowEnabled Determines whether the window is enabled for
CScrollView Constructs a CScrollView object. mouse and keyboard input.
CFrameWnd FillOutsideRect Fills the area of a view outside the scrolling EnableWindow Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input.
GetActiveWindow Retrieves the active window. other direct descendant of the specified ValidateRect Validates the client area within the given
SetActiveWindow Activates the window. window. rectangle by removing the rectangle from the
GetCapture Retrieves the CWnd that has the mouse GetParent Retrieves the parent window of CWnd (if any). current update region.
capture. GetSafeOwner Retrieves the safe owner for the given window. ValidateRgn Validates the client area within the given
SetCapture Causes all subsequent mouse input to be sent to SetParent Changes the parent window. region by removing the region from the current
the CWnd. WindowFromPoint Identifies the window that contains the given update region.
GetFocus Retrieves the CWnd that currently has the point. ShowWindow Shows or hides the window.
input focus. GetDlgItem Retrieves the control with the specified ID IsWindowVisible Determines whether the window is visible.
SetFocus Claims the input focus. from the specified dialog box. ShowOwnedPopups Shows or hides all pop-up windows owned by
GetDesktopWindow Retrieves the Windows desktop window. GetDlgCtrlID If the CWnd is a child window, calling this the window.
GetForegroundWin Returns a pointer to the foreground window function returns its ID value. EnableScrollBar Enables or disables one or both arrows of a
dow (the top-level window with which the user is GetDescendantWin Searches all descendant windows and returns scroll bar.
currently working). dow the window with the specified ID. MapWindowPoints Converts (maps) a set of points from the
SetForegroundWind Puts the thread that created the window into the GetParentFrame Retrieves the CWnd object’s parent frame coordinate space of the CWnd to the
ow foreground and activates the window. window. coordinate space of another window.
GetIcon Retrieves the handle to an icon. SendMessageToDes Sends a message to all descendant windows of ClientToScreen Converts the client coordinates of a given point
SetIcon Sets the handle to a specific icon. cendants the window. or rectangle on the display to screen
GetWindowContext Retrieves the help context identifier. GetTopLevelParent Retrieves the window’s top-level parent. coordinates.
HelpId GetTopLevelOwner Retrieves the top-level window. ScreenToClient Converts the screen coordinates of a given
SetWindowContext Sets the help context identifier. GetParentOwner Returns a pointer to a child window’s parent point or rectangle on the display to client
HelpId window. coordinates.
ModifyStyle Modifies the current window style. GetTopLevelFrame Retrieves the window’s top-level frame SetWindowText Sets the window text or caption tit le (if it has
ModifyStyleEx Modifies the window’s extended style. window. one) to the specified text.
GetWindowPlaceme Retrieves the show state and the normal UpdateDialogContr Call to update the state of dialog buttons and GetWindowText Returns the window text or caption title (if it
nt (restored), minimized, and maximized ols other controls. has one).
positions of a window. UpdateData Initializes or retrieves data from a dialog box. GetWindowTextLen Returns the length of the window’s text or
SetWindowPlaceme Sets the show state and the normal (restored), CenterWindow Centers a window relative to its parent. gth caption title.
nt minimized, and maximized positions for a BeginPaint Prepares CWnd for painting. SetFont Sets the current font.
window. EndPaint Marks the end of painting. GetFont Retrieves the current font.
GetWindowRgn Retrieves a copy of the window region of a Print Draws the current window in the specified GetScrollPos Retrieves the current position of a scroll box.
window. device context. GetScrollRange Copies the current minimum and maximum
SetWindowRgn Sets the region of a window. PrintClient Draws any window in the specified device scroll-bar positions for the given scroll bar.
IsIconic Determines whether CWnd is minimized context (usually a printer device context). ScrollWindow Scrolls the contents of the client area.
(iconic). LockWindowUpdat Disables or reenables drawing in the given ScrollWindowEx Scrolls the contents of the client area. Similar
IsZoomed Determines whether CWnd is maximized. e window. to ScrollWindow, with additional features.
MoveWindow Changes the position and dimensions of UnlockWindowUpd Unlocks a window that was locked with GetScrollInfo Retrieves the information that the
CWnd. ate CWnd::LockWindowUpdate . SCROLLINFO structure maintains about a
SetWindowPos Changes the size, position, and ordering of GetDC Retrieves a display context for the client area. scroll bar.
child, pop-up, and top-level windows. GetDCEx Retrieves a display context for the client area, GetScrollLimit Retrieves the limit of the scroll bar.
ArrangeIconicWind Arranges all the minimized (iconic) child and enables clipping while drawing. SetScrollInfo Sets information about the scroll bar.
ows windows. RedrawWindow Updates the specified rectangle or region in the SetScrollPos Sets the current position of a scroll box and, if
BringWindowToTo Brings CWnd to the top of a stack of client area. specified, redraws the scroll bar to reflect the
p overlapping windows. GetWindowDC Retrieves the display context for the whole new position.
GetWindowRect Gets the screen coordinates of CWnd. window, including the caption bar, menus, and SetScrollRange Sets minimum and maximum position values
GetClientRect Gets the dimensions of the CWnd client area. scroll bars. for the given scroll bar.
ChildWindowFrom Determines which, if any, of the child windows ReleaseDC Releases client and window device contexts, ShowScrollBar Displays or hides a scroll bar.
Point contains the specified point. freeing them for use by other applications. EnableScrollBarCtrl Enables or disables a sibling scroll-bar control.
FindWindow Returns the handle of the window, which is UpdateWindow Updates the client area. GetScrollBarCtrl Returns a sibling scroll-bar control.
identified by its window name and window SetRedraw Allows changes in CWnd to be redrawn or RepositionBars Repositions control bars in the client area.
class. prevents changes from being redrawn. DragAcceptFiles Indicates the window will accept dragged files.
GetNextWindow Returns the next (or previous) window in the GetUpdateRect Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest CreateCaret Creates a new shape for the system caret and
window manager’s list. rectangle that completely encloses the CWnd gets ownership of the caret.
GetOwner Retrieves a pointer to the owner of a CWnd. update region. CreateSolidCaret Creates a solid block for the system caret and
SetOwner Changes the owner of a CWnd. GetUpdateRgn Retrieves the CWnd update region. gets ownership of the caret.
GetTopWindow Returns the first child window that belongs to Invalidate Invalidates the entire client area. CreateGrayCaret Creates a gray block for the system caret and
the CWnd. InvalidateRect Invalidates the client area within the given gets ownership of the caret.
GetWindow Returns the window with the specified rectangle by adding that rectangle to the GetCaretPos Retrieves the client coordinates of the caret’s
relationship to this window. current update region. current position.
GetLastActivePopu Determines which pop-up window owned by InvalidateRgn Invalidates the client area within the given SetCaretPos Moves the caret to a specified position.
p CWnd was most recently active. region by adding that region to the current HideCaret Hides the caret by removing it from the display
IsChild Indicates whether CWnd is a child window or update region. screen.
ShowCaret Shows the caret on the display at the caret’s top-level (menu-bar) menu item. been destroyed.
current position. Once shown, the caret begins EnableToolTips Enables the tooltip control. OnNotify Called by the framework to inform a parent
flashing automatically. CancelToolTips Disables the tooltip control. window an event has occurred in one of its
CheckDlgButton Places a check mark next to or removes a FilterToolTipMessa Retrieves the title or text associated with a controls or that the control needs information.
check mark from a button control. ge control in a dialog box. OnChildNotify Called by a parent window to give a notifying
CheckRadioButton Checks the specified radio button and removes OnToolHitTest Detemines whether a point is in the bounding control a chance to respond to a control
the check mark from all other radio buttons in rectangle of the specified tool and retrieves notification.
the specified group of buttons. information about the tool. DoDataExchange For dialog data exchange and validation.
GetCheckedRadioB Returns the ID of the currently checked radio SetTimer Installs a system timer that sends a Called by UpdateData.
utton button in a group of buttons. WM_TIMER message when triggered. OnInitMenu Called when a menu is about to become active.
DlgDirList Fills a list box with a file or directory listing. KillTimer Kills a system timer. OnInitMenuPopup Called when a pop-up menu is about to become
DlgDirListComboB Fills the list box of a combo box with a file or FlashWindow Flashes the window once. active.
ox directory listing. MessageBox Creates and displays a window that contains an OnSysChar Called when a keystroke translates to a system
DlgDirSelect Retrieves the current selection from a list box. application-supplied message and caption. character.
DlgDirSelectCombo Retrieves the current selection from the list box GetCurrentMessage Returns a pointer to the message this window is OnSysCommand Called when the user selects a command from
Box of a combo box. currently processing. Should only be called the Control menu, or when the user selects the
GetDlgItemInt Translates the text of a control in the given when in an OnMessage message-handler Maximize or Minimize button.
dialog box to an integer value. member function. OnSysDeadChar Called when a keystroke translates to a system
GetDlgItemText Retrieves the caption or text associated with a Default Calls the default window procedure, which dead character (such as accent characters).
control. provides default processing for any window OnSysKeyDown Called when the user holds down the ALT key
GetNextDlgGroupIt Searches for the next (or previous) control messages that an application does not process. and then presses another key.
em within a group of controls. PreTranslateMessag Used by CWinApp to filter window messages OnSysKeyUp Called when the user releases a key that was
GetNextDlgTabItem Retrieves the first control with the e before they are dispatched to the pressed while the ALT key was held down.
WS_TABSTOP style that follows (or TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage OnCompacting Called when Windows detects that system
precedes) the specified control. Windows functions. memory is low.
IsDlgButtonCh ecke Determines whether a button control is SendMessage Sends a message to the CWnd object and does OnDevModeChange Called for all top-level windows when the user
d checked. not return until it has processed the message. changes device-mode settings.
IsDialogMessage Determines whether the given message is PostMessage Places a message in the application queue, then OnFontChange Called when the pool of font resources
intended for the modeless dialog box and, if so, returns without waiting for the window to changes.
processes it. process the message. OnPaletteIsChangin Informs other applications when an application
SendDlgItemMessa Sends a message to the specified control. SendNotifyMessage Sends the sp ecified message to the window and g is going to realize its logical palette.
ge returns as soon as possible, depending on OnPaletteChanged Called to allow windows that use a color
SetDlgItemInt Sets the text of a control to the string that whether the calling thread created the window. palette to realize their logical palettes and
represents an integer value. ChangeClipboardCh Removes CWnd from the chain of Clipboard update their client areas.
SetDlgItemText Sets the caption or text of a control in the ain viewers. OnSysColorChange Called for all top-level windows when a
specified dialog box. SetClipboardViewer Adds CWnd to the chain of windows that are change is made in the system color setting.
SubclassDlgItem Attaches a Windows control to a CWnd object notified whenever the contents of the Clipboard OnWindowPosChan Called when the size, position, or Z-order is
and makes it route messages through the are changed. ging about to change as a result of a call to
CWnd’s message map. OpenClipboard Opens the Clipboard. Other applications will SetWindowPos or another window-
ExecuteDlgInit Initiates a dialog resource. not be able to modify the Clipboard until the management function.
RunModalLoop Retrieves, translates, or dispatches messages Windows CloseClipboard function is called. OnWindowPosChan Called when the size, position, or Z-order has
for a window that is in modal status. GetClipboardOwner Retrieves a pointer to the current owner of the ged changed as a result of a call to SetWindowPos
ContinueModal Continues a window’s modal status. Clipboard. or another window-management function.
EndModalLoop Ends a window’s modal status. GetOpenClipboard Retrieves a pointer to the window that OnDropFiles Called when the user releases the left mouse
BindDefaultPropert Binds the calling object’s default simple bound Window currently has the Clipboard open. button over a window that has registered itself
y property, as marked in the type library, to a GetClipboardViewe Retrieves a pointer to the first window in the as the recipient of dropped files.
cursor associated with a data-source control. r chain of Clipboard viewers. OnSpoolerStatus Called from Print Manager whenever a job is
BindProperty Binds a cursour-bound property on a data- SetProperty Sets an OLE control property. added to or removed from the Print Manager
bound control to a data-source control and OnAmbientProperty Implement ambient property values. queue.
registers that relationship with the MFC GetControlUnknow Retrieves a pointer to an unknown OLE OnTimeChange Called for all top-level windows after the
binding manager. n control. system time changes.
GetDSCCursor Retrieves a pointer to the underlying cursor GetProperty Retrieves an OLE control property. OnWinIniChange Called for all top-level windows after the
that is defined by the DataSource, UserName, InvokeHelper Invokes an OLE control method or property. Windows initialization file, WIN.INI, is
Password, and SQL properties of a data-source WindowProc Provides a window procedure for a CWnd. changed.
control. The default dispatches messages through the OnCommand Called when the user selects a command.
GetMenu Retrieves a pointer to the specified menu. message map. OnActivate Called when CWnd is being activated or
SetMenu Sets the menu to the specified menu. DefWindowProc Calls the default window procedure, which deactivated.
DrawMenuBar Redraws the menu bar. provides default processing for any window OnActivateApp Called when the application is about to be
GetSystemMenu Allows the application to access the Control messages that an application does not process. activated or deactivated.
menu for copying and modification. PostNcDestroy This virtual function is called by the default OnCancelMode Called to allow CWnd to cancel any internal
HiliteMenuItem Highlights or removes the highlighting from a OnNcDestroy function after the window has modes, such as mouse capture.
OnChildActivate Called for multiple document interface (MDI) OnCharToItem Called by a child list box with the mouse button.
child windows whenever the size or position of LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style in OnRButtonDown Called when the user presses the right mouse
CWnd changes or CWnd is activated. response to a WM_CHAR message. button.
OnClose Called as a signal that CWnd should be closed. OnCompareItem Called to determine the relative position of a OnRButtonUp Called when the user releases the right mouse
OnCopyData Copies data from one application to another. new item in a child sorted owner-draw combo button.
OnCreate Called as a part of window creation. box or list box. OnSetCursor Called if mouse input is not captured and the
OnCtlColor Called if CWnd is the parent of a control when OnDeleteItem Called when an owner-draw child list box or mouse causes cursor movement within a
the control is about to be drawn. combo box is destroyed or when items are window.
OnDestroy Called when CWnd is being destroyed. removed from the control. OnTimer Called after each interval specified in
OnEnable Called when CWnd is enabled or disabled. OnDrawItem Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw SetTimer.
OnEndSession Called when the session is ending. child button control, combo-box control, list - OnVScroll Called when the user clicks the window’s
OnEnterIdle Called to inform an application’s main window box control, or menu needs to be drawn. vertical scroll bar.
procedure that a modal dialog box or a menu is OnDSCNotify Called in response to an event that a data- OnCaptureChanged Sends a message to the window that is losing
entering an idle state. source control fires when a control to which the the mouse capture.
OnEraseBkgnd Called when the window background needs data-source control is bound modifies or OnNcActivate Called when the nonclient area needs to be
erasing. attempts to modify the underlying cursor. changed to indicate an active or inactive state.
OnGetMinMaxInfo Called whenever Windows needs to know the OnGetDlgCode Called for a control so the control can process OnNcCalcSize Called when the size and position of the client
maximized position or dimensions, or the arrow-key and TAB-key input itself. area need to be calculated.
minimum or maximum tracking size. OnMeasureItem Called for an owner-draw child combo box, list OnNcCreate Called prior to OnCreate when the nonclient
OnIconEraseBkgnd Called when CWnd is minimized (iconic) and box, or menu item when the control is created. area is being created.
the background of the icon must be filled CWnd informs Windows of the dimensions of OnNcDestroy Called when the nonclient area is being
before painting the icon. the control. destroyed.
OnKillFocus Called immediately before CWnd loses the SendChildNotifyLas Provides a notification message to a child OnNcHitTest Called by Windows every time the mouse is
input focus. tMsg window, from the parent window, so the child moved if CWnd contains the cursor or has
OnMenuChar Called when the user presses a menu window can handle a task . captured mouse input with SetCapture.
mnemonic character that doesn’t match any of ReflectChildNotify Helper function which reflects a message to its OnNcLButtonDblCl Called when the user double-clicks the left
the predefined mnemonics in the current menu. source. k mouse button while the cursor is within a
OnMenuSelect Called when the user selects a menu item. OnWndMsg Indicates if a windows message was handled. nonclient area of CWnd.
OnMove Called after the position of the CWnd has been ReflectLastMsg Reflects the last message to the child window. OnOnNcLButtonDo Called when the user presses the left mouse
changed. OnVKeyToItem Called by a list box owned by CWnd in wn button while the cursor is within a nonclient
OnMoving Indicates that a user is moving a CWnd object. response to a WM_KEYDOWN message. area of CWnd.
OnDeviceChange Notifies an application or device driver of a OnChar Called when a keystroke translates to a OnNcLButtonUp Called when the user releases the left mouse
change to the hardware configuration of a nonsystem character. button while the cursor is within a nonclient
device or the computer. OnDeadChar Called when a keystroke translates to a area of CWnd.
OnStyleChanged Indicates that the ::SetWindowLong Windows nonsystem dead character (such as accent OnNcMButtonDblC Called when the user double-clicks the middle
function has changed one or more of the characters). lk mouse button while the cursor is within a
window's styles. OnHScroll Called when the user clicks the horizontal nonclient area of CWnd.
OnStyleChanging Indicates that the ::SetWindowLong Windows scroll bar of CWnd. OnNcMButtonDow Called when the user presses the middle mouse
function is about to change one or more of the OnKeyDown Called when a nonsystem key is pressed. n button while the cursor is within a nonclient
window's styles. OnKeyUp Called when a nonsystem key is released. area of CWnd.
OnPaint Called to repaint a portion of the window. OnLButtonDblClk Called when the user double-clicks the left OnNcMButtonUp Called when the user releases the middle
OnParentNotify Called when a child window is created or mouse button. mouse button while the cursor is within a
destroyed, or when the user clicks a mouse OnLButtonDown Called when the user presses the left mouse nonclient area of CWnd.
button while the cursor is over the child button. OnNcMouseMove Called when the cursor is moved within a
window. OnLButtonUp Called when the user releases the left mouse nonclient area of CWnd.
OnQueryDragIcon Called when a minimized (iconic) CWnd is button. OnNcPaint Called when the nonclient area needs painting.
about to be dragged by the user. OnMButtonDblClk Called when the user double-clicks the middle OnNcRButtonDblCl Called when the user double-clicks the right
OnQueryEndSessio Called when the user chooses to end the mouse button. k mouse button while the cursor is within a
n Win dows session. OnMButtonDown Called when the user presses the middle mouse nonclient area of CWnd.
OnQueryNewPalett Informs CWnd that it is about to receive the button. OnNcRButtonDown Called when the user presses the right mouse
e input focus. OnMButtonUp Called when the user releases the middle button while the cursor is within a nonclient
OnQueryOpen Called when CWnd is an icon and the user mouse button. area of CWnd.
requests that the icon be opened. OnMouseActivate Called when the cursor is in an inactive OnNcRButtonUp Called when the user releases the right mouse
OnSetFocus Called after CWnd gains the input focus. window and the user presses a mouse button. button while the cursor is within a nonclient
OnShowWindow Called when CWnd is to be hidden or shown. OnMouseMove Called when the mouse cursor moves. area of CWnd.
OnSize Called after the size of CWnd has changed. OnMouseWheel Called when a user rotates the mouse wheel. OnMDIActivate Called when an MDI child window is activated
OnSizing Indicates that the user is resizing the rectangle. Uses Windows NT 4.0 message handling. or deactivated.
OnStyleChanged Indicates that one or more of the window's OnRegisteredMouse Called when a user rotates t he mouse wheel. OnAskCbFormatNa Called by a Clipboard viewer application when
styles has changed. Wheel Uses Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 me a Clipboard owner will display the Clipboard
OnStyleChanging Indicates that one or more of the window's message-handling. contents.
styles is about to change. OnRButtonDblClk Called when the user double-clicks the right OnChangeCbChain Notifies that a specified window is being
removed from the chain. SetCurrentColor Forces the current color selection to the
OnDestroyClipboar Called when the Clipboard is emptied through specified color.
d a call to the Windows EmptyClipboard OnColorOK Override to validate the color entered into the
CFileDialog dialog box.
m_ofn The Windows OPENFILENAME structure.
OnDrawClipboard Called when the contents of the change.
OnHScrollClipboar Called when a Clipboard owner should scroll Provides access to basic file dialog box
d the Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate parameters. CPrintDialog
section, and update the scroll-bar values. CFileDialog Constructs a CFileDialog object. m_pd A structure used to customize a CPrintDialog
DoModal Displays the dialog box and allows the user to object.
OnPaintClipboard Called when the client area of the Clipboard
make a selection. CPrintDialog Constructs a CPrintDialog object.
viewer needs repainting.
OnRenderAllFormat Called when the owner application is being GetPathName Returns the full path of the selected file. CreatePrinterDC Creates a printer device context without
s destroyed and needs to render all its formats. GetFileName Returns the filename of the selected file. displaying the Print dialog box.
GetFileExt Returns the file extension of the selected file. DoModal Displays the dialog box and allows the user to
OnRenderFormat Called for the Clipboard owner when a
GetFileTitle Returns the title of the selected file. make a selection.
particular format with delayed rendering needs
to be rendered. GetNextPathName Returns the full path of the next selected file. GetCopies Retrieves the number of copies requested.
OnSizeClipboard Called when the size of the client area of the GetReadOnlyPref Returns the read-only status of the selected file. GetDefaults Retrieves device defaults without displaying a
GetStartPosition Returns the position of the first element of the dialog box.
Clipboard-viewer window has changed.
OnVScrollClipboar Called when the owner should scroll the filename list. GetDeviceName Retrieves the name of the currently selected
d Clipboard image, invalidate the appropriate OnShareViolation Called when a share violation occurs. printer device.
OnFileNameOK Called to validate the filename entered in the GetDevMode Retrieves the DEVMODE structure.
section, and update the scroll-bar values.
dialog box. GetDriverName Retrieves the name of the currently selected
OnEnterMenuLoop Called when a menu modal loop has been
entered. OnLBSelChangedN Called when the list box selection changes. printer driver.
OnExitMenuLoop Called when a menu modal loop has been otify GetFromPage Retrieves the starting page of the print range.
OnInitDone Called to handle the WM_NOTIFY GetToPage Retrieves the ending page of the print range.
CDN_INITDONE message. GetPortName Retrieves the name of the currently selected
OnFileNameChange Called to handle the WM_NOTIFY printer port.
CDialog CDN_SELCHANGE message. GetPrinterDC Retrieves a handle to the printer device context.
CDialog Constructs a CDialog object. OnFolderChange Called to handle the WM_NOTIFY PrintAll Determines whether to print all pages of the
Create Initializes the CDialog object. Creates a CDN_FOLDERCHANGE message. document.
modeless dialog box and attaches it to the OnTypeChange Called to handle the WM_NOTIFY PrintCollate Determines whether collated copies are
CDialog object. CDN_TYPECHANGE message. requested.
CreateIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog- PrintRange Determines whether to print only a specified
box template in memory (not resource-based). range of pages.
InitModalIndirect Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog-box
CFontDialog PrintSelection Determines whether to print only the currently
template in memory (not resource-based). The m_cf A structure used to customize a CFontDialog selected items.
parameters are stored until the function object.
CFontDialog Constructs a CFontDialog object.
DoModal is called.
DoModal Calls a modal dialog box and returns when
DoModal Displays the dialog and allows the user to make CFindReplaceDialog
done. a selection. m_fr A structure used to customize a
MapDialogRect Converts the dialog-box units of a rectangle to GetCurrentFont Retrieves the name of the currently selected CFindReplaceDialog object.
font. CFindReplaceDialog Call this function to construct a
screen units.
GetFaceName Returns the face name of the selected font. CFindReplaceDialog object.
NextDlgCtrl Moves the focus to the next dialog-box control
in the dialog box. GetStyleName Returns the style name of the selected font. Create Creates and displays a CFindReplaceDialog
PrevDlgCtrl Moves the focus to the previous dialog-box GetSize Returns the point size of the selected font. dialog box.
GetColor Returns the color of the selected font. FindNext Call this function to determine whether the
control in the dialog box.
GetWeight Returns the weight of the selected font. user wants to find the next occurrence of the
GotoDlgCtrl Moves the focus to a specified dialog-box
control in the dialog box. IsStrikeOut Determines whether the font is displayed with find string.
SetDefID Changes the default pushbutton control for a strikeout. GetNotifier Call this function to retrieve the
IsUnderline Determines whether the font is underlined. FINDREPLACE structure in your registered
dialog box to a specified pushbutton.
GetDefID Gets the ID of the default pushbutton control IsBold Determines whether the font is bold. message handler.
for a dialog box. IsItalic Determines whether the font is italic. GetFindString Call this function to retrieve the current find
SetHelpID Sets a context-sensitive help ID for the dialog
CColorDialog GetReplaceString Call this function to retrieve the current replace
EndDialog Closes a modal dialog box. m_cc A structure used to customize the settings of string.
OnInitDialog Override to augment dialog-box initialization. the dialog box. IsTerminating Call this function to determine whether the
CColorDialog Constructs a CColorDialog object. dialog box is terminating.
OnSetFont Override to specify the font that a dialog-box
DoModal Displays a color dialog box and allows the user MatchCase Call this function to determine whether the
control is to use when it draws text.
OnOK Override to perform the OK button action in a to make a selection. user wants to match the case of the find string
modal dialog box. The default closes the dialog GetColor Returns a COLORREF structure containing exactly.
the values of the selected color. MatchWholeWord Call this function to determine whether the
box and DoModal returns IDOK.
GetSavedCustomCo Retrieves custom colors created by the user. user wants to match entire words only.
OnCancel Override to perform the Cancel button or ESC
key action. The default closes the dialog box lors ReplaceAll Call this function to determine whether the
user wants all occurrences of the string to be Paste Inserts the data from the Clipboard into the edit
replaced. GetLineCount Retrieves the number of lines in a multiple-line control at the current cursor position. Data is
ReplaceCurrent Call this function to determine whether the edit control. inserted only if the Clipboard contains data in
user wants the current word to be replaced. GetModify Determines whether the contents of an edit CF_TEXT format.
SearchDown Call this function to determine whether the control have been modified.
user wants the search to proceed in a SetModify Sets or clears the modification flag for an edit
downward direction. control.
GetRect Gets the formatting rectangle of an edit control. CListBox Constructs a CListBox object.
Create Creates the Windows list box and attaches it to
GetSel Gets the starting and ending character positions
CStatic of the current selection in an edit control.
the CListBox object.
CStatic Constructs a CStatic object. GetHandle Retrieves a handle to the memory currently InitStorage Preallocates blocks of memory for list box
Create Creates the Windows static control and allocated for a multiple-line edit control. items and strings.
attaches it to the CStatic object. GetCount Returns the number of strings in a list box.
SetHandle Sets the handle to the local memory that will be
SetBitmap Specifies a bitmap to be displayed in the static GetHorizontalExtent Returns the width in pixels that a list box can
used by a multiple-line edit control.
control. SetMargins Sets the left and right margins for this CEdit. be scrolled horizontally.
GetBitmap Retrieves the handle of the bitmap previously GetMargins Gets the left and right margins for this CEdit. SetHorizontalExtent Sets the width in pixels that a list box can be
set with SetBitmap. scrolled horizontally.
SetLimitText Sets the maximum amount of text this CEdit
SetIcon Specifies an icon to be displayed in the static can contain. GetTopIndex Returns the index of the first visible string in a
control. GetLimitText Gets the maximum amount of text this CEdit list box.
GetIcon Retrieves the handle of the icon previously set SetTopIndex Sets the zero-based index of the first visible
can contain.
with SetIcon. string in a list box.
PosFromChar Retrieves the coordinates of the upper-left
SetCursor Specifies a cursor image to be displayed in the corner of a specified character index. GetItemData Returns the 32-bit value associated with the
static control. CharFromPos Retrieves the line and character indices for the list-box item.
GetCursor Retrieves the handle of the cursor image GetItemDataPtr Returns a pointer to a list-box item.
character closest to a specified position.
previously set with SetCursor. SetItemData Sets the 32-bit value associated with the list -
GetLine Retrieves a line of text from an edit control.
SetEnhMetaFile Specifies an enhanced metafile to be displayed GetPasswordChar Retrieves the password character displayed in box item.
in the static control. an edit control when the user enters text. SetItemDataPtr Sets a pointer to the list -box item.
GetEnhMetaFile Retrieves the handle of the enhanced metafile GetItemRect Returns the bounding rectangle of the list-box
GetFirstVisibleLine Determines the topmost visible line in an edit
previously set with SetEnhMetaFile. item as it is currently displayed.
EmptyUndoBuffer Resets (clears) the undo flag of an edit control. ItemFromPoint Returns the index of the list -box item nearest a
CButton FmtLines Sets the inclusion of soft line-break characters
SetItemHeight Sets the height of items in a list box.
CButton Constructs a CButton object. on or off within a multiple-line edit control.
LimitText Limits the length of the text that the user may GetItemHeight Determines the height of items in a list box.
Create Creates the Windows button control and
enter into an edit control. GetSel Returns the selection state of a list -box item.
attaches it to the CButton object. GetText Copies a list-box item into a buffer.
GetState Retrieves the check state, highlight state, and LineFromChar Retrieves the line number of the line that
GetTextLen Returns the length in bytes of a list -box item.
focus state of a button control. contains the specified character index.
LineIndex Retrieves the character index of a line within a SetColumnWidth Sets the column width of a multicolumn list
SetState Sets the highlighting state of a button control.
multiple-line edit control. box.
GetCheck Retrieves the check state of a button control. SetTabStops Sets the tab-stop positions in a list box.
SetCheck Sets the check state of a button control. LineLength Retrieves the length of a line in an edit control.
GetLocale Retrieves the locale identifier for a list box.
GetButtonStyle Retrieves information about the button control LineScroll Scrolls the text of a multiple-line edit control.
ReplaceSel Replaces the current selection in an edit control SetLocale Sets the locale identifier for a list box.
with the specified text. GetCurSel Returns the zero-based index of the currently
SetButtonStyle Changes the style of a button. selected string in a list box.
GetIcon Retrieves the handle of the icon previously set SetPasswordChar Sets or removes a password character displayed
SetCurSel Selects a list -box string.
with SetIcon. in an edit control when the user enters text.
SetRect Sets the formatting rectangle of a multiple-line SetSel Selects or deselects a list -box item in a
SetIcon Specifies an icon to be displayed on the button.
edit control and updates the control. multiple-selection list box.
GetBitmap Retrieves the handle of the bitmap previously GetCaretIndex Determines the index of the item that has the
set with SetBitmap. SetRectNP Sets the formatting rectangle of a multiple-line
focus rectangle in a multiple-selection list box.
SetBitmap Specifies a bitmap to be displayed on the edit control without redrawing the control
window. SetCaretIndex Sets the focus rectangle to the item at the
button. specified index in a multiple-selection list box.
GetCursor Retrieves the handle of the cursor image SetSel Selects a range of characters in an edit control.
GetSelCount Returns the number of strings currently
previously set with SetCursor. SetTabStops Sets the tab stops in a multiple-line edit
control. selected in a multiple-selection list box.
SetCursor Specifies a cursor image to be displayed on the
SetReadOnly Sets the read-only state of an edit control. GetSelItems Returns the indices of the strings currently
button. selected in a list box.
DrawItem Override to draw an owner-drawn CButton Undo Reverses the last edit -control operation.
SelItemRange Selects or deselects a range of strings in a
object. Clear Deletes (clears) the current selection (if any) in
the edit control. multiple-selection list box.
Copy Copies the current selection (if any) in the edit SetAnchorIndex Sets the anchor in a multiple-selection list box
CEdit control to the Clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
to begin an extended selection.
CEdit Constructs a CEdit control object. GetAnchorIndex Retrieves the zero-based index of the current
Cut Deletes (cuts) the current selection (if any) in
Create Creates the Windows edit control and attaches the edit control and copies the deleted text to anchor item in a list box.
it to the CEdit object. the Clipboard in CF_TEXT format. AddString Adds a string to a list box.
CanUndo Determines whether an edit-control operation DeleteString Deletes a string from a list box.
InsertString Inserts a string at a specific location in a list SetDroppedWidth Sets the minimum allowable width for the DrawItem Called by the framework when a visual aspect
box. drop-down list-box portio n of a combo box. of an owner-draw combo box changes.
ResetContent Clears all the entries from a list box. GetDroppedWidth Retrieves the minimum allowable width for the MeasureItem Called by the framework to determine combo
Dir Adds filenames from the current directory to a drop-down list-box portion of a combo box. box dimensions when an owner-draw combo
list box. Clear Deletes (clears) the current selection (if any) in box is created.
FindString Searches for a string in a list box. the edit control. CompareItem Called by the framework to determine the
FindStringExact Finds the first list -box string that matches a Copy Copies the current selection (if any) onto the relative position of a new list item in a sorted
specified string. Clipboard in CF_TEXT format. owner-draw combo box.
SelectString Searches for and selects a string in a single- Cut Deletes (cuts) the current selection, if any, in DeleteItem Called by the framework when a list item is
selection list box. the edit control and copies the deleted text onto deleted from an owner-draw combo box.
DrawItem Called by the framework when a visual aspect the Clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
of an owner-draw list box changes. Paste Inserts the data from the Clipboard into the edit CToolBar
MeasureItem Called by the framework when an owner-draw control at the current cursor position. Data is CToolBar Constructs a CToolBar object.
list box is created to determine list -box inserted only if the Clipboard contains data in Create Creates the Windows toolbar and attaches it to
dimensions. CF_TEXT format. the CToolBar object.
CompareItem Called by the framework to determine the LimitText Limits the length of the text that the user can CreateEx Creates a CToolBar object with additional
position of a new item in a sorted owner-draw enter into the edit control of a combo box. styles for the embedded CToolBarCtrl object.
list box. SetItemHeight Sets the height of list items in a combo box or SetSizes Sets the sizes of buttons and their bitmaps.
DeleteItem Called by the framework when the user deletes the height of the edit -control (or static-text) SetHeight Sets the height of the toolbar.
an item from an owner-draw list box. portion of a combo box. LoadToolBar Loads a toolbar resource created with the
VKeyToItem Override to provide custom WM_KEYDOWN GetItemHeight Retrieves the height of list items in a combo resource editor.
handling for list boxes with the box. LoadBitmap Loads the bitmap containing bitmap-button
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style set. GetLBText Gets a string from the list box of a combo box. images.
CharToItem Override to provide custom WM_CHAR GetLBTextLen Gets the length of a string in the list box of a SetBitmap Sets a bitmapped image.
handling for owner-draw list boxes which don't combo box. SetButtons Sets button styles and an index of button
have strings. ShowDropDown Shows or hides the list box of a combo box that images within the bitmap.
has the CBS_DROPDOWN or CommandToIndex Returns the index of a button with the given
CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style. command ID.
CComboBox GetDroppedControl Retrieves the screen coordinates of the visible
CComboBox Constructs a CComboBox object. GetItemID Returns the command ID of a button or
Rect (dropped-down) list box of a drop-down combo separator at the given index.
Create Creates the combo box and attaches it to the box.
CComboBox object. GetItemRect Retrieves the display rectangle for the item at
GetDroppedState Determines whether the list box of a drop- the given index.
InitStorage Preallocates blocks of memory for items and down combo box is visible (dropped down).
strings in the list-box portion of the combo GetButtonStyle Retrieves the style for a button.
SetExtendedUI Selects either the default user interface or the SetButtonStyle Sets the style for a button.
box. extended user interface for a combo box that
GetCount Retrieves the number of items in the list box of GetButtonInfo Retrieves the ID, style, and image number of a
has the CBS_DROPDOWN or button.
a combo box. CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
GetCurSel Retrieves the index of the currently selected SetButtonInfo Sets the ID, style, and image number of a
GetExtendedUI Determines whether a combo box has the button.
item, if any, in the list box of a combo box.
default user interface or the extended user GetButtonText Retrieves the text that will appear on a button.
SetCurSel Selects a string in the list box of a combo box.
interface. SetButtonText Sets the text that will appear on a button.
GetEditSel Gets the starting and ending character positions GetLocale Retrieves the locale identifier for a combo box.
of the current selection in the edit control of a GetToolBarCtrl Allows direct access to the underlyin g common
SetLocale Sets the locale identifier for a combo box. control.
combo box.
AddString Adds a string to the end of the list in the list
SetEditSel Selects characters in the edit control of a
box of a combo box or at the sorted position for
combo box. list boxes with the CBS_SORT style. CStatusBar
SetItemData Sets the 32-bit value associated with the DeleteString Deletes a string from the list box of a combo CStatusBar Constructs a CStatusBar object.
specified item in a combo box. Create Creates the status bar, attaches it to the
SetItemDataPtr Sets the 32-bit value associated with the CStatusBar object, and sets the initial font and
InsertString Inserts a string into the list box of a combo
specified item in a combo box to the specified box. bar height.
pointer (void* ). ResetContent Removes all items from the list box and edit CreateEx Creates a CStatusBar object with additional
GetItemData Retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value styles for the embedded CStatusBarCtrl
control of a combo box.
associated with the specified combo-box item. Dir Adds a list of filenames to the list box of a object.
GetItemDataPtr Retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value combo box. SetIndicators Sets indicator IDs.
associated with the specified combo-box item CommandToIndex Gets index for a given indicator ID.
FindString Finds the first string that contains the specified
as a pointer (void* ). GetItemID Gets indicator ID for a given index.
prefix in the list box of a combo box.
GetTopIndex Returns the index of the first visible item in the FindStringExact Finds the first list -box string (in a combo box) GetItemRect Gets display rectangle for a given index.
list-box portion of the combo box. that matches the specified string. GetPaneInfo Gets indicator ID, style, and width for a given
SetHorizontalExtent Sets the width in pixels that the list-box portion index.
SelectString Searches for a string in the list box of a combo
of the combo box can be scrolled horizontally. GetPaneStyle Gets indicator style for a given index.
box and, if the string is found, selects the string
GetHorizontalExten Returns the width in pixels that the list -box in the list box and copies the string to the edit GetPaneText Gets indicator text for a given index.
t portion of the combo box can be scrolled control. GetStatusBarCtrl Allows direct access to the underlying common
horizontally. control.
SetPaneStyle Sets indicator style for a given index. ExtractIcon Creates an icon based on an image and mask in or list view.
SetPaneText Sets indicator text for a given index. an image list. SetColumnWidth Changes the width of a column in report view
SetPaneInfo Sets indicator ID, style, and width for a given Draw Draws the image that is being dragged during a or list view.
index. drag-and-drop operation. GetCheck Retrieves the current display status of the state
DrawItem Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw SetOverlayImage Adds the zero-based index of an image to the image associated with an item.
status bar control changes. list of images to be used as overlay masks. SetCheck Sets the the current display status of the state
Copy Copies an image within a CImageList object. image associated with an item.
CScrollBar DrawIndirect Draws an image from an image list. GetViewRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of all items in
CScrollBar Constructs a CScrollBar object. SetDragCursorImag Creates a new drag image. the list view control.
Create Creates the Windows scroll bar and attaches it e GetTextColor Retrieves the text color of a list view control.
to the CScrollBar object. GetDragImage Gets the temporary image list that is used for SetTextColor Sets the text color of a list view control.
GetScrollPos Retrieves the current position of a scroll box. dragging. GetTextBkColor Retrieves the text background color of a list
SetScrollPos Sets the current position of a scroll box. Read Reads an image list from an archive. view control.
GetScrollRange Retrieves the current minimum and maximum Write Writes an image list to an archive. SetTextBkColor Sets the background color of text in a list view
scroll-bar positions for the given scroll bar. BeginDrag Begins dragging an image. control.
SetScrollRange Sets minimum and maximum position values DragEnter Locks updates during a drag operation and GetTopIndex Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item.
for the given scroll bar. displays the drag image at a specified position. GetCountPerPage Calculates the number of items that can fit
ShowScrollBar Shows or hides a scroll bar. EndDrag Ends a drag operation. vertically in a list view control.
EnableScrollBar Enables or disables one or both arrows of a DragLeave Unlocks the window and hides t he drag image GetOrigin Retrieves the current view origin for a list view
scroll bar. so that the window can be updated. control.
SetScrollInfo Sets information about the scroll bar. DragMove Moves the image that is being dragged during a SetItemState Changes the state of an item in a list view
GetScrollInfo Retrieves information about the scroll bar. drag-and-drop operation. control.
GetScrollLimit Retrieves the limit of the scroll bar DragShowNolock Shows or hides the drag image during a drag GetItemState Retrieves the state of a list view item.
operation, without locking the window. GetItemText Retrieves the text of a list view item or
CImageList SetItemText Changes the text of a list view item or subitem.
m_hImageList A handle containing the image list attached to CListCtrl
CListCtrl Constructs a CListCtrl object. SetItemCount Prepares a list view control for adding a large
this object. number of items.
CImageList Constructs a CImageList object. Create Creates a list control and attaches it to a
CListCtrl object. SetItemData Sets the item’s application-specific value.
Create Initializes an image list and attaches it to a GetItemData Retrieves the application-specific value
CImageList object. GetBkColor Retrieves the background color of a list view
control. associated with an item.
GetSafeHandle Retrieves m_hImageList. GetSelectedCount Retrieves the number of selected items in the
operator Returns the HIMAGELIST attached to the SetBkColor Sets the background color of the list view
control. list view control.
HIMAGELIST CImageList. SetColumnOrderArr Sets the column order (left to right) of a list
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CImageList object when GetImageList Retrieves the handle of an image list used for
drawing list view items. ay view control.
given a handle to a device context. If a GetColumnOrderAr Retrieves the column order (left to right) of a
CImageList object is not attached to the SetImageList Assigns an image list to a list view control.
GetItemCount Retrieves the number of items in a list view ray list view control.
handle, a temporary CImage List object is SetIconSpacing Sets the spacing between icons in a list view
created and attached. control.
GetItem Retrieves a list view item’s attributes. control.
FromHandlePerman Returns a pointer to a CImageList object when GetHeaderCtrl Retrieves the header control of a list view
ent given a handle to an image list. If a SetItem Sets some or all of a list view item’s attributes.
GetCallbackMask Retrieves the callback mask for a list view control.
CImageList object is not attached to the GetHotCursor Retrieves the cursor used when hot tracking is
handle, NULL is returned. control.
SetCallbackMask Sets the callback mask for a list view control. enabled for a list view control.
DeleteTempMap Called by the CWinApp idle-time handler to SetHotCursor Sets the cursor used when hot tracking is
delete any temporary CImageList object GetNextItem Searches for a list view item with specified
properties and with specified relationship to a enabled for a list view control.
created by FromHandle. GetSubItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle of an item in
GetImageCount Retrieves the number of images in an image given item.
GetFirstSelectedIte Retrieves the position of the first selected list a list view control.
list. GetHotItem Retrieves the list view item currently under the
SetBkColor Sets the background color for an image list. mPosition view item in a list view control.
GetNextSelectedIte Retrieves the next selected list view item for cursor.
GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color for an SetHotItem Sets the current hot item of a list view control.
image list. m iterating.
GetItemRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for an item. GetSelectionMark Retrieves the selection mark of a list view
GetImageInfo Retrieves information about an image. control.
Attach Attaches an image list to a CImageList object. SetItemPosition Moves an item to a specified position in a list
view control. SetSelectionMark Sets the selection mark of a list view control.
Detach Detaches an image list object from a GetExtendedStyle Retrieves the current extended styles of a list
CImageList object and returns a handle to an GetIt emPosition Retrieves the position of a list view item.
GetStringWidth Determines the minimum column width view control.
image list. SetExtendedStyle Sets the current extended styles of a list view
DeleteImageList Deletes an image list. necessary to display all of a given string.
GetEditControl Retrieves the handle of the edit control used to control.
SetImageCount Resets the count of images in an image list. SubItemHitTest Determines which list view item, if any, is at a
Add Adds an image or images to an image list. edit an item’s text.
GetColumn Retrieves the attributes of a control’s column. given position.
Remove Removes an image from an image list. GetWorkAreas Retrieves the current working areas of a list
Replace Replaces an image in an image list with a new SetColumn Sets the attributes of a list view column.
GetColumnWidth Retrieves the width of a column in report view view control.
GetNumberOfWork Retrieves the current number of working areas GetNumTics Retrieves the number of tick marks in a slider CBitmap object.
Areas for a list view control. control. GetCurrentBrush Returns a pointer to the currently selected
SetItemCountEx Sets the item count for a virtual list view GetTicArray Retrieves the array of tick mark positions for a CBrush object.
control. slider control. GetCurrentFont Returns a pointer to the currently selected
SetWorkAreas Sets the area where icons can be displayed in a GetTic Retrieves the position of the specified tick CFont object.
list view control. mark. GetCurrentPalette Returns a pointer to the currently selected
ApproximateViewR Determines the width and height required to GetTicPos Retrieves the position of the specified tick CPalette object.
ect display the items of a list view control. mark, in client coordinates. GetCurrentPen Returns a pointer to the currently selected
GetBkImage Retreives the current background image of a SetTic Sets the position of the specified tick mark. CPen object.
list view control. SetTicFreq Sets the frequency of tick marks per slider GetWindow Returns the window associated with the display
SetBkImage Sets the current background image of a list control increment. device context.
view control. GetBuddy Retrieves the handle to a slider control buddy GetSafeHdc Returns m_hDC, the output device context.
GetHoverTime Retrieves the current hover time of a list view window at a given location. SaveDC Saves the current state of the device context.
control. SetBuddy Assigns a window as the buddy window for a RestoreDC Restores the device context to a previous state
SetHoverTime Sets the current hover time of a list view slider control. saved with SaveDC.
control. GetToolTips Retrieves the handle to the tooltip control ResetDC Updates the m_hAttribDC device context.
InsertItem Inserts a new item in a list view control. assigned to the slider control, if any. GetDeviceCaps Retrieves a specified kind of device-specific
DeleteItem Deletes an item from the control. SetToolTips Assigns a tooltip control to a slider control. informat ion about a given display device’s
DeleteAllItems Deletes all items from the control. SetTipSide Positions a tooltip control used by a trackbar capabilities.
FindItem Searches for a list view item having specified control. IsPrinting Determines whether the device context is being
characteristics. ClearSel Clears the current selection in a slider control. used for printing.
SortItems Sorts list view items using an application- VerifyPos Verifies that the position of a slider control is GetBrushOrg Retrieves the origin of the current brush.
defined comparison function. between the minimum and maximum values. SetBrushOrg Specifies the origin for the next brush selected
HitTest Determines which list view item is at a ClearTics Removes the current tick marks from a slider into a device context.
specified position. control. EnumObjects Enumerates the pens and brushes available in a
EnsureVisible Ensures that an item is visible. device context.
Scroll Scrolls the content of a list view control. CDC SelectObject Selects a GDI drawing object such as a pen.
RedrawItems Forces a list view control to repaint a range of m_hDC The output-device context used by this CDC SelectStockObject Selects one of the predefined stock pens,
items. object. brushes, or fonts provided by Windows.
Update Forces the control to repaint a specified item. m_hAttribDC The attribute-device context used by this CDC GetNearestColor Retrieves the closest logical color to a specified
Arrange Aligns items on a grid. object. logical color that the given device can
EditLabel Begins in-place editing of an item’s text. CDC Constructs a CDC object. represent.
InsertColumn Inserts a new column in a list view control. CreateDC Creates a device context for a specific device. SelectPalette Selects the logical palette.
DeleteColumn Deletes a column from the list view control. CreateIC Creates an information context for a specific RealizePalette Maps palette entries in the current logical
CreateDragImage Creates a drag image list for a specified item. device. This provides a fast way to get palette to the system palette.
DrawItem Called when a visual aspect of an owner-draw information about the device without creating a UpdateColors Updates the client area of the device context by
control changes. device context. matching the current colors in the client area to
CreateCompatibleD Creates a memory-device context that is the system palette on a pixel-by-pixel basis.
CSliderCtrl C compatible with another device context. You GetHalftoneBrush Retrieves a halftone brush.
CSliderCtrl Constructs a CSliderCtrl object. can use it to prepare images in memory. GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color.
Create Creates a slider control and attaches it to a DeleteDC Deletes the Windows device context associated SetBkColor Sets the current background color.
CSliderCtrl object. with this CDC object. GetBkMode Retrieves the background mode.
GetLineSize Retrieves the line size of a slider control. FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CDC object when given SetBkMode Sets the background mode.
SetLineSize Sets the line size of a slider control. a handle to a device context. If a CDC object is GetPolyFillMode Retrieves the current polygon-filling mode.
GetPageSize Retrieves the page size of a slider control. not attached to the handle, a temporary CDC SetPolyFillMode Sets the polygon-filling mode.
SetPageSize Sets the page size of a slider control. object is created and attached. GetROP2 Retrieves the current drawing mode.
GetRangeMax Retrieves the maximum position for a slider. DeleteTempMap Called by the CWinApp idle-time handler to SetROP2 Sets the current drawing mode.
GetRangeMin Retrieves the minimum position for a slider. delete any temporary CDC object created by GetStretchBltMode Retrieves the current bitmap-stretching mode.
GetRange Retrieves the minimum and maximum FromHandle. Also detaches the device SetStretchBltMode Sets the bitmap-stretching mode.
positions for a slider. context. GetTextColor Retrieves the current text color.
SetRangeMin Sets the minimum position for a slider. Attach Attaches a Windows device context to this SetTextColor Sets the text color.
SetRangeMax Sets the maximum position for a slider. CDC object. GetColorAdjustmen Retrieves the color adjustment values for the
SetRange Sets the minimum and maximum positions for Detach Detaches the Windows device context from t device context.
a slider. this CDC object. SetColorAdjustment Sets the color adjustment values for the device
GetSelection Retrieves the range of the current selection. SetAttribDC Sets m_hAttribDC, the attribute device context using the specified values.
SetSelection Sets the range of the current selection. context. GetMapMode Retrieves the current mapping mode.
GetChannelRect Retrieves the size of the slider control’s SetOutputDC Sets m_hDC , the output device context. SetMapMode Sets the current mapping mode.
channel. ReleaseAttribDC Releases m_hAttribDC , the attribute device GetViewportOrg Retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the
GetThumbRect Retrieves the size of the slider control’s thumb. context. viewport origin.
GetPos Retrieves the current position of the slider. ReleaseOutputDC Releases m_hDC, the output device context. SetViewportOrg Sets the viewport origin.
SetPos Sets the current position of the slider. GetCurrentBitmap Returns a pointer to the currently selected OffsetViewportOrg Modifies the viewport origin relative to the
coordinates of the current viewport origin. SetPixel Sets the pixel at the specified point to the
GetViewportExt Retrieves the x- and y-extents of the viewport. closest approximation of the specified color.
SetViewportExt Sets the x - and y-extents of the viewport. GetArcDirection Returns the current arc direction for the device SetPixelV Sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the
ScaleViewportExt Modifies the viewport extent relative to the context. closest approximation of the specified color.
current values. SetArcDirection Sets the drawing direction to be used for arc SetPixelV is faster than SetPixel because it
GetWindowOrg Retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the origin and rectangle functions. does not need to return the color value of the
of the associated window. PolyDraw Draws a set of line segments and Bézier point actually painted.
SetWindowOrg Sets the window origin of the device context. splines. This function updates the current FloodFill Fills an area with the current brush.
OffsetWindowOrg Modifies the window origin relative to the position. ExtFloodFill Fills an area with the current brush. Provides
coordinates of the current window origin. Polyline Draws a set of line segments connecting the more flexibility than the FloodFill member
GetWindowExt Retrieves the x- and y-extents of the associated specified points. function.
window. PolyPolyline Draws multiple series of connected line MaskBlt Combines the color data for the source and
SetWindowExt Sets the x- and y-extents of the associated segments. The current position is neither used destination bitmaps using the given mask and
window. nor updated by this function. raster operation.
ScaleWindowExt Modifies the window extents relative to the PolylineTo Draws one or more straight lines and moves the PlgBlt Performs a bit -block transfer of the bits of
current values. current position to the ending point of the last color data from the specified rectangle in the
DPtoHIMETRIC Converts device units into HIMETRIC units. line. source device context to the specified
DPtoLP Converts device units into logical units. PolyBezier Draws one or more Bézier splines. The current parallelogram in the given device context.
HIMETRICtoDP Converts HIMETRIC units into device units. position is neither used nor updated. TextOut Writes a character string at a specified location
HIMETRICtoLP Converts HIMETRIC units into logical units. PolyBezierTo Draws one or more Bézier splines, and moves using the currently selected font.
LPtoDP Converts logical units into device units. the current position to the ending point of the ExtTextOut Writes a character string within a rectangular
LPtoHIMETRIC Converts logical units into HIMETRIC units. last Bézier spline. region using the currently selected font.
FillRgn Fills a specific region with the specified brush. FillRect Fills a given rectangle by using a specific TabbedTextOut Writes a character string at a specified location,
FrameRgn Draws a border around a specific region using brush. expanding tabs to the values specified in an
a brush. FrameRect Draws a border around a rectangle. array of tab-stop positions.
InvertRgn Inverts the colors in a region. InvertRect Inverts the contents of a rectangle. DrawText Draws formatted text in the specified rectangle.
PaintRgn Fills a region with the selected brush. DrawIcon Draws an icon. GetTextExtent Computes the width and height of a line of text
SetBoundsRect Controls the accumulation of bounding- DrawDragRect Erases and redraws a rectangle as it is dragged. on the attribute device context using the current
rectangle information for the specified device FillSolidRect Fills a rectangle with a solid color. font to determine the dimensions.
context. Draw3dRect Draws a three-dimensional rectangle. GetOutputTextExte Computes the width and height of a line of text
GetBoundsRect Returns the current accumulated bounding DrawEdge Draws the edges of a rectangle. nt on the output device context using the current
rectangle for the specified device context. DrawFrameControl Draw a frame control. font to determine the dimensions.
GetClipBox Retrieves the dimensions of the tightest DrawState Displays an image and applies a visual effect to GetTabbedTextExte Computes the width and height of a character
bounding rectangle around the current clipping indicate a state. nt string on the attribute device context.
boundary. Chord Draws a chord (a closed figure bounded by the GetOutputTabbedTe Computes the width and height of a character
SelectClipRgn Combines the given region with the current intersection of an ellipse and a line segment). xtExtent string on the output device context.
clipping region by using the specified mode. DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate GrayString Draws dimmed (grayed) text at the given
ExcludeClipRect Creates a new clipping region that consists of focus. location.
the existing clipping region minus the specified Ellipse Draws an ellipse. GetTextAlign Retrieves the text-alignment flags.
rectangle. Pie Draws a pie-shaped wedge. SetTextAlign Sets the text-alignment flags.
ExcludeUpdateRgn Prevents drawing within invalid areas of a Polygon Draws a polygon consisting of two or more GetTextFace Copies the typeface name of the current font
window by excluding an updated region in the points (vertices) connected by lines. into a buffer as a null-terminated string.
window from a clipping region. PolyPolygon Creates two or more polygons that are filled GetTextMetrics Retrieves the metrics for the current font from
IntersectClipRect Creates a new clipping region by forming the using the current polygon-filling mode. The the attribute device context.
intersection of the current region and a polygons may be disjoint or they may overlap. GetOutputTextMetri Retrieves the metrics for the current font from
rectangle. Polyline Draws a polygon consisting of a set of line cs the output device context.
OffsetClipRgn Moves the clipping region of the given device. segments connecting specified points. SetTextJustification Adds space to the break characters in a string.
PtVisible Specifies whether the given point is within the Rectangle Draws a rectangle using the current pen and GetTextCharacterEx Retrieves the current setting for the amount of
clipping region. fills it using the current brush. tra intercharacter spacing.
RectVisible Determines whether any part of the given RoundRect Draws a rectangle with rounded corners using SetTextCharacterEx Sets the amount of intercharacter spacing.
rectangle lies within the clipping region. the current pen and filled using the current tra
GetCurrentPosition Retrieves the current position of the pen (in brush. GetFontData Retrieves font metric information from a
logical coordinates). PatBlt Creates a bit pattern. scalable font file. The information to retrieve is
MoveTo Moves the current position. BitBlt Copies a bitmap from a specified device identified by specifying an offset into the font
LineTo Draws a line from the current position up to, context. file and the length of the information to return.
but not including, a point. StretchBlt Moves a bitmap from a source rectangle and GetKerningPairs Retrieves the character kerning pairs for the
Arc Draws an elliptical arc. device into a destination rectangle, stretching font that is currently selected in the specified
ArcTo Draws an elliptical arc. This function is similar or compressing the bitmap if necessary to fit device context.
to Arc, except that the current position is the dimensions of the destination rectangle. GetOutlineTextMetr Retrieves font metric information for TrueType
updated. GetPixel Retrieves the RGB color value of the pixel at ics fonts.
AngleArc Draws a line segment and an arc, and moves the specified point. GetGlyphOutline Retrieves the outline curve or bitmap for an
outline character in the current font. GetMiterLimit Returns the miter limit for the device context. structure.
GetCharABCWidth Retrieves the widths, in logical units, of GetPath Retrieves the coordinates defining the CreateFont Initializes a CFont with the specified
s consecutive characters in a given range from endpoints of lines and the control points of characteristics.
the current font. curves found in the path that is selected into the CreatePointFont Initializes a CFont with the specified height,
GetCharWidth Retrieves the fractional widths of consecutive device context. measured in tenths of a point, and typeface.
characters in a given range from the current SelectClipPath Selects the current path as a clipping region for CreatePointFontIndi Same as CreateFontIndirect except that the
font. the device context, combining the new region rect font height is measured in tenths of a point
GetOutputCharWidt Retrieves the widths of individual characters in with any existing clipping region by using the rather than logical units.
h a consecutive group of characters from the specified mode. FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CFont object when
current font using the output device context. SetMiterLimit Sets the limit for the length of miter joins for given a Windows HFONT.
SetMapperFlags Alters the algorithm that the font mapper uses the device context. operator HFONT Returns the Windows GDI font handle attached
when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts. StrokeAndFillPath Closes any open figures in a path, strikes the to the CFont object.
GetAspectRatioFilte Retrieves the setting for the current aspect -ratio outline of the path by using the current pen, GetLogFont Fills a LOGFONT with information about the
r filter. and fills its interior by using the current brush. logical font attached to the CFont object.
QueryAbort Calls the AbortProc callback function for a StrokePath Renders the specified path by using the current
printing application and queries whether the pen. CBitmap
printing should be terminated. WidenPath Redefines the current path as the area that CBitmap Constructs a CBitmap object.
Escape Allows applications to access facilities that are would be painted if the path were stroked using LoadBitmap Initializes the object by loading a named
not directly available from a particular device the pen currently selected into the device bitmap resource from the application’s
through GDI. Also allows access to Windows context. executable file and attaching the bitmap to the
escape functions. Escape calls made by an object.
application are translated and sent to the device CBrush LoadOEMBitmap Initializes the object by loading a predefined
driver. CBrush Constructs a CBrush object. Windows bitmap and attaching the bitmap to
DrawEscape Accesses drawing capabilities of a video CreateSolidBrush Initializes a brush with the specified solid the object.
display that are not directly available through color. LoadMappedBitmap Loads a bitmap and maps colors to current
the graphics device interface (GDI). CreateHatchBrush Initializes a brush with the specified hatched system colors.
StartDoc Informs the device driver that a new print job is pattern and color. CreateBitmap Initializes the object with a device-dependent
starting. CreateBrushIndirect Initializes a brush with the style, color, and memory bitmap that has a specified width,
StartPage Informs the device driver that a new page is pattern specified in a LOGBRUSH structure. height, and bit pattern.
starting. CreatePatternBrush Initializes a brush with a pattern specified by a CreateBitmapIndire Initializes the object with a bitmap with the
EndPage Informs the device driver that a page is ending. bitmap. ct width, height, and bit pattern (if one is
SetAbortProc Sets a programmer-supplied callback function CreateDIBPatternBr Initializes a brush with a pattern specified by a specified) given in a BITMAP structure.
that Windows calls if a print job must be ush device-independent bitmap (DIB). CreateCompatibleBi Initializes the object with a bitmap so that it is
aborted. CreateSysColorBrus Creates a brush that is the default system color. tmap compatible with a specified device.
AbortDoc Terminates the current print job, erasing h CreateDiscardableB Initializes the object with a discardable bitmap
everything the application has written to the FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CBrush object when itmap that is compatible with a specified device.
device since the last call of the StartDoc given a handle to a Windows HBRUSH object. GetBitmap Fills a BITMAP structure with information
member function. GetLogBrush Gets a LOGBRUSH structure. about the bitmap.
EndDoc Ends a print job started by the StartDoc operator HBRUSH Returns the Windows handle attached to the operator HBITMAP Returns the Windows handle attached to the
member function. CBrush object. CBitmap object.
ScrollDC Scrolls a rectangle of bits horizontally and
PlayMetaFile Plays the contents of the specified metafile on
CPen CString
the given device. The enhanced version of CPen Constructs a CPen object. CString Constructs CString objects in various ways.
PlayMetaFile displays the picture stored in the CreatePen Creates a logical cosmetic or geometric pen GetLength Returns the number of characters in a CString
given enhanced-format metafile. The metafile with the specified style, width, and brush object. For multibyte characters, counts each 8-
can be played any number of times. attributes, and attaches it to the CPen object. bit character; that is, a lead and trail byte in one
AddMetaFileComm Copies the comment from a buffer into a CreatePenIndirect Creates a pen with the style, width, and color multibyte character are counted as two
ent specified enhanced-format metafile. given in a LOGPEN structure, and attaches it characters.
AbortPath Closes and discards any paths in the device to the CPen object. IsEmpty Tests whether a CString object contains no
context. FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CPen object when given characters.
BeginPath Opens a path bracket in the device context. a Windows HPEN. Empty Forces a string to have 0 length.
CloseFigure Closes an open figure in a path. operator HPEN Returns the Windows handle attached to the GetAt Returns the character at a given position.
EndPath Closes a path bracket and selects the path CPen object. operator [] Returns the character at a given position —
defined by the bracket into the device context. GetLogPen Gets a LOGPEN underlying structure. operator substitution for GetAt.
FillPath Closes any open figures in the current path and GetExtLogPen Gets an EXTLOGPEN underlying structure. SetAt Sets a character at a given position.
fills the path’s interior by using the current operator LPCTSTR Directly accesses characters stored in a
brush and polygon-filling mode. CFont CString object as a C-style string.
FlattenPath Transforms any curves in the path selected into CFont Constructs a CFont object. operator = Assigns a new value to a CString object.
the current device context, and turns each curve CreateFontIndirect Initializes a CFont object with the operator + Concatenates two strings and returns a new
into a sequence of lines. characteristics given in a LOGFONT string.
operator += Concatenates a new string to the end of an
existing string. UnionRect Sets CRect equal to the union of two
operator == <, etc. Comparison operators (case sensitive). AnsiToOem Makes an in -place conversion from the ANSI rectangles.
Compare Compares two strings (case sensitive). character set to the OEM character set. operator LPCRECT Converts a CRect to an LPCRECT.
CompareNoCase Compares two strings (case insensitive). OemToAnsi Makes an in -place conversion from the OEM operator LPRECT Converts a CRect to an LPRECT.
Collate Compares two strings (case sensitive, uses character set to the ANSI character set. operator = Copies the dimensions of a rectangle to CRect.
locale-specific information). operator == Determines whether CRect is equal to a
CollateNoCase Compares two strings (case insensitive, uses CPoint rectangle.
locale-specific information). CPoint Constructs a CPoint. operator != Determin es whether CRect is not equal to a
Mid Extracts the middle part of a string (like the Offset Adds values to the x and y members of the rectangle.
Basic MID$ function). CPoint. operator += Adds the specified offsets to CRect or inflates
Left Extracts the left part of a string (like the Basic operator == Checks for equality between two points. CRect.
LEFT$ function). operator != Checks for inequality between two points. operator –= Subtracts the specified offsets from CRect or
Right Extracts the right part of a string (like the Basic operator += Offsets CPoint by adding a size or point. deflates CRect.
RIGHT$ function). operator –= Offsets CPoint by subtracting a size or point. operator &= Sets CRect equal to the intersection of CRect
SpanIncluding Extracts a substring that contains only the operator + Returns the sum of a CPoint and a size or and a rectangle.
characters in a set. point. operator |= Sets CRect equal to the union of CRect and a
SpanExcluding Extracts a substring that contains only the operator – Returns the difference of a CPoint and a size, rectangle.
characters not in a set. or the negation of a point. operator + Adds the given offsets to CRect or inflates
MakeUpper Converts all the characters in this string to operator – Returns the size difference between two points. CRect and returns the resulting CRect.
uppercase characters. operator + Returns a CRect offset by a size. operator – Subtracts the given offsets from CRect or
MakeLower Converts all the characters in this string to operator – Returns a CRect offset by a negative size. deflates CRect and returns the resulting
lowercase characters. CRect.
MakeReverse Reverses the characters in this string. operator & Creates the intersection of CRect and a
Replace Replaces indicated characters with other
CSize rectangle and returns the resulting CRect.
characters. CSize Constructs a CSize object. operator | Creates the union of CRect and a rectangle and
Remove Removes indicated characters from a string. operator == Checks for equality between CSize and a size. returns the resulting CRect.
Insert Inserts a single character or a substring at the operator != Checks for inequality between CSize and a
given index within the string. size.
operator += Adds a size to CSize. CTime
Delete Deletes a character or characters from a string. CTime Constructs CTime objects in various ways.
Format Format the string as sprintf does. operator –= Subtracts a size from CSize.
operator + Adds two sizes. GetCurrentTime Creat es a CTime object that represents the
FormatV Formats the string as vsprintf does. current time (static member function).
TrimLeft Trim leading whitespace characters from the operator – Subtracts two sizes.
GetTime Returns a time_t that corresponds to this
string. CTime object.
TrimRight Trim trailing whitespace characters from the CRect GetYear Returns the year that this CTime object
string. CRect Constructs a CRect object. represents.
FormatMessage Formats a message string. Width Calculates the width of CRect. GetMonth Returns the month that this CTime object
Find Finds a character or substring inside a larger Height Calculates the height of CRect. represents (1 through 12).
string. Size Calculates the size of CRect. GetDay Returns the day that this CTime object
ReverseFind Finds a character inside a larger string; starts TopLeft Returns the top-left point of CRect. represents (1 through 31).
from the end. BottomRight Returns the bottom-right point of CRect. GetHour Returns the hour that this CTime object
FindOneOf Finds the first matching character from a set. CenterPoint Returns the centerpoint of CRect. represents (0 through 23).
operator << Inserts a CString object to an archive or dump IsRectEmpty Determines whether CRect is empty. CRect is GetMinute Returns the minute that this CTime object
context. empty if the width and/or height are 0. represents (0 through 59).
operator >> Extracts a CString object from an archive. IsRectNull Determines whether the top, bottom, left, and GetSecond Returns the second that this CTime object
GetBuffer Returns a pointer to the characters in the right member variables are all equal to 0. represents (0 through 61).
CString. PtInRect Determines whether the specified point lies GetDayOfWeek Returns the day of the week (1 for Sunday, 2
GetBufferSetLength Returns a pointer to the characters in the within CRect. for Monday, and so forth).
CString, truncating to the specified length. SetRect Sets the dimensions of CRect. GetGmtTm Breaks down a CTime object into components
ReleaseBuffer Releases control of the buffer returned by SetRectEmpty Sets CRect to an empty rectangle (all — based on UTC.
GetBuffer. coordinates equal to 0). GetLocalTm Breaks down a CTime object into components
FreeExtra Removes any overhead of this string object by CopyRect Copies the dimensions of a source rectangle to — based on the local time zone.
freeing any extra memory previously allocated CRect. GetAsSystemTime Converts the time information stored in the
to the string. EqualRect Determines whether CRect is equal to the CTime object to a Win32-compatible
LockBuffer Disables reference counting and protects the given rectangle. SYSTEMTIME structure
string in the buffer. InflateRect Increases the width and height of CRect. Format Converts a CTime object into a formatted
UnlockBuffer Enables reference counting and releases the DeflateRect Decreases the width and height of CRect. string — based on the local time zone.
string in the buffer. NormalizeRect Standardizes the height and width of CRect. FormatGmt Converts a CTime object into a formatted
AllocSysString Allocates a BSTR from CString data. OffsetRect Moves CRect by the specified offsets. string — based on UTC.
SetSysString Sets an existing BSTR object with data from a SubtractRect Subtracts one rectangle from another. operator = Assigns new time values.
CString object. IntersectRect Sets CRect equal to the intersection of two operator + – Add and subtract CTimeSpan and CTime
LoadString Loads an existing CString object from a rectangles. objects.
operator +=, –= Add and subtract a CTimeSpan object to and operator [] Sets or gets the element at the specified index. this array.
from this CTime object. FreeExtra Frees all unused memory above the current
operator ==, < , etc. Compare two absolute times. CList upper bound.
operator << Outputs a CTime object to CArchive or CList Constructs an empty ordered list. RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this array.
CDumpContext. GetHead Returns the head element of the list (cannot be GetAt Returns the value at a given index.
operator >> Inputs a CTime object from CArchive . empty). SetAt Sets the value for a given index; array not
GetTail Returns the tail element of the list (cannot be allowed to grow.
CTimeSpan empty). ElementAt Returns a temporary reference to the element
CTimeSpan Constructs CTimeSpan objects in various RemoveHead Removes the element from the head of the list. pointer within the array.
ways. RemoveTail Removes the element from the tail of the list. GetData Allows access to elements in the array. Can be
GetDays Returns the number of complete days in this AddHead Adds an element (or all the elements in another NULL.
CTimeSpan. list) to the head of the list (makes a new head). SetAtGrow Sets the value for a given index; grows the
GetHours Returns the number of hours in the current day AddTail Adds an element (or all the elements in another array if necessary.
(–23 through 23). list) to the tail of the list (makes a new tail). Add Adds an element to the end of the array; grows
GetTotalHours Returns the total number of complete hours in RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this list. the array if necessary.
this CTimeSpan. GetHeadPosition Returns the position of the head element of the Append Appends another array to the array; grows the
GetMinutes Returns the number of minutes in the current list. array if necessary.
hour (–59 through 59). GetTailPosition Returns the position of the tail element of the Copy Copies another array to the array; grows the
GetTotalMinutes Returns the total number of complete minutes list. array if necessary.
in this CTimeSpan. GetNext Gets the next element for iterating. InsertAt Inserts an element (or all the elements in
GetSeconds Returns the number of seconds in the current GetPrev Gets the previous element for iterating. another array) at a specified index.
minute (–59 through 59). GetAt Gets the element at a given position. RemoveAt Removes an element at a specific index.
GetTotalSeconds Returns the total number of complete seconds SetAt Sets the element at a given position. operator [] Sets or gets the element at the specified index.
in this CTimeSpan. RemoveAt Removes an element from this list, specified by
Format Converts a CTimeSpan into a formatted string. position. CFile
operator = Assigns new time-span values. InsertBefore Inserts a new element before a given position. m_hFile Usually contains the operating-system file
operator + – Adds and subtracts CTimeSpan objects. InsertAfter Inserts a new element after a given position. handle.
operator += –= Adds and subtracts a CTimeSpan object to and Find Gets the position of an element specified by CFile Constructs a CFile object from a path or file
from this CTimeSpan. pointer value. handle.
operator == < etc. Compares two relative time values. FindIndex Gets the position of an element specified by a Abort Closes a file ignoring all warnings and errors.
operator << Outputs a CTimeSpan object to CArchive or zero-based index. Duplicate Constructs a duplicate object based on this file.
CDumpContext. GetCount Returns the number of elements in this list. Open Safely opens a file with an error-testing option.
operator >> Inputs a CTimeSpan object from CArchive . IsEmpty Tests for the empty list condition (no Close Closes a file and deletes the object.
elements). Read Reads (unbuffered) data from a file at the
CArray current file position.
CArray Constructs an empty array. CMap ReadHuge Can read more than 64K of (unbuffered) data
GetSize Gets the number of elements in this array. CMap Constructs a collection that maps keys to from a file at the current file position. Obsolete
GetUpperBound Returns the largest valid index. values. in 32-bit programming. See Read.
SetSize Sets the number of elements to be contained in Lookup Looks up the value mapped to a given key. Write Writes (unbuffered) data in a file to the current
this array. SetAt Inserts an element into the map; replaces an file position.
FreeExtra Frees all unused memory above the current existing element if a matching key is found. WriteHuge Can write more than 64K of (unbuffered) data
upper bound. operator [] Inserts an element into the map — operator in a file to the current file position. Obsolete in
RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this array. substitution for SetAt. 32-bit programming. See Write.
GetAt Returns the value at a given index. RemoveKey Removes an element specified by a key. Flush Flushes any data yet to be written.
SetAt Sets the value for a given index; array not RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this map. Seek Positions the current file pointer.
allowed to grow. GetStartPosition Returns the position of the first element. SeekToBegin Positions the current file pointer at the
ElementAt Returns a temporary reference to the element GetNextAssoc Gets the next element for iterating. beginning of the file.
pointer within the array. GetHashTableSize Returns the size (number of elements) of the SeekToEnd Positions the current file pointer at the end of
GetData Allows access to elements in the array. Can be hash table. the file.
NULL. InitHashTable Initializes the hash table and specifies its size. GetLength Retrieves the length of the file.
SetAtGrow Sets the value for a given index; grows the GetCount Returns the number of elements in this map. SetLength Changes the length of the file.
array if necessary. IsEmpty Tests for the empty-map condition (no LockRange Locks a range of bytes in a file.
Add Adds an element to the end of the array; grows elements). UnlockRange Unlocks a range of bytes in a file.
the array if necessary. GetPosition Retrieves the current file pointer.
Append Appends another array to the array; grows the GetStatus Retrieves the status of this open file.
CObArray GetFileName Retrieves the filename of the selected file.
array if necessary CObArray Constructs an empty array for CObject
Copy Copies another array to the array; grows the GetFileTitle Retrieves the title of the selected file.
pointers. GetFilePath Retrieves the full file path of the selected file.
array if necessary. GetSize Gets the number of elements in this array.
InsertAt Inserts an element (or all the elements in SetFilePath Sets the full file path of the selected file.
GetUpperBound Returns the largest valid index. Rename Renames the specified file (static function).
another array) at a specified index. SetSize Sets the number of elements to be contained in
RemoveAt Removes an element at a specific index. Remove Deletes the specified file (static function).
GetStatus Retrieves the status of the specified file (static, CSocket EnableAutomation Allows OLE automation for the CCmdTarget
virtual function). CSocket Constructs a CSocket object. object.
SetStatus Sets the status of the specified file (static, Create Creates a socket. EndWaitCursor Returns to the previous cursor.
virtual function). IsBlocking Determines whether a blocking call is in RestoreWaitCursor Restores the hourglass cursor.
progress. OnCmdMsg Routes and dispatches command messages.
CStdioFile FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CSocket object, given a OnFinalRelease Cleans up after the last OLE reference is
m_pStream Contains a pointer to an open file. SOCKET handle. released.
CStdioFile Constructs a CStdioFile object from a path or Attach Attaches a SOCKET handle to a CSocket
file pointer. object. CCmdUI
ReadString Reads a single line of text. CancelBlockingCall Cancels a blocking call that is currently in m_nID The ID of the user-interface object.
WriteString Writes a single line of text. progress. m_nIndex The index of the user-interface object.
OnMessagePending Called to process pending messages while m_pMenu Points to the menu represented by the
CAsyncSocket waiting for a blocking call to complete. CCmdUI object.
CAsyncSocket Constructs a CAsyncSocket object. m_pSubMenu Points to the contained sub-menu represented
Create Creates a socket. CWinThread by the CCmdUI object.
Attach Attaches a socket handle to a CAsyncSocket m_bAutoDelete Specifies whether to destroy the object at m_pOther Points to the window object that sent the
object. thread termination. notification.
Detach Detaches a socket handle from a m_hThread Handle to the current thread. Enable Enables or disables the user-interface item for
CAsyncSocket object. m_nThreadID ID of the current thread. this command.
FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CAsyncSocket object, m_pMainWnd Holds a pointer to the application’s main SetCheck Sets the check state of the user-interface item
given a socket handle. window. for this command.
GetLastError Gets the error status for the last operation that m_pActiveWnd Pointer to the main window of the container SetRadio Like the SetCheck member function, but
failed. application when an OLE server is in-place operates on radio groups.
GetPeerName Gets the address of the peer socket to which the active. SetText Sets the text for the user-interface item for this
socket is connected. CWinThread Constructs a CWinThread object. command.
GetSockName Gets the local name for a socket. CreateThread Starts execution of a CWinThread object. ContinueRouting Tells the command-routing mechanism to
GetSockOpt Retrieves a socket option. GetMainWnd Retrieves a pointer to the main window for the continue routing the current message down the
SetSockOpt Sets a socket option. thread. chain of handlers.
Accept Accepts a connection on the socket. GetThreadPriority Gets the priority of the current thread.
AsyncSelect Requests event notification for the socket. PostThreadMessage Posts a message to another CWinThread CControlBar
Bind Associates a local address with the socket. object. m_bAutoDelete If nonzero, the CControlBar object is deleted
Close Closes the socket. ResumeThread Decrements a thread’s suspend count. when the Windows control bar is destroyed.
Connect Establishes a connection to a peer socket. SetThreadPriority Sets the priority of the current thread. GetBarStyle Retrieves the control bar style settings.
IOCtl Controls the mode of the socket. SuspendThread Increments a thread’s suspend count. SetBarStyle Modifies the control bar style settings.
Listen Establishes a socket to listen for incoming ExitInstance Override to clean up when your thread GetBorders Retrieves the border values of the control bar.
connection requests. terminates. SetBorders Sets the border values of the control bar.
Receive Receives data from the socket. InitInstance Override to perform thread instance GetCount Returns the number of non-HWND elements in
ReceiveFrom Receives a datagram and stores the source initialization. the control bar.
address. OnIdle Override to perform thread-specific idle-time GetDockingFrame Returns a pointer to the frame to which a
Send Sends data to a connected socket. processing. control bar is docked.
SendTo Sends data to a specific destination. PreTranslateMessag Filters messages before they are dispatched to IsFloating Returns a nonzero value if the control bar in
ShutDown Disables Send and/or Receive calls on the e the Windows functions TranslateMessage and question is a floating control bar.
socket. DispatchMessage. CalcFixedLayout Returns the size of the control bar as a CSize
OnAccept Notifies a listening socket that it can accept IsIdleMessage Checks for special messages. object.
pending connection requests by calling Accept. ProcessWndProcEx Intercepts all unhandled exceptions thrown by CalcDynamicLayout Returns the size of a dynamic control bar as a
OnClose Notifies a socket that the socket connected to it ception the thread’s message and command handlers. CSize object.
has closed. ProcessMessageFilt Intercepts certain messages before they reach OnUpdateCmdUI Calls the Command UI handlers.
OnConnect Notifies a connecting socket that the er the application. EnableDocking Allows a control bar to be docked or floating.
connection attempt is complete, whether Run Controlling function for threads with a message
successfully or in error. pump. Override to customize the default CMenu
OnOutOfBandData Notifies a receiving socket that there is out-of- message loop. m_hMenu Specifies the handle to the Windows menu
band data to be read on the socket, usually an attached to the CMenu object.
urgent message. CCmdTarget CMenu Constructs a CMenu object.
OnReceive Notifies a listening socket that there is data to FromIDispatch Returns a pointer to the CCmdTarget object Attach Attaches a Windows menu handle to a CMenu
be retrieved by calling Receive . associated with the IDispatch pointer. object.
OnSend Notifies a socket that it can send data by GetIDispatch Returns a pointer to the IDispatch object Detach Detaches a Windows menu handle from a
calling Send. associated with the CCmdTarget object. CMenu object and returns the handle.
m_hSocket Indicates the SOCKET handle attached to this IsResultExpected Returns nonzero if an automation function FromHandle Returns a pointer to a CMenu object given a
CAsyncSocket object. should return a value. Windows menu handle.
BeginWaitCursor Displays the cursor as an hourglass cursor. GetSafeHmenu Returns the m_hMenu wrapped by this
CMenu object. SetObjectSchema Sets the object schema stored in the archive
DeleteTempMap Deletes any temporary CMenu objects created Checkpoint Obtains a snapshot or “checkpoint” of the object.
by the FromHandle member function. current memory state. IsLoading Determines whether the archive is loading.
CreateMenu Creates an empty menu and attaches it to a Difference Computes the difference between two objects IsStoring Determines whether the archive is storing.
CMenu object. of type CMemoryState. IsBufferEmpty Determines whether the buffer has been
CreatePopupMenu Creates an empty pop-up menu and attaches it DumpAllObjectsSin Dumps a summary of all currently allocated emptied during a Windows Sockets receive
to a CMenu object. ce objects since a previous checkpoint. process.
LoadMenu Loads a menu resource from the executable file DumpStatistics Prints memory allocation statistics for a ReadObject Calls an object’s Serialize function for loading.
and attaches it to a CMenu object. CMemoryState object. WriteObject Calls an object’s Serialize function for storing.
LoadMenuIndirect Loads a menu from a menu template in MapObject Places objects in the map that are not serialized
memory and attaches it to a CMenu object. CPropertySheet to the file, but that are available for subobjects
DestroyMenu Destroys the menu attached to a CMenu object m_psh The Windows PROPSHEETHEADER to reference.
and frees any memory that the menu occupied. structure. Provides access to basic property SetStoreParams Sets the hash table size and the block size of
DeleteMenu Deletes a specified item from the menu. If the sheet parameters. the map used to identify unique objects during
menu item has an associated pop-up menu, CPropertySheet Constructs a CPropertySheet object. the serialization process.
destroys the handle to the pop-up menu and Construct Constructs a CPropertySheet object. SetLoadParams Sets the size to which the load array grows.
frees the memory used by it. GetActiveIndex Retrieves the index of the active page of the Must be called before any object is loaded or
TrackPopupMenu Displays a floating pop-up menu at the property sheet. before MapObject or ReadObject is called.
specified location and tracks the selection of GetPageIndex Retrieves the index of the specified page of the ReadClass Reads a class reference previously stored with
items on the pop-up menu. property sheet. WriteClass.
AppendMenu Appends a new item to the end of this menu. GetPageCount Retrieves the number of pages in the property WriteClass Writes a reference to the CRuntimeClass to
CheckMenuItem Places a check mark next to or removes a sheet. the CArchive .
check mark from a menu item in the pop-up GetPage Retrieves a pointer to the specified page. SerializeClass Reads or writes the class reference to the
menu. GetActivePage Returns the active page object. CArchive object depending on the direct ion of
CheckMenuRadioIt Places a radio button next to a menu item and SetActivePage Programmatically sets the active page object. the CArchive .
em removes the radio button from all of the other SetTitle Sets the caption of the property sheet.
menu items in the group. GetTabControl Retrieves a pointer to a tab control. CDocTemplate
SetDefaultItem Sets the default menu item for the specified SetFinishText Sets the text for the Finish button. CDocTemplate Constructs a CDocTemplate object.
menu. SetWizardButtons Enables the wizard buttons. SetContainerInfo Determines the resources for OLE containers
GetDefaultItem Determines the default menu item on the SetWizardMode Enables the wizard mode. when editing an in -place OLE item.
specified menu. EnableStackedTabs Indicates whether the property sheet uses SetServerInfo Determines the resources and classes when the
EnableMenuItem Enables, disables, or dims (grays) a menu item. stacked or scrolling tabs. server document is embedded or edited in -
GetMenuItemCount Determines the number of items in a pop-up or DoModal Displays a modal property sheet. place.
top-level menu. Create Displays a modeless property sheet. GetFirstDocPosition Retrieves the position of the first document
GetMenuItemID Obtains the menu-item identifier for a menu AddPage Adds a page to the property sheet. associated with this template.
item located at the specified position. RemovePage Removes a page from the property sheet. GetNextDoc Retrieves a document and the position of the
GetMenuState Returns the status of the specified menu item or PressButton Simulates the choice of the specified button in next one.
the number of items in a pop-up menu. a property sheet. LoadTemplate Loads the resources for a given
GetMenuString Retrieves the label of the specified menu item. EndDialog Terminates the property sheet. CDocTemplate or derived class.
GetMenuItemInfo Retrieves information about a menu item. AddDocument Adds a document to a template.
GetSubMenu Retrieves a pointer to a pop-up menu. RemoveDocument Removes a document from a template.
InsertMenu Inserts a new menu item at the specified CArchive
m_pDocument Points to the CDocument object being GetDocString Retrieves a string associated with the
position, moving other items down the menu. document type.
ModifyMenu Changes an existing menu item at the specified serialized.
CArchive Creates a CArchive object. CreateOleFrame Creates an OLE-enabled frame window.
position. MatchDocType Determines the degree of confidence in the
RemoveMenu Deletes a menu item with an associated pop-up Abort Closes an archive without throwing an
exception. match between a document type and this
menu from the specified menu. template.
SetMenuItemBitma Associates the specified check-mark bitmaps Close Flushes unwritten data and disconnects from
the CFile. CreateNewDocument Creates a new document.
ps with a menu item. CreateNewFrame Creates a new frame window containing a
GetMenuContextHe Retrieves the help context ID associated with Flush Flushes unwritten data from the archive buffer.
operator >> Loads objects and primitive types from the document and view.
lpId the menu. InitialUpdateFrame Initializes the frame window, and optionally
SetMenuContextHel Sets the help context ID to be associated with archive.
operator << Stores objects and primitive types to the makes it visible.
pId the menu. SaveAllModified Saves all documents associated with this
DrawItem Called by the framework when a visual aspect archive.
Read Reads raw bytes. template which have been modified.
of an owner-drawn menu changes. CloseAllDocuments Closes all documents associated with this
MeasureItem Called by the framework to determine menu Write Writes raw bytes.
WriteString Writes a single line of text. template.
dimensions when an owner-drawn menu is OpenDocumentFile Opens a file specified by a pathname.
created. ReadString Reads a single line of text.
GetFile Gets the CFile object pointer for this archive. SetDefaultTitle Displays the default title in the document
GetObjectSchema Called from the Serialize function to determine window’s title bar.
CMemoryState the version of the object that is being
CMemoryState Constructs a class-like structure that controls deserialized. Diagnostic Macros
ASSERT Prints a message and then aborts the program if AfxGetThread Retrieves a pointer to the current CWinThread SSAGE defined message when you have a
the specified expression evaluates to FALSE in object. CWinThread class.
the Debug version of the library. AfxWinInit Called by the MFC-supplied WinMain ON_UPDATE_CO Indicates which function will handle a
ASSERT_KINDOF Tests that an object is an object of the specified function, as part of the CWinApp initialization MMAND_UI specified user-interface update command
class or of a class derived from the specified of a GUI-based application, to initialize MFC. message.
class. Must be called directly for console applications ON_COMMAND_ Indicates which function will handle the range
ASSERT_VALID Tests the internal validity of an object by using MFC. RANGE of command IDs specified in the first two
calling its AssertValid member function; parameters to the macro.
typically overridden from CObject. Common Data Type ON_UPDATE_CO Indicates which update handler will handle the
DEBUG_NEW Supplies a filename and line number for all BOOL Boolean value. MMAND_UI_RAN range of command IDs specified in the first
object allocations in Debug mode to help find BSTR 32-bit character pointer. GE two parameters to the macro.
memory leaks. BYTE 8-bit integer that is not signed. ON_CONTROL_R Indicates which function will handle
TRACE Provides printf-like capability in the Debug COLORREF 32-bit value used as a color value. ANGE notifications from the range of control IDs
version of the library. DWORD 32-bit unsigned integer or the address of a specified in the second and third parameters to
TRACE0 Similar to TRACE but takes a format string segment and its associated offset. the macro. The first parameter is a control-
with no arguments. LONG 32-bit signed integer. notification message, such as BN_CLICKED.
TRACE1 Similar to TRACE but takes a format string LPARAM 32-bit value passed as a parameter to a window
with a single argument. procedure or callback function. WM_Messages Handlers
TRACE2 Similar to TRACE but takes a format string LPCSTR 32-bit pointer to a constant character string. ON_WM_ACTIVA Afx_msg void OnActivate( UINT, CWnd*,
with two arguments. LPSTR 32-bit pointer to a character string. TE( ) BOOL );
TRACE3 Similar to TRACE but takes a format string LPCTSTR 32-bit pointer to a constant character string that ON_WM_ACTIVA afx_msg void OnActivateApp( BOOL,
with three arguments. is portable for Unicode and DBCS. TEAPP( ) HANDLE );
VERIFY Similar to ASSERT but evaluates the LPTSTR 32-bit pointer to a character string that is ON_WM_ASKCBF afx_msg void OnAskCbFormatName( UINT,
expression in the Release version of the library portable for Unicode and DBCS. ORMATNAME( ) LPSTR );
as well as in the Debug version. LPVOID 32-bit pointer to an unspecified type. ON_WM_CANCEL afx_msg void OnCancelMode( );
LRESULT 32-bit value returned from a window procedure MODE( )
Afx functions or callback function. ON_WM_CAPTUR afx_msg void OnCaptureChanged( CWnd* );
AfxFreeLibrary Decrements the reference count of the loaded UINT 16-bit unsigned integer on Windows versions ECHANGED( )
dynamic-link library (DLL) module; when the 3.0 and 3.1; a 32-bit unsigned integer on ON_WM_CHANG afx_msg void OnChangeCbChain( HWND,
reference count reaches zero, the module is Win32. ECBCHAIN( ) HWND );
unmapped. WNDPROC 32-bit pointer to a window procedure. ON_WM_CHAR( ) afx_msg void OnChar( UINT, UINT, UINT );
AfxGetApp Returns a pointer to the application's single WORD 16-bit unsigned integer. ON_WM_CHART afx_msg int OnCharToItem( UINT, CWnd*,
CWinApp object. WPARAM value passed as a parameter to a window OITEM( ) UINT );
AfxGetAppName Returns a string containing the application's procedure or callback function: ON_WM_CHILDA afx_msg void OnChildActivate( );
name. POSITION value used to denote the position of an element CTIVATE( )
AfxGetInstanceHan Returns an HINSTANCErepresenting this in a collection; used by MFC collection classes. ON_WM_CLOSE( afx_msg void OnClose( );
dle instance of the application. LPCRECT 32-bit pointer to a constant (nonmodifiable) )
AfxGetMainWnd Returns a pointer to the current "main" window RECT structure. ON_WM_COMPA afx_msg void OnCompacting( UINT );
of a non-OLE application, or the in -place frame CTING( )
window of a server application. Message Map Macros ON_WM_COMPA afx_msg int OnCompareItem(
AfxGetResourceHa Returns an HINSTANCE to the source of the DECLARE_MESS Declares that a message map will be used in a REITEM( ) LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT );
ndle application's default resources. Use this to AGE_MAP class to map messages to functions (must be ON_WM_CONTE afx_msg void OnContextMenu( CWnd*,
access the application's resources directly. used in the class declaration). XTMENU( ) CPoint );
AfxInitRichEdit Initializes the rich edit control for the BEGIN_MESSAGE Begins the definition of a message map (must ON_WM_COPYD afx_msg BOOL OnCopyData( CWnd* pWnd,
application and initializes the common controls _MAP be used in the class implementation). ATA( ) COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct );
library, if the library hasn 't already been END_MESSAGE_ Ends the definition of a message map (must be ON_WM_CREATE afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT
initialized for the process. MAP used in the class implementation). () );
AfxLoadLibrary Maps a DLL module and returns a handle that ON_COMMAND Indicates which function will handle a ON_WM_CTLCOL afx_msg HBRUSH OnCtlColor( CDC*,
can be used to get the address of a DLL specified command message. OR( ) CWnd*, UINT );
function. ON_CONTROL Indicates which function will handle a ON_WM_DEADC afx_msg void OnDeadChar( UINT, UINT,
AfxRegisterWndCla Registers a Windows window class to specified control-notification message. HAR( ) UINT );
ss supplement those registered automatically by ON_MESSAGE Indicates which function will handle a user- ON_WM_DELETE afx_msg void OnDeleteItem(
MFC. defined message. ITEM( ) LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT );
AfxSocketInit Called in a CWinApp::InitInstance override ON_OLECMD Indicates which function will handle a menu ON_WM_DESTRO afx_msg void OnDestroy( );
to initialize Windows Sockets. command from a DocObject or its container. Y( )
AfxSetResourceHan Sets the HINSTANCE handle where the ON_REGISTERED Indicates which function will handle a ON_WM_DESTRO afx_msg void OnDestroyClipboard( );
dle default resources of the application are loaded. _MESSAGE registered user-defined message. YCLIPBOARD( )
AfxRegisterClass Registers a window class in a DLL that uses ON_REGISTERED Indicates which function will handle a ON_WM_DEVICE afx_msg void OnDeviceChange( UINT,
MFC. _THREAD_MESS registered user-defined message when you CHANGE( ) DWORD );
AfxBeginThread Creates a new thread. AGE have a CWinThread class. ON_WM_DEVMO afx_msg void OnDevModeChange( LPSTR );
AfxEndThread Terminates the current thread. ON_THREAD_ME Indicates which function will handle a user- DECHANGE( )
ON_WM_DRAWC afx_msg void OnDrawClipboard( ); MOVE( ) ON_WM_RENDER afx_msg void OnRenderAllFormats( );
LIPBOARD( ) ON_WM_MOUSE afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel( UINT, short, ALLFORMATS( )
ON_WM_DRAWIT afx_msg void OnDrawItem( WHEEL( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_RENDER afx_msg void OnRenderFormat( UINT );
EM( ) LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT ); ON_WM_MOVE( ) afx_msg void OnMove( int, int ); FORMAT( )
ON_WM_DROPFI afx_msg void OnDropFiles( HDROP ); ON_WM_MOVIN afx_msg void OnMoving( UINT, LPRECT ); ON_WM_SETCUR afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor( CWnd*, UINT,
LES( ) G( ) SOR( ) UINT );
ON_WM_ENABLE afx_msg void OnEnable( BOOL ); ON_WM_NCACTI afx_msg BOOL OnNcActivate( BOOL ); ON_WM_SETFOC afx_msg void OnSetFocus( CWnd* );
() VATE( ) US( )
ON_WM_ENDSES afx_msg void OnEndSession( BOOL ); ON_WM_NCCAL afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize( BOOL, ON_WM_SHOWW afx_msg void OnShowWindow( BOOL, UINT
ON_WM_ENTERI afx_msg void OnEnterIdle( UINT, CWnd* ); ON_WM_NCCRE afx_msg BOOL OnNcCreate( ON_WM_SIZE( ) afx_msg void OnSize( UINT, int, int );
DLE( ) ATE( ) LPCREATESTRUCT ); ON_WM_SIZECLI afx_msg void OnSizeClipboard( CWnd*,
ON_WM_ERASEB afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd( CDC * ); ON_WM_NCDEST afx_msg void OnNcDestroy( ); PBOARD( ) HANDLE );
KGND( ) ROY( ) ON_WM_SIZING( afx_msg void OnSizing( UINT, LPRECT );
ON_WM_FONTCH afx_msg void OnFontChange( ); ON_WM_NCHITT afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest ( CPoint ); )
ANGE( ) EST( ) ON_WM_SPOOLE afx_msg void OnSpoolerStatus( UINT, UINT
ON_WM_GETDLG afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode( ); ON_WM_NCLBUT afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDblClk( UINT, RSTATUS( ) );
CODE( ) TONDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_STYLEC afx_msg void OnStyleChanged( int,
ON_WM_GETMIN afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo( LPPOINT ); ON_WM_NCLBUT afx_msg void OnNcLButtonDown( UINT, HANGED( ) LPSTYLESTRUCT );
MAXINFO( ) TONDOWN( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_STYLEC afx_msg void OnStyleChanging( int,
ON_WM_HELPIN afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo( HELPINFO* ); ON_WM_NCLBUT afx_msg void OnNcLButtonUp( UINT, CPoint HANGING( ) LPSTYLESTRUCT );
FO( ) TONUP( ) ); ON_WM_SYSCHA afx_msg void OnSysChar( UINT, UINT, UINT
ON_WM_HSCROL afx_msg void OnHScroll( UINT, UINT, ON_WM_NCMBU afx_msg void OnNcMButtonDblClk( UINT, R( ) );
L( ) CWnd* ); TTONDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_SYSCOL afx_msg void OnSysColorChange( );
ON_WM_HSCROL afx_msg void OnHScrollClipboard CWnd*, ON_WM_NCMBU afx_msg void OnNcMButtonDown( UINT, ORCHANGE( )
LCLIPBOARD( ) UINT, UINT ); TTONDOWN( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_SYSCO afx_msg void OnSysCommand( UINT, LONG
ON_WM_ICONER afx_msg void OnIconEraseBkgnd( CDC * ); ON_WM_NCMBU afx_msg void OnNcMButtonUp( UINT, MMAND( ) );
ASEBKGND( ) TTONUP( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_SYSDEA afx_msg void OnSysDeadChar( UINT, UINT,
ON_WM_INITME afx_msg void OnInitMenu( CMenu * ); ON_WM_NCMOU afx_msg void OnNcMouseMove( UINT, DCHAR( ) UINT );
NU( ) SEMOVE( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_SYSKEY afx_msg void OnSysKeyDown( UINT, UINT,
ON_WM_INITME afx_msg void OnInitMenuPopup( CMenu *, ON_WM_NCPAIN afx_msg void OnNcPaint( ); DOWN( ) UINT );
NUPOPUP( ) UINT, BOOL ); T( ) ON_WM_SYSKEY afx_msg void OnSysKeyUp( UINT, UINT,
ON_WM_KEYDO afx_msg void OnKeyDown( UINT, UINT, ON_WM_NCRBU afx_msg void OnNcRButtonDblClk( UINT , UP( ) UINT );
WN( ) UINT ); TTONDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_TCARD( afx_msg void OnTCard( UINT, DWORD );
ON_WM_KEYUP( afx_msg void OnKeyUp( UINT, UINT, UINT ON_WM_NCRBU afx_msg void OnNcRButtonDown( UINT, )
) ); TTONDOWN( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_TIMECH afx_msg void OnTimeChange( );
ON_WM_KILLFO afx_msg void OnKillFocus( CWnd* ); ON_WM_NCRBU afx_msg void OnNcRButtonUp( UINT, CPoint ANGE( )
CUS( ) TTONUP( ) ); ON_WM_TIMER( ) afx_msg void OnTimer( UINT );
ON_WM_LBUTTO afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk( UINT, ON_WM_PAINT( ) afx_msg void OnPaint( ); ON_WM_VKEYT afx_msg int OnVKeyToItem( UINT, CWnd*,
NDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_PAINTC afx_msg void OnPaintClipboard( CWnd*, OITEM( ) UINT );
ON_WM_LBUTTO afx_msg void OnLButtonDown( UINT, CPoint LIPBOARD( ) HANDLE ); ON_WM_VSCROL afx_msg void OnVScroll( UINT, UINT,
NDOWN( ) ); ON_WM_PALETT afx_msg void OnPaletteChanged( CWnd* ); L( ) CWnd* );
ON_WM_LBUTTO afx_msg void OnLButtonUp( UINT, CPoint ); ECHANGED( ) ON_WM_VSCROL afx_msg void OnVScrollClipboard( CWnd*,
NUP( ) ON_WM_PALETT afx_msg void OnPaletteIsChanging( CWnd* ); LCLIPBOARD( ) UINT, UINT );
ON_WM_MBUTT afx_msg void OnMButtonDblClk( UINT, EISCHANGING( ) ON_WM_WINDO afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged(
ONDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_PARENT afx_msg void OnParentNotify( UINT, LONG WPOSCHANGED( WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos );
ON_WM_MBUTT afx_msg void OnMButtonDown( UINT, NOTIFY( ) ); )
ONDOWN( ) CPoint ); ON_WM_QUERY afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon( ); ON_WM_WINDO afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging(
ON_WM_MBUTT afx_msg void OnMButtonUp( UINT, CPoint ); DRAGICON( ) WPOSCHANGING WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos );
ONUP( ) ON_WM_QUERY afx_msg BOOL OnQueryEndSession( ); ()
ON_WM_MDIACT afx_msg void OnMDIActivate( BOOL, ENDSESSION( ) ON_WM_WININI afx_msg void OnWinIniChange( LPSTR );
IVATE( ) CWnd*, CWnd* ); ON_WM_QUERY afx_msg BOOL OnQueryNewPalette( ); CHANGE( )
ON_WM_MEASU afx_msg void OnMeasureItem( NEWPALETTE( )
REITEM( ) LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT ); ON_WM_QUERY afx_msg BOOL OnQueryOpen( ); Message Handlers
ON_WM_MENUC afx_msg LONG OnMenuChar( UINT, UINT, OPEN( ) ON_COMMAND(< afx_msg void memberFxn( );
HAR( ) CMenu * ); ON_WM_RBUTTO afx_msg void OnRButtonDblClk( UINT, id>, <memberFxn>)
ON_WM_MENUS afx_msg void OnMenuSelect ( UINT, UINT, NDBLCLK( ) CPoint ); ON_CONTROL( afx_msg void memberFxn( );
ELECT( ) HMENU ); ON_WM_RBUTTO afx_msg void OnRButtonDown( UINT, CPoint <wNotifyCode>,
ON_WM_MOUSE afx_msg int OnMouseActivate( CWnd*, NDOWN( ) ); <id>,
ACTIVATE( ) UINT, UINT ); ON_WM_RBUTTO afx_msg void OnRButtonUp( UINT, CPoint ); <memberFxn> )
ON_WM_MOUSE afx_msg void OnMouseMove( UINT, CPoint ); NUP( ) ON_MESSAGE( afx_msg LRESULT memberFxn(WPARAM,
<message>, LPARAM); ON_CBN_SELEN afx_msg void memberFxn( );
<memberFxn> ) DCANCEL( <id>,
ON_REGISTERED afx_msg LRESULT memberFxn(WPARAM, <memberFxn> )
_MESSAGE( LPARAM); ON_CBN_SELEN afx_msg void memberFxn( );
<nMessageVariable DOK( <id>,
>, <memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_THREAD_ME afx_msg void memberFxn( UINT, LONG ); ON_CBN_SETFOC afx_msg void memberFxn( );
SSAGE( US( <id>,
<message>, <memberFxn> )
<memberFxn> )
ON_REGISTERED afx_msg void memberFxn( UINT, LONG ); Edit Message s
_THREAD_MESS ON_EN_CHANGE( afx_msg void memberFxn( );
AGE( <id>,
<nMessageVariable <memberFxn> )
>, <memberFxn> ) ON_EN_ERRSPAC afx_msg void memberFxn( );
E( <id>,
Button Messages <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_CLICKED afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_HSCROL afx_msg void memberFxn( );
( <id>, L( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_DISABLE afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_KILLFOC afx_msg void memberFxn( );
( <id>, US( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_DOUBLE afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_MAXTEX afx_msg void memberFxn( );
CLICKED( <id>, T( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_HILITE( afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_SETFOCU afx_msg void memberFxn( );
<id>, S( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_PAINT( afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_UPDATE( afx_msg void memberFxn( );
<id>, <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_BN_UNHILIT afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_EN_VSCROL afx_msg void memberFxn( );
E( <id>, L( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )

ComboBox Message s ListBox Messages

ON_CBN_CLOSE afx_msg void memberFxn( ) ON_LBN_DBLCL afx_msg void memberFxn( );
UP( <id>, K( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_DBLCL afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_LBN_ERRSPA afx_msg void memberFxn( );
K( <id>, CE( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_DROPD afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_LBN_KILLFO afx_msg void memberFxn( );
OWN( <id>, CUS( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_EDITCH afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_LBN_SELCH afx_msg void memberFxn( );
ANGE( <id>, ANGE( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_EDITUP afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_LBN_SETFOC afx_msg void memberFxn( );
DATE( <id>, US( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_ERRSPA afx_msg void memberFxn( ); ON_LBN_DBLCL afx_msg void memberFxn( );
CE( <id>, K( <id>,
<memberFxn> ) <memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_KILLFO afx_msg void memberFxn( );
CUS( <id>,
<memberFxn> )
ON_CBN_SELCH afx_msg void memberFxn( );
ANGE( <id>,
<memberFxn> )

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