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1 Linear Motion Solve problems on linear motion with uniform acceleration using (i) v = u + at (ii) s = ut + at2 (iii) v2 = u2 + 2as Questions 1. Solve the following problems using the equations of linear motion (a) A car moves from rest to a velocity of 10 ms-1 in 5 s .Calculate the acceleration of the car Solution :

(b) A car traveling with a velocity of 10 m s-1 accelerates uniformly at a rate of 3 m s-2 for 20 s. Calculate the displacement of the car. Solution :


A van that is traveling with velocity 16 m s-1 decelerates until it comes to a stop. If the distance traveled is 8 m, calculate the deceleration of the van. Solution :

2.2 ANALYSING MOTION GRAPH Describe the motion of a runner who is running in a straight line s/m

25 20 15 10 5
t/s O 5 10 12 15 t/s

Solution : O-A A-B B-C C-D Motion of the runner Running with a uniform velocity of 3 m s-1

C: Study the velocity-time graph. v/m s-1


5 D A 5 10 15 20 25
Calculate:(i) the acceleration, a, for sections AB, BC and CD (ii) total displacement


2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5

2.4 ANALYSNG MOMENTUM A student is able to : State the principle of conservation of momentum Describe the applications of conservation of momentum Solve problems involving momentum A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer 1. The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum in a closed of object is .. 2. The total momentum the collision is to the total momentum after the collision, if no . acts on the system. 3. The principle of conservation of momentum can be applied in (a) collision (b) collision (c) .

B. 1.

Fill in the blank

Collision I : Both bodies separates after collision. Momentum is ... u1 m1

Before collision Momentum :

u2 m2 m1

v2 m2
after collision


Collision II : Both objects move together after collision. . Is conserved. u1 m


u2 = 0 m2

v m1 + m2
after collision

Before collision Momentum :


Explosion : Two or more bodies in contact will be after the explosion

(m1 + m2), u = 0
Before explosion Momentum


v2 m2
after explosion


Complete the table below Elastic collision (a) Both bodies will separate after collision (b) (c) The total kinetic energy is conserved (c) Inelastic collision Explosion Two or more bodies in contact will be separated after the collision The total momentum is conserved

The total momentum is conserved

Total energy is conserved

Total energy is conserved

C. 1.

Solve the following problems Car A of mass 100 kg traveling at 30 m s-1 collides with Car B of mass 90 kg traveling at 20 m s-1 in front of it. Car A and B move separately after collision. If Car A moves at 25 m s-1 after collision, determine the velocity of Car B after collision. Solution :


A trolley of mass 4 kg moves at 3 m s-1 and collide with a trolley of mass 2 kg which is moving in the opposite direction at 1 m s-1. After the collision, both trolleys move together with the same velocity. What is their common velocity ? Solution :


A bullet of mass 2 g is shot from a gun of mass 1 kg with a velocity of 150 m s-1 . Calculate the velocity of the recoil of the gun after firing. Solution :

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