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Questions for the Evaluation of the Synopsis

Explain the: world

A family of three are living in a caravan due to issues surrounding poverty. They are living in a lower economic environment. character

There are three characters present within my story, a family of three. The main character is a man in his 30's. He is married to a woman of the same age. They have a son/daughter of about 14. problem

The prominent problem in my story is the loud noise, being created by the son/daughter, which is interrupting the man and woman's anniversary dinner (a special occasion).

Whos POV is the story told from? Is this clear? How? The story is primarily being told from the man's perspective. He is most prominent in the synopsis, and is the character doing the majority of the action.

Is the main problem the heart of the film? Explain. Yes. The main problem (noise pollution from the loud TV) is what is creating an internal to external conflict within the characters, and is the main plot driver.

Explain what motivates your protagonist The "protagonist" is driven by a want to stop the noise for the sake of his wife and their special occasion. He is also driven by the need to stop it as it is essentially driving him insane. And he also feels it's his obligation to sort out his son/daughter.

What use is being made of: familiar settings

The setting of a caravan isn't too familiar. However, it is a family who is living within, so a family environment is familiar. familiar rituals the special occasion of an anniversary is very familiar, as it is a yearly tradition almost. Also, the situation of a family member behaving badly (namely a child) is definitely familiar.

Does the story encompass a single moment/event? Describe it The story encompasses the single event of an anniversary.

Are the stakes high enough? Explain The stakes are high as this is a special occasion, therefore it means more to the couple than if they were just having a normal dinner. The event of a special occasion makes the occurrence of the TV a more severe matter.

Is there at least one clear meaning that the audience can take away? What is it? Be respectful of others around you.

Is the film doable on a zero budget? No. unfortunately to get such material things as a caravan is difficult, so i have had to resort to hiring one. I must also buy specific props relevant to the story. And i feel it only right that the actors are payed for the inconvenience of having to stay in a caravan over the weekend in the winter.

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