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Teacher: Miss Marlene Sanzana Student: Date:October, 2013 Instrucciones:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

English Written Test Grade: 8th

Percentage: 60% TOTAL: 27 points Time: 60 minutes



Responda la prueba con lpiz de pasta negro o azul, en completo silencio. Cualquier actitud impropia de una evaluacin o sospechosa de ello ser sancionada. Est prohibido el intercambio de cualquier material durante la rendicin de la prueba. LEA ANTES DE CONTESTAR. REVISE SUS RESPUESTAS ANTES DE ENTREGAR.

1. READING COMPREHENSION. READ THE TEXT AND TRANSLATE THE MAIN IDEAS INTO SPANISH (5 points) (Lee el texto y traduce al espaol las ideas principales)

The importance of English has grown since the World Wars of the last century. The cinema, music, and television have helped take American culture into many countries that listen to American music, and watch American films and cartoons.

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2. ANSWER IN SPANISH : (5 points) (responde en espaol) Do you think English is important for you and your family? Why? (crees que el Ingls es importante para ti y tu familia? Por qu?)

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3. WRITE THE LANGUAGE: (9 points) (escribe el idioma) COUNTRY China Greece Russia France Italy Spain Germany Japan USA LANGUAGE

4. WRITE THE COUNTRY: (3 points) (escribe el pas)





LA TOMATINA THE WORLDS BIGGEST FOOD FIGHT. Each year, on the last Wednesday of August, about 10,000 people converge to the Spanish town of Buol. Fireworks light the sky and people celebrate with parties on the streets with wine and traditional paella Music plays and people dance, but they are there for one thing only to throw about 7 million kilos of sticky, squishy tomatoes. At midday, a lot of trucks carry the red fruit into the main Town Square. A few hours later, the town square magically returns to normal. ANSWER TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F): (5 points) a) .. La Tomatina is a Spanish festival. b) .. It is celebrated each year on the first Tuesday of August. c) .. At the Tomatina, people dance. d) .. A lot of cars carry the red fruit into the main Town Square. e) .. People celebrate with parties on the streets.

________________________________________________________________ MATRIZ DE ESPECIFICACIONES EVALUATIVAS

1. ASIGNATURA: Idioma Extranjero Ingls 3. PERIODO: Octubre 2013

2. NIVEL: 8 Bsico A, B, C 4. Profesor: Marlene Sanzana Muoz






1.Leen y traducen al espaol las X principales ideas de un texto relacionado con la importancia del idioma ingls a nivel mundial. 2.Responden en espaol a la X pregunta: Crees que el ingls es importante para ti y tu familia? Por qu? 3.Escriben el idioma que se habla X para el pas dado. 4.Obsevan banderas y escriben el X nombre del pas. 5.Leen texto relacionado con el X festival de La Tomatina y responden a oraciones con verdadero o falso.



TOTAL 18,5% 5 18,5% 9 33,3% 3 11,1% 5 18,5%

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