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ASHP do not deserve their reputation as a low-carbon
technology, argues David Strong. Oh yes they do,
counters Max Halliwell overleaf.

benefits has grown so, inevitably, have the

marketing promises. There are claims that
air source heat pumps (ASHP) provide a
“low-carbon technology” for all space
heating needs, with manufacturers stating
coefficients of performance (COPs) up to 4.
There is, however, a basic flaw that no
one is talking about, and it’s to do with the
UK climate – specifically when outside
Professor David Strong, temperatures fall below about 5C, as in a
CEng, FEI, FCIBSE big proportion of a typical British winter.

Chief executive Most of these systems are based on

Inbuilt Consulting technology originally designed for air-
conditioning. Little objective, reliable,
independent performance data is available
on the seasonal performance of the latest
technology being installed in the UK.
Despite this, ASHP have been classified by
Problems persist the Department for Business, Enterprise &
Regulatory Reform as a renewable low-
with the technology carbon technology and three manufacturers
are listed in BRE’s Green Book as providing

“approved products”, which are eligible for
was involved in the development of grants from the government’s Low Carbon
the first generation of air source heat Buildings Programme.
pumps in the late 1970s. It was an BRE has tested ASHP performance in
exciting new technology – a simple different operating conditions in the
way to absorb heat from outside a building laboratory, and the Energy Saving Trust is
and use it to warm the inside, and smaller planning performance trials. Meanwhile
and easier to install than its soil-covered there is a conspicuous lack of independent
cousin, the ground source heat pump. data on actual seasonal performance.
The technology took some serious Trials in the 1970s and early 1980s
knocks in the 1980s because of reliability found a significant amount of energy was
issues and failure to deliver on its promises. wasted via evaporator defrosting. Ice build-
Today, there are many applications where it up on the evaporator is a serious problem
can contribute to energy efficiency. When for ASHP, typically occurring when outdoor
used for swimming pool heating in spring, air temperatures fall below about 5C (as
summer and autumn, for example, a well- high as 7C for some systems). In extreme
designed system can be very cost-effective conditions COPs fall to less than 1 (ie, worse
and deliver significant carbon savings. Air than direct-acting electric heating).
source systems can also be effective in The most common way of removing
recovering energy from building extract the ice is for the heat pump control system
systems and industrial processes. to switch the unit into a reverse cycle mode.
As awareness of their potential Then the outdoor heat exchanger

BSD JULY 2009 / ISSUE 06


may be great news for electricity companies

(by providing additional summer load), but
from a sustainability perspective it is
perverse. This Trojan horse aspect of ASHP
is never mentioned in the context of their
green credentials. It is, though, cited by
some manufacturers as an extra “benefit”.
I fear that when the true operating
performance and/or operational limitations
of outdoor air source become known, there
will be a negative market reaction to heat
pump technologies of all types, as
happened in the 1980s. This could have dire
consequences for the manufacturers and
installers of well-designed ground source
heat pumps and air source systems used for
heat recovery and swimming pool heating.
We desperately need independent
monitoring of external ASHP in different
Ice build-up on the evaporator can be a serious problem, says David Strong. The ice can be removed by putting the geographical locations to ensure systems
system into reverse mode, but this markedly reduces the energy performance. originally designed and tested primarily to
provide air-conditioning in hot climates can
operate efficiently in cold, wet and humid
(evaporator) becomes the condenser, with ■ the heat output from an ASHP reduces climates.
hot refrigerant used to remove the ice. In markedly as outdoor air temperatures fall, I also have grave misgivings about the
this mode, electricity continues to be used so a system may have difficulty meeting rapid deployment of variable refrigerant
by the compressor and heat is removed demand when it is most needed. Most volume/variable refrigerant flow heat pump
from inside the building (ie, the condenser manufacturers include an additional systems in the UK for applications such as
temporarily becomes the evaporator). Other heating system to avoid this problem, offices, retail, hospitality and healthcare.
systems use hot-gas bypass or direct-acting usually a direct-acting electric flow boiler or Often, particularly when internal heat gains
electric elements for defrosting. a bivalent system which includes a gas- or within a building are low or when installed
Clearly, whatever type of de-icing oil-fired boiler, with all the attendant in poorly insulated buildings, the defrost
system is used, the energy needed will additional costs and complexity. energy requirements will be extremely high.
markedly reduce the seasonal performance These issues caused trouble with the Our climate hasn’t changed much
of the system. The energy used has a big first generation heat pumps in the 1970s since the first generation of ASHP was
impact on economic performance too. and 80s and there are concerns that marketed in the 1970s. Nor have the basic
There are three other serious concerns: problems persist with the latest technology laws of physics and thermodynamics.
■ noise from the fan and compressor can despite improvements in compressors, heat De-icing, noise, operation in heavy snow
be intrusive in domestic/urban locations; exchangers and controls, including the and reduced heat output at low outdoor air
■ snow could block the airflow around an inverter/variable-speed drive systems. temperatures are still big problems today,
ASHP, preventing the system operating It is also worrying that ASHP, which despite improvements in technology. Before
unless it is manually removed, which would are specified ostensibly as a “renewable” embracing these systems as a renewable
be unacceptable to many householders low-carbon form of space heating, can also low-carbon technology, research to measure
(particularly the elderly or infirm); and be used to provide cooling in summer. This performance in the field is needed urgently.

ISSUE 06 / BSD JULY 2009


loads are calculated properly and the indeed consume large amounts of energy
system sized accordingly. It will work with when defrosting under certain ambient and
radiators and underfloor heating systems in humidity conditions. Inverter-driven
all properties, old and new, that have compressor technology means Ecodan has
modern insulation standards. a typical defrost cycle of three minutes,
Using technology from our air- keeping energy use to a minimum, and this
conditioning products has helped to reduce is likely to occur about once an hour in
noise and maximise energy efficiency as exceptional conditions.
well as to ensure reliability. Ecodan is not an Ecodan would not have achieved MCS
Max Halliwell air-conditioning system, however, nor does accreditation without stringent testing,
Product manager it provide a reverse cooling function. including defrost performance, and the
Mitsubishi Electric Heating Detailed modelling has shown that cooling published figures reflect this. The same can
is neither necessary nor sustainable in most be said for noise levels as this is also
homes. What is needed is better ventilation independently tested as part of the MCS
for the few days a year when our bedrooms scheme. A modern ASHP is no louder than
get a bit sticky. We have decided to forgo a condensing boiler.
the benefits of short-term air-conditioning Following up the professor’s other
Today’s ASHP have sales in the residential market and focus on concerns, heavy snowfall is highly unlikely
where we believe our technology can make in the UK and where it does happen
huge green potential a difference – residential heating. regularly, such as Scandinavia, a snow
Coming back to seasonal performance, hood can be fitted easily with no impact

our winter trials showed average COPs from on performance. In terms of a back-up
odern ASHP offer a tangible 3.0 to 3.33 despite some of the lowest heating system, if the ASHP is correctly
way for each household to recorded outdoor temperatures for decades. sized and installed then nothing is
reduce energy use. Our These were measured in four properties: a required, although an electric immersion
Ecodan system, which has three-bed terrace in Hertfordshire (average heater is probably a worthwhile safeguard
been independently tested by BRE, can outdoor temperature 7C), a four-bed semi for any residential system, whatever the
deliver an average 50% cut in CO2 near Luton (4C), a large five-bed detached primary source.
emissions against a gas-fired boiler. It also home in Newcastle (6C), and the BRE We see a big future for ASHP as the
makes sense financially, as it can cut visitor centre in Watford (4.4C). best mass-market alternative to gas and oil-
running costs by up to 30% over gas. We appreciate that these are our own fired heating and have invested heavily in
Savings in CO2 and monthly bills are even tests but we are also involved in field trials development. Later this year UK production
greater against oil, LPG and direct electric. with the Energy Saving Trust. which will of Ecodan will start at our factory in
As one of the ASHP manufacturers provide the “independence” Professor Livingston.
listed in BRE’s Green Book, and one of the Strong demands. Our literature, like all We are delighted with the results of
few whose whole range is fully accredited to other manufacturers, lists the COP our seasonal tests, especially as we know
the Microgeneration Certification Scheme measured in lab tests. For the Ecodan range, that we will be able to improve on them in
(MCS), we welcome the opening of a debate this is 3.85-4.19. We hope our winter tests real terms, not just in the lab. What the
on the seasonal performance of ASHP in will show beyond doubt that modern ASHP market needs now is enforceable targets
the UK. We too are concerned that the low- can offer a reliable alternative to fossil-fuel for efficiency, independently monitored, so
carbon potential of modern systems will be based heating systems, and provide that consumers can have real confidence
overshadowed by claim and counterclaim accurate in-use figures for the market. in the products and the figures.
for different manufacturers and competing The professor’s point regarding defrost
technologies. cycles is, again, applicable to older- To join the debate, email us at
Much of what Professor Strong has generation, fixed-speed ASHP, which do
stated relates to ASHP technology of
10-20 years ago and bears little r
esemblance to modern systems. The point
about no system working efficiently or
reliably below 5C, for example, is easily
countered by the evidence of widespread
adoption of ASHP across north Europe –
200,000 units last year alone – including
Scandinavian countries where average
winter temperatures are far lower than
the UK.
We undertook trials in four UK
locations this winter, when temperatures
dropped to -9C in many parts of the
country, and believe that Ecodan works
effectively down to -20C.
Almost 75% of the energy used in UK
homes goes on space and water heating.
Ecodan will provide heating and hot water
for the majority of UK homes, regardless of Trials have shown that Mitsubishi’s Ecodan ASHP (above)
location, provided each building’s heat works effectively down to -20C, says Max Halliwell.


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