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Supplementary Material

Talking about what you are doing now

(Compulsory Supplementary Material for Beta PreModule, Beta Lower Module. Suggested Supplementary Material for Gamma Lower Module.)

When we want to describe actions which are occurring now, we use the Present Continuous Tense. "Now" and "right now" are typical adverbs of time of this tense. For example: You are studying English at Tronwell now.

See how we form the Present Continuous Tense: Statements: I You/We/They She/He/It Negatives: I You/We/They She/He/It Questions: Am Are Is I you/we/they she/he/it working now? am are is not eating now.

am are is

working now.

EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the auxiliary verb "be". Example: You are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We You I He She People ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ You _______ watching TV. watching TV. gardening. answering the questions. listening to the tape. repairing the car. working as a secretary. planning their vacation.

EXERCISE 2. Fill in the blanks using the Present Continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. Example: Those people are ____________ (come) from the lab. Those people are coming from the lab.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The bus is______________(stop) for us now. I see you are______________(wear) your new dress today. Be careful! The teacher is______________(watch) us. They are______________(eat) hamburgers. Listen! I think the telephone is_______________(ring).

Supplementary Material
EXERCISE 3. Form the correct question for the following affirmative statements. Example: The man is working in the office Who is working in the office ?


She is writing a letter now. What __________________________________________________________?


A child is watching a movie on TV. Who __________________________________________________________?


He is riding his bike in the park. Where ________________________________________________________ ?


She is studying English. What __________________________________________________________?

EXERCISE 4. Rewrite the following sentences to form the negative and interrogative. Example: The children are playing a)The children are not playing. b)Are the children playing ?


The telephone is ringing. a) b) It is beginning to rain. a) b) Paul is watching TV now. a) b) The maid is preparing lunch now. a) b) The students are studying Math now. a) b)





Supplementary Material
KEY CHECK TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW. EXERCISE 1. Use the correct form of the verb to be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. are are am is is are

EXERCISE 2. Use the present continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. stopping wearing watching eating ringing

EXERCISE 3. Change from affirmative to interrogative. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is she writing? Who is watching a movie on TV? Who is watching TV? Who is watching a movie? Where is he riding? Where is he riding his bike? What is she studying?

EXERCISE 4. Change to negative and interrogative. 1. a) The telephone is not (isnt) ringing. b) Is the telephone ringing? a) It is not (isnt) beginning to rain. b) Is it beginning to rain? a) Paul is not (isnt) watching TV now. b) Is Paul watching TV now? a) The maid is not (isnt) preparing lunch now. b) Is the maid preparing lunch now? a) The students are not (arent) studying math now. b) Are the students studying math now? 3





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