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The War of 1812

Invasion of Canada Instead of capturing Montreal, which would kill all movements in the west, the Americans conducted a tri-force invasion against Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain. British captured an American fort called Michilimackinac, led by General Isaac Brock. American Navy > Land troops (they had CONSTITUTION ship [Old Ironsides]) Great Lakes General Oliver Hazard Perry managed a fleet of green-timbered ships on the shores of Lake Erie. They captured a British fleet and reported we have met the enemy and they are ours. Redcoats were forced to withdraw from Detroit and Fort Malden after being overtaken by General Harrisons army and beaten at the Battle of Thames in October 1813.

British invasion of New York Some 10,000 British troops assembled to defeat New York; however, the absence of roads led the ivaders to bring supplies over the Lake Champlain waterway. A weaker American fleet led by Thomas Macdonough battled these supply ships and successfully won. This forced the British to retreat.

Washington D.C. Another assemblage of British troops of some 4,000 landed in Chesapeake Bay. They rapidly marched towards Washington but were encountered with 6000 militia at Bladensburg (the Bladensburg Races). The invaders entered the capital and set fire to the white house.

Fort McHenry Americans were holding off intense British attacks. Henry Scott Key, detained on a British ship, was watching them hold off and a surge of pride enabled him to create the song Star Spangled Banner.

Battle of New Orleans Some 80,000 British troops committed to a frontal assault on New Orleans but entrenched American riflemen and cannoneers devastated their numbers. Within half an hour, 20,000 British died whereas 60 Americans died. Andrew Jackson became a war hero and news of his victory like a clap of thunder. This was 2 weeks after the war but displayed that the Americans can indeed fight and win against the British.

Treaty of Ghent Tsar Alexander I of Russia did not want its ally, Britain, to fitter away its strength on America so he proposed a mediation at Ghent. Britain and America signed the Treaty of Ghent, which was essentially an armistice. Both sides would simply stop fighting and America would not recognize the impressments, Orders in Council, ect.

New England Federalists Federalists in New England opposed the war against Britain. They still remained loyal to Britain and in the end came up with the Hartford Convention. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Vermont. Blue Light

Hartford Convention

5 states gathered at Hartford to discuss redressing their grievances. They sent emissaries to order the Congress to repay them their debts. However, news of New Orleans victory put the Americans on fire and the emissaries presence were shrunk to shrimps.

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