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1. Joe is 2. Al is the 3. Ed is the 4. Joe is 5. Al has the 6. Al is 7. Ed is the 8. Joe is 9. Ed is the 10.

Joe is

than Ed. (short) . (short) . (thin) than Al. (thin) clothes. (colourful) than Joe. (heavy) . (light) than Ed. (happy) . (mysterious) than Ed. (energetic)

Adjetivos comparativos
1. I am ___________ (tall) my sister. 2. My mum thinks that cats are ___________ (good) pets than dogs. 3. Cycling is one of ___________ (dangerous) sports. 4. I want to have ___________ (big) car. 5. A blue whale is ___________ (heavy) twenty-five elephants. 6. You look ___________ (thin) last month. Have you lost weight? 7. Bicycles are ___________ (slow) cars. 8. She is ___________ (nice) person I know. 9. What is ___________ (good) film youve seen? 10. Computers are ___________ (cheap) mobile phones. 11. Is your brother ___________ (tall) you? 12. I think Spanish is ___________ (easy) Japanese. 13. Our dog is ___________ (nice) your dog. 14. Glass bottles are ___________ (good) plastic bottles. 15. I think Rafael Nadal is ___________(good) tennis player in Spain.

16. Sharks are ___________ (dangerous) other fish. 17. This situation is ___________ (serious) the last one. 18. He is ___________ (smart) his brother. 19. My brother wanted ___________ (expensive) trainers in the shop. 20. Today is ___________ (good) day of the year. 21. Daniela is ___________ (funny) me. 22. My house is ___________ (larger). 23. Mount Everest is ___________ (high) mountain in the world. 24. The sea is ___________ (large) a lake. 25. My job is ___________ (easy) yours. 26. London is ___________ (big) city in England. 27. This car is ___________ (comfortable) yours. 28. He is ___________ (rich) man in town. 29. I am ___________ (strong) you. 30. A baby blue whale gets ___________ (big) a great white shark.

Monoslabo Comparativ <object type="application/xs o shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" adj + er width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/adjectives/adjectiv es-comparative-superlative.03.mp3" /> </object> Superlativo adj + est small pequeo smaller ms pequeo taller ms alto the smallest el ms pequeo

tall alto

the tallest el ms alto

young joven old viejo new nuevo long largo short corto big grande fat gordo

younger ms joven older ms viejo newer ms nuevo longer ms largo shorter ms corto bigger ms grande fatter ms gordo

the youngest el ms joven the oldest el ms viejo the newest el ms nuevo the longest el ms largo the shortest el ms corto the biggest el ms grande the fattest el ms gordo

Adjetivos Bislabos - Formacin del Comparativo y Superlativo

Bislabos terminados en: -y, -er, -le, -ow, (y otros muy conocidos)


Comparativ o adj + er

<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/adjectives/adjective s-comparative-superlative.04.mp3" /> </object> Superlativo adj + iest

easy fcil happy feliz

easier ms fcil happier ms feliz

the easiest el ms fcil the happiest el ms feliz

crazy loco clever inteligent e tender tierno humble humilde gentle suave narrow angosto polite amable

crazier ms loco cleverer ms inteligente tenderer ms tierno

the craziest el ms loco the cleverest el ms inteligente

the tenderest el ms tierno

humbler the humblest ms humilde ms humilde gentler ms suave the gentlest el ms suave

narrower the narrowest ms angosto el ms angosto politer ms amable the politest el ms amable

Adjetivos Largos - Formacin del Comparativo y Superlativo

Adjetivos Largos

Comparativ o more + adj

<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/adjectives/adjective s-comparative-superlative.05.mp3" /> </object> Superlativo the most + adj

expensive more caro expensive ms caro modern moderno more modern ms

the most expensive el ms caro

the most modern el ms moderno

moderno beautiful hermoso more beautiful ms hermoso more elegant ms elegante more interesting ms interesante the most beautiful el ms hermoso

elegant elegante

the most elegant el ms elegante

interestin g interesant e

the most interesting el ms interesante

dangerous more peligroso dangerous ms peligroso

the most dangerous el ms peligroso

Formacin irregular de comparativos y superlativos

Adjetivo Comparativ o o Adverbi o

<object type="application/xshockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/adjectives/adjectives -comparative-superlative.06.mp3" /> </object> Superlativo

good bueno well bien bad malo

better mejor better mejor worse peor

the best el mejor the best de la mejor forma the worst el peor

badly mal much mucho many muchos little poco far lejos far lejos

worse peor more ms more ms less menos farther ms lejos further ms lejos

the worst de la peor forma the most la mayor parte the most la mayora the least el menos the farthest el ms lejano the furthest el ms lejano

Comparing people...
Compare the following people

: Bob Homer Alice 28 years old 39 years old 9 years old 55 kilos 80 kilos 33 kilos 1.50 mt 1.55 mt 1.20 mt Bob is (YOUNG) than Homer.

Homer is Alice is Bob is Homer is Alice is Homer is Homer is Bob is Alice is Alice has got Alice can run Alice draws Bob is Homer is a

(OLD) than Alice. (SLIM) than Bob. (SHORT) than Homer. (FAT) than Bob. (SHORT) than Homer. (UGLY) than Alice. (SLOW) than Bob. (TIDY) than Homer. (BEAUTIFUL) than Bob. (LONG) hair than Bob. (GOOD) than Alice. (FAST) than Homer. (BAD) than Bob. (INTELLIGENT) than Homer. (INTERESTING) person than Bob.

Homer can play the guitar

Now, compare the following people:

Harry Garfield Sponge Bob 32 years old 10 years old 6 years old 75 kilos 60 kilos 3 kilos 1.90 mt 0.57 mt 0.20 mt ex: Harry is older than Garfield. (OLD-YOUNG) Write ONE word per gap Garfield Sponge Bob Harry Garfield Garfield Sponge Bob. (YOUNG-OLD) Harry. (FAT-SLIM) Sponge Bob. (SHORT-TALL) Harry. (SHORT-TALL) Harry. (FUNNY-BORING)

Sponge Bob's eyes Harry Garfield Bob Sponge

Harry's. (SMALL-BIG) Garfield. (STRONG-WEAK) Harry. (BEAUTIFUL-HORRIBLE) at sports Garfield. (GOOD-BAD)

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