Prospectus v3

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Kemble Primary School

Prospectus 2013- 2014

Telephone: 01285 770303 Email:

Dear Parent, May we take this opportunity to welcome you to Kemble Primary School and invite you to visit the school if you would like your child to join us. Kemble is a small, happy school where children can thrive in a friendly, supportive, village environment. The school benefits from having strong links with the local community, and in addition has a strong sense of community within it. We value every child and aim to foster independence, ambition and a love of learning. The school provides a broad and balanced education offering many extra-curricular opportunities. We aim to ensure that all of our children achieve well; valuing academic, sporting and artistic success, as well as ensuring that our children become well rounded members of the community. Kemble School enjoys active support from parents. We have a thriving Parents Group, which organises social events for children and adults, and many parents and friends of the school give their time to come into school to help in the classroom and serve on the governing body. If there is any additional information that you require please do not hesitate to contact us. Chris Conners Headteacher Therese Munro Chair of Governors

Our Vision and Aims

We aim to provide a high standard of education, deliver a broad, balanced, stimulating, exciting and challenging curriculum that is based on the development and application of skills and differentiated to the needs of each individual. The school aims to create an atmosphere in which every child can develop intellectually, creatively, culturally, emotionally, physically, morally, socially and spiritually and above all help them to develop a life long love of learning. We aim to nurture a happy atmosphere; fostering good relations with the local community and provide experiences for children that allows themto reach their potential and achieve success. We will encourage Every child is encouraged to contribute to the life of the school and to feel responsibility for the care and welfare of everyone within it, and to engage with the community.

Staff & Governors

Headteacher Mr. Chris Conners Deputy Headteacher Mrs. Anne Newton Class Teachers Miss Anna Marlowe Mrs. Jo Rogers Mrs. Elaine Parmiter Mrs. Joyce Evans Mrs. Carol Turner Forest School Leader Mrs. Alison Wilson Cleaner in Charge Mrs. Mel Piesing Cook Mrs. Vanessa Enstone School Administrator Mrs. Brenda Turner Chair Of Governors Mrs. Therese Munro Vice Chair Of Governors Mr. Rob Day Parent Governors Mr. Oliver Hughes Mrs. Amanda Makin Miss Julie Allen Staff Governors Mrs. Sam Savage Miss Anna Marlowe Lunch Time supervisors Teaching Assisstants Mrs. Shevaun Anslow Mrs. Alison Wilson Mrs. Sharon Parmar Mrs. Lauraine Cheesman Mrs. Sam Savage Mrs. Julie Allen Mrs. Sam Breeds Mrs. Cheryl Dowling

Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs

Shirley Day Nicky Florence Stacey Bryant Katie Poole - Gleed Margaret Mant

Our School Governors

LA Governors Mr. Allan Willis Community Governors Mrs. Anne Wilton Mrs. Jo Shaw Clerk Mrs. Tuppence Hale

About Our School

The school is situated in the centre of Kemble village on a large open site with clear views over adjacent farmland and the infant river Thames. Kemble is one of a small group of villages clustered around the upper reaches of the River Thames. It is three miles from Cirencester and eight miles from Malmesbury. Kemble Railway Station provides direct access to Swindon, Paddington, Gloucester and Cheltenham. The school was built in 1873 to provide education for the children of Kemble, Ewen and the surrounding villages. Since then many changes have taken place. The original building has been enlarged and the surrounding meadows transformed into playground and playing field. As well as the original Cotswold stone building, there are two new classrooms, a hall and two external classrooms. The original small classroom in the main building is now our computer room and the schoolhouse provides offices and the staff room. Lunches are cooked on the premises in the school kitchen. The school playing fields are used for sporting and social events including sports day and Bonfire night. There is a woodland area, where we run a Forest School, a small pond, an activity trail and an adventure playground. We currently have four classes for the majority of the curriculum which are Oak, Beech, Horse Chestnut and Chestnut

Partnership with Parents

We welcome parents to Kemble Primary School and believe that: Children learn best where there is a strong partnership between home and school We should keep you informed about your childs progress and next steps We should listen to what you tell us about your child and their learning We aim to communicate well with you about your childs progress through parents evenings, reports, targets, curriculum evenings and most importantly, informal, everyday contact. We feel that often more can be achieved and a better relationship formed when parents have the opportunity, on a day to day basis, to discuss their questions or concerns and so our teachers and the headteacher try hard to be available as often as possible before school starts and at the end of the day.

We have a home-school agreement, which explains the aims and values of the school. This is available through our website or from the school office. All parents are invited to sign this agreement. When children reach junior school age, Year 3, they are invited to sign the agreement as well. Parents evenings are held twice a year, in November and March, for you and your childs teacher to discuss their progress. During the year you will receive two interim progress reports in December and March, and a longer, more detailed report during the summer term. Results of Standard Assessment Tests will be given at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 and teacher assessments will be given annually as part of the end of year report.

Healthy Eating
To encourage healthy eating, we have an outdoor area devoted to growing vegetables. The children are involved with this project, from planting to harvesting, and get to eat the results of their labour. We have achieved Healthy School and Healthy Schools Futures Status.

A healthy lunch is cooked in the school kitchen daily and served along with fresh fruit & salad, and home-baked bread. Many of our children benefit from a hot meal each day, but alternatively they may bring a packed lunch. The national school fruit and vegetable scheme provides every child aged four to six with a free piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each school day at morning playtime. We hope you will share our belief that it has many benefits. It is a great way to help us teach our children the benefits of healthy eating.

The highest expectations

At kemble Primary School we take pride in everything that we do. Our staff work incredibly hard to ensure that all children make excellent progress by supporting children in their learning, expecting hard work and designing a stimulating and challenging curriculum that allows all children to flourish. Our children are similarly proud of their contribution. They try hard, achieve well and behave impeccably. It is important to us that we all show a high level of respect to ourselves and each other and all try hard to follow these school rules. 1. Follow instructions 2. Look after each other 3. Be polite 4. Look after the environment 5. Walk around the school 6. Try your best

in all we do
We follow the national curriculum and so cover many subjects such as: English, maths, science, PE, ICT, art, design technology, RE, history, geography, PSHE, french and music. We teach using a cross curricular approach meaning that many of the subjects are grouped around a central topic focus for the term. For more information please see our school website. We also value wider aspects of the curriculum such as sport, music and drama. The children in KS1 produce an annual nativity and the children in KS2 produce a biennial summer extravaganza. We also have two choirs and have music tuition for a wide range of instruments such as piano, flute, guitar, cornet and drums. Each year the children enjoy entertaining members of the community with a concert. We have fantastic grounds and try to use them to their full potential. We grow fruit and vegetables that we use in our cooking, and use our outdoor classroom for learning across a range of subjects and through our forest school. For two terms out of three all the children spend an afternoon in the forest school area learning teamwork skills and conservation as well as using the time to enhance understanding of other subjects. The children do forest school in all weathers and so will need to make sure that they bring warm clothing during the colder months.

Our school uniform

We are very proud that our children come to school smartly dressed and ready to learn. Our uniform is as follows: Dark green or white polo shirts and a dark green sweatshirt or cardigan. Grey trousers with grey or black socks and skirts or pinafores with grey, green, black or white socks or tights. Black shoes with a flat heel or plain black trainers.

When weather is fine green and white checked dresses, grey shorts and sandals with a flat and enclosed heel may also be worn. Dark green fleece jackets with the school logo on are now also available.

A white T-shirt and black shorts with black daps or bare feet are worn for indoor P.E. Track suits and trainers may also be worn for outdoor P.E. For health and safety reasons the only jewellery that may be worn is a watch and plain stud earrings. These must be removed for P.E. and Games.

Looking after your child

If your child is unwell at school then he/she will be sent to the school office and we will contact you by telephone. Therefore it is important that we have an up to date telephone number on record. Children are If the weather is very hot then we recommend that you supply your child supervised at all times throughout the with sun cream/lotion. school but accidents still happen. If it is a minor cut or bruise, which can be dealt with at school, we will do so. If your child receives a bump to the head we will send home a bumped head letter so that you are aware of what has happened. During their year in Reception, children usually have a vision, height and hearing check If your child needs them, the school also organises the help of special services available such as: School Nurse Educational Welfare Officer Speech Therapist Social Services Behaviour Improvement Services Educational Psychologists Mental Health Support Services

If a doctor considers that your child is well enough to be in school we are able to give prescribed medicines if you are unable to come into school to give this yourself. We are able to administer

medication to children suffering from medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes or allergies. Children in KS2 who Before any outside service is require an inhaler are encouraged to take requested parents will be consulted. ownership of taking it. If your child is too ill to attend school please let the school know by 9:15 am.

Our school day

Teachers are on duty from 8:30 am and children are welcome to arrive at that time to play in the playground and socialise with their friends. Please do not allow your child to come to school before that time as there will be nobody to supervise them. Reception children start the year by going straight into their classroom and as they become more confident they then wait outside with the rest of the children.

Breakfast Club from: 7:30am Into playground from: 8:30am Start: 8:45am Break: 10:15 - 10:30 Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 KS1 break: 2:30 End of day: 3:00

It is very important that children arrive in school for 8:45 am. Often, just being a few minutes late can have a considerable, negative impact on childrens learning as they miss the introduction to the first lesson.

Clubs and homework

Children will have homework from the time that they are ready, which could vary from a list of key words to read in Reception to a piece of English, maths and science in Year 5/6. All children from Year 1 upwards receive a weekly spelling list and every child is expected to read daily. We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of clubs and we currently run a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 football club, netball club, multiskills club, maths club, choir and drama club. We continually change our sporting clubs to reflect the time of the year.

Joining our school

If you are considering sending your children to the school please phone on 01452 770303 to arrange a visit or contact Gloucestershire County admissions on 01452 425407 . Children start school in the September at the beginning of the school year in which they will reach the age of five. There is also an on site playgroup which provides excellent care and support. Please contact them on 07934 495823

Parents are informed if teachers feel that a child has learning difficulties. Children with special educational needs are taught and cared for under the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs. The school is committed to increasing access to the school for pupils with disabilities. Parents with any concerns about their childrens learning, behavioural or physical development, should talk to the class teacher, the SENCO or the head teacher. Many problems can be successfully overcome by co-operation between parents and staff. If necessary the head can arrange for help or advice from the Local Authoritys Special Needs services. Children identified as Gifted and Talented are challenged further through participation in multi-school focused events.

School Council

Each class elects members to participate on the school council. This group is involved with decisions relating to the running of the school, such as tidiness of the cloakrooms, buying equipment, running competitions and choosing charities to support. We also have an eco council which have helped the school secure Eco schools status.

2013 data
This table shows our latest KS1 data
% L1 + Reading Writing Maths 100 100

% 2C+
100 100 100

% 2B+
100 90 100

% 2A+
60 50 50

% L3+
30 10 10

KS2 data for 2013

Test Reading Writing Maths

%3 + 100 100 100

% 4+ 100 92 92

% L5+ 77 69 92



This prospectus provides just a summary of some of the many wonderful things that our school does everyday. For more information please feel free to browse our school website.

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