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Orly Taitz, Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2013

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz
If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption. Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only Mail donations to: the opinion of the writers and do Defend Our Freedoms not necessarily represent the Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 no means of checking the veracity Rancho Santa Margarita, CA of all the claims and allegations in 92688. the articles.
Contact Dr. Taitz at In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -Mahatma Gandhi

Tomorrow 11am EST/8am PST I will be on the Russian language syndicated radio show with Leonid Komarovski (New York, Boston, Chicago in U.S. as well as Russia and Eastern Europe) will explain why todays speech by Obama can be grounds for his impeachment
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Now Obama can be legally impeached. Boehner and Issa have to schedule a prime time press conference and explain to the public why todays speech by Obama represents grounds for impeachment
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 1 Comment


Taitz report 10.07.2013

1 day ago 547 views How do you reopen the U.S. government? My solution Where did the 650 billion of additional taxes go? Was it stolen, embezzled? What is the em


Report 0919 2013 FBI is used as NAZI Gestapo

2 weeks ago 2,245 views Sworn declaration of an investigator in regards to Obamas use of a stolen Social security number of Harry Bounel

Category: Dr. Orly TV; Videos, Events, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz doctor and attorney, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities, Radio and Media Broadcasts

New poll! America stands with the Tea Party: with 58%to 37% margin most Americans will not raise debt ceiling at all, if they were to vote in Congress. America votes with a resounding NO to yet another trillion dollar credit card for Obama! Live within your means Barry, just as we do!
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 4 Comments Very important: contact these 26 GOP U.S. Representatives, who are currently being targeted by Obama operatives and show them the results of this poll: New poll shows risks in Obamas debt play Tell these congressmen: Americans are standing with the Tea Party, Americans will not raise the debt ceiling with a 21% margin 1. Rep. Pat Meehan (R-Pa.): 2. Rep. Scott Rigell (R-Va.): 3. Rep. Jon Runyan (R-N.J.): 4. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.): 5. Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.): 6. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y. 7. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) 8. Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa. 9. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) 10. Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.)11. Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.): 12. Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) 13. Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.): 14. Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) 15. Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.) 16. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.): 17. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho): 18. Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.) 19. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) 20. Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.) 21. Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark. 22. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) 23. Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash) 24. Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.)25. Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.): 26. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.)

Orly Taitz uploaded and posted Customize your message


Taitz report 10.07.2013

22 hours ago 541 views How do you reopen the U.S. government? My solution Where did the 650 billion of additional taxes go? Notice that You Tube and its parent company Google rigged the number of views counter on this video. they keep it at 541 views for hours in spite of the number of people who actually view it. I might need to switch Taitz TVReport to a different platform Developing: all regime propaganda media are announcing that Obama made a call to Boehner. Below the headline, in small letters: Obama called Boehner to say that he will say nothing and will not negotiate. So, why call? At 2pm Obama will have a press conference and will answer questions. Please, contact media outlets and FOX and demand that their reporters ask Obama for his emergency plan, what departments will Obama cut, what positions will he eliminate, how much will he cut the salaries of federal employeesin order not to spend more than what he gets in our taxes

Category: HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Uncategorized

I will hear language like, Well, we are heading toward the debt ceiling and you are going to default. Anyone that says that is looking you in the eyes and lying to you, either that or they dont own a calculator, Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz.
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 1 Comment DEBT LIMIT BREACH NO BIG DEAL, SOME GOP LAWMAKERS SAY

Boston Globe

Written by USA TODAY 26 minutes ago Gregory Korte WASHINGTON Republican lawmakers are voicing increasing skepticism about dire warnings that failing to raise the debt ceiling would result in catastrophic default.

Category: Uncategorized

Tea Party Nation is now running TaitzTVreport from 10.07.2013. Please, post it on all blogs and web sites, ask people to call Issa, Goodlatte and Boehner. Notice that regime has blocked the number of subscribers counter and number of views counter yet again, please, call You-Tube and Google and demand they stop tampering with this web site
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 1 Comment

1. what is obamas emergency plan if debt ceiling - Tea Party Nation 2 hours ago - that deals only with the federal budget, and that does not addressfunding for the Affordable Care Views: 1. Tags: Orly, Taitz, ceiling, debt, default, shutdown.

Category: Uncategorized

Obama now agrees to negotiate the Healthcare law, but only after GOP reopens the government and gives him debt ceiling increase
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 9 Comments Obama: Im Willing to Negotiate Health Care Law but Not Until Shutdown Ends and New Debt Ceiling Passes 437 Comments Obama is clearly trying to save face while he is being pressured by the bankers. so, here are two options: 1. as I said before, reopen everything aside from Obama care and have a judge rule on 1 year delay for corporations, but not for individuals. 2. why not have a three step agreement: sign an agreement, where you open the government with a short term resolution to let Obama save face, however a part of the agreement states that immediately upon reopening of the government individual mandate for individuals is delayed by a year. Same thing with the increase of the debt ceiling: short term increase to allow Obama save face and right after it an agreement to cut spending, after which the debt ceiling increase is extended to October 2014?

Category: Uncategorized

CBS claims that 15 Republicans switched sides and are willing to vote with the Dems. I believe CBS reporter Nancy Cordis is bluffing. Call CBS, ask to talk to this reporter and demand the names of these Republicans
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 1 Comment

CBS claims that it has 15 House Republicans, who switched sides and want to give Obama green light for more uncontrolled spending. Call CBS. I believe this is a program with Scott Paley and reporter is Nancy Cordis, demand names of these 15 House Republicans, who they claim switched sides. I believe that CBS is bluffing and is using this bluff to pressure Republicans from blue states nd pressure Boehner. Demand names from CBS and call all of the blue state Republicans and demand they dont sell out. The only one we know of, is actually IL Senator Mark Kirk. He is in a deep blue state and is afraid to lose in the general election. Please, call him and let him know that if he switches sides, he would not need to worry about the general election, he will be thrown out in the primary. ARE THERE ENOUGH HOUSE VOTES TO END THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN?

NPRCBS News - 14 seconds ago The latest twist in the budget battle is whether the House of Representatives could open the government with a so-called clean budget resolution that is, a bill that deals only with the federal budget, and that does not address funding for the Affordable Care
Category: Uncategorized

Read the flier below. Cry baby Obama is afraid of Tea Party Republicans and wants his zombies to harass Boehner. Please, call Boehner and Republicans in Congress, particularly Mark Kirk, and tell them to stand strong and not waiver, they will win. Per Bloomberg polling Americans by 61%-28% margin do not want Congress to raise Obamas debt limit without cuts in spending
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | 2 Comments

Friend They know this shutdown is wrong and they know Americans dont want it. Youd think that would be enough to stop it. Instead, Speaker Boehner is letting the Tea Party Republicans in Congress run the show. And now theyre trying to negotiate over paying the bills theyre refusing to raise the debt limit unless Obamacare is torn down. Itd be absurd if we hadnt just watched these exact same people lead the country into shutdown. Our new ad is designed to call this recklessness out and raise the volume of the Americans standing up to say enough already. Check out OFAs new ad then add your voice to the chorus telling John Boehner to stand up to the Tea Party Republicans in the House:

Category: Uncategorized

CBS claims that Dems have 15 turncoat sell out Republicans in the House who will vote with the Dems and Pelosi to give Obama a clean resolution to spend us into oblivion. Please, call every GOP congressman and tell him with stand with Cruz, Lee, Boehner and not sell out or he will be primaried
Posted on | October 7, 2013 | 2 Comments


CBS News - 59 minutes ago

The latest twist in the budget battle is whether the House of Representatives could open the government with a so-called clean budget resolution that is, a bill that deals only with the federal budget, and that does not address funding for the Affordable Care

Category: Uncategorized

Anonymous Million Mask March on DC How did they get rich / Ill tell you the way, an Anonymous poet writes. By being a bitch / or stealing the pay.
Posted on | October 7, 2013 | 1 Comment

Category: Uncategorized

Senators Coburn and Paul, as well as Moodys agree with me, there will be no default if there is no debt limit increase, we have the money to pay our debt, Obama will simply need to live within his means and stop harassing and threatening the Congress and the whole nation, stop squandering our money
Posted on | October 7, 2013 | 1 Comment

Raw Story

1. Coburn: US Wont Default if There Is No Debt-Limit Increase

National Review Online (blog) - 1 hour ago

On Meet the Press on Sunday, Rand Paul made the same point that not raising the debt ceiling would not lead to a default because the governments monthly

1. Rand Paul: Theres no reason to raise the debt ceiling JUST SAY

19 hours ago - Rand Paul: Theres no reason to raise the debt ceiling if you compromise on #ObamaCare & #DebtCeiling theres NOOTHER NEED 4

Moodys dismisses default talk, says US will pay bills even if debt

8 hours ago - Moodys dismisses default talk, says US will pay bills even if debt ceilingnot lifted Hopefully it is unlikely that we go past October 17 and fail to raise the debt ceiling, but even if . Just like theres no need to close the Vietnam War Memorial
Category: Uncategorized

U.S. News and World report: Truckers arrive in DC Oct 11-13, plan to arrest congressmen, stop traffic in DC
Posted on | October 7, 2013 | 16 Comments

Truck drivers slow down traffic on the highway A1 on Oct. 18, 2010, near Lille, France. American truckers plan a similar protest beginning Friday, according to organizers.

Truckers Plan to 'Arrest' Congressmen, Clog D.C. Beltway Friday...

Category: Uncategorized

How do you solve the deadlock and reopen the government? Where did $650 billion go? What is the emergency plan of Obama administration in case the debt limit is not raised?
Posted on | October 7, 2013 | 3 Comments

Report 0919 2013 FBI is used as NAZI Gestapo

2 weeks ago 2,222 views Sworn declaration of an investigator in regards to Obamas use of a stolen Social security number of Harry



Category: Dossiers, Dr. Orly TV; Videos, Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Latest News, Uncategorized Posted on | October 8, 2013 | No Comments

We have a president who is close to becoming a dictator Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things Savage. In todays issue: While veterans are being turned away from Washington, D.C., war memorials and park rangers are trying to keep citizens from visiting Mount Rushmore, Obama is allowing union organizers and illegal aliens to protest on the Mall. Savage is outraged that men who fought in wars have no First Amendment rights, but non-citizens do.

We have a president who is close to becoming a dictator, Dr. Savage said to his audience, adding: Why do many people feel that way? Is it irrational? Is it racism, as the left would claim? The National Mall was closed to World War II and Vietnam vets, yet this president has opened it up to illegal aliens, so they can hold a rally. They told us it was closed due to the government shutdown. Now the National Park Service has confirmed this immigration reform protest can take place at the Mall. Lets see if Ive got this straight: Men who fought in wars have no First Amendment rights, but illegal aliens do? Obama is encouraging this. Of course, hes the same president who encouraged the overthrow of a legitimate government in Egypt, and a dictatorial one in Libya which nevertheless was no direct threat to us. We dont have a presidency so much as we have a crypto-communist dictatorship in the making or an overt one.
Category: Uncategorized Posted on | October 8, 2013 | No Comments PREZ TO SPEAKER: I wont negotiate Portrays those opposed to raising debt ceiling as kidnappers, arsonists Youre a deadbeat FLASHBACK: Voted AGAINST raising debt ceiling when he was senator

Category: Uncategorized

Time to replace McConnell with Mike Lee or Ted Cruz as a Senate minority leader
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | No Comments ORIES

THEBLAZE TV Heres the Republican Senator Who Allegedly Insinuated FreedomWorks Supporters Are Traitors in Ruthless Closed-Door Meeting POLITICS Ruthless, ruthless authoritarian leader of the GOP. 348 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

While Indo-Kenyan charlatan Soebarkah-Obama keeps the national mall closed to U.S citizens, he allows the rally of his fellow illegals demanding amnesty
Posted on | October 8, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized

Americans are rising against Indo-Kenyan charlatan Barry SoebarkahSoetoro-Obama


Paul Joseph Watson | Confrontation with feds as outrage over shutdown builds. 78 Comments FEDS HOLD SENIORS AT GUNPOINT DURING NATIONAL PARK SHUTDOWN Paul Joseph Watson | Gestapo tactics used to place tourists under armed guard. 221 Comments HOW TO JACK UP THE DEBT? RILE SENIORS Kurt Nimmo | Government warns SS checks will not be in the mail after October 17. 42 Comments SIXTH GRADE ASSIGNMENT: DESTROY THE BILL OF RIGHTS Kit Daniels | Students are told that the Bill of Rights is outdated and must be revised. 112 Comments POLICE ARREST VETERANS AT NYC MEMORIAL Paul Joseph Watson | This is a sign of betrayal. 1911 Comments OBAMACARE SHUTDOWN THEATER: PRESIDENT HOLDS ENTIRE NATION RANSOM WITH CONTRIVED CLOSINGS Mike Adams | The government shutdown is a hoax. 122 Comments 12 VERY OMINOUS WARNINGS ABOUT WHAT A U.S. DEBT DEFAULT WOULD MEAN FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Michael Snyder | A U.S. debt default that lasts for more than a couple of days could potentially cause a financial crash unlike anything that the world has ever seen before. 163 Comments DEMOCRAT VOTERS CONFUSED: I DIDNT REALIZE I WOULD BE THE ONE WHO WAS GOING TO PAY FOR IT PERSONALLY Mac Slavo | Those who understand that socialism, communism and governance by the collective are failed experiments, warned where that money would come from. 291 Comments



Category: Uncategorized

Here is a case in support of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Motorist, who was beaten by bikers, while cops were a part of this bikers gang, would not have been beaten, if he were to have a gun on him

New York New York Daily News - 10 minutes ago Daily News A damning new video contradicts an undercover NYPD detectives story about his role in a motorcycle mobs attack on a panicked driver, a police source said Tuesday.
Category: Uncategorized

God Particle gets recognition


National Post

Reuters - 2 minutes ago Tue Oct 8, 2013 6:57pm IST. * British and Belgian scientists share 2013 award. * Higgs boson explains how basic matter gains mass.

Category: Uncategorized keep looking

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EVIDENCE ON BARACK OBAMA Obama File with Exhibits Affidavit of Paul Irey Obama file Exhibits 1 - 7 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 1 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 2 Obama file Exhibits 9-13 Obama file Exhibits 14-21 Request for Docs under FOIA and Emergency Motion for Reconsideration Exhibits sent to Inspector Generals and Congress


Twitter shuts down Truckers for the constitution



RECENT POSTS Tomorrow 11am EST/8am PST I will be on the Russian language syndicated radio show with Leonid Komarovski (New York, Boston, Chicago in U.S. as well as Russia and Eastern Europe) will explain why todays speech by Obama can be grounds for his impeachment


Historic DVD Now Available!

DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of

a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling. --------- To order these DVDs, donate $25.00 by credit card on the and email with you name and address. Or send a $25.00 check with your name and address to: Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012, 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100, RSM, CA 92688.


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-------------------------------------Please make a donation to Dr. Orly Taitz for CA U.S. Senate 2012 Campaign --------------------------------------

29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92688 orly.taitz @gmail. com (949) 766-7687


Videography by Barbara Rosenfeld --------------------------------------

Bumper Sticker $9.99 thru PayPal


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---------------------------------------The People's Senator. She fights for America!

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Defendant Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint .Affidavit of Mike Zullo 1. Judd v Obama 2. Farrar v Obama 3. Taitz v Sebelius 4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial 5. Taitz v Astrue 6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update 7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas Videos Video: Orly before NH Election Committee ARCHIVES October 2013 September 2013 August 2013

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