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First Conditional or Second Conditional

First Conditionals We use First Conditionals to talk about events which are possible. The Conditional clause can refer to the present or the future. Second Conditional We use the Second Conditional for unlikely 'situations in the present or future:


1. If youre late again, you 2. Do you think I (have) problems with the boss. (lose) weight if I eat less pasta? (come) with me. (get) a fine. (give) it the medicine. (be) more

3. I would go to Rome next summer if you 3. If you (continue) driving like that you

4. Dont worry. The dog

(get) better if you

5. She is so insecure! Im sure she confident. 6. We 7. What 8. If I

(find) a job if she

(can) go to the countryside and have a picnic if the weather was nice. you (be) you, I (do) if you (find) 500 euros on the street?

(try) to take things easy.

1 John doesn't do much sport. If he ________ (do) more sport, he _____ (be) much thinner. 2 Look at those clouds. If it ______ (rain), we ______ (get) wet 3 The bus is late. If it ________ (not arrive) soon, we___________ (get) a taxi. 4 My sister is very clever. If I ________ (work) harder, I _____ (be) as clever as my sister. 5 I'm really tired. If I ______ (not be) tired, I ____ (come) over. 6 Susan usually does the cooking at home. If she ____________ (cook) tonight, we ___________ (have) fish. 7 It's only a short journey. If we ________ (get) there before lunchtime, we____________ (have) time to go shopping. 8 Do you want my advice? If I ___________ (be) you, I __________ (find) a new girlfriend.


1. Have you ever .......... to New York? a) flew b) went c) goed d) been 2. No I've never .......... there. a) been b) went c) was d) existed 3. In fact I've just .......... back from there. a) been b) gone c) came d) come 4. and I've .......... at least six weeks there in the last year. a) past b) passed c) spent d) spend 5. Have you .......... to the top of the Empire State Building? a) flown b) sat up c) grown up d) gone up 6. No, I .......... yet. a) haven't b) don't c) not d) won't 7. I haven't .......... the ferry to Ellis Island either. a) taken b) swam c) jumped over d) driven 8. I've just .......... work so hard. a) looked b) seen c) must d) had to 9. though I have .......... dinner at Sardi's a) had b) taken c) seen d) served 10. and .......... a Broadway show. a) taken b) watched c) seen d) starred in

3.- Revision Sheet : MODALS

A Choose the correct answer. 1. If you want people to read what you write, you (can't / have to) write more clearly. 2. The ground is wet. It (may have / must have) rained. 3. He said we (have to / could) use the computer if we wanted to. 4. I (don't have to / should) look after my little brother, because my mother will be at home. 5. Cars (might not / mustn't) cross the railway line when a train is approaching. 6. (Should / May) I borrow your pen? 7. You (should / don't have to) cook. We (must / can) eat in a restaurant.

B Complete each sentence with a suitable modal. You may use the same word more than once. can't could may might shouldn't have to don't have to must mustn't

1. What ........................................ I do? Please help me. 2. The team ........................................ win every time. It's not possible. 3. ........................................ we have some more coffee, please? 4. I know I ........................................ get angry with her so often, but it's hard. 5. You ........................................ climb there. I won't allow it. 6. The test ........................................ be next week. We' 11 know soon. 7. In the last year of school, students ........................................ start thinking of the future. C Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 1. You have to finish by tonight. 2. My aunt will probably visit us next month. 3. Are you able to come with me? 4. I think I left my keys on the desk. 5. There is a possibility that they will move to another school. 6. It's not necessary for you to wash the dishes.) 7. Please open the window. 8. Children are not allowed to watch this film.


If youre late again, you will have (have) problems with the boss. 2. Do you think I will lose (lose) weight if I eat less pasta? 3. I would go to Rome next summer if you came (come) with me. 3. If you continue (continue) driving like that you will get (get) a fine. 4. Dont worry. The dog will get (get) better if you give (give) it the medicine. 5. She is so insecure! Im sure she would find (find) a job if she was (be) more confident. 6. We could (can) go to the countryside and have a picnic if the weather was nice. 7. What would you do (do) if you found (find) 500 euros on the street? 8. If I was (be) you, I would try (try) to take things easy. Did, would be Rains, we will get wet Doesnt arrive, we will get Work, will be Werent tired, would come Cooks, will have Get, we will have Were, would find


A Choose the correct answer. 1. If you want people to read what you write, you (can't / have to) write more clearly. 2. The ground is wet. It (may have / must have) rained. 3. He said we (have to / could) use the computer if we wanted to. 4. I (don't have to / should) look after my little brother, because my mother will be at home. 5. Cars (might not / mustn't) cross the railway line when a train is approaching. 6. (Should / May) I borrow your pen? 7. You (should / don't have to) cook. We (must / can) eat in a restaurant. B Complete each sentence with a suitable modal. You may use the same word more than once. can't could may might shouldn't have to don't have to must mustn't

1. What ..COULD..................................... I do? Please help me. 2. The team ..........CANT.............................. win every time. It's not possible. 3. ..................MAY...................... we have some more coffee, please? 4. I know I .........SHOULDT............................... get angry with her so often, but it's hard. 5. You .............MUSTNT........................... climb there. I won't allow it. 6. The test .......MIGHT................................. be next week. We' 11 know soon. 7. In the last year of school, students ....HAVE TO.................................... start thinking of the future. C Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 1. You have to finish by tonight. ) YOU MUST FINISH BY TONIGHT 2. My aunt will probably visit us next month. )MY AUNT MIGHT VISIT US 3. Are you able to come with me? )CAN YOU COME WITH ME? 4. I think I left my keys on the desk. )I THINK I MIGHT HAVE LEFT.. 5. There is a possibility that they will move to another school. )THEY MAY MOVE TO 6. It's not necessary for you to wash the dishes. )YOU DONT HAVE TO WASH.. 7. Please open the window. COULD YOU OPEN THE W 8. Children are not allowed to watch this film. )CHILDREN MUSTNT WATCH

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