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ISSN: 2053-4426

8 OCTOBER 2013




The synopsis looks very original Martin tells author after reading economical script
W hy d e s c r i b e w h a t t h e audience can see? Wish more writers would get that. Shaw's road to stardom began as ex-policeman and karate expert Raymond Doyle in 70s TV classic The Professionals. Since then he has starred in a string of television and stage hits winning a Tony nomination and a Drama Desk award for best actor for his role as Lord Goring in a Broadway production of Oscar Wildes An Martin Shaw Ideal Husband. He is currently starring in classic courtroom drama Twelve AN AWARD-WINNING star of film, stage and Angry Men in Birmingham. His role (juror number 8) was television is set to appear in a new indie movie played by Henry Fonda in the about Russian gangsters, a lost manuscript and a Hollywood 50s movie directed by the legendary Sidney Lumet. mathematical genius. S h aw w a s ap p ro a c h e d by Gordon when they both watchful eye of casting director M a r t i n S h aw w i l l p l ay attended a meeting of an Indian Gevorkian Tigran, a Russian and actress Deborah Ward. meditational group in Bedford in the Plans are afoot to make a trailer or spring. They have both belonged to baddie, with a KGB past in a teaser which will be used to raise the group since the 70s. film based on the enigmatic funds for a full-blown movie to be Other actors being considered for b o o k N o t h i n g a n d shot early next year. the movie are Bollywood Everywhere by Nigel LesmoirIn an email Shaw tells Gordon: heartthrobs Shahid Kapoor who is Gordon. The synopsis looks very original, said to be looking to make the crossCasting began at Chelsea's 606 and the words for the teaser over to western movies, and Suraj Sharma (Life of Pi). club last Thursday under the economical, which I like.

Sharma in Life of Pi, directed by the award-winning Ang Lee. Gordons achievements include TV movie Arthur C Clarke presents . . . The Colours of Infinity with an original music score by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd and a critically acclaimed short entitled The Mysterious Michael A starring Nicholas Jones. He wrote the obituary for The Guardian and other national newspapers on the death of maths visionary Benot Mandlebrot one of his all-time heroes. The teaser will begin filming next month, also at the 606 in Lots Road. Owner Steve Rubie, an experienced jobbing actor, has auditioned for a part. As well as casting director Deborah Ward. a graduate of the London International School of Performing Arts in Bow, east London, will be taking up one of the supporting roles in the teaser. Gordon also shot 60s psychedelic band Pink Floyd as they signed up with recording company EMI which had also snapped up the Beatles in their early days. He captured tragic Syd B a r re t t ' s c r a z y a n t i c s i n t h e Cambridge countryside on film before his (Barretts) untimely death in 2006. In Gordons comic thriller Nothing and Everywhere the genesis for the film, John Smith, an unpublished novelist, has his computer stolen and

8 OCTOBER 2013
with it the only copy of his latest novel. D e s p i t e f e a r o f h i s g u r u s disapproval, John mysteriously acquires two handguns, a load of cash and a crack team to reclaim his work which is now in the evil Tigrans possession. Together with Susie Bellavista, a beautiful and enigmatic maths genius, and Biro, a Hungarian ex-RAF regiment sergeant, John explores the power and wonder of mathematics in an attempt to solve an imponderable, real life mystery and get back his life's work.

Kapoor (pictured above) is reported to be sympathetic to the same meditational path to which Shaw and Gordon both aspire. Ward who took a leading role in an Edinburgh Fringe production of Nehru, his Inner Story will approach her sub-continental contacts in a bid to secure an Indian star for the film. The Fringe piece was written by wellknown Indian playwright Pramilla le Hunt who is highly regarded in Indian acting and literary circles. It featured Dilip Shankar as Nehru. Shankar was instrumental in casting

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8 OCTOBER 2013

Chips, granola bars and iced cupcakes - just as bad as their conventional cousins
for the massively popular Vegfest UK show. More than 100 stalls displayed their wares from meat free hot dogs, through ethical clothes and shoes, to The claim comes as nine thousand soap free washing-up liquid. health freaks flocked to Londons A vegan cupcake is cruelty free, Olympia in Earls Court last weekend and it might contain fewer saturated fats than a conventional cupcake, but one thing it definitely is not is health food, Becky Striepe, who lives in the US, said. And she added: Many varieties of potato chips (crisps) are totally free of animal products. Does that mean that they are healthy? No way! Potato chips (crisps) are deep fried and then doused with salt and artificial flavouring. Thousands flock to Earls Court in central London for VegfestUK

VEGAN food may not be as healthy as it sounds, a selfstyled crafter and writer has warned.

That sort of food is just not good for your body. And she sets out five of her worst offenders: crisps cupcakes, cookies, pies and sweets chips (French fries) packaged granola bars crescent roll or biscuit dough. She goes on to advise: The trick is to kick the processed food habit. That even means cutting down on packaged organic snacks. If youre going to choose processed foods, picking cruelty-free, organic snacks is better for the planet, but chances are its no better for your body than its conventional cousins. Fresh from their London triumph VegfestUK bosses plan similar events in Brighton and Bristol next year. Discounts are available for early bookings.

Dolphins seen swimming in River Beas

TWELVE Indus dolphins have been spotted in the River Beas in the Punjab in India after a six year absence.
The animals, an endangered species, were seen in a single sighting by wildlife officials. They were swimming in three groups in a 75 km stretch of the Beas around 60 kilometers from the Punjabi capital, Amritsar. That part of the river includes the three kilometre long Harike wildlife sanctuary. Divisional forest officer M Sudhagar told reporters: With this single sighting we can estimate that their number could be around two dozen in and around the sanctuary. The Indus dolphin (platanista minor) is one of the worlds rarest mammals and most endangered cetaceans. It is found only in this stretch of Indian water. As well as dolphins about 1,100 similar unique species exist in the lower reaches of the Indus River. Though that number has drastically declined since the construction of dams on the river recently. This sighting comes six years after officials from the Harike sanctuary spotted a pair of freshwater dolphins for the first time in the country at the confluence of Beas and Satluj rivers. As the word spread, the government said it would launch a conservation project for dolphins and develop the area as a major tourist spot, but work on this has yet to begin. Monthly monitoring is being conducted jointly by teams of World Wide Fund for Nature and Harike wildlife sanctuary.




8 OCTOBER 2013


Got a story?
Its a great article, (New Vision on Ancient Texts - FG September) and incredibly synchronous, as I'm properly releasing the site tomorrow on the new moon! The advertorial is really well done, too. Well make sure to check how people heard of us if we get a booking and be in touch with you if its through FG. Also, many thanks to you and Elaine for your very generous donation; much appreciated! It was lovely having you both on your short but sweet visit here; hope to see you again another time. All the best, Shen (pic below) ITS NOT the first time we've been asked where and how we get our stories. So if you don't understand French (see letters) then read on - in English! A publication is only as good as the stories it publishes. And to do this we scan and draw on a variety of sources. The Internet, press releases, attending meetings, official reports and investigative reporting among them - restrained as we always are by facts and reality and not gossip and fantasy. But way more important than any of that we depend on you, our readers, to point us in the right direction. From Mays lead story about egg replacers to last months exclusive on the I Ching and a whole string of other articles in between our sources have been our readers. Who better to turn to in the everlasting search for interesting topics to write about than those wholl be reading them? So rest assured you wont be shooed away when you suggest a story idea or tip us off to breaking news.Youll always have our full attention. See this months Readers Page on pp11&12 for example! So please keep your comments and feedback flowing in. We keep identities under wraps if asked.

Pleasant surprise?
Trs intressante Gazette. Comme toujours. Ou trouves-tu tes articles, Stephen? Tu nous surprends toujours. Tous mes compliments, MMichele Bailey Cambridgeshire

Fact not fiction

Si jete disais alors je devraistu tuer! Actuellement je les trouved'ici et de l-bas. Mais il est trs important de savoir ce qui est une bonne histoire. Pour ce faire vous devez penser ce qui est interressant mon lecteur. Il peut ne pas tre intressant pour moi! Heureusement, ce sont les mmes ici. Aussi vous devez galement faire face la ralit pas de la fiction. Cordialement, ED

New moon
Hi Steve, Thanks for making me front page news!!!

Circulation up 400+ Help in life - not substitute for it!

Dear Editor, I was interested to read your article about thick people being religious. What Id like to know is what is Miron Zuckermans religion, or is he an atheist? (Bit on the thick side? . . . FG September) I am sure his own religious or non-religious beliefs would have affected his judgement. I am a member of a protestant Christian church and as such I find that there is no conflict with intellectual achievement. In fact, many of our members and pastors are highly intellectual with good brains and a grasp of the issues of life. We believe that belief in God helps us to live our lives and is not a substitute for thinking for yourself. Thanking you for your attention. Lars Hampton Ealing, London A FEW short weeks on an internet publishing site and FG has had a 400+ circulation boost. Our August issue scored nearly 200 unique hits, Septembers has had more than100 and July just edging on100. The boost comes as authorities have acknowledged FGs official status as a bona fide publication. Download directly at and search Friends Gazette in the newspaper and mag section.
Published by Stephen Ward Publications, London, England. ISSN: 2053-4426




8 OCTOBER 2013

No love for Loving Hut

Fast-food style vegan cafe set to close six months after re-opening
A VEGAN snack-bar is set to close unless investors can be found to save it, the FG has learned.
Loving Hut in Plender Street, London is no more from this month. New owners re-vamped the place around six months ago, turning it into a vegan fast-food style outlet with a mix-and-match-type menu. But the facelift failed and an injection of cash is needed. Regular customer Dmitri Tembitov said: I will tell my girlfriend. Shell be very sad. And disappointed server, Maliq Spahiu, said: The owners should have given it more time. Weve only been open since March. With their clean white decor and formica topped tables and counters Loving Huts are, according to their own claims, the largest international chain of vegan restaurants. The concept was founded by Ching Hai, a spiritual leader and entrepreneur from Vietnam. At the end of 2011 they boasted over 200 restaurants world-wide including Asia, Europe, South America, North America and Australia. Although each location is free to offer its own specialities, they are all united by a mission to provide people with access to affordable vegan meals. The Loving Hut marketing slogan is Be Vegan, Make Peace, Loving Hut in Plender Street, NW1 before the facelift. Loving Huts Wikepedia music venue in Park Street is just entry reads. up the road from Camden tube. The Camden Town Loving Hut's For punters who will miss this location could have been a fatal Loving Huts distinctive mixture of problem. oriental delights such as mock duck The Plender Street cafe had to wrap and chunky veggie burgers a battle against established vegan and sister Loving Hut can be found just veggie outlets much nearer the a few miles north in the Holloway thriving Camden market just up the Road, Archway. road. Owners of the Plender Street Inspiral on the canal is slap bang shop were not available for in the middle of the trendy stalls comment at the time the October and The Green Note a vegetarian issue of FG went to press.

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8 OCTOBER 2013

Lighthouse bids roll in

DOZENS of west London charities have thrown their hats in the ring to buy the iconic London Lighthouse in the wake of the recent surprise announcement that it was up for sale for 1.6m. The building on Lancaster Road, W11, shot to world-wide prominence in 1996 when the late princess Diana visited people living with AIDS housed on the first floor. In a revolutionary and wellpublicised move she shook hands with a resident when the condition was still surrounded by prejudice and mis-information. A huge portrait of the princess adorns the foyer. Now trustees, the Terence Higgins Trust, want to sell the building to help support their work in other AIDSrelated directions. Loads of people are interested. There has been a lot of bids come in, the FG was told. They have got six months to put a plan together. In an official statement, Paul Ward, deputy chief executive at THT told FG that a recent review revealed the building needed considerable financial investment to bring it up to scratch. We cannot afford to give [it] the refurbishment it deserves, he said. And he added: Lighthouse means a great deal to those of us who lived through the early years of the HIV epidemic or who have a personal connection with the building. Lighthouse has been the Sunday home of Science of the Soul British Isles (London) for many years. The meditational group rents the large Ian McKellan hall weekly under special arrangement. Books, tapes and other items are stored on the premises during the week and brought out on Sundays. The group is not among the bidders, according to THT sources.

Poppadom snack pulled in egg and shrimp scare
THE FOOD Standards Agency has issued an allergy alert after Walkers Sensations Lime and Coriander Chutney Poppadoms were found to contain egg and shrimp not declared on the label. Affected packets have a best before date of 21 December, 2013.

Talking chocolate

ORGANIC chocolate guru Simon Wright will be at Planet Organic Westbourne Grove on the 15th of October at 7pm. Register for free at:


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8 OCTOBER 2013

Ka-teu and Wu-Lian have a baby

AMID rumours that Prince William and Kate Middleton are already planning to extend their family and that Kate hopes to fall pregnant this side of Christmas, Sophie Sao bravely reports for Friends Gazette on the reaction to the couples first child, Prince George, in the Chinese communist street where speaking your mind could get you arrested.
SHU Xiang, 52, who deals in jade artefacts, saysthatshe is happy for Ka-teu and Wu-Lian. She likes the idea of the monarchy being:One big family.Thats much nicer than having just one person, she says. Family and carrying on the family is phenomenally important to most Chinese people, especially since the establishment of the one child policy. So important is it that the primary quarrel Chinese parents might have with their children being gay is not any of the more familiar Western arguments, but simply that they wouldnt be able to carry on the family line, unlike their counterparts in the West.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George. (pic: G -images)

Xiang, like one man selling fruit from a truck on the roadside,whose only comments wereWho? What? No, we dont have any of that.Try the supermarket.
W ang Yong

Shu Xiang

Shu Xiang believes that the image of a beautiful, gentle Princess visiting sick children and constantly smiling must be a great source of happiness and reassurance for her subjects, butwhile she thinks of the Queen as beingcomforting, like a mother to the whole country,she wouldnt want the monarchy to be reinstated in China, becauseChina is a democracy now. (Irony abounds.) Not everyone is as clued up on foreign royalty as Shu

Wang Yong (49 ) - who insists his customers call him Uncle Jack - owns one of the new wave of Western-style bars that have popped up all over the country. When asked what his impression of the monarchy is, particularly the younger members, he says somewhat indignantly: How should I know? I've never even been to Korea.Why are you asking me about that stuff? However he does have one opinion about the monarchy relating to the recent decision to extend the line of the throne to female babies. He disagrees with it; saying it is much better to keep to tradition and agreeing with the statement:It should just be kept male, male, male. Then he asks: Am I going to get arrested for saying that? The opinion that a member of a persons own gender would be better at ruling a country than a member of the opposite gender is one which is, unsurprisingly, shared by everybody asked.



8 OCTOBER 2013
women (here she speaks on the behalf of half-a-billion people) regard British women as beinglucky.
Im not the Queen - says four-year-old Yue Yue (below).

Fan Yi, 35, (above) works as a personal assistant to an American businesswoman in Tian Jin, a city near Bei Jing. Having lived and studied in the United States for several years she holds some opinions which are by Chinese standards, radical; such as preferring to wait to find love instead of marrying for marriages sake. She expresses the appeal of upholding traditions through the monarchy, saying: If you read the history books of China, yourealisehow far away we are from our own history. American culture prefers fast and easy, and theyre sometimes really rude. Being more in touch with history helps to keep old things in our society - like politeness and respect. Theyre old, but theyre also very important. When asked if she thought having a queen or a king was better, she says she believes that everyone is equal. She says that the female queen in Britain is a famous image, and that they were the first society to give women such a place of power, adding that Chinese

Homage to Diana at Prince George baptism

Yue Yue, 4, (above) says that he doesnt know what he thinks of the Queen, or Kate Middleton, becauseI've never met her.He says that he knows about the royal birthbecause his nursery teacher, who teaches his class basic American-English, brought in sweets to celebrate and showed them the family tree of the royals, with Prince George newly added on. Yue Yue also adds:Id like to be the new babys friend. Then I could go to Bu-Kin-Han Palace and play with him.He is undecided if China should have a monarchy too, saying:I dont know, Im a child, not the Queen! When asked, he provides a long list of activities he thinks the Queen spends her time on, including



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8 OCTOBER 2013

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cooking, washing clothes, fishing, playing the guitar and err . . . more cooking! Yue Yues favourite dish? Coca-Cola, chips and drinking them down with strawberry juice.

8 OCTOBER 2013
monarch at all -Its understandable in Japan, theyre not a European country- the ideal of carrying on tradition and upholding heritage through keeping the monarchy was honourable, they thought.

Cei Min, 24, (above) teaches Mandarin to foreigners. When asked what she thinks of the monarchy she saidIts good, I suppose. Having a king or a queen is a very stable method of controlling a country. She added that elections can be complicated and can cause arguments, even between family members, and thatnobody wants to live in amessy country, hinting again at a contentment about not being able to Privates on parade . . . Chinese soldiers goose stepping through the streets of Bei Jing vote which is both peculiar to China in the modern world and completely unpalatable to Europeans. She also says: Chinese people are very strange, because they arent religious, like people in America, and the UK. She says she believes that this can lead to dubious moral choices, because theyare not afraid of anything, but having a ruler who will punish them is an excellent way of preventing crime and stopping people from justdoing whatever they want. Duan Wei (27) and Wang Da Lien (28) (top right) work for anarchitecturalfirm in SiChuan province. Both of them said they like the Queen, saying thatshes the UKs most famous image. Everybody knows her, even in China.They agreed that while it was a bit strange that a western country still had a

However, while most Chinese people seem to be in agreement that relapsing into monarchy would be illogical, a surprising opinion emerged from several individuals (who, for safetys sake, are not included in this article.) When asked if they thought that Chinas current political infrastructure (a single party and, on paper, a socialist republic) would be better off being scrapped and replaced with a monarch, many disagreed and furthermore, thought that amultiparty system would be better than the current situation. The idea of being able to vote for a leader seemed to appeal to many people - and not just the younger citizens either. The openness with which this opinion was shared is surprising considering that speaking out against the Party in the past was considered high treason and has earned many individuals political prisoner status. While its probably safe to say that China has put its monarchical days behind it, nevertheless ina country where protest against the Party is strictly forbidden, this open rejection ofdictatorship is, perhaps,just one of the new things being imported from the West and possibly a window into a very different future for China.



8 OCTOBER 2013

Oldies re-united in
A HUNDRED friends gathered in a quiet Bedfordshire village recently to celebrate a very special occasion and have the time of their lives. For four of their number had reached a landmark of achievement - their 70th journey around the sun! And to celebrate the notable occasion the quartet hired a village At the request of Friends Gazette, hall, booked top-flight caterers and put on a lovingly prepared home-made one of the birthday revellers, filmmaker and author Nigel Lesmoirentertainment programme to Gordon, (pictured above), reports. celebrate with their mates.
ON Sunday, 1st September at Clophill Village Hall, four old' teatotal friends celebrated their 70th year in this world.
The friends were Nigel and Jenny Lesmoir-Gordon, Roger Whelan and Brett Funnell. To make the biggest possible splash they decided to pool their resources so that the best of catering and entertainment could be provided for their one hundred guests. Vegetarian food was supplied by the London caterers Passage to India and the high point of the entertainment by Birmingham Indian dance troupe, Sansaar. Jennys dream was to have a Bhangra workshop for everyone to join in. Brilliant! Roger MC'd with a little help from his son, Conor. After a splendid munch it was time to work off some heat and the Bhangra troupe hit the stage. They performed on their own and then the party people took to the floor for helpful instruction and some full-on dancing. It got everybody going! The friends then set about providing their own in-house entertainment. First off, Roger W and Vicky Pitman sang two duets: The Wrinkly Song and Side-by-Side. Then Robbie Derrick and Conor crooned the old 60s favourite by Joni Mitchell - The Circle Game with great keyboards from James Watson. Then Nigels son, Gabriel, (pictured over) took to the stage. He gave a moving tribute to his old dad: The Sarge, and introduced Nigels duet with Elvis (taped) - a hip-swinging blast of All Shook Up. Clare Whelan then read from The Ghost Orchid by Michael Longley in her best Northern Irish brogue. Elisabeth (Brett) Funnell gave us her

Party line-up . . . (l to r: Clare Whelan, Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon, daughter Daisy, mum Jenny Lesmoir-Gordon, Brett Funnell, Roger Whelan with grandaughter Beatrice (3) and Bretts daughter Katharine with dancers in orange finery.


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8 OCTOBER 2013

birthday bash x 4!
rendition of the Elizabethan classic by Robert Greene called Sweet are the Thoughts that Savour of Content (see below). Conor followed with a tribute to his dad and his prizewinning solo It all came out of this which he had penned himself. Next up was Robbie D again, this time with Maggie Partington Smith, and a personalised rendition of I want to be like you from the Jungle Book film. The entertainment ended with a couple of numbers on guitar from talented Chris Frost, one being the old folk favourite Stagger Lee. Then came The Tea with a most gorgeous assortment of cakes. Sadly the party finished around six oclock. The majority of guests reluctantly drifted away homewards whilst the hall with its decorations, which had taken five hours to put up, was cleared away in less than an hour by a dozen willing helpers.

Gabriel Lesmoir-Gordon pays tribute to dad Nigel, The Sarge . . .

Sweet are the Thoughts that Savour of Content

(Submitted by Maggie Partington Smith) Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content; A quiet mind is richer than a crown;

Sweet are the nights in careless slumber spent; Conor Whelan with an evocative The poor estate scorns fortunes performance of self-penned solo It all angry frown; came out of this. Such sweet content, such minds, such music best; The sweet consort of sleep, such bliss, mirth and musics fare; Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do miss. Obscured life sets down a type of The homely house that harbours bliss: quiet rest; A mind content both crown and The cottage that affords no pride nor care; kingdom is. The mean that grees with country

Lets get this party started . . . guests, led by Bhangra dancers Sansaar wearing traditional dress, get going.


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