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Sermon Notes Ephesians 5:18-21.


And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

This literally means not to succumb to drunkenness. Immediately stop the habit of getting intoxicated from wine. Alcoholism leads to ruin, corruption of character, poor judgment, heartache and misery. It will grab its victim and send them on a downward spiral. Many believe that alcohol is a release from troubles and an escape from the sorrows of this world, and for some the bar has become a substitute for the church. The spirits they crave are from a bottle, the Spirit they need is from God.

Be Filled with the Spirit.

The heritage of all Christians is that of being filled with the Holy Spirit. The carnal man lives by the power and dictates of the flesh, the spiritual man has the spirit and the spirit has him. The spiritual man lives by the powers and dictates of the Holy Spirit. Be filled means, you all, everyone, it is a positive command and a distinct duty. All born again Christians are commanded by God to be filled with the spirit. The filling is what God will do, the Christian will receive the action from God. When a Christian is willing to let the Holy spirit saturate their being, the Spirit will infuse their entire being with His presence and power. It is not a question of having more of the spirit but one of letting the spirit have more of us when one chooses to obey the divine direction.


Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord

When being under the dominating control of the Holy Spirit, the evidence of this will come out in an expression of joyful fellowship in song and endless thanksgiving. The whole life of a Christian under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit moves in the atmosphere of worship. One when one is filled with the Holy Spirit then they will be lead to peace, with God and with themselves and with those around them, this peace produces joy. The joy is often times express through songs of praise to the Lord.


Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

When one is controlled by the Holy Spirit, the process of peace leading to joy leads to praise, which will lead to thanksgiving. When living a spirit filled life by submitting to the will of the Holy Spirit, a Christian will live a life of continual worship in all areas of their life, and continual thanks and rejoicing in the Lord. A Christian through continual worship will bring thanksgivings and earnest pleadings for personal need to the Lord in prayer.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus taught His disciples to use His name in prayer and as His disciples living under His authority, we owe our access to God due to His mediation. Out of His command and out of thanks, praise and reverence we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Submitting one-selves one to another is a means to have harmony. This submission is reciprocal, mutual, voluntary and personal. This submission is the antithesis of the spirit of self assertion, jealous insistence on ones own rights and ones own opinions. It is the opposite of rudeness and haughtiness. In substance it uses the example and precepts of Christ who did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself and took on the form of a servant. Paul himself summed up the concept when stating: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves (Phil 2:3).

In the fear of God

Out of reverence for God, literally in the fear of God. A Christian will submit their will and being to God out of fear, but also out of praise and worship. Through this submission it is only possible for the individual to be filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit. The submission is the start of the process which leads one to peace, joy and thanksgiving.

The dominating control of the Holy Spirit can evidence the joy thanksgiving and submission in the following passage only when the believer chooses to let the Holy Spirit truly control the individual's will and being without submitting to ones own carnal desires. As stated before this is the birth right of all born again Christians, to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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