Exponents Discovery Wiki

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Monday,October07,2013 9:01AM

Part One: The Exponents Discovery has taught me what is a base, a power, and a coefficient number. A base is the factor that is being multiplied. A power exponent shows how many times the factor is being multiplied by itself. I also learned that there are three different forms that numbers could be written as. A coefficient number is the constant number that is written before the base. The three forms that a number can be written as are; exponential, expanded, and standard form. Exponential form is written with a base and a power like this; 34. The expanded form of 34 is the same as three multiplied by itself four times, so it is written like this; 3*3*3*3. The standard form of a number is the answer, so the standard form of 34 is 81. 1. A base is the factor that is being multiplied. 2. A power exponent shows how many times the factor is being multiplied by itself. 3. A base and a power tells you how many times the base should be multiplied by itself based on the number of the power. 4. A power is a shortcut to repeated multiplication of the base. 5. You could use geometry to describe squaring and cubing a number because if you were trying to figure out what four to the second power is then you could draw a square that is four by four and then count all of the blocks that make up the square. Here is an example of how geometry could help when figuring out exponents:

42 16

Part Two: Base 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Exponent Meaning 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3


Value 16 8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/8

2*2*2*2 2*2*2 2*2 2 1 1/2 1/2*1/2 1/2*1/2*1/2

1/2*1/2*1/2*1/2 1/16

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Introduction to Exponents Page 1

1. When you increase the exponent of a number, the base is doubling because two is being multiplied by itself, that many more times. 2. When you decrease the exponent of a number, the base stays the same, but the value is being divided by one half. 3. Yes, the pattern does work because as the exponent increases the number is twice the number below it. 4. Yes, the pattern does work because as the exponent decreases the number is half of the number above it.
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Part Three:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do you get when you add x by x? 2x What do you get when you subtract x by x? 0 What do you get when you multiply x by x? x^2 What do you get when you divide x by x? 1 What do you get when you multiply x by x by x? x^3 What about x by x by x by x by x? x^5 What do you get when you multiply x^2 by x? x^3 What about x^2 by x^3? x^5 What about x^4 by x^6? x^10 Come up with a rule that explains what happens when you multiply same bases. When you multiply the same bases can add the number by itself the same time the original tells you to. For an example 4*4 is the same as 4 4 4 4, both are equal to sixteen. What do you get when you divide x by x? x^1 What do you get when you multiply x^2 by x? x^3 What about x^4 by x^2? x^6 What do you get when you divide x^5 by x^3? x^2 What about x^6 by x? x^5 Come up with a rule that explains what happens when you divide same bases When you divide the same bases the answer will always be one. What do you get when you square x^3? x^6 What do you get when you square x^4? x^8 What do you get when you cube x^2? x^6 What do you get when you raise x^3 to the fourth power? x^12 What do you get when you raise x^2 to the fifth power? x^10 Come up with a rule that explains what happens when you raise a base with an exponent by an exponent. When you raise a base with an exponent by an exponent, it is the same multiplying the exponent times the other exponent.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Introduction to Exponents Page 2

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Introduction to Exponents Page 3

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