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Schedule of Minimum Testing Requirements Governing Items of Work of the DPWH Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Airports (2004 Edition)

PART C - EARTHWORKS ITEM 100 CLEARING AND GRUBBING * This item shall consist of clearing, grubbing, removing and disposing all vegetation and debris as designated in the contract. Tests: None ITEM 101 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS *This item shall consist of the removal wholly or in part, and satisfactory disposal of all buildings, fences, structures, old pavements abandoned pipelines, and any other obstruction which are not designated or permitted to remain. Tests: None ITEM 102 EXCAVATION * This item shall consist of roadway, drainage and borrow excavation and the disposal of materials. Tests: Same as for Items 103, 104 and 105, whichever is applicable ITEM 103 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION * This item shall consist of the necessary excavation for foundation of bridges, culverts, under-drains, and other structures not otherwise provided in the specifications. If the excavated materials are washed, the volume involved shall be reported so that quality control requirements may be adjusted accordingly (submit Project Engineer Certificate of Waste). If the excavated materials are incorporated into the work: Tests: For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test For every 150 mm in uncompacteddepth: 1 D, Field Density ITEM 104 EMBANKMENT * This item shall consist of the construction of embankment. Tests: For every 1,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 3

1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test For each 500m2 of each layer of compacted fill or fraction thereof: At least one group of three in situ density test. The layer shall be placed not exceeding200 mm in loose measurement or based on the result of compacted trials.

ITEM 105 SUBGRADE PREPARATION * This item shall consist of the preparation of the sub-grade for the support of overlying structural layers. Tests: Same as for Item 104 ITEM 106 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND DENSITY CONTROL STRIPS * This item shall be used in determining the density requirements of selected embankments, sub-grade, bases and bituminous concrete. Tests: Same as for Items104, 105, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 and 300 ITEM 107 OVERHAUL * This item shall consist of authorized hauling in excess of free-haul distance. Tests: None PART D SUB - BASE AND BASE COURSE ITEM 200 AGGREGATE SUBBASE COURSE * This item shall consist of furnishing, placing and compaction of aggregate sub-base course on a prepared sub-grade. Tests: For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) For every 2,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 CBR, California Bearing Test For every layer of 150 mm of compacted depth based on the result of compaction test trials: At least one group of three in situ density tests for each 500 m2 or fraction thereof ITEM 201 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of furnishing, placing, and compaction of aggregate base course on a prepared sub-grade. 4

Tests: For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) For every 2,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 CBR, California Bearing Test For every layer of 150 mm of compacted depth based on the result of compaction test trials: At least one group of three in situ density tests for each 500 m2 or fraction thereof ITEM 202 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of furnishing, placing, and compacting crushed gravel, crushed stone or crush rock on a prepared sub-grade. Tests: Same as for Item 201 For every 1,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 F, Fractured face ITEM 203 LIME STABILIZED ROAD MIX BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of a foundation for surface course composed of soil aggregate, lime and water in proper proportions. Amount of lime to be added: 3 12 mass percent of dry soil aggregates test Tests: A. SOIL AGGREGATE For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) For every1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) B. MIX For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1 UC, Unconfined Compaction Test C. COMPACTED BASE COURSE For every layer of 150 mm compacted depth: 1 D, Field Density Test for every 150 m or fraction thereof 1 T, Thickness determination for every 150 m or fraction thereof D. HYDRATED LIME For every 100T or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test 5

ITEM 204 PORTLAND CEMENT STABILIZED ROAD MIX BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of a foundation for surface course, composed of soil aggregate, Portland cement and water in proper proportions. Amount of cement to be added: 6 to 10 mass of dry soil aggregate Tests: A. SOIL AGGREGATE Same as for Item 203 B. CEMENT 1 Q, Quality Test for every 2,000 bags or fraction thereof C. WATER 1 Q, Quality Test/Project Engineers Certificate D. MIX For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1 UC, Unconfined Compaction Test 1 CBR, California Bearing Ratio E. COMPACTED BASE COURSE For every layer of 150 mm compacted depth: 1 D, Field Density Test for every 150 m or fraction thereof 1 T, Thickness Determination for every 150 m or fraction thereof ITEM 205 ASPHALT STABILIZED ROAD MIX BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of a foundation for surface course, composed of soil aggregate and asphaltic material in proper proportions. Amount of asphalt to be added: 4 7 mass of dry soil aggregate Tests: A. SOIL AGGREGATE Same as for Item 203 B. EMULSIFIED ASPHALT 1 Q, Quality Test for every 40T of 200 drums or fraction thereof C. MIX Same as for Item 203 C. COMPACTED BASE COURSE Same as for Item 203 ITEM 206 PORTLAND CEMENT STABILIZED TREATED PLANT MIX BASE COURSE * This item shall consist of a foundation for surface course composed of aggregate Portland cement and water in proper proportion. Amount of cement to be added: 6 to 10 mass of dry soil aggregate Tests: 6

A. SOIL AGGREGATE Same as for Item 203 B. PORTLAND CEMENT For every 2,000 bags or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test C. MIX Same as for Item 204 D. WATER 1 Q, Quality Test/Project Engineers Certificate E. COMPACTED BASE COURSE For every layer of 150 mm compacted depth: 1 D, Field Density Test for every 150 m or fraction thereof 1 T, Thickness Determination for every 150 m or fraction thereof ITEM 207 AGGREGATE STOCKPILE * This item shall furnishing and placing aggregate in stockpiles at locations. Tests: Same as the specified Item No. of the Specification PART E SURFACE COURSES ITEM 300 AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE * This item shall consist of wearing of top course composed of gravel or crushed aggregate and other binder material. Tests: For every 300 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI) For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) For every layer of 150 mm of compacted depth based on the result of compaction test trials: At least one group of three in situ density tests for each 500 m2 or fraction thereof For crushed gravel or crushed stone 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 F, Fractured face ITEM 301 BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT * This item shall consist of preparing and treating an aggregate base course. Quantity: 1 to 2 L/m2 Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 40T or 200 drums ITEM 302 BITUMINOUS TACKCOAT 7

*This item shall consist of preparing and treating an existing bituminous or cement concrete with bituminous material. Quantity: 0.2 to 0.7 L/m2 Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 40T or 200 drums

ITEM 303 BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT * This item shall consist of an application of bituminous material with or w/o an application of aggregate on an existing bituminous surface course. A. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 0.2 to 1.5 L/m2 Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 40T or 200 drums B. COVER AGGREGATES Quantity: 5 to 14 kg/m2 Test: For every 75 m3/200 kg or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test ITEM 304 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT * This item shall consist of either a single application of bituminous materials followed by a single spreading of aggregate (single surface treatment) or two applications bituminous material each followed. A. AGGREGATES Quantity: 13.6 to 38 kg/m2 if using cut back asphalt or asphalt cement 13.6 to 19.04 kg/m2 if using emulsified asphalt Tests: For every 75 m3/200 kg or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 P, Plasticity Test (LL, PI) For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion) For every 1,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 F, Fractured Face B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 1.58 to 2.04 L/m2 if using cut back asphalt or asphalt cement 1.58 to 2.04 L/m2 if using emulsified asphalt ITEM 305 BITUMINOUS PENETRATION MACADAM PAVEMENT 8

* This item shall consist of furnishing and placing one or more aggregate and one or more application of bituminous material followed by a seal coat a with cover aggregate constructed on a prepared base. A. AGGREGATES Quantity: Using Asphalt Cement or Rapid Curing Emulsified Asphalt Course (crushed) 80 kg/m2 Key (crushed) 24 kg/m2 Cover (crushed or screened) 8 kg/m2 B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 7.2 to 11 L/m2 Test: Same as for Item 301 ITEM 306 BITUMINOUS ROAD MIX SURFACE COURSE * This item shall consist of constructing a bituminous road mix surface course on a prepared base. A. AGGREGATES Tests: Same as for Item 304 B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: Using cut back asphalt 4.5 to 7 mass % of total dry aggregate Using emulsified asphalt 6 to 10 mass % of total dry aggregate Tests: Same as for Item 301 C. MIX Tests: For every 75 m3/130T or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test 1 Ext, Stability Test 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test D. HYDRATED LIME Tests: For every 100T or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test E. COMPACTED PAVEMENT Tests: For each full days operation: D & T (Density & Thickness Test), at least one (1) but not more than three (3) samples shall be taken


* This item includes general requirements that are applicable to all type of bituminous surface courses irrespective of gradation of aggregate or kind and amount of bituminous material. A. AGGREGATE Tests: For every 75 m3/200T or fraction thereof: 1 G & P, Grading & Plasticity Tests For every 1,500m3 or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Plasticity and Abrasion, Stripping and Bulk specific gravity) 1 F, Fractured face B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 5 to 8 mass percent of total dry aggregates Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test for each 40T or 200 drums or fraction thereof C. MIX Tests: For every 75 m3/130T or fraction thereof: 1 G. Grading Test 1 Ext, Stability Test 1 C, Laboratory Compaction Test D. HYDRATED LIME Tests: For every 100T or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test E. MINERAL FILLER Tests: For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G & P, Grading & Plasticity Tests (LL, PL, PI) F. COMPACTED PAVEMENT Tests: For each full days operation: D & T (Density & Thickness Test), at least one (1) but not more than three (3) samples shall be taken ITEM 308 BITUMINOUS PLANT MIX SURFACE COURSE COLD LAID * This item shall consist of constructing Bituminous Surface Course (Asphalt Cold Mix) prepared in central mixing plant, laid cold on a prepared base. A.AGGREGATE Tests: Same as for Item 307 B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: Using cut back asphalt -- 4.5 to 7 mass % of total dry aggregate Using emulsified asphalt 6 to 10 mass % of total dry aggregate Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test for each 40T or 200 drums fraction thereof 10

C. MIX Tests: Same as for Item 307 D. HYDRATED LIME Tests: Same as for Item 307 E. MINERAL FILLER Tests: For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G & P, Grading & Plasticity Tests (LL, PL, PI) F. COMPACTED PAVEMENT Tests: Same as for Item 307 ITEM 309 BITUMINOUS PLANT MIX (STOCKPILE MAINTENANCE MIXTURE) * This item shall consist of a bituminous stockpile maintenance mixture composed of aggregate, mineral filler, hydrated lime and bituminous material mixed in a central plant. A. AGGREGATE Tests: Same as for Item 307 B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 4 to 10 mass percent of total mix Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test for each 40T or 200 drums fraction thereof C. MIX Tests: Same as for Item 307 D. HYDRATED LIME Tests: Same as for Item 307 E. MINERAL FILLER Tests: Same as for Item 307 F. COMPACTED PAVEMENT Tests: Same as for Item 307 ITEM 310 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE HOT LAID * This item shall consist of constructing a bituminous concrete surface course composed of aggregate, mineral filler and bituminous material mixed in a central plant, constructed and laid hot on prepared base. A. AGGREGATES 11

Tests: Same as for Item 307 B. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Quantity: 5 to 8 mass percent of total mix Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test for each 40T or 200 drums fraction thereof C. MIX Tests: Same as for Item 307 D. HYDRATED LIME Tests: Same as for Item 307 E. MINERAL FILLER Tests: Same as for Item 307 F. COMPACTED PAVEMENT Tests: Same as for Item 307 ITEM 311 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT * This item shall consist of pavement of Portland cement concrete, with or without reinforcement, constructed on the prepared base. A. CEMENT Quantity: 9.0 bags/m3(40 kg/bag) Test: For every 2,000 bags or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test B. FINE AGGREGATE Quantity: 0.50 m2/m3 concrete if using rounded course aggregate 0.54 m2/m3 concrete if using angular or crushed coarse aggregate Tests: For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: a.) For a source not yet tested or failed in previous quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Elutriation wash, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strength, Soundness, Organic Impurities, Unit Weight, % clay lumps and % shale) b.) For a source previously tested and passed quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Elutriation wash, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strength) For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test C. COURSE AGGREGATE Quantity: 12

0.77 m2/m3 concrete 0.68 m2/m3 concrete aggregate Tests:

if using rounded coarse aggregate if using angular or crushed coarse

For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: a.) For a source not yet tested or failed in previous quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Abrasion, Soundness and Unit Weight) b.) For a source previously tested and passed quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption and Abrasion) For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test D. WATER Test: 1 Certificate from Project Engineer or 1 Q, Quality Test if source is questionable E. JOINT FILLER 1. Poured joint filler Test: 1 Q, Quality Test on each type of ingredient for each shipment 2. Pre molded joint filler Test: 1 Q, Quality Test on each thickness of filler for each shipment F. SPECIAL CURING AGENTS Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for each shipment G. STEEL BARS Test: For every 10,000 kg or fraction thereof for each size: 1 Q, Quality Test (Bending, Tension and Quality Analysis) H. CONCRETE Test: Flexural Strength Test on concrete beam samples: 1 Set consisting of 3 beam samples shall represent a 330 m2 of pavement, 230 mm depth or fraction thereof placed each day Volume of concrete not more than 75 m3 I. COMPLETED PAVEMENT Test: Thickness determination by concrete core drilling on a lot basis Five (5) holes per km per lane or five (5) holes per 500 m when two (2) lanes are poured concurrently PART F BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 13

ITEM 400 - PILING * This item shall consist of piling, furnished, driven or placed, cut and spliced. A. TIMBER PILES Test: 1 Inspection Report for each size and shipment of timber B. CONCRETE PILES a.) Concrete Test: Same as for Item 405 b.) Reinforcing Steel Test: Same as for Item 404 C. STRUCTURAL PILES Tests: 1 IR, inspection Report 1 Q, Quality Test or Mill Test Certificate ITEM 401 RAILINGS * This item shall consist of furnishing, fabricating or placing, for bridges and other structures of the material of combination of materials. A. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405, Class C B. REINFORCING STEEL Test: Same as for Item 404 ITEM 402 TIMBER STRUCTURES * This item shall consist of construction of timber structures to the dimensions, lines and grades as shown on the plans. Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test or Manufacturers Certificate for each type of material used 1 IR, Inspection Report for each type and shipment of timber ITEM 403 METAL STRUCTURES * This work shall consist of steel structures portions of composite structures, constructed in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades and dimension. Tests: 1 Q, Quality Test or Manufacturers Certificate for each type of material used 1 IR, Inspection Report for each type and shipment of metal ITEM 404 REINFORCING STEEL * This item shall consist of furnishing, bending, fabricating and placing of steel reinforcement of the type, size, shape and grade required. A. BAR REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE Test: For every 10,000 kg or fraction thereof for each size: 14

1 Q, Quality Test (Bending, Tension and Quality Analysis) B. WIRE AND WIRE MESH Test: 1 Q, Quality Test

ITEM 405 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE * This item shall consist of furnishing, bending, and placing and finishing concrete in all structures except pavements. A. CEMENT Quantity: (40 kg/bag) Class A 9 bags/m3 of concrete 3,000 psi/20.7 MPa Class B 8 bags/m3 of concrete 2,400 psi/16.4 MPa Class C 9.5 bags/m3 of concrete 3,000 psi/20.7 MPa Class P 11 bags/m3 of concrete 5,000 psi/20.7 MPa Class Seal 9.5 bags/m3 of concrete 3,000 psi/20.7 MPa Test: For every 2,000 bags or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test B. FINE AGGREGATES Quantity: ROUNDED ANGULAR/CRUSHED Class A 0.50 0.54 m2/m3 of concrete Class B 0.45 0.52 m2/m3 of concrete Class C 0.53 0.59 m2/m3 of concrete Class P 0.44 0.47 m2/m3 of concrete Test: For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: a.) For a source not yet tested or failed in previous quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Elutriation wash, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strength, Soundness, Organic Impurities, Unit Weight, % clay lumps and % shale) b.) For a source previously tested and passed quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Elutriation wash, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strength) For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test C. COARSE AGGREGATES Quantity: ROUNDED ANGULAR/CRUSHED Class A 0.77 0.68 m2/m3 of concrete Class B 0.82 0.73 m2/m3 of concrete 15

Class C Class P Test:

0.70 0.56

0.66 m2/m3 of concrete 0.65 m2/m3 of concrete

For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: a.) For a source not yet tested or failed in previous quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption, Abrasion, Soundness and Unit Weight) b.) For a source previously tested and passed quality test: 1 Q, Quality Test (Grading, Bulk Specific Gravity, Absorption and Abrasion) For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test D. WATER Tests: 1 Certificate from Project Engineer or 1 Q, Quality Test if source is questionable E. PRE MOLDED FILLER FOR EXPANSION JOINTS Test: 1 Q, Quality Test on each thickness of filler for each shipment F. STEEL REINFORCEMENT Test: For every 10,000 kg or fraction thereof for each size: 1 Q, Quality Test (Bending, Tension and Quality Analysis) G. CONCRETE Tests: Compressive Strength Test on concrete cylinder samples, one (1) set consisting three (3) concrete cylinder samples shall be taken from each days pouring and to represent not more than 75 m3 of concrete or fraction thereof ITEM 406 PRE STRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES * This item shall consist of pre-stressed concrete structures and the pre-stressed concrete portions of composite structures. A. CONCRETE Tests: Same as for Item 405, Class P B. STEEL REINFORCEMENT Test: Same as for Item 404 C. WIRE STRAND Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 20T or fraction thereof ITEM 407 CONCRETE STRUCTURES *This item shall consist of the general description of the materials, equipment, workmanship and construction requirements of concrete structures and the concrete portions of composite structures. 16

Tests: Same as for Items 403, 404 and 411 Elastometric Bearing Pads will be tested to determine its quality

ITEM 408 STEEL BRIDGES * This item shall consist of construction of steel structure conforming to the lines, grades, dimension and designs. Tests: Same as for Item 403 and 411 Painting: 1 Q, One 20 L can for every 100 cans or fraction thereof 1 Q, One 4 L can for every 100 cans or fraction thereof ITEM 409 WELDED STRUCTURAL STEEL * This work shall consist of the joining of structural steel members with welds of the type. Test: Same as for 403 and Inspection Report ITEM 410 TREATED AND UNTREATED TIMBER * This item shall consist of structural timber of the specie size called on the plans either treated or untreated as called for in the proposal. Test: 1 IR, Inspection report 1 Q, Quality Test for preservatives ITEM 411 PAINT * This item shall consist of furnishing and applying all paint materials including vehicles, pigments, pastes, dryers, thinners, and mixed paints for steel and wooden structures. Test: 1 Q, One 20 L can for every 100 cans or fraction thereof 1 Q, One 4 L can for every 100 cans or fraction thereof ITEM 412 ELASTOMETRIC BEARING PADS *This item shall consist of the requirement for elastomeric bearing pads whose main function is to transfer loads or accommodate relative movement between a bridge superstructure and its supporting structures ITEM 413 PRE MOLDED JOINT FILLER FOR CONCRETE PAVING AND STRUCTURAL CONCRETE * Preformed sponge rubber and rock expansion joint filler for concrete paving and structural construction 17

PART G DRAINAGE AND SLOPE PROTECTION STRUCTURES ITEM 500 PIPE CULVERTS AND STORMDRAINS * This item shall consist of the construction or reconstruction of pipe culverts and storm drains. A. PIPES Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for one (1) pipe for every 50 pieces (Strength, Absorption and Dimension) Alternative Requirements: 1. Compressive Strength for one (1) set consisting of three (3) concrete cylinder samples for not more than twenty five (25) pipe cast in the field 2. Inspection Report for each size for not more than twenty five (25) pipes cast in the field B. MORTAR AND JOINT FILLER Cement, fine aggregates and water: Test: Same as for Item 405 ITEM 501 UNDERDRAINS * This item shall consist of constructing under drains, using pipe and granular filter materials, under drain pipe outlets, and blind drain using granular materials. A. CONCRETE PIPE (NON REINFORCED) Test: Quality Test for 0.5% of the number of pipes for each size but not less than two (2) for Strength, Absorption and Dimension Alternative requirements: 1. Compressive Strength for one (1) set consisting of three (3) concrete cylinder samples for not more than twenty five (25) pipe cast in the field 2. Inspection Report for each size for not more than twenty five (25) pipes cast in the field B. CLAY PIPE Test: Quality Test for one (1) pipe for every 200 pieces of each size, with a minimum number of two (2) specimens for Strength, Absorption and Dimension ITEM 502 MANHOLES, INLETS AND CATCHBASINS * This item shall consist of the construction, reconstruction or adjustment of manholes, inlets, and catch basins. A. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405, Class A B. LIDS, CAST IRON FRAMES AND GRATING 18

Test: Inspection Report ITEM 503 DRAINAGE STEEL GRATING WITH FRAME * The steel frame clear openings of drainage grates shall be 15 mm larger than nominal sizes of industry standard sized pits.

ITEM 504 CLEANING AND RECONDITIONING OF EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES * This item shall consist of cleaning and reconditioning existing pipes and appurtenant structures. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 505 RIPRAP AND GROUTED RIPRAP * This item shall consist of the furnishing and placing riprap with or without grout as the case maybe, with or without filter backing. Test: Same as for Item 506 (Cement Aggregate ratio = 1:3) ITEM 506 STONE MASONRY * This item shall consist of stone masonry of minor structures, in headwalls for culverts, in retaining walls at the toes of slopes. A. CEMENT Quantity: 2 bags/m3 of concrete Test: For every 2,000 bags or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test (Cement Aggregate ratio = 1:2) B. FINE AGGREGATE Quantity: 0.17m2/m3 of concrete Test: For every 1,500 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 Q, Quality Test (same as for Item 405) For every 75 m3 or fraction thereof: 1 G, Grading Test C. STONE Test: Inspection Report D. WATER Test: 19

1 Certificate from Project Engineer or 1 Q, Quality Test if source is questionable ITEM 507 RUBBLE CONCRETE * This item shall consist of construction of rubble concrete. ITEM 508 HAND LAID ROCK EMBANKMENT * This item shall consist of hand-laid rock embankment. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 509 SHEET PILES * This item shall consist of furnishing, driving cutting off of sheet pile. A. TIMBER SHEET PILES Test: Inspection Report B. CONCRETE SHEET PILES Test: Same as for Item 400 C. STEEL SHEET PILES Test: Same as for Item 403 ITEM 510 CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION * This item shall consist of furnishing and placing of concrete slope protection including all necessary excavation, a bed course and reinforced concrete to the required thickness and extent to protect slope against erosion. A. BED COURSE Test: Same as for Item 200 B. STEEL REINFORCEMENT Test: Same as for Item 404 C. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405 ITEM 511 GABIONS * This item shall consist of furnishing, forming wire mesh baskets, and placing rocks installed at the location designated. Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for each shipment PART H MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES ITEM 600 CURB AND GUTTER * This item shall construction of curb and gutter either pre-cast of cast - in place made of concrete. 20

A. CONCRETE Quantity: 0.078 m3/m (curb only) 0.092 m3/m (curb and gutter, Type A) 0.145 m3/m (curb and gutter, Type B) 0.074 m3/m (curb and gutter, Type C) Test: Same as for Item 405 B. JOINT FILLER Test: Same as for Item 311 ITEM 601 SIDEWALK * This item shall consist of construction of asphalt of Portland cement concrete sidewalk. A. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405, Class A B. PRE MOLDED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER Test: Same as for Item 311 ITEM 602 MONUMENTS, MARKERS AND GUIDE POSTS * This item shall consist of right-of-way monuments, maintenance marker posts, kilometer posts and/ or guideposts. A. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405, Class A B. REINFORCING STEEL Test: Same as for Item 404 C. TIMBER Test: Same as for Item 410 D. PAINT Test: Same as for Item 411 ITEM 603 GUARDRAIL * This item shall consist of furnishing and constructing posts and guardrails. A. STEEL POSTS Test: Same as for Item 403 B. TIMBER POSTS Test: Same as for Item 410 C. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 405 D. REINFORCING STEEL 21

Test: Same as for Item 404 E. RAIL Test: Inspection Report F. PAINT Test: Same as for Item 411

ITEM 604 FENCING * This item shall consist of furnishing and constructing of post and barb wire or chain link fences. A. BARB WIRE, CHAIN LINK FABRIC Test: 1 Q, Quality Test B. CONCRETE POSTS Test: Same as for Item 405 C. STEEL REINFORCEMENT Test: Same as for Item 404 ITEM 605 ROAD SIGN * This item shall consist of furnishing and installing road signs. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 606 PAVEMENT MARKINGS * This item shall consist of placing markings of the finished pavement. Test: Same as for Item 411 ITEM 607 REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT STUDS * This item shall consist of furnishing and installing reflective pavement studs on the surface of the pavement. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 608 TOPSOIL * This consists of topsoil furnished, transported and spread, or topsoil removed from designated areas, haul and spread. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 609 SPRIGGING * This item consists of planting sprigs of living grass plants. 22

Test: Inspection Report ITEM 610 SODDING * This item shall consist of furnishing and laying of live sod on the shoulders, slopes, ditches, or other locations as designated, construction of sod ditch checks or similar appurtenances. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 611 TREE PLANTING * This item shall consist of furnishing and planting deciduous shade, flowering trees evergreen trees less than 150 mm diameter on the areas. Test: Inspection Report ITEM 612 REFLECTIVE THERMOPLASTIC STRIPPING * This item shall be applied to the road surface in a molten state by mechanical means with surface application glass beads at a rate not less than 350g/L.

PART I MATERIALS DETAILS ITEM 700 HYDRATED CEMENT Test: Same as for Item 405 ITEM 701 CONSTRUCTION LIME (HYDRATED) Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 100T or fraction thereof ITEM 702 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Test: Same as for Items 301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308, 309 and 310 ITEM 703 AGGREGATES Test: Same as for item of work in the Bill of Quantities ITEM 703A MINERAL FILLER * This item shall consist of finely divided material mineral matter such as rock dust, slug dust, hydrated lime, hydraulic cement, fly ash or other suitable mineral matter. Test: Same as for Item 307 23

ITEM 704 MASONRY UNITS Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for every 10,000 units or fraction thereof ITEM 705 JOINT MATERIALS Test: Same as for Items 311 and 500

ITEM 706 CONCRETE, CLAY, PLASTIC AND FIBER PIPES A. CONCRETE Test: Same as for Item 500 B. CLAY AND OTHER TYPE OF PIPES Test: Refer to applicable requirements of AASHTO Test and Specs ITEM 707 METAL PIPE Test: Same as for Item 400 ITEM 708 CONCRETE CURING MATERIALS AND ADMIXTURE * This item specifies the classification, sampling, testing, packing and marking of concrete admixtures. Test: 1 Q, Quality Test for each shipment ITEM 709 PAINTS Test: Same as for Item 411 ITEM 710 REINFORCING STEEL AND WIRE ROPE A. REINFORCING STEEL Test: Same as for Item 404 B.WIRE ROPE Test: Same as for Item 406 ITEM 711 FENCE AND GUARDRAIL A. FENCE Test: Same as for Item 604 B. GUARDRAIL Test: Same as for Item 603 24

ITEM 712 STRUCTURAL METAL Test: Same as for Items 403 and 406 ITEM 713 TREATED AND UNTREATED TIMBER Test: Same as for Item 410

ITEM 714 WATER Test: Certificate from Project Engineer or 1 Q, Quality Test, if source is questionable ITEM 715 GEOTEXTILES * This item covers geotextiles fabric for use in subsurface drainage, hydraulic filter, erosion control, sediment control, pavement superstructures as a water proofing and stress relieving membrane, and as permeable separator to prevent mixing of dissimilar materials.







1. Cement 2. Asphaltic material 3. Aspahlt mix 4. Aggregates a. coarse aggregate b. fine aggregate 5. Soil aggregates a. Classification b. Routinary tests c. MDR test and CBR 6. Non Reinforced Concrete Pipes 7. Reinforced Concrete Pipes 8.Steel pipe (galvanized) 9. Concrete hollow blocks (CHB) a. strength b. moisture content 10. Steel bar 11. Steel sheet (galvanized) 12. Wire strand 13. Gabion 14. Paints 15. Joint filler (pre molded) 16. Curing compound 17. Concrete cylinder 18. Concrete beam 19. Concrete core 20. Asphalt core 21. Water a. Chemical analysis b. Sediment load analysis 22. Structural steel/sheet 23. Hydrated lime

1 sample per 2000 bags 1 sample per 40T or 200 drums 1 sample per 130T 1 sample per 1,500 m3 1 sample per 1,500 m3


2 pipes min./0.5% of no. of pipes 1 sample per 50 pipes or 2% of # of pipes 1 sample per 500 lengths 1 sample per 10,000 units

2 pipes 1 pipe (1 m length) 2 pcs Of 100 mm long taken from both ends w/ thread 3 units 3 units 1m 3 pcs 60mm x 60mm 2m 1m x 2m 1 - 4L can 1 400mm x 400mm 1L 1 set (3 cylinders) 1 set (3 cylinders)

1 sample per 10T 1 sample per 100 sheets 1 sample per 20T 1 sample per 100 cans 1 sample per 75 m3 1 sample per 75 m3 or 1 day pouring 5 holes for every km/lane 1 core for every 100m

500 ml 500 ml 1 sample per 50T 1 sample per 100T Reduced section as prescribed



Class of concrete

Minimum cement content per cu. m

Maximum water cement ratio

Consistency range in slump

Designated size of coarse aggregate square opening std. mm 37. 5 4.75 (1 - No. 4) 50.0 4.75 (2 - No. 4) 12. 5 4.75 ( - No. 4) 19.0 4.75 (3/4 - No. 4) 25.0 4.75 (1 - No. 4)

kg (bags)


mm (inch) 50 -100 (2 4) 50 -100 (2 4) 50 -100 (2 4) 100 max ( 4 max) 100 200 (4 8)

Minimum compressive strength of 150mm x 300mm concrete cylinder @ 28 days MN/m2 (psi) 20.7 (3000) 16.5 (2400) 20.7 (3000) 37. 7 (5000) 20.7 (3000)

A B C P Seal

360 (9) 320 (8.5) 380 (9.5) 440 (11) 380 (9.5)

0.53 0.58 0.55 0.49 0.58

PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT FOR PAVEMENT WITH DEFICIENCY IN STRENGTH Deficiency in strength of concrete pavement Percent (%) Less than 5 5 to less than 10 10 to less than 15 15 to less than 20 20 to less than 25 25 or more Percent (%) of contract price allowed 100 80 70 60 50 0


PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT FOR PAVEMENT WITH DEFICIENCY IN THICKNESS Deficiency in the average thickness per lot(mm) 05 6 10 11 15 16 20 21 25 more than 25 Percent (%) of contract price per lot 100 95 85 70 50 removed and replaced (no payment)

COMMON LABORATORY TESTS Kind of material Cement Coarse aggregate Type of test Physical and chemical Grading Specific gravity Absorption Abrasion Unit weight Grading Specific gravity Absorption Unit weight Grading Test duration per sample (min. # of days) 8 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3

Fine aggregate

Soil aggregates mixture (subbase, base and surfaces courses

Liquid limit Plastic limit Compaction CBR Abrasion Asphalt Paint Concrete cylinder Concrete beam Concrete core Physical Physical and chemical Compressive Flexural Cutting of sample

3 3 3 7 1 4 4 1 1 1 29


ITEM 104 Abrasion loss Plastic index Liquid limit Permitted variation from design THICKNESS OF LAYER Permitted variation from design LEVEL OF SURFACE Permitted surface irregularity measured by 3m straight edge Permitted variation from design cross fall or camber Permitted variation from design longitudinal grade over 25m length California Bearing Ratio 6% max 30% max

ITEM 105

ITEM 200 50% max 12% max 35% max

1TEM 201 50% max 6% max 25% max

ITEM 202 45% max 6% max 25% max

ITEM 203

4% to 10%

ITEM 300 45% max 4% to 9% 35% max +15mm, -5mm



+20mm, -30mm

+10mm, -20mm

-5mm, 10mm

+15mm, -5mm













25% 80% min min DIMESION OF PILES

80% min


80% min

Length of pile less than 12m 12m to 18m more than 18m

(1m from the butt) minimum maximum 300mm 450mm 320mm 450mm 350mm 500mm

Minimum tip 200mm 180mm 150mm



Scope of work Centering under girders, beams, frames or arches Floors slabs Walls Columns Sides of beams and all other vertical surfaces

Minimum time 14 days 14 days 1 day 2 days 1 day

Minimum % of design strength 80% 70% 70% 70% 70%


NO. 200 NO. 100 NO. 60 NO.50 NO. 40 NO. 30

0.075mm 0.150mm 0.300mm 0.250mm 0.425mm 0.600mm

NO. 20 NO. 16 NO. 12 NO. 10 NO. 8 NO. 4

0.840mm 1.180mm 1.700mm 2.000mm 2.360mm 4.750mm


Size of fillet weld Maximum thickness of part 5mm 13mm 6mm 19mm 8mm 32mm 10mm 51mm 13mm 152mm 16mm 152mm and above MINIMUM LAP FOR SPLICING

Tension Compression

GRADE 40 24 times bar 20 times bar

GRADE 60 36 times bar 24 times bar



Sieve size NO. 30 NO. 50 NO. 200

Mass % passing 100 95 100 70 - 100


Sieve size NO. 20 NO. 200

Mass % passing 100 85 - 100


Sieve No. (passing) NO. 40 NO. 10 NO. 4 1 2

Weight 25 grams 50 grams 200 grams 300 grams 500 grams 1000 grams


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