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Ana Montelongo

RLS 514
Information Literacy
Crash Pre-reading Lesson Plan
Sixth Grade

I. Teacher Name
A. Ana Montelongo
II. Time Allotted
A. Approximately two 80-minute class periods in the library and one
40 minute period in the classroom
III. Lesson Topic/Title
A. Gathering and evaluating information about topics related to
Crash by Jerry Spinelli in preparation to read the novel
IV. Goal Statement
A. My objectives during this lesson are to activate students’ prior
knowledge about topics that will be covered in Crash before we
read it. I also want to increase students’ information literacy and I
will also familiarize students with the major topics covered in the
novel in an attempt to enhance their comprehension.
V. Illinois Content Standards
A. 5.A.3a Identify appropriate resources to solve problems or
answer questions through research.
B. 5.B.3a Choose and analyze information sources for individual,
academic and functional purposes.
C. 5.C.3b Prepare and orally present original work (e.g., poems,
monologues, reports, plays, stories) supported by research
VI. Materials Needed
A. Access to print and online resources in the library
B. Computers
C. Inquiry charts
D. Checklist for evaluating web resources
E. Writing Utensils
VII. Instructional Objectives
A. By the end of my lesson students will be able to develop inquiry
questions to guide their search for information about a topic.
B. By the end of my lesson students will be able to locate
information necessary to answer their questions in the library.
C. By the end of my lesson students will be able to evaluate sources
of information to determine their credibility and accuracy.
D. By the end of my lesson students will be able to explain and
teach the class about one topic related to Crash.
E. By the end of my lesson students will be able to understand many
of the topics they will read about in Crash.
F. By the end of my lesson students will be able to learn and
contribute productively as members of a group.

VIII. Body of Less (procedures)

A. Lesson Opener
Ana Montelongo
RLS 514
Information Literacy
1. Think-Pair-Share
a. Ask student the following questions:
i. What do you do when you need to find the
answer to a question?
ii. How do you know the information you find is
b. Students share answers with a partner next to them
c. Students share out with entire class
2. Explain to students that they will be working in groups to
develop questions about an assigned topic related to their
upcoming novel Crash. Then they will use print and online
resources in the library to help them find the answers.
3. Assign students to groups of three and assign one of the
following topic to each group:
a. Quakers
b. Penn Relays
c. Cyber-bullying
d. Football
e. Vegetarianism
f. Box Turtles
g. Strokes
B. Body of Lesson
1. Introduction to the IMC (library)
a. Students go to the library and Library Media
Specialist provides a brief introduction on how to
search for information with print and online sources
b. Library Media Specialist distributes and explains
checklist for evaluating web resources
c. Ask if anyone has questions
2. Inquiry Chart
a. Distribute Inquiry Chart
b. Students should get with their group and begin
developing questions for the inquiry chart as well as
writing down what they already know in the first row
3. Research
a. Students begin researching information to answer the
questions they generated on the inquiry chart
b. Students evaluate the information they find using the
attached checklist
4. Power Point
a. When students are done with their research and
inquiry chart, they must create a power point to share
their information with the class
5. Presentations
a. Groups will present their Power Points to the class
Ana Montelongo
RLS 514
Information Literacy
b. Students in the audience will take notes on the
presentation in a modified Inquiry Chart
C. Content Closure
1. Exit Slips
a. Before students leave the room they must write the
answer to the following questions:
i. What did you learn from this lesson?
ii. Why is it important?
iii. When will use what you learned?
b. Teacher will review responses as way to assess
learning and modify teaching as needed
*Students will be evaluated on completion and quality of their inquiry chart
and Power Point Presentation.
Crash Research Rubric

4 3 2 1
INQUIRY Complete Mostly Incomplete YIKES
CHART complete !
No mistakes Many errors
Some errors
Used three different Used one
sources Used two source
POWER Extraordinary Good Adequate YIKES
POWER Thorough Effective Adequate YIKES
CONTEN Clear Purpose Some Vague
T Purpose purpose
knowledge & Good Fair
understanding knowledge & Knowledge &
demonstrated understandi understandin
ng g
demonstrate demonstrate
d d

TOTAL: ___________ GRADE: ___________

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