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VOll fTIay be
able to get help from a
Bieultural Support Worker through the

assist in the initial settlinq-ln period of children from CAlD,

refugee or Indigenous backgrounds for a limited period;
provideinitiallanguage assistance to children, parents and staft, in
order to help families and the service communicate;
introduce the child's eulture to the service by assisting children,
staft and parents to develop and present multicultural games,
songs, food, and culturally appropriate activities;
assist staft to understand diverse cultural practices and child-
rearing practices in Australian society;
promote children's self esteem about their cultural heritage;
encourage maintenance of, and supportthe development of, the Formerly known as the Casual fthnicWorkersP(')ol (CEWP).
child's home language.

1 1

TI~esetvke is free of sharqe for eligible childrens services.

~ Ethnic Child Care, 'Family anel:Community
Services Co-operative Limited
"On 1!Äpril'2006, the Bieultural Pool replaced the Casual:EthnieWorkers Pool (CEWP). ~
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Bicultural Support Workers are available We will always try to provide you with a
free of charge to Australian Government Bicultural Support Worker when you need
Ethnic Child Care Family and Community
Appreved Child Care Services: assistance to include an Indigenous child or a
Services Co-operative recruits workers to
child from a CALD background.
private and community-based long day carecentres; be part of the Bicultural Support Pool on
outside school hours care,including vacation careservices; We need to ensure we have an available Worker, who speaks an ongoing basis.
the child's language or who has the cultural background you
family day care services;
require, in your region. We must also ensure we do not exceed the We are interested in hearing from you if you;
occasional care centres; amount of hours the funding agency (Families, Community Serv-
Havea good command of the English language;
in-home care services; icesand Indigenous Affairs) has allocated for children's services in
flexible/multifunctional services; New South Wales. Speaka language other than English or;

non-rnainstream outside school hours careservices; Havean Indigenous background;

non-formula funded occasionalcareservices; Haveexperience or qualifications in childcare;
multifunctional Aboriginal Children'sServices(MACS); Enjoy working with children from diverse cultures.
Bicultural Support Workers have accessto the Mobile Resource
mobile child careservices.
Library which transports multicultural and Indigenous resources
and bilingual books, to the children's services they are working
You need to be referred by either Children's Services with.
Central (call1800 157 818) or by your regionallnclusion Ihe library helps equip Bicultural Support Workers with the
Support Agency. multicultural resourcesthey need to implement appropriate
activities while they are working with your servke .

A Bicultural Support Worker is only available to servicesfor Ihe resourcesfrom the Mobile ResourceLibrary are only
a time-limited period. Generally, this will be for 4 hours per available to Bicultural Support Workers, not directly to children's
week, for up to 10 weeks. During this period, the Worker services. Children, parents and services benefit from the resources
will generally work directly with your servke, but mayaiso the Bicultural Support Worker brings to the service they are
work with the Inclusion Support Agency in your region, to . working with.
assist them to help your service. Children's services can independently borrow multicultural and
Indigenous resourcesdirectly from the Children's Services Central
General ResourceLibrary: freecall1800 157 818.

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