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Burn Notice "Speaking In Tongues" Written by Jennifer Quintenz

Marc Manus Manus Entertainment (310) 720-0672

David Baird Kinetic Management (818) 348-0948

TEASER INT. MIAMI CONDO - LIVING ROOM - DAY This condo would be gorgeous if it werent disheveled from a recent search. Someone inserts a key into the lock outside. With a sharp CRACK-- the handle turns. MICHAEL opens the door and pockets a BUMP KEY. He ducks through POLICE TAPE crisscrossing the doorway and enters. Michael begins methodically searching the living room. MICHAEL (V.O.) Hunting for information at a secured crime scene can be hit or miss. If the authorities have a reason to conduct a really thorough search-- investigating a possible murder, for example-- youre probably out of luck. When its your only lead? You do it anyway. Michaels PHONE RINGS. Hi, Fi. He looks at the ID, then answers.


FIONA (O.S.) So, what are you planning to do? MICHAEL I was thinking about getting some drapes for the loft. They say timeless neutrals are in again. FIONA (O.S.) Be serious, Michael. You might want to consider getting out of town for a while. We dont know anything about these people... beyond the fact that they threw your only CIA contact off a building right after he called to warn you about them. Michael heads into the hallway. DIEGOS BATHROOM Michael enters the bathroom. The lid is off the toilet tank.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (he doesnt believe this) The police ruled Diegos death a suicide. FIONA (O.S.) You think sticking your head in the sand is the best play here?


Michael notices SOMETHING WEDGED BEHIND THE MIRROR. He moves the toilet lid for better access-- it CLANGS on the tile. FIONA (O.S.) (CONTD) What was that sound? Hm? MICHAEL

Michael fishes a LEATHERMAN out of his pocket and unscrews the mirror from the wall with the FLATHEAD TOOL. FIONA (O.S.) Please tell me youre not searching Diegos apartment right now. Michael eases the mirror away from the wall. FOLDED PAPER falls into his hand. FIONA (O.S.) (CONTD) (resigned) Of course you are. Put Sam on. MICHAEL Sam had a prior engagement. meeting up with him after. Michael unfolds the paper. Im A SLIP OF

Its a line of scribbled numbers.

MICHAEL (CONTD) I have to go, Fi. Ill tell Sam you say hi. EXT. MIAMI CONDO COMPLEX - MOMENTS LATER The condo complex faces a ROW OF POSH CAFES-- its a swanky downtown neighborhood. Michael exits the complex and spots SAM sitting in a SNAZZY NEW CAR. Sam gestures at the car grandly. Wow, Sam. MICHAEL

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" SAM What can I say? I didnt know if I had it in me, but I think I might be ready for a commitment. MICHAEL This is a big step for you. SAM Lets be clear, Im not rushing into anything. This is strictly a lease arrangement. But who knows what tomorrow may bring? A focused 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL (LADAN) crashes into Michael. shoulders past him without a word-SAM (CONTD) Hey, how about an apology?



Michael turns after her, irritated-- and notices the flash of metal. Ladan HIDES A GUN inside her pink hoodie. Michaels irritation evaporates. He tracks the girls eyeline. Shes staring across the street at-A REEDY MAN (MARTIN REEVES, 30s) in an expensive suit approaching a table-Where A HIGH-POWERED EXECUTIVE in his early 40s (well come to know him as JACQUES GOSSARD later) drinks his coffee. Gossard, flanked by BODYGUARDS, frowns at Reevess arrival. Michael spots the bodyguards CONCEALED SHOULDER HOLSTERS. MICHAEL (V.O.) Professional bodyguards come in two flavors. The kind you hire for show, and the kind that actually mean business. A TITLE slides onto screen over the bodyguards: BODYGUARDS / THE KIND THAT ACTUALLY MEAN BUSINESS MICHAEL (VO (CONTD) Threaten their client and theyre licensed to respond with lethal force. As a spy you get a lot of practice IDing the people who know how to handle a weapon... and the people who dont. Ladan stops on the sidewalk, scanning the street for a break in traffic. She looks tense, scared... and determined.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


Michael moves-- he grabs Ladan and disarms her, then shoves her into the back of Sams car. INT. SAMS CAR - CONTINUOUS Sam glances into the review mirror as Michael jumps in beside Ladan and slams the door shut. LADAN Get your hands off of me, you psycho perve! SAM Uh... Mike? Drive. MICHAEL

EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Sam floors it and pulls a U-turn into traffic. INT. SAMS CAR - MOMENTS LATER Michael flips the gun open. Its empty.

MICHAEL Hard to shoot someone with an empty gun. What was your plan, exactly? Ladan claws at Michaels hand, panicking. MICHAEL (CONTD) Those men you were headed for... LADAN Let me out of here! Ladan starts kicking the back of Sams seat. SAM Thats Italian leather, Mike! Ladan fishes PEPPER SPRAY out of her jeans pocket-MICHAEL Dont do that. TOO LATE. The stream of pepper spray jets into the car.

EXT. PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Sams car kicks up over the curb and flattens some ornamental shrubs before skidding to a stop.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" Sam jumps out of the drivers side, gasping for air. SAM Come on! The ink on my lease isnt even dry! Michael drags Ladan out of the back seat. rubbing at her face.


Shes coughing and

Sam sees Michael-- eyes shut and nearly doubled over-hanging onto Ladans arm. SAM (CONTD) Oh, man, you dont look so good. MICHAEL (hoarse) Where are we, Sam? drug stores?

Do you see any

SAM (getting it) Yeah, hang on. Ill be right back. Sam runs toward a DRUGSTORE, leaving Michael and Ladan standing blindly in the parking lot. My eyes... LADAN

MICHAEL Dont try to open them, youll make it worse. It kills! Yep. LADAN MICHAEL

MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Pepper spray is an inflammatory agent designed to force your opponents eyes shut and slow them down by making it difficult for them to breathe. If you fire pepper spray in an enclosed environment like, say, a car, youll end up almost as incapacitated as the guy youre fighting. Water wont help you here. What you need is some aluminum hydroxide.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


Sam returns with two big bottles of MAALOX and some water. SAM Got it, Mikey. Here.

MICHAEL Help the girl. Michael pours half the Maalox over his face. He splashes water into the Maalox bottle, shakes it, and pours the resulting mixture into his eyes. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) A solution of one part Maalox and one part water will neutralize the pepper spray and relieve the symptoms so you can see again. Michael breathes out in relief. He glances over at Ladan. white liquid. They are both drenched in milky-

MICHAEL (CONTD) No more pepper spray. Deal? Ladans lip quivers but she glares at Michael, stubborn. LADAN Why did you stop me? MICHAEL That man you were heading for was surrounded by armed guards. If I hadnt stopped you, youd be dead or seriously wounded right now. LADAN Maybe then someone would take me seriously and do something! MICHAEL Do something about what? Ladans jaw sets. Michael looks at Sam. Sam throws his hands up, wanting no part of this. Michael considers Ladan. INT. MICHAELS LOFT - DAY Ladan sits at Michaels kitchen counter, hands cupped around a mug of steaming tea, glaring out the window.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


Michael and FIONA regard Ladan from across the room as Michael pulls a fresh shirt on. Fiona is smiling impishly. FIONA Pepper spray? I like this girl. MICHAEL Shes in trouble, Fi. FIONA Seems like she can take care of herself. MICHAEL She was thirty seconds away from pulling an unloaded gun on a guy in front of two mercenary bodyguards. Fis smile fades. At the counter, Ladan looks up as Fi and Michael approach. FIONA Whered you get the gun? LADAN It was my dads. (hostile) What am I supposed to do now? MICHAEL Why dont you start by telling us whats going on? LADAN My sister, Asal... shes missing. That guy Reeves knows what happened to her. I know he does. FIONA What makes you think hes involved? LADAN Because I was there when he hired her and she vanished the next day! Ladan fishes a piece of paper out of her pocket. LADAN (CONTD) The number he gave her, that was the last number she dialed from home before she disappeared.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL Did you go to the police? Yes. LADAN They were totally useless.


FIONA That can happen. MICHAEL You said Reeves hired Asal? did she do for him? What

LADAN I dont know. Some translation thing. I didnt catch a lot of the details. Asal made me wait in a different booth, and it wasnt exactly a riveting conversation. Michael glances at Fiona, not much to go on. him with a look. He turns back to Ladan. MICHAEL Okay, shes a translator. languages does she speak? What Fiona prompts

LADAN Farsi, Turkish, Arabic. She wants to work for the State Department when she graduates. (standing abruptly) I cant just sit here. Its been ten days. What if shes hurt? What if shes...? Slow down. Ladan. MICHAEL Whats your name?

LADAN Ladan Jalili.

Sam enters the loft. SAM (to Michael) You want to know why I avoid the long-term thing? This is it. I mean, Ive known some ruthless guys, Mikey. You know how it is. But pepper spray on brand-new, handrubbed Italian leather interior?

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" FIONA A little pepper spray never hurt... (reconsidering) Im sure itll air out overnight. Sam shoots Ladan a dark look. She crosses her arms.


SAM Hey, all Im saying is people underestimate the destructive power of the angsty teenage girl. LADAN So how was I supposed to deal with getting thrown in the back of a car? Thats, like, exactly what they make pepper spray for in the first place! A TITLE slides over Ladans face: LADAN / ANGSTY TEENAGE GIRL. Sam opens his mouth to speak-Sam. FIONA

Sam reads Fionas expression: cool it. FIONA (CONTD) (to Ladan) I know it might be hard to believe, after he pulled you off the sidewalk and let you pepper spray him... But Michaels actually pretty good at helping people with problems like yours. Fiona flashes a winning smile at Michael. not up for discussion. Michael forces a smile. This is clearly

Sam, seeing this, sags a little.

MICHAEL Well look into it. SAM (not thrilled) Uh-huh. Brother, youre gonna owe me a night on the town after this. END OF TEASER



Sam leans casually against the apartments entrance, talking on his cell phone. Michael pulls up and joins him. SAM (into phone) Right, I owe you a six-pack. (he hangs up) Police checked out Ladans story, but according to my buddy, this Martin Reeves guy is clean. Finished a six-year civilian contract in Afghanistan a few years back. Since then hes been doing local jobs. Security? MICHAEL

SAM Truck driver. Michael looks surprised. They head into the complex.

SAM (CONTD) I hate to state the obvious, but the only reason we think Asal is connected to Reeves is because Little Sister said so. MICHAEL We should talk to the guy. If Ladans right, Asal called him just before she went missing. SAM Assuming shes missing and not just enjoying a little Ladan-free downtime. Which, personally, Id find completely understandable. (off Michaels look) But we should talk to the guy. They stop in front of a door. Michael knocks. After a moment, the door opens, revealing Martin Reeves. MICHAEL Martin Reeves. Were here about Asal Jalili.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" REEVES I already gave a statement. SAM Were not with the cops. REEVES (with sudden hope) You have another job for me? Sam and Michael trade a look-- and Reeves realizes his mistake. Before he can slam the door-Michael moves, shouldering into the apartment. INT. REEVESS APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS


Sam follows.

Reeves, dressed in the expensive suit we saw earlier, glares at them, waiting for their next move. SAM Nice suit for a truck driver. REEVES Im not going to drive a truck forever. MICHAEL Whyd you hire Asal? Whats she translating for you? (Reeves starts to object) A witness saw you two in the cafe. Reevess eyes flick from Sam back to Michael. REEVES Its not illegal to hire someone. MICHAEL Except now shes missing, and you were the last person seen with her. REEVES Yeah, but... I mean, shes fine. MICHAEL So you know where she is? Reeves looks caught. MICHAEL (CONTD) You do realize if anything happens to Asal, this all comes crashing down on your head. Nervous.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" REEVES I just made the contact. He needed someone for some discreet work, off the books, you know? Shell turn up when the jobs finished. MICHAEL Who paid you to hire her, Martin? REEVES Look, he was doing me a favor. I did some driving for him in Afghanistan. He said if I ever needed anything back home to look him up. Jobs have been thin-SAM Afghanistan. You worked for G.L.E. over there, right? REEVES (suddenly scared) I think Im done talking to you. Sam shoots Michael a sharp look... he knows something. EXT. MODEST APARTMENT COMPLEX - MOMENTS LATER Sam and Michael hurry back toward the street. SAM G.L.E. handles a lot of military contracts. These guys have resources, Mike. MICHAEL So why go all back-alley to recruit a translator for a job like this? SAM Maybe Ladan has a reason to be worried after all. (speaking of worried...) Be careful if you go digging into G.L.E., Mike. MICHAEL Theyre not the only ones who can handle things discretely. EXT. RESORT - POOLSIDE - DAY BARRY lounges by the pool. Michael arrives.


BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" BARRY Hey, there he is. present for you.


Early morning

MICHAEL Its eleven oclock, Barry. Most people are already planning lunch. Barry shrugs and hands over a thin folder. BARRY 99.99% of G.L.E.s business is military. Contracts cover things like security, interpretation and translation, battlefield EMT services, and my personal fav: K-9 explosive detector dog handling. A lesser man may have missed the other point oh one percent. MICHAEL Thats why I come to you. BARRY Turns out the head of operations for G.L.E.s Miami branch has a little something going on the side. MICHAEL You dont say. Barry taps the folder. Michael opens it and finds a PHOTO OF JACQUES GOSSARD flanked by BODYGUARDS. BARRY Meet Jacques Gossard. Someone just deposited 1.2 million dollars into an offshore account of his. There have been four deposits over the last eight years, each for around a million bucks. MICHAEL Any details on whos paying? BARRY Sorry, the routing datas crazy encrypted. All I could pull were dates and amounts. Theyre in the folder. Michael hands the paper he took from Diegos place to Barry.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL One more thing. Could you run this, see if anything comes up? BARRY What is it? An account number? MICHAEL Im hoping you can tell me. BARRY Sure. Ill put it on your tab. You do know theres a tab, right? Michael flashes a smile and leaves with the folder. INT. CARLITOS RESTAURANTE - LATER


Michael and Sam finish lunch while examining Barrys work. Sam studies the PHOTO OF JACQUES GOSSARD. MICHAEL What could Gossard be up to that requires a translator and pays 1.2 million dollars? SAM Assuming Gossards the one hiring the translators... how about blackmail? Client comes in with sensitive information, Gossard sees an opportunity to make an easy buck. MICHAEL Four times in eight years? Risky.

SAM Go around blackmailing people and youre going to make some enemies. Might explain why the guy travels everywhere with an armed escort. MICHAEL But it doesnt explain why hed need Asal when hes got an office full of translators whove signed NDAs on his payroll. SAM Unless he wants to keep her separate from G.L.E. entirely. Michael nods, distracted. He stands and pays for lunch.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


The men walk to Michaels charger, lost in unhappy thoughts. INT. MICHAELS CHARGER - CONTINUOUS They get into the car. Michael grips the wheel tightly.

MICHAEL I need you to ask your buddy one more question, Sam. SAM Youre wondering if Gossards worked with any other translators that have gone missing. MICHAEL Tell him to limit the search to the last eight years. Sam pulls his phone out and starts dialing. SAM If youre right about this... MICHAEL Ive been wrong before. Michael starts the car and pulls away as-SAM (into phone) Hi, its me again. question for you. EXT. MICHAELS LOFT - DAY Michael and Sam return to find Ladan scrubbing down the inside of Sams car. Fiona watches from the stairs. SAM Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, Sam. FIONA Shes trying to help.

Got another

LADAN Chill out. You dont need anything special to clean up pepper spray. We looked it up on the web. SAM Yeah, but... Ladan sets down the LEATHER CLEANING PRODUCTS shes using.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" LADAN Fine. You dont believe me? Its not like I cant think of a zillion other things Id rather be doing.


Sam shoots Ladan a skeptical look and climbs into the car. Hm. SAM Not bad, kid. Not bad.

Sams phone rings.

He sees the ID and catches Michaels eye.

SAM (CONTD) Yeah, excuse me guys. Business. Sam closes the door of the car. Michael shoots Fiona a significant look. Fiona turns to Ladan. FIONA Lets get cleaned up. LADAN (shrewdly, to Michael) You found something, didnt you? MICHAEL (lying smoothly) Youll be the first to know. FIONA Want me to swing you by your place for some fresh clothes? LADAN I cant go back there. Child protective services... they think Asal left. I never should have told the cops she was missing. They wanted to put us in foster care after mom died because Asal wasnt eighteen yet. But she dropped out of school, got a job and convinced the judge she could take care of us. Now she works and does college part-time. I want to help but she says my job is high school. She wouldnt leave. FIONA Well find her. Come on. I have something upstairs you can wear. Fiona guides Ladan upstairs. Sam emerges from his car, grim.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" SAM Bad news, Mike. When Gossard worked in Afghanistan, he oversaw translation services. One of his guys disappeared. MICHAEL Let me guess: a few days before the first deposit into Gossards offshore account. SAM It gets worse. Remember the breakthrough the Iranians had enriching uranium around that time? IAEA got a hold of some of their research. Turns out it was our research. CIA IDed the missing translator by his handwriting. They figured he was snatched to do the job, and then... Sam gestures-- Killed. Michael frowns, thinking.


MICHAEL Do you know anyone who can put together a dummy document that could pass for top secret? Im thinking military, TS/SCI. SAM I know a guy. He can get you something by morning. But what are you planning? Even if shes still alive, hes not gonna let her go. MICHAEL I need to get something translated. Michael heads up the stairs to his loft. INT. MICHAELS LOFT - DAY Ladan closes the refrigerator, defeated. LADAN What does he do when he gets hungry for actual food? FIONA Not a fan of yogurt? Sam sighs.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" LADAN The thought of eating live bacterial cultures... (grimacing with revulsion) Asal used to make me eat it. Then one day I threw up yogurt all over the kitchen floor. It doesnt get any less disgusting coming back up. Michael enters and heads for Fiona. FIONA Ladans getting hungry. MICHAEL Should be some yogurt in the fridge. Help yourself. Michael misses Ladans wince. Tell me. FIONA


He pulls Fiona out of earshot.

MICHAEL We think Gossard is supplying disposable translators to someone with access to State secrets. FIONA Disposable...? MICHAEL When Asal finishes her translation, theyll kill her and sell the intel overseas. FIONA Why go to all that trouble? Why not just hire someone they trust to do the translation? MICHAEL If this guy gets caught hell face the death penalty for treason. Im guessing he doesnt trust anyone with his life. This way, no one sees the intel except Asal, and she cant talk if shes dead. FIONA Shes already been missing for ten days. How long does it take to...?

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL We dont have any time to waste. FIONA So what are we doing? extraction? Im in. Armed


MICHAEL We need to find her first. Im going to talk to Gossard now, you think you can keep Ladan busy? FIONA All my munitions expertise and you want me to baby-sit? MICHAEL I should be back in a few hours. FIONA You need backup. Anyone who can throw a girl away like that isnt your typical heartlessness bastard. This guys a special kind of scum. MICHAEL I can handle it, Fi. FIONA (scowling at Michael) How do you feel about French cuisine, Ladan? Michaels buying. LADAN As long as its not yogurt, Im in. Ladan closes the fridge as a TITLE slides on-screen: LADAN / ANGSTY TEENAGE GIRL. Michael digs some cash out of his wallet for Fiona. MICHAEL (sotto to Fiona) Just keep her occupied. The ANGSTY TEENAGE GIRL TITLE over LADAN gets knocked aside so it now reads: LADAN / THE CLIENT. EXT. G.L.E. - DAY Michael walks through the front door of G.L.E. in a posh designer suit and wire-frame glasses. Hes assumed the persona of JAMES MCALLISTER, a nervous, anal middleman.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" INT. G.L.E. - CONTINUOUS Michael stops at the front desk. The ADMIN looks up.


MICHAEL Im here to speak with Mr. Gossard. ADMIN Do you have an appointment, Mr...? At that moment, JACQUES GOSSARD enters the lobby trailed by another BODYGUARD. Hes a slight man, quick-witted and refined. A businessman, not a thug. Gossard looks up and a TITLE slides on-screen: GOSSARD / A SPECIAL KIND OF SCUM MICHAEL Ill make my own introduction. Michael approaches Gossard. A bodyguard blocks him firmly.

MICHAEL (CONTD) Mr. Gossard. James McAllister. I was told you were the man to see about arranging the translation of a sensitive document. GOSSARD Youve come to the right place. have several translators with government security clearances. MICHAEL No... Im sorry. Is there somewhere we can talk privately? (lowering his voice) Im authorized to make it worth your while. Gossard smiles but his eyes cut around the room. GOSSARD We make it a point of pride to accommodate all our clients, Mr. McAllister. Please follow me. Gossard leads the way. eye of the bodyguard. Michael follows, under the watchful We

INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The men enter Gossards office. The bodyguard closes the door and frisks Michael. Michael feigns indignation.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" GOSSARD A precaution. You understand. (to the bodyguard) Thank you. The bodyguard leaves.


Gossard gestures for Michael to sit.

GOSSARD (CONTD) What can I do for you, Mr. McAllister? (when Michael hesitates) You did come to me about a job? MICHAEL Yes. My employer needs a document translated into Farsi. Nothing gets through Gossards poker face. Farsi. GOSSARD And who is your employer?

MICHAEL A very private man with access to some very valuable information. Hes prepared to offer you two million dollars, but he demands a guarantee of confidentiality. GOSSARD All of our translators sign nondisclosure agreements. MICHAEL (daubing at his forehead) Im not here to contract with G.L.E., Mr. Gossard. My employer is hoping to make this deal with you. Off the books. Gossard leans back in his chair, watching Michael. tension in the room is almost palpable. MICHAEL (CONTD) Hes acquainted with someone who owes you a debt of gratitude for a job you arranged eight years ago. Overseas. My employer was hoping for the same level of discretion. GOSSARD For a man I have just met, you are making some very bold assumptions. The

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL My employer needs the services you provide. If this job goes well, there will be others. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Business deals are fundamentally the same whether youre in real estate or the illegal arms trade. Its good to get paid, but its even better to build long-term professional relationships.


Gossard studies Michael, torn between suspicion and greed. May I? MICHAEL (CONTD) Michael

Michael lifts his cell phone. Gossard nods warily. dials and holds the phone to his ear. MICHAEL (CONTD) (into the phone) Im with him now. INT. MICHAELS LOFT - CONTINUOUS Barry works on his laptop at the kitchen table. over his shoulder while Ladan watches, intent. BARRY (into his phone) Okay, Im initiating the transfer. Work fast. Best-case scenario, youll have twenty-four hours before the bank IDs the error. INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Michael hangs up and gestures at Gossards computer. MICHAEL Call it a retainer. Youll get the second half when the job is done. Gossard goes to his computer and checks his account. looks up, expression unreadable. GOSSARD I may be able to help you.

Fi leans


Gossard pulls a BLACKBERRY out of a desk drawer for Michael.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" GOSSARD (CONTD) Encrypted. In case we need to communicate about the job. Now, will you deliver the document or shall I send a courier for it? MICHAEL I travel with the document. No offense, but the fewer hands it passes through, the better. GOSSARD Your employer isnt the only man who values his privacy. The location of my facility is confidential. Its better for everyone this way. You understand. MICHAEL (V.O.) Successful business leaders know how to deliver what a client wants, even when what the client wants seems impossible. Present them with a good enough opportunity and nine times out of ten theyll be motivated to reach an acceptable compromise. MICHAEL (CONTD) So blindfold me. I stay with the document or the jobs off. Gossard walks to the window and gestures.


Michael joins him.

The window overlooks a SECURED PARKING LOT full of ARMORED TRUCKS. Michael spots the CAMERAS and MOTION-SENSORS. GOSSARD In my experience, even the most organized surveillance teams have difficulty monitoring ten vehicles at once. Each of my trucks is manned by armed guards. I also provide unmarked support teams for sensitive assignments. I will guarantee the safety and privacy of your document. (firm) I will not allow you access to my confidential facility. So you tell me, do we have a deal or not?

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (V.O.) Its easier to play hardball in a negotiation when youre willing to walk away. The higher the stakes, the weaker your position becomes. Sometimes the only thing you can do is take the deal and figure out how to make the best of it later. Michael takes Gossards offered hand and forces a smile. MICHAEL (CONTD) Ill deliver the document in the morning. END OF ACT ONE




Michael and Fiona push through a crowd of CLUBBERS and close the gate. Fiona carries a bag of electronics. They head up the stairs to Michaels front door. FIONA This is a waste of time. MICHAEL I cant put a tracker on the document, Gossard will sweep it. And hes right, we cant cover all of the trucks on our own. FIONA If hes as paranoid as you say, wont he search the trucks, too? MICHAEL The trucks are in a secured parking lot. If we can get in and out without triggering any alarms, he might just order a basic sweep. Michael stops at his door and fishes his keys out. FIONA Why cant we just tail Gossard? MICHAEL We cant bank on him leading us to the facility before Asal is killed. Fiona glances at the door-- worried that Ladan will overhear. MICHAEL (CONTD) Its okay. Sam promised hed take her to my moms for the night. FIONA That reminds me. Your mom called.

Michael sighs and opens the door-INT. MICHAELS LOFT - CONTINUOUS --to find Ladan and Sam waiting. Fiona smirks at Michael.

FIONA Looks like Sams getting payback for that pepper spray incident.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" Michael glances at Sam. Sam stands, defensive.


SAM Hey, you try wrangling Hurricane Ladan and see how well you do. LADAN So what did he say? Did he tell you where my sister is? MICHAEL Ladan, I thought we agreed youd be more comfortable at my moms place. LADAN I want to know whats happening. I know. MICHAEL

LADAN I dont need you to protect me. Im not a little kid. If you know something, tell me. MICHAEL All right. But you cant sleep here. Ill tell you everything in the car. Get your stuff. Ladan goes back for her hoodie. Fiona looks concerned.

MICHAEL (CONTD) Ive got this, Fi. Why dont you and Sam start working on the GPS trackers? Trackers? SAM We think thatll work?

FIONA Depends on how you define we. Michael steels himself. He opens the door for Ladan.

INT. MICHAELS CHARGER - NIGHT Michael drives. Ladan watches him, putting on a brave face.

LADAN Whatever it is, I can handle it. (when he hesitates) You said youd tell me everything. So...?

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL Gossard is associated with some pretty bad people. LADAN Bad like... criminals? MICHAEL Bad like traitors. People who want to sell classified information to enemy states. LADAN Asal doesnt even jaywalk. Theres no way shed take a job like that. MICHAEL Gossard didnt give her a choice. I dont... LADAN Ladan looks sick.


Michael glances at Ladan, grim.

LADAN (CONTD) You... you think theyd hurt her? MICHAEL I know it sounds impossible, but try not to think about it. Youll drive yourself crazy and it wont help your sister. (beat) Keep in mind, its not in their interest to kill her right now. Were going to get her back before that changes. They drive for a moment in silence. LADAN You know, shes never even had a real boyfriend. She says none of the guys her age know how to deal with responsibility. When she talks about responsibility shes talking about me. Ladan brushes a few tears angrily off her cheek. LADAN (CONTD) Im supposed to go to college in two years. (MORE)

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" LADAN (CONTD) Itll be the first time since mom died that Asal gets to live for herself instead of me. Michael glances at Ladan, softening. MICHAEL Im doing everything I can to bring her back, Ladan. I promise. Ladan nods, but the look she gives Michael is bleak. INT. MADELINES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Michael stands in Madelines living room, staring at a picture of TWO YOUNG BOYS-- Michael and NATE as kids. MADELINE enters and notices. Michael hears her and turns. She lights a cigarette.


MADELINE I called your place, did Fiona tell you? There was a sale on soda so I came back with a couple of flats. I thought I could stack them in the garage but its full of forty years of junk. Just piled up everywhere. Its a fire hazard. I need some shelves, Michael. MICHAEL Okay, mom. I can help you this weekend. Hows Ladan doing? MADELINE Shes got clean sheets and towels, for whatever good thatll do. Poor baby. She reminds me of Nate, right after you left for the army. MICHAEL Not exactly the same situation. No? see but she and can MADELINE Explain the difference. All I is another kid, acting tough scared to death that someone loves is going to get killed theres not a damn thing she do about it. Madeline sighs, exasperated.

Michael considers this.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MADELINE (CONTD) Look at the garage, will you? Oh, and while youre in there, theres a new bottle of shampoo by the door. Just put it in the bathroom for Ladan before you leave. Sure, Mom. MICHAEL


Madeline exits, leaving Michael alone with the photo. EXT. G.L.E. - SIDE WALL - NIGHT Fiona crouches in the shadows against a cinder block wall topped by barbed wire. Michael joins her. He has a duffle bag with him.

FIONA How positive are you about the placement of those cameras? MICHAEL Mmm... sixty percent? Well. FIONA This could get interesting.

She takes a RUBBER CAR MAT and a SAFETY LADDER from the bag. MICHAEL (V.O.) Secure parking lots arent exactly bank vaults, but the cameras and motion sensors can pose some challenges. Michael laces his fingers and gives Fiona a boost up. She hooks the safety ladder over the wall and then flips the rubber mat over the barbed wire. EXT. G.L.E. - SECURED PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Another SAFETY LADDER unrolls down the inside of the wall. MICHAEL (V.O.) Parking lot guards are generally focused on preventing theft. They tend to hang out near the entrances that are big enough for someone to drive a car through.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


Fiona climbs down the ladder and crouches behind a VAN, sheltered from the SECURITY CAMERAS and MOTION DETECTORS. A GUARD HUT sits across the parking lot. inside, watching a ball game. TWO GUARDS are

MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Guarding a parking lot is extremely boring. Most jobs require guards to make rounds every half-hour. If part of the lot is covered by motion sensors, its a good bet the guards will skip that area, counting on the motion sensors to alert them if something larger than a pigeon moves through the space. Michael joins Fiona and points out TWO MOTION SENSORS aimed at the line of ARMORED TRUCKS. MICHAEL (CONTD) There and there. FIONA You take left, Ill take right. Fiona pulls two METALLIC SHEETS out of the bag. They use them as shields while moving toward the armored trucks. The motion sensors dont react. MICHAEL (V.O.) Motion sensors work by detecting fairly rapid changes in infrared energy. It isnt too hard to find good IR-blocking material. As long as you keep it between your body and the sensor, youre basically invisible to motion detectors. Michael drops below the first armored truck and places a small GPS TRACKING DEVICE. ACROSS THE PARKING LOT Fiona finishes placing her first GPS TRACKING DEVICE. MONTAGE: Michael and Fiona place TRACKING DEVICES on all of the armored trucks. Fiona scoots out from under the last armored truck-One of the GUARDS heads toward them beyond sensor range.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (CONTD) (sotto)



Fiona turns-- and a GUST OF WIND snatches the IR-blocking material away from her. Fiona presses against the van. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Motion sensors are designed to ignore gradual infrared energy changes, like the pavement cooling off at night. Its theoretically possible to move slowly enough to avoid tripping the sensor, but I wouldnt recommend trying it once your adrenaline kicks in. The guard sees the IR-blocking material blowing past him and snaps his FLASHLIGHT on. The other guard calls from the guard hut. GUARD #2 What is it? GUARD #1 I dont know, looks like some trash. Im gonna check it out. The first guard draws his gun and walks forward. Michael sprints quietly toward Fiona, using the trucks for cover from the approaching guard. He TRIPS THE SENSOR-LIGHTS FLOOD THE SPACE. The guard is alert, but not alarmed.

Michael and Fiona dive behind the VAN thats hiding their safety ladder. They watch the guard from under the van. His legs stop in the middle of the now brightly lit space. Well? All clear. GUARD #2 GUARD #1

GUARD #2 What about the light? GUARD #1 That was me, genius. The guard looks around again, then turns and walks back.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" BACK AT THE WALL


Unseen by either guard, the safety ladder is pulled out of view, followed quickly by the rubber mat. INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - DAY Michael hands a DUMMY DOCUMENT to Gossard. in a steel briefcase and locks the case. MICHAEL Is that supposed to make me feel safe? GOSSARD I have given you my word. That should make you feel safe. Gossard walks Michael to the door. GOSSARD (CONTD) I will let you know as soon as we have results. Gossard opens the door-- a clear dismissal. INT. MICHAELS LOFT - DAY Michael enters the loft. Fiona and Sam sit at the kitchen table in front of a LAPTOP. ON-SCREEN: 10 GPS TRACKING BLIPS move over a map of Miami. MICHAEL Hows it look? SAM Theyve been driving around for two hours. Weve already logged upwards of fifty stops long enough to make a delivery. Thats a lot of doors to go knocking on. FIONA Were trying to narrow it down to places you could hold someone against their will. SAM Basically, were looking for some place thats either soundproofed or pretty remote. Michael leaves. Gossard places it

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL



Michael stares at the screen-- all the blips are stationary. MICHAEL (CONTD) What are the odds of all ten trucks making deliveries at the same time? FIONA Damn. (to Michael and Sam) Go. Ill call if anything moves. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The Charger skids to a stop at the side of a highway. Sam and Michael exit the car, both staring at an object on the ground-- A GPS TRACKING DEVICE. SAM Thats it, then. Were not going to find her this way. Michael's PHONE RINGS. He glances at the ID and answers it.

MICHAEL McAllister. INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Gossard talks into his phone, strained. GOSSARD Theres a problem with your job. We need to speak. Immediately. EXT. HIGHWAY - BACK TO SCENE Michael hangs up and heads back to the Charger. MICHAEL He wants to talk. SAM Maybe. Or maybe his bodyguards are going to do all the talking. You know, with bullets. MICHAEL Can you think of another way to find Asal? Sam follows.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


Sam reads Michaels determination-- and doesnt look pleased. SAM For the record? Not loving Plan B.

INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - DAY Michael is hustled into Gossards office by a pair of bodyguards. Gossard stands, grim. GOSSARD Blackberry. Michael doesnt move. The bodyguards rifle through his clothes for the Blackberry, find it, and toss it to Gossard. MICHAEL What happened? GOSSARD Someone came to my business last night. Someone crafty enough to evade my guards and my motion sensors. And I ask myself, whom have I met recently who showed an uncommonly keen interest in my security? Gossard holds up a TRACKER. MICHAEL You think I had something to do with that? GOSSARD I also discovered the money wired into my account last night was a bank error. Michael-- as McAllister-- adjusts his glasses nervously. MICHAEL I can explain. GOSSARD My men will see you out, Mr. McAllister. The bodyguards hustle Michael out of the room. EXT. G.L.E. - MOMENTS LATER The bodyguards march Michael out the front doors.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL This is all a misunderstanding.


Michael breaks out of their grip and runs, knocking aside some BUSINESSMEN. The bodyguards watch him run. AROUND THE CORNER Michael gets into a rented car and pulls away. A BLACK CAR follows him at a discrete distance. INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Gossard talks quietly into his cell phone. GOSSARD Eyes open. He may not be working alone. I need my house in order, gentlemen. Call me when its done. EXT. STREET - LATER Michaels rental speeds down a deserted street. follows. INT. TAIL CAR - CONTINUOUS Two of Gossards bodyguards keep a close watch on Michaels rental. The driver speaks. Get ready. BODYGUARD #1 Hes pulling over. The TAIL CAR

EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Smoke billows out from the rentals hood. Michael gets out of the car and fans smoke out of his eyes, concerned. The TAIL CAR pulls over down the road. INT. TAIL CAR - CONTINUOUS The bodyguard in the passenger seat checks the chamber of his gun while the driver scans the area. Aside from an approaching VAN, the street is clear. BODYGUARD #2 After the van. Except-AS THEY WATCH-- the van skids to a stop by Michael.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


A masked gunman jumps out and drives the barrel of his gun into Michaels ribs. Michaels hands shoot up-The gunman shoves Michael into the van, jumping in after him. The van peels out. seconds. Damn. The whole interaction takes less than 10 BODYGUARD #2 (CONTD)


EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS The van speeds down the street. UP AHEAD-Warning lights flash at a RAILROAD CROSSING as the GATE ARMS start to descend. The VAN puts on a burst of speed, shattering the gate arms. The tail car SCREECHES to a stop as a TRAIN ROARS PAST. INT. TAIL CAR - CONTINUOUS The bodyguards watch the train passing with grim expressions. BODYGUARD #1 Call Gossard. We werent the only ones watching this guy. INT. VAN - MOMENTS LATER Fiona, driving the van, glances back. FIONA You boys okay? Michael and Sam crouch on the floor. expression. SAM How much time do we have? MICHAEL My guess? Theyre going to kill her tonight. END OF ACT TWO Sam reads Michaels The tail car follows.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" ACT THREE INT. MADELINES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Ladan paces by the door.


Madeline watches her, concerned.

MADELINE Ladan, honey, are you sure I cant fix you something to eat? LADAN (hearing something) Thats them. Michael, Fiona, and Sam enter through the front door. Sam smiles cheerfully but makes a beeline for the back hallway. SAM Hey, Madeline, I need to borrow a few things from your bathroom. He vanishes into the hall. LADAN Did you find her? Not yet. MICHAEL

LADAN Well, whats taking so long? MICHAEL (struggling for patience) Its complicated. Do you have a picture of Asal I can borrow? Ladan pulls a PHOTO OF ASAL of a out of her pocket. MICHAEL (CONTD) Thatll work. (to Fiona) How fast can you make an FBI badge? FIONA That depends. Does it need a magnetic stripe? MICHAEL It just has to look real. doesnt have to work. It

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" FIONA Five minutes with a computer. But we dont have a badge printer. MICHAEL Call Barry. We need it now. LADAN What about me? I want to help.


Michael eyes Ladan, then glances at Fiona-- she understands. FIONA You can help me, Ladan. Come on.

They exit as Sam returns with RUBBING ALCOHOL and a RAZOR BLADE. He glances at Madeline, uneasy. SAM (to Michael) Where do you want to do this? MICHAEL The garage. MADELINE Michael, whats wrong? MICHAEL Its okay, Mom. Everythings under control. Michael enters the garage. blocks her path. Madeline tries to follow but Sam

SAM You dont want to watch this. MADELINE Whats the razor blade for, Sam? (off his hesitation) What are you doing to my son? SAM Theyre going to kill Ladans sister tonight. Believe me, if we had any better ideas... Madeline backs down. MADELINE I dont want to know. Just... do what you do. Find that girl.



Sam enters the cluttered garage with his scavenged supplies. Michael rips the front of his shirt, popping some buttons. SAM Your moms not too happy about this. MICHAEL Hows this look? SAM Like you got jumped in a mall parking lot. Sam opens the rubbing alcohol and sterilizes the razor blade. MICHAEL (V.O.) Making someone believe you just got cornered by a sociopathic private security contractor is a lot easier if youve got some visible wounds. Blood is helpful, and small head wounds bleed like crazy. Sam hands Michael the sterilized razor blade. Michael lifts the blade to his scalp above the hairline. takes a deep breath and cuts-Sam turns away, wincing. A thin trickle of blood runs down the side of Michaels face. Better? MICHAEL (CONTD) He

SAM Now you look like someone smashed a bottle over your head in a mall parking lot. MICHAEL (V.O.) To really sell the illusion, you need a few bruises. Those are harder to fake. Michael faces Sam, bracing. He nods-Sam shakes out his

Sam punches him high on one cheek, hard. hand, studying Michael.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" SAM Thatll leave a mark.


Oh, yeah.

Michael straightens, a dramatic bruise already forming. Okay. MICHAEL Lets do this.

INT. G.L.E. - LOBBY - DAY Gossard walks through the lobby, focused on some paperwork. He stops at the front desk. The admin looks up. GOSSARD Could you set up a meeting with Diane? Im looking at the... Someone SCREAMS-Bodyguards rush to cover Gossard. He turns to see--

Sam, dressed as his Chuck Finley persona, dragging Michael toward the front desk. A livid bruise covers one half of Michaels face, dried blood covers the other. Gossard? SAM

BODYGUARD Thats close enough. The bodyguard draws a gun on Sam. Sam stops, calm. Gossard hits the

The admin grabs the phone and dials 9-1-1. DROP button, ending the call. GOSSARD Ill handle this, thank you. The admin takes the hint and leaves. ignoring Michael for the moment.

Gossard turns to Sam,

GOSSARD (CONTD) Who are you and what do you want? I have clients in the building. Sam chuckles softly. Its creepy.

SAM We need to discuss your refund policy. Privately. Sam tosses something onto the front desk. up. Its an FBI BADGE with ASALS PHOTO. Gossard picks it



Sam shoves Michael into the office. Two bodyguards follow. Gossard, still holding the badge, enters and shuts the door. Explain. GOSSARD

SAM Im going to tell you what I know, and then Im going to tell you what were going to do about it. GOSSARD I dont respond well to threats. SAM Thats okay. I dont threaten. Ask this guy. MICHAEL (V.O.) Faking a good fight is all about selling the reactions, but you have to trust your partner. Actual physical contact should be limited for obvious reasons. Sam punches Michael. Michael drops to the ground. bodyguards glance at Gossard. He doesnt flinch. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) The sooner you end up on the ground, the sooner your partner has something else to hit. It takes a little practice, but you can stop a kick by landing the ball of your foot on the floor. Done right, it looks pretty brutal. Sam kicks Michael savagely in the stomach. Michael recoils, then lies still. Gossard studies Sam blandly. GOSSARD I have a full schedule this evening. Cut to the chase. SAM Hes an FBI agent. Agent Jalilis partner, actually. Theyve been watching you and a certain offshore account for two years. GOSSARD Im just a businessman. The

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" SAM So is my boss. He wants to protect his business, but he has a problem. You put his very sensitive information in a room with an FBI agent. Gossard gauges Sam shrewdly, unsure what to believe. SAM (CONTD) If the Feds get their hands on those pages, theyll trace them back to my boss. You do know they execute people for treason, right? GOSSARD And you think I can help you how? SAM Think of it as helping yourself. (of Michael) He says he lost her signal the day she disappeared, so theres still a chance no one knows about my boss or his information. I need to know for sure. Take me to her.


Gossard pulls out his BLACKBERRY. Sam moves toward him. The bodyguards draw their guns. Gossard smiles a frosty smile. GOSSARD No offense, but Id like to confirm you are who you say you are. SAM Sure. Contact the boss. Tell him youre having his translation worked on by an FBI agent. I dont think hell take it particularly well, but its your skin. GOSSARD Ill risk it. Gossard types into his Blackberry rapidly. MICHAEL (V.O.) The easiest way to intercept text messages is to clone the senders phone. Youll need a SIM reader to copy and transfer the card's unique cryptographic key to another phone. (MORE)

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONT'D) While highly illegal, its a simple process - unless youre dealing with military-grade encryption. Sam glances at Michael, who watches this from the floor. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) In that case, youd better hope you have a friend in law enforcement with access to a GSM Cellular Interceptor off-air system. INT. FIONAS CAR - CONTINUOUS


Fiona and Ladan sit in Fionas car across the street from G.L.E.. Fiona works over a small computer screen connected to a sophisticated receiver/transmitter box. TEXT appears on the screen. All right. FIONA Moment of truth.

LADAN Wait, I thought you said this was going to work. FIONA If it doesnt, Im going to have some very strong words for Sams friend at the Bureau. Ladan gives Fiona a worried glance. Fiona types a response into the computer. Over the ensuing text conversation... MICHAEL (V.O.) The best GSM Cellular Interceptors have built-in DSP software to determine the processing algorithms used for encryption. Once youve read a message, you can send an encrypted response back, and your real identity should go undetected. INT. G.L.E. - GOSSARDS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Gossards eyes cut to Sam sharply. Gossard licks his lips, betraying the first sign of nerves weve seen from him. Satisfied? SAM

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" GOSSARD Ill take you to my facility directly.


Sam reaches into his pocket. The bodyguards react. Sam carefully removes a cell phone and - with a withering look at the guards - dials. He tosses the phone to Gossard. SAM Give the directions to my associate. Shell meet us there. No. GOSSARD No one else.

SAM I need her. Shes a specialist. (glancing at Michael) I have a lot of questions for Ms. Jalili. Itll help if shes conscious to answer them. My methods... I tend to break things. Gossard lifts the cell phone to his ear reluctantly. Hello? GOSSARD

INT. FIONAS CAR - CONTINUOUS Fiona packs the Cellular Interceptor back into its case with Ladans help. She holds her cell phone to her ear. FIONA (in a heavy Baltic accent) Yes? Who is calling? Ladan watches her, intrigued. GOSSARD (O.S.) I have directions for you. FIONA I am listening. Fiona grabs a pen and pad off the dash and takes notes. shes done, she hangs up and hands some cash to Ladan. FIONA (CONTD) Okay, Ladan, this is where you get off. Take a cab to Madelines. But I-LADAN When

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" FIONA You want us to get Asal back safely, right? We cant do that if were looking after you, too. Ladan frowns, but after a moment she nods. LADAN Tell Michael... dont screw up. Ladan exits the car without waiting for a response. EXT. HIGHWAY - ACCESS ROAD - DAY A caravan of SUVs turns off the main access road onto a narrow trail that cuts through dense wilderness. EXT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - DAY


The SUVs park in front of a squat CEMENT STRUCTURE. Gossard exits the SUVs and greets two ARMED GUARDS in FRENCH. Sam pulls Michael out of the SUV. They eye the structure.

SAM (sotto to Michael) What is that, some kind of bunker? MICHAEL (watching Gossard) Fill know what to do. Gossard finishes with his guards and returns to Sam. GOSSARD Id like to get this over with, if you dont mind. SAM First things first. Sam pulls a gun out of his pocket and shoots Michael FOUR TIMES IN THE CHEST. Michaels eyes just barely register surprise before he hits the ground. SAM (CONTD) Been waiting to do that all day. Michael lies face down on the ground, unmoving. END OF ACT THREE

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" ACT FOUR EXT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - CONTINUOUS Gossard stares at Michaels body. GOSSARD Are you insane?! You couldnt have waited until we were inside? What? SAM


A CAR drives up the narrow road. Gossards men train their guns on the new arrival. Gossards shoulders tense. The car stops. Fiona emerges with a black bag.

SAM (CONTD) Easy, guys. Shes here to help. FIONA (in her Baltic accent) Good location, very private. Anna. SAM Thanks for making the drive.

Gossard, looking less happy by the second, waves to his men. GOSSARD Stand down. Fiona regards Michaels body and glances reprovingly at Sam. SAM Thats not a problem, is it? Fiona waves her hand, irritated, and opens the trunk of her car. Sam glances at Gossard. SAM (CONTD) Can I get a hand? (off Gossards scowl) Its fine. Ive got it. Sam drags Michael to Fionas trunk. bunker, conferring with his men. Gossard walks toward the

Fiona helps Sam roll Michael into the back of the car.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" FIONA (sotto to Michael) You might want to wash your face before your mother sees you. MICHAEL Yeah, Ill add that to my to do list. Did you see the structure? Fiona glances at the bunker and frowns. FIONA Those cement walls are a problem. Any explosive strong enough to break through might do some serious damage to whoevers on the other side. Well have to be precise. SAM No pressure.


Sam slams the trunk closed. Gossard looks up, more than a little impatient. SAM (CONTD) Lets get this party started. INT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - HOLDING CELL - MOMENTS LATER ASAL (mid-20s, a statuesque and mature version of Ladan) sits at a heavy oak table, staring at a stack of papers in front of her. A bruise darkens her cheek. The door opens and Gossard enters. ASAL I... Ive done what theyve asked. Please. I just want to go home. GOSSARD You can drop the act, Agent Jalili. We know everything. Asal looks baffled. Sam and Fiona enter behind Gossard. Fiona raises a finger to her lips and shakes her head: dont say anything. SAM (to Gossard) We can take it from here. GOSSARD Ill check on you in an hour.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" SAM



Sam shuts the door on Gossard. Asal shrinks back, terrified.

They hear the lock CLICK.

SAM (CONTD) Its okay, Asal. Were the good guys. Ladan sent us. Ladan? ASAL My little sister?

SAM She is one tough cookie. Asal looks a little stunned by this news. Fiona sets her bag on the table and dials her cell phone. FIONA (into her phone) Were with Asal now. Did you find the present I left for you? INT. FIONAS CAR - CONTINUOUS Michael lowers one of the back seats in Fionas car. He scans the area-- a PATROL disappears around the structure. Michael glances down and finds a bag of C4 BRICKS and BLASTING CAPS resting on the floor. MICHAEL Got it. Youre the expert, what do you suggest? One brick or two? FIONA (O.S.) Youd better make it three. MICHAEL Fiona... thats going to be a pretty serious explosion. INT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS Fiona turns away from Asal and lowers her voice. FIONA We get one shot at this. If its not strong enough to punch through the wall, were dead anyway.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (O.S.) Where are you going to be when it goes off? FIONA Sams working on that.


Asal and Sam drag the table to an inside corner of the room. ASAL Do you work for the government? SAM On and off. I know a lot of government guys. Does that count? ASAL I need to talk to them. The papers they made me translate... SAM Yeah. I have some buddies at the NSA wholl be real interested in hearing all about that. But we have to get you out of here first. Fiona walks to the opposite corner and holds a GPS device against the exterior wall. FIONA (into her phone) Okay, Michael. Im sending you the coordinates now. Be careful. EXT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - CONTINUOUS Michael climbs out of Fionas car and hides from another ROAMING GUARD. When hes alone, Michael takes a GPS RECEIVER out of the bag. MICHAEL (V.O.) The difference between civilian and military GPS comes down to precision. Civilian GPS is great for navigating through a city but not so great if you need to pinpoint a location within inches. Michael moves forward, referring to the receiver.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) If you dont have access to a multichip module capable of decoding the Department of Defense encrypted Precise Positioning Service signal, your best bet is to take advantage of the Nationwide Differential GPS system. This is the system used by the Coast Guard and the Federal Highway Administration. Its not combat-precise, but its close.


Michael uses the receiver to find his target point. He takes three bricks of C4 out and molds them to the buildings wall. Michael holds his cell with one hand and inserts BLASTING CAPS into the C4 with the other. MICHAEL (CONTD) Im almost done here. Are you guys ready for this? INT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS Sam and Asal flip the table onto its side and brace the legs against the back wall. SAM Okay, behind the table. Lets go.

INTERCUT BETWEEN THE GROUP IN THE ROOM AND MICHAEL OUTSIDE MICHAEL Did I just hear Sam say youre hiding behind a table? FIONA Its solid oak. And its our only option. Michaels confidence wavers. Concern clouds his eyes--

MICHAEL Fi... maybe this isnt... FIONA Give us thirty seconds then blow the charges. Fiona hangs up-- equally worried. Michael stares at his phone.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL (V.O.) Most of the time when you know a bomb is about to go off if your general vicinity, you run. If you cant run, here are a few things to keep in mind that may increase your chances of surviving the blast. IN THE ROOM


We get SLOW MOTION FRAGMENTS of whats happening inside-MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Your first concern is shrapnel. An explosion turns all sorts of things into projectiles that can kill you. Look for any large, solid object that could shield you but be careful-- if its not braced against something, the blast might send it crashing into you. Fiona and Sam pull Asal down behind the table between them. Fiona talks to a panicking Asal... we cant hear her, but Fiona gestures to her eyes and ears as she talks. Behind Asal, Sam meets Fionas eyes. OUTSIDE Michael runs for the wilderness. A small TIMER counts down from THIRTY SECONDS on the wall. MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONTD) Once youve picked your shelter, cover your ears and close your eyes. Explosions generate tremendous pressure and heat. These are amplified in closed spaces. You want to avoid being temporarily blinded or deafened, especially in situations where youll have to run. BACK IN THE ROOM Fiona, Sam, and Asal crouch together in tight balls behind the table. They clamp their hands over their ears. Asal squeezes her eyes shut. Fiona and Sam share one last look before closing their eyes-He looks grim.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" OUTSIDE The TIMER counts down 3, 2, 1-A MASSIVE EXPLOSION rocks the side of the building.


Michael reappears at the edge of the wilderness, unharmed. He runs forward-BACK IN THE ROOM Thick clouds of smoke and dust fill the space. The TABLE is cracked-- chunks of cement are embedded in its surface-- but it held. The door to the hallway has been blown off its hinges, the guard beneath it isnt moving. Michael appears in the hole in the wall. Sam and Fiona help a shaking Asal go to him. Michael notices a trickle of blood from Fionas nose. MICHAEL (CONTD) Are you hurt? Fiona gestures to her ears, frustrated-- she cant hear. Take her. FIONA

Michael nods and helps Asal through the hole. OUTSIDE Michael and Asal run for the wilderness. They hit the tree line just as-The roaming guard runs to the side of the building, gaping at the hole. He fumbles for his radio and shouts in French. BACK IN THE ROOM Gossard enters and freezes-Sam and Fiona lay in the rubble in the center of the room. GOSSARD What happened?!

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" Sam groans and rolls to his knees. Anna. SAM Get up, we have to move.


Fiona struggles to her feet. GOSSARD Wait, where is the girl?! SAM They took her! Sam and Fiona stumble out of the room. EXT. GOSSARDS REMOTE FACILITY - MOMENTS LATER Sam and Fiona burst out of the bunker. Gossard follows them.

GOSSARD You set me up! All of this... just to get the girl! Where is she? Sam and Fiona stagger to Fionas car, to shaken to answer. GOSSARD (CONTD) I leave you alone in a room with her and she disappears! You expect me to believe you are not a part of this?! Gossard pulls a gun on Sam. panic mode. Sam turns on him in full-blown

SAM Shes gone! That was a black ops team. Theyre halfway to an airlift by now! FBIs probably already on their way! Fiona revs the engine of her car. Sam opens the passenger door. Gossard grabs Sams arm, struggling to think clearly. Wait. GOSSARD Where are you going? You want

SAM Im leaving the country. my advice? Do the same. Sam gets into Fionas car. the narrow road.

She peels out, speeding back down

Gossard turns back to his smoking compound.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues"


A few guards watch from the shelter of the compounds door. GOSSARD What are you waiting for?! (in French with subtitles) Evacuate! We have to get out of here right now! The guards race for the SUVs. Gossard jumps into one, and in moments, the trucks are fleeing the scene. INT. MADELINES HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Ladan sits at the table, staring at the front door. sets a bowl of steaming soup in front of her. LADAN Not hungry. MADELINE Yeah, I gathered. It just makes me feel better to try. They hear the sound of a car pulling up. suddenly too scared to move. Ladan freezes, Madeline

Madeline squeezes Ladans shoulder, anxious for her. The door opens. Asal! Ladan runs to Asal. relaxes, relieved. Asal enters. LADAN They hold each other fiercely. Madeline

Michael, Sam, and Fiona enter. MADELINE You made it back. Just barely, by the looks of you. Yeah. SAM You mind if I...

MADELINE Beers in the fridge. FIONA Youre an angel, Madeline. Fiona and Sam exit to the kitchen.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" Madeline studies Michael, then marches to the kitchen wordlessly. Michael touches his face, remembering. MICHAEL Its not as bad as it looks, Mom. I meant to clean up before we got back here but...


Madeline returns and tosses Michael a bag of frozen peas. Here. MADELINE For the swelling.

Michael lifts the peas gingerly to his face as Sam and Fiona return, sipping their beers. Fiona looks wistful. FIONA Its good they have each other. The group watches Ladan and Asal together. off Asals cheeks. LADAN Its going to be okay. ASAL You really are growing up. LADAN Does that mean I can apply for a part-time...? ASAL Your job is high school. Ladan laughs softly. Asal gives her another hug. Ladan wipes tears

MADELINE (sotto to Michael) That girl is so lucky she ran into you. You did good. MICHAEL Thanks, Mom. Michael smiles and adjusts the frozen peas on his cheek, content to watch the sisters happy reunion. END OF ACT FOUR

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" BUTTON EXT. CARLITOS RESTAURANTE - DAY Michael and Fiona sit at a table. face is practically gone. FIONA Copenhagen. Too cold. Bora Bora. MICHAEL FIONA


The bruise on Michaels

MICHAEL Too tropical. FIONA Is Giza hot and dry enough for you? MICHAEL Come on, Fi. Its not like I could travel even if I wanted to. And this isnt your problem. FIONA If this is about Strickler, then youre in danger because of me. You killed him to save my life. MICHAEL Im the one who pulled the trigger. (when she doesnt answer) It doesnt make any sense to run when I dont know who Im running from. If things get bad, you pick the destination and Ill go. Sam joins them. SAM Just got off the phone with a buddy of mine. NSAs very impressed with Asal. They got her an in at the State Department if she still wants a job over there. Michael flips a NEWSPAPER OVER. The front page shows a PHOTO OF GOSSARD IN CUSTODY. The headline reads: FBI UNCOVERS INFORMATION TRAFFICKING RING.

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" MICHAEL Feds caught Gossard at the airport before he could make his flight. Hes going to have a hard time explaining the three bodies they dug up at his facility. SAM And all that money just languishing in an offshore account... MICHAEL Im sure the prosecutors will find a good use for it. SAM Four million dollars as evidence. Such a waste. Michaels cell phone BUZZES.


He reads a TEXT and stands.

MICHAEL Ill meet up with you guys later. FIONA What is it? MICHAEL Barry. Hes looking into something for me. I have to go. Michael leaves. Sam glances at Fiona, concerned.

SAM Did you have any luck? FIONA He doesnt see the point of running without knowing whos chasing him. SAM Yeah. That works great, right up until some stranger puts a bullet in the back of your head. Sam and Fiona sink into an unhappy silence. EXT. BARRYS PLACE - DAY Barry loads a suitcase into the trunk of his car. when Michael arrives. MICHAEL Its just me. He jumps

BURN NOTICE / "Speaking In Tongues" BARRY Its been a rough morning.



MICHAEL Whats going on? BARRY Look, this number... when I ran it, I tripped some serious red flags. MICHAEL Yeah? Did you learn anything I might be able to use? BARRY Did I...? No. I didnt learn anything. I killed the search and shut down my system. I dont know where you got this, but it feels a lot like bait, if you know what Im saying. (off Michaels frown) Someone was expecting that search. They were watching for it. MICHAEL Barry, I never would have asked you to look into this if I thought it would put you in danger. BARRY No, no, I know. Im heading north for a little while, just in case. Barry hands the scrap of paper back to Michael. BARRY (CONTD) Here. Take my advice. Burn this and forget you ever saw it. Michael folds the paper and puts it in his pocket. BARRY (CONTD) And watch your back. Whoevers out there, its a good bet they know youre looking for them now. Barry gets into his car. The engine shudders to life. pulls out of the driveway. Michael watches Barry drive away, troubled. END OF EPISODE Barry

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