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Issue Her memoir

Amandas experience and viewpoints She wrote it to.


Amanda had a secret struggle with this, since college. She wants people to know that

She feels that it isnt something to be embarrassed about, but

Photo shopping

The things they changed in her pictures made her feel .

It caused her to try

Eating disorder

Amanda fought against purging and starving herself. She would not have stopped doing this if it had affected her swimming, because she wanted to be

Becoming a mother


She used to feel stupid because

Therapy has helped her

[diagram 1a my secret life Exercise F]

Verb embarrassment fake amount begrudge envy reveal accident expect



[diagram 2a my secret life Exercise G]

Summary Keywords - appreciation - to underpin - vultures: useful Summary in sentences Nature underpins everything we do. That is explained in an appreciative book by Tony Juniper. They eat the carcasses of the dead animals.

- anti-inflammatory drug - rise in wild dogs: rabies

Because the farmers used this drug, more vultures died. The number of wild dogs rose and so did the number of rabies infections.

- tampering with nature dangerous

Nature does a lot to us, because When one tugs at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

- Juniper: nature does a great deal 5 - spiritual importance - economic value Nature has inspired a lot of artists and writers through ages and theres a view that economic development is held back and growth slowed, but this is definitely not true.

- resources: water, plants, oxygen - protection: flooding

Nature underpins our productivity and our fecundity. It replenishes fresh water supplies and provides us with plants for food or farmaceuticals. Peat bog soak up rainwater that would otherwise cause flooding.

- soil: stores water, grows food - deforestation and erosion: dangerous

More than 90% of our food is grown in soil. Deforestation and erosion already lead to the loss of the Mayan, Easter Island and other civilisations.

- no place to move - see nature for what it really is

We have no place to move from this biosphere, so we have to keep nature clean and see what it really does for us.

[diagram 3a What has nature ever done for us? Exercise E]

What nature does for us cattle:






[diagram 4a What has nature ever done for us? Exercise F]

Examples of what we do to nature what we do Use of result

in cattle. We strip .

Destruction of

[diagram 5a What has nature ever done for us? Exercise F]

Who? A government report (line 4, line 10)

What do they talk about / comment on? Beauty pageants and children's lingerie She has called for the outlawing of young models in advertising campaigns. Letting Children be Children

In brief, what do they say about this? They want to combat, what it describes as hyper-sexualition of children. She wants these banned too because she fears that they do psychological harm to children. The want to exclude sexual imagery from childrens daily live by tighter control on advertising and prewatershed television schedules. They say, that the young models were simply dressing up like maman. She said, that the only thing that hocked her, was the three million euros necklace They found them demeaning It affect mostly girls and causes psychological damage that is irreversible.

Chantal Jouanno (line 14, line 89)

British report (line 52)

Vogue (line 65) Veronica Loubry (line 70)

The defend the critisismes She defends the phototgraphs

Most French mothers (line 75) Specialists involved in the research (line 82)

The images of blondeau Precocious sexualisation

[diagram 6a mini-miss Exercise F]



are thrifty.

Black people

are stupid.

are not so good at sports. Blondes are clever and geeky. Dutch people are bad drivers. The French are good at sports. All gay men are depressed. Girls are rude and lazy.



are romantic.


are effeminate.

[diagram 7a HIV+ Exercise C]

SUMMARY Paragraph 1 Summary Edo Zollo took pictures of lots of people who are living with HIV. He started this project after

During this period,

Although it turned out Zollo

he became interested

Worldwide In the UK Because of improved treatments, .


[diagram 8a HIV+ Exercise E]

Factsheets Edo Zollo Age: Nationality: Project: Job: Lives in:


Personal characteristics:

Zollos project Name: Time taken: Number of people: Gemmas story: End result: Number of photographs:

Maurices story:

HIV / Aids One of the first people to die: Infected people worldwide: Infected people in the UK: Victims worldwide: Treatment:

[diagram 9a HIV+ Exercise F]


Neil Armstrong

The first animal to orbit the Earth

Yuri Gagarin

Galaxy in which Earth is located

Apollo 13

The first Dutch man in space


Largest planet in our Solar System

Wubbo Ockels

The first person to walk on the moon


Movie based on a space flight that nearly went wrong The first man in space

Milky Way


Inhabited satellite that orbits Earth

[diagram 10a mishaps in space Exercise C]

Summary Mishaps in space Introduction Astronauts are aware of

However, sometimes ..

Three of these are described in this article.

The inflated spacesuit

Alexey Leonov was the first man to spacewalk. However, he .

He solved this by .

This made it possible

The ammonia-man

Robert Curbeam was covered in liquid ammonia after

He had to

while the suns heat caused the ammonia to evaporate.

The dropped tool bag

Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper realised

She tried to clean it up,

It drifted away into space and .

[diagram 11a mishaps in space Exercise E]

Incidents in space

Happened to: What went wrong?


How was it solved?

[diagram 12a mishaps in space Exercise F]

Nouns and verbs Noun Remain Verb Both Restrict Noun Verb Both









[diagram 13a mishaps in space Exercise I]

Paragraph 1

Summary Hayley Okines is different from other 14-year-olds. She is small, has no hair and fragile skin and bones. However, she is an inspirational person.

[diagram 14a progeria Exercise E]

Fact sheet





- sister: - mother:




[diagram 15a progeria Exercise F]

Donald and Sophies story What happens Donald and Sophie are

They spot

They wonder what to do


The man says He smells

Other people . They suggest

The man is

The emergency services are called and

Donald and Sophie

[diagram 16a dare not to be indifferent Exercise F]

Matching: synonyms

To mumble

Not caring


To get

Glance To obtain To welcome To notice To murmur Instance Case Peek To stare Indifferent To realise

To approach

To gaze


To receive

To come closer

[diagram 17a dare not to be indifferent Exercise I]

building / level building 1, level 1

theme Porsche


[diagram 18a sultan of luxury Exercise E]

[diagram 19a sultan of luxury Exercise F]

date (if given) early 1990s

What happened?



The X games moved swiftly into the mainstream, generating interest from multimilliondollar sponsors.


[diagram 20a X games Exercise F]

vocabulary to covet him his pleasures

an unconventional

the outcome of the game

a trick pass through all the others to begrudge someone elses job to react the woods a wonderful baseball to perform way of thinking

to predict

to play

swiftly and adequately

to surpass


[diagram 21a X games Exercise H]

state nicknames


The District


Bluegrass State

The Empire State District of Columbia Grand Canyon State Hawaii The Great Lakes State Kentucky Mount Rushmore State Michigan The Golden State New York Aloha State

South Dakota

[diagram 22a X games Exercise L]


target audience:

examples of classes:


ideas presented:

attended by:

reason for popularity:

[diagram 23a Russia: the millionaire hunters Exercise F]

NOUN move



admiring to imperil instructive toil loveless power award respected target

[diagram 24a Russia: the millionaire hunters Exercise J]

Aspect: Where can they be found? The kind of food sold: What the customers look like: What the waitresses look like: How they advertise their restaurant / the message sent out by the restaurant: The kind of person founding the restaurant:

Most burger restaurants: Just about all over the country - they're often chains.

Heart Attack Grill:

They aren't required to wear any special outfit.

Regular managers, mainly - or people, like the founders of Friendly's, who just start out as a small ice-cream parlour and then gradually become bigger chains of restaurants.

[diagram 25a Heart attack grill Exercise E]

Oliver James School performance

Steve Biddulph


Family situation

Sexual pressure

Eleanor School performance




Family situation

Sexual pressure

[diagram 26a the ticking teenage timebomb Exercise F]

[diagram 27a One Mile Away Exercise E]

Name: Tobeijah Atkinson (The Rev) - line 11) Simeon 'Zimbo' Moore (line 15) Penny Woolcock (line 26) Mattias 'Shabba' Thompson (line 27) Dylan Duffus (line 28) Letisha Shakespeare (line 119)

Who is this person? To which gang does he/she belong, if any?

Reason he/she is mentioned in the article:

[diagram 28a One Mile Away Exercise F]

Name: Vila Cruzeiro (line 11)

Where is this place, or who is this person?

Why is this place or person relevant for the article?

Germantown (line 19)

Santa Marta (line 31)

Berlin (line 47)

Tim Lopes (line 13)

Piet Mondrian (line 37)

New York (line 69)

Nanko van Buuren (line 93)

[diagram 29a ghetto fabulous Exercise E]

[diagram 30a ghetto fabulous Exercise F]

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