Group Technology: Group Technology Is The Manufacturing Technique Where The Parts Which

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Ravindu C 34

Test 3

Q.1) Group Technology : Group technology is the manufacturing technique where the parts which have similar shapes or design , the process and the functions are assembled together. It is based on the principle that similar problems have a same solution which indirectly saves time and efforts.

Demand Forecasting : Demand forecasting is the activity of estimating the demand of the market. This involves two types of technique. First is the qualitative technique and the other one is the quantitative techniques. The qualitative techniques include the guesses and it is done informally. Methods involved in this technique are Delphi technique where experts views are taken individually. Other methods are game theory and market prediction. The quantitative techniques include various time series methods like moving average method , exponential smoothing method etc

Q.2) Importance of production planning and control : Production planning and control is necessary for any organization for achieving higher productivity efficiently. As compared to manufacturing industry the function of Production

planning and control is much difficult in the service industry. It is very important to plan the requirements that are going to be needed. The importance of PPC are as follows : Proper Production planning and control ensures that the capacity is utilized optimally as it helps in accurate scheduling of tasks and therefore ensuring that the capacity does not remain idle and there eliminating the problem of queuing . It also helps in controlling the inventory levels. As the PPC can help in applying the JIT technique so as to reduce the inventory. It helps in reducing the cycle time and thus increase the productivity which indirectly saves the cost . A good Production planning and control will ensure in maintaining the quality. So in short the Production planning and control proves to be a valuable function which helps the industries in proper capacity utilization and inventory control and also it improves the response time and quality. These are the reasons that shows the importance of Production planning and control in any business. The Production planning and control if applied in an educational institute will help reducing the cost of maintenance. Proper PPC will help in capacity utilization ie. Filling up seats to its maximum capacity will be the first priority. Before that a demand forecast will be done on the basis of market scenario. Planning of facilities to the students is also necessary. After the seats get filled proper scheduling is very much necessary for the smooth functioning of the organization. Looking at the inventory levels is also important like the inventory of chairs and tables. The inventory related to the books and its availability. Maintaining the quality of education is the most important function in the service industry.

Thus the PPC in an educational institute will help in utilizing the maximum capacity by proper planning and forecasting as well as by scheduling the tasks thus reducing the time and inventory levels.

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