SDR Commisioning Guide

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The commissioning of the SDR include 3 parts data configuration IP related config Radio data configuration physical data

ata configuration
Notes: we should finish all 3 parts preparation before we commission the SDR. First of allwe should make a planyou should knowthere are 3 kinds of board which is most importantDTB board for transmissionEIPI(logic name is EUIP) board for dealing with HDLC protocoland GUP2logic name in Abis is BIPB2for IP protocol. 1) You should know that one DTB board can support 32 E1s.and one EIPI(EUIP) can deal with HDLC protocol for 64 E1s so 2 DTB boards can be used for one EIPI(EUIP). Because all the SDR sites has no more than 12S444carriers for HTG,every SDR with 1 E1 transmission is enough.2 DTB and 1 EIPI(EUIP) can be used for 64 SDR sites.


DTB board configuration.


EUIP configuration

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Notes:you can see the follow first picture,the EUIP 2MHW No. is from 9~72,64 in total,but the DT PCM No. is from 9~40,32 in when the pcm of 232 DTB is used up,we should change the DT Unit No, to 233 DTB.For example,use PCM 9 of 233 DTB to corresponding EUIP 2MHW No. 41 in sequence. Every SDR must have one HDLC no. according to our situation.


BIPB2 configuration.

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BIPB2s hardware name is GUP2.and one BIPB2 supports 15 DSP.We should configure all DSP as IP support for SDR IP protocol dealing withone DSP can deal with 28 carriers at most,you should calculate and make every DSPs payload in average as possible as you can.

When we finish all data configuration we talked before we are ready to configure IP related config.and before we configure this,we should make a data plan,below is an example for reference.

IP related config
Below is a simple topology between SDR and our IBSC board.


Add EUIP IP for SDR gateway.

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Add IP Over E1 configuration Please fill in the port No. and HDLC No. according to our SDR data plan sheet.

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Add PPP configuration

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Add IP Abis Bandwidth Resource Pool

Radio data configuration Physical data configuration

1. The method to configure SDR physical data We can use our batch configure tool to finish SDR physical data configuration first we use our excel template batch configure many SDRthe we use our tool to convert and create some xml format physical from excel template file.then we import the xml format file to our server for new SDR commission.

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The method to commission our new SDR Our SDR dispatched very earlyso the SDR default version is a little oldwe should make a big version upgrade when we commission the new SDR sitewe should use 2 server to do it.we use syncretic iOMCR+OMCB server called ISMG first to create a SDR management element to link SDR automaticly then upgrade the SDR interim versionload the SDR physical data configuration at the same time Then we use separate OMCB server to create the SDR management elementlink and upgrade the SDR final version.Below is the method to commission our new SDR. Create SDR management element from ISMG

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Import SDR physical configuration data here.

Picture 2.1.2

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Picture 2.1.3

Picture 2.1.4 Create SDR management element from separate OMCB

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Picture 2.2.1

Picture 2.2.2 Below picture,we just import 1 SDR physical configurationyou can also import many SDR physical configuration at the same time

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Picture 2.2.3 When you successful import the datathe SDR management element in OMCB will be created

Double click new config ser we imported,and switchover the new data as master config set.

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From now on,all the 3 parts data configuration of one SDR is finished we start to commission this new SDR site.
Step 1:
Firstaccording to our SDR data plan sheet,you should find out which DTB we use to connect this new SDRand then find out which E1 in this DTB we use to connect this new SDR,For examplewe can find out that PCM 10 on DTB 232 used to connected site 2,(PCM 10 means 2th E1 on DTB,DTB pcm range from 9~40,corresponding to E1 1~32)

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Step 2:
Open the Fault management from ISMG,and right click IBSCwe can open the alarm rack.and then we should found the 232 DTB,which we used its PCM 10 (2th E1) to connect new SDRthen we right click to Show Current Board Alarm. Below is the picture

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Because PCM 10 2th E1 is used to connect site2 according to our SDR data plan,if the E1:10 alarm disappear,that means the E1 for our site2 is OK. Step 3:
Change to configuration management from ISMG,we can found the SDR management element is already linked automaticly.

Step 4:
Open Base Station software managemant

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Plese follow the steps in the picture,and click the button for download version.

When you click the buttonthe interface will be like below picture,click ok:

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After you click ok buttonthe interface will be like thisselect the SDR you are ready to commisionand right click to download version

When you finish click Package Downloadclose this window,and check the rate of progress.

If the download is finishedthat will be display success.

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Step 5:
Active the version.

When you finish version activation from ISMG,the SDR will restart,and change to link with OMCB.

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Step 6:
Change to check SDR management element from OMCB.

Step 7:
Open Base Station Softeware Management from OMCBand follow the the way as the picture show to download the final version to SDR.

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Click OK.

Right click to download.

Close the Download interfaceand go to check the rate of progress

When the version download is finished,click the button for version activation:

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Right click to active the version

If the package activation operation failit doesnt matterwe can open configuration management from OMCB and do the Synchronzie All Tables operation to this SDR,later,the SDR will restart and also active the version itself.(The function of Packege activation operation is also to make SDR restart and active the version)

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Wait some minutesAfter SDR restart ,the SDR will link with OMCB againwe can open Fault management from OMCB to check alarms about this SDR,we can see some board is initialing at the beganning,we should wait until all board alarms disappear,then that SDR will be OK,

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