Agenda - Regular Meeting of Township Council - 20 Jul 2009

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REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL - 20 Jul 2009 - Html 18/07/09 10:23 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Fraser River Presentation Theatre
4th Floor, 20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley, BC


1. Regular Council Meeting - July 6, 2009

Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held July 6,
July 6, 2009 Regular Council Minutes.pdf

1. Country Celebration/Experience the Fraser Presentation
File 0550-10

Metro Vancouver to provide a presentation on the Country Celebration at Campbell Valley

Regional Park and Experience the Fraser project.

Clerk's Note: Council approved a presentation at the July 6, 2009 Special Meeting of Council.


1. Development Permit Application No. 100578
(Phoenix Construction Systems Ltd.)
Report 09-104
File CD 08-22-64

Recommendation that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit

No. 100578 to Phoenix Construction Systems Ltd. for Lot 37, Section 22, Township 8 New
Westminster District Plan BCP20221, subject to the following conditions:

a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “N”;
b) Landscaping, plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “O” and “P”, and in
compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment program, to the
acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development;
c) Landscaping, Playground/Child Friendly Amenity Area and Greenway design and
construction details to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage to the Page 1 of 11
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acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development;

d) Provision of final tree retention, protection and replacement plans in accordance with the
Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and
e) Greenway landscaping to be in substantial compliance with Schedule“Q” and provide details
for crossing of the bio-ditch, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks, Design and
f) Signage to be in substantial compliance with Schedule “H”.

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to
issuance of a building permit the following items need to be finalized:

g) Provision of a site specific on-site servicing and stormwater management plan, to the
acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering;
h) Provision of a site specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the
Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, to the acceptance of the General Manager of
i) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees, and Development Cost

Explanation from the proponent.

Submissions regarding Development Permit No. 100578 from the public.

Phoenix Construction Systems DP.pdf


1. Rezoning Application No. 100331
(Chantelle Management Ltd.)
Bylaw No. 4763
Report 09-111
File CD 08-34-0066

That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4763 rezoning a 0.23 ha (0.58 acre) lot
located at 9102 – 196A Street from General Industrial Zone M-2 to Comprehensive
Development Zone CD-14 to permit continued operation of an office use in a multi-tenant
industrial building; and further

That Council authorize staff to schedule the required public hearing.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4763

Bylaw No. 4763 rezones property located at 9102 - 196A Street from General Industrial Zone M-
2 to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-14 to permit office uses.

Chantelle Management RZ.pdf

2. Rezoning and Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. 100067
Development Permit No. 100580 Page 2 of 11
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(Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.)

Bylaw 4756
Bylaw 4757
Report 09-105
File CD 08-25-0077

That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4756 to amend the Willoughby
Community Plan and Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, and Bylaw No. 4757 rezoning 2.0ha (5.0
acres) of land located at 20984-83 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 to
facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units, subject to the following
development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading;
1. Completion of a Servicing Agreement with the Township confirming servicing capacities and
securing required road and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the
Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw;
2. Provision of road dedication, widenings, truncations and necessary intersection
improvements at 83 Avenue and 209B Street (including securing a one (1) metre road
widening for 83 Avenue, an 11 metre dedication for 81A Avenue and a 22 metre dedication
for 209B Street complete with adequate truncations) in accordance with the Subdivision and
Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering.
3. Compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General
Manager of Engineering.
4. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470
including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement
and protection details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development.
5. Provision of a 4.5 metre wide greenway dedication and construction along 83 and 81A
Avenues to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development, including final
acceptance of greenway design, landscape details and security;
6. Completion of on-site landscape plans to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design
and Development;
7. Compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements to the acceptance of the Manager
of Parks Design and Development;
8. Registration of a restrictive covenant prohibiting parking on internal streets (other than in
clearly identified parking spaces) and prohibiting garages from being developed for purposes
other than parking of vehicles;
9. Provide, in accordance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, a minimum of 5% of the units
to be adaptive housing in accordance with Council’s Adaptable Housing Policy;
10. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy; and
11. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning, Site Servicing and ISDC review fees, and
supplemental Rezoning and Development Permit Application fees; and further

That Council at the time of final reading of Bylaws 4756 and 4757 authorize the issuance of
Development Permit No. 100580 for the proposed development subject to the following

a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “J”;
b) On-site landscaping plans in substantial compliance with Schedule “K” and in compliance
with the Township’s Tree Protection and Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment policies,
subject to final acceptance by the Manager of Parks Design and Development; and
c) Signage plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “L” and the Township’s Sign Page 3 of 11
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Bylaw; and

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to
issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized:

d) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees;

e) Payment of applicable development cost charges and Building Permit
Administration Fees; and
f) Submission of a site specific stormwater management plan including siltation control to the
acceptance of the Township.

That Council authorize staff to schedule the required Public Hearing in conjunction with
Development Permit No. 100580.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4756

Bylaw No. 4756 amends the Willoughby Community Plan by amending the land use plan from
ʻMixed Residentialʼ to ʻMulti Familyʼ, and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan from ʻMixed
Residentialʼ to ʻTownhouseʼ for a 2.0 ha (5.0 acre) site located at 20984-83 Avenue to facilitate
the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4757

Bylaw No. 4757 rezones 2.0 ha (5.0 acres) of land located at 20984 - 83 Avenue to
Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 to facilitate the construction of one hundred and two
(102) townhouse units.
Royale-North RZ OCP Amend DP.pdf
3. Neighbourhood Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application RZ100327
(QC Holdings)
Bylaw No. 4767
Bylaw No. 4768
Report 09-107
File CD 08-23-0108

That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4768, (and accompanying Yorkson
Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4767) rezoning 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land
located at 20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street,
to Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-78) to facilitate the first project in the Willoughby
Town Centre, subject to the following development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final

1. In accordance with Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan requirements:

a. Provide an overall layout plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase including roads,
greenways, environmental setbacks and land use to the acceptance of the Director of
Community Development;
b. Provide an overall layout plan for the Willoughby Town Centre Area including interim and
ultimate road alignments, parking areas, access driveways, greenways and other public
amenities to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; and
c. Provide an overall stormwater detention plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase and Page 4 of 11
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secure an adequately sized community stormwater detention pond(s) to service the

Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering.
2. Completion of a Servicing Agreement (and phased restrictive covenants, where required)
with the Township to secure required road construction and utility upgrades and extensions
in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, and
Yorkson Engineering Services Plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of
Engineering; and greenway construction details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks
Design and Development;
3. Completion of a Development Works Agreement (if required) securing off-site servicing to the
Southwest Phase, as required by the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the
Director of Community Development;
4. Completion of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the Erosion and
Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering;
5. Provision of the necessary traffic improvement details in accordance with the Township’s
Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 3650 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood
Plan, to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering and the Director of
Community Development, including:
a. Final completion of a Traffic Impact Study including provision of recommended road
dedication, widenings and necessary traffic improvements;
b. Securing road dedications of 10.2 metres for 208 Street, 9.7 metres for 80 Avenue, 16.0
metres for 206A Street and 24.3 metres for the proposed High Street;
c. Completion of a Road Closure Bylaw for the un-constructed portion of 79 Avenue south of
the existing Willoughby Elementary School and for the un-constructed portion of 78
Avenue south of Lot 2, Plan 82374; and
d. Registration of an all purpose right-of-way over the internal strata roads and greenlink for
municipal services and public access;
6. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470
including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement
and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development;
7. Final completion of landscape plans and details in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw No.
2500 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks
Design and Development including:
a. Dedication and provision of security for the construction of a 4.5 metre greenway, or
equivalent, along the 208 Street and 80 Avenue frontages, including final acceptance of
greenway design plans, sidewalk/trail alignment, and landscaping details;
b. Completion of on-site landscape plans for the first phase of development including
greenlink plans and compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements; and
c. Compliance with the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy including payment of
applicable greenway amenity fee;
8. Compliance with the requirements of the Streamside Protection Bylaw and the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans with respect to:
a. Final completion of an overall environmental protection/compensation plan for the
Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the DFO;
b. Dedication of environmental compensation areas to the Township for conservation
purposes (where required);
c. Registration of non-disturbance restrictive covenants (where required);
d. Section 35 (HAAD) authorizations being obtained (where required);
9. Compliance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, requiring that a minimum of 5% of the
units incorporate flex and universal housing requirements ( i.e. adaptive housing);
10. Submission of detailed Development Permit drawings and schedules for the first phase of Page 5 of 11
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development that are consistent with the Town Market Commercial and Town Market Mixed
Use Development Permit Guidelines; to the acceptance of the Director of Community
11. Provision of a CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) review of the first
phase of development by a qualified CPTED professional (in consultation with the Langley
RCMP), to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development, including
incorporation of the CPTED recommendations into the final development plans;
12. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning Administration fees, Parks Design and
Development Administration fee, Site Servicing Review fee, Development Works Agreement
fee and remaining rezoning fees; and
13. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy; and further

That Council authorize staff to schedule the required public hearing for Bylaws No. 4767 and

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4767

Bylaw No. 4767 amends the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan to allow large format retail uses in the
Town Market Mixed use designation and to allow the development of a limited number of
residential units in the Town Market Area without first securing an Elementary School /
Neighbourhood Park site for the Southwest Phase, in order to facilitate the construction of a
multi-phase, mixed use, residential, retail, and office project.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4768

Bylaw No. 4768 rezones 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land located at 20622 and 20682 – 80
Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street in the Willoughby Town Centre, to
Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78 to facilitate the construction of a multi-phase, mixed
use, residential, retail, and office project.
QC Holdings RZ OCP Amend.pdf
4. Rezoning and Community Plan Amendment Application No. 100066
Development Permit No. 100577
(Parklane Ventures (50 Avenue) Ltd.)
Bylaw No. 4760
Bylaw No. 4761
Report 09-106
File CD 11-06-0182

Recommendation that Council give first and second reading to Rezoning Bylaw No. 4761 (and
accompanying Murrayville Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4760) rezoning 3.37 ha (8.33
acres) of land in the 21800 block of 50 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-33 to
facilitate development of 146 strata townhouse units, subject to the following development
prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading:

1. Applicant entering into a Servicing Agreement with the Township to secure required road and
utility upgrades and extensions including on-site stormwater detention in accordance with the
Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General
Manager of Engineering, and greenway construction details and security to the acceptance
of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; Page 6 of 11
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2. Provision of road dedications (completion of 218A Street, west half of 220 Street, and 50
Avenue connector road) in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development
Control Bylaw, to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering;
3. Compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General
Manager of Engineering;
4. Provision of a geotechnical analysis and report to the acceptance of the Director of
Community Development in support of the proposed development;
5. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470
including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement
and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development;
6. Final completion of detailed landscape plans for the on-site landscape works, construction of
greenways and Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements, to the acceptance of the Manager
of Parks Design and Development;
7. Consolidation of lands on either side of 50 Avenue into two separate parcels to
accommodate development plans;
8. Registration of a covenant prohibiting parking on internal strata roadways (other than in
clearly identified parking spaces) and prohibiting garages from being developed for purposes
other than parking of vehicles;
9. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy;
10. Payment of supplemental Rezoning Application fee, Integrated Site Design Concept (ISDC)
Review fee, and Site Servicing Review fee.

That Council at time of final reading of Bylaw No. 4761 authorize issuance of Development
Permit No. 100577 subject to the following conditions:

a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “U”;
b) Final on-site landscaping plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “V” and in
compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw, Child Friendly Amenity Area
requirement and Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment policy, subject to final acceptance of
the Manager of Parks Design and Development;
c) On-site landscaping to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage;
d) Section 107.3a.ii) of Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 being varied to
require a total of 354 parking spaces (rather than 361 parking spaces); and further

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to
issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized:

e) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; and

f) Payment of applicable development cost charges and Building Permit Administration Fees;

That Council authorize staff to schedule the required public hearing for the Community Plan
amendment and Rezoning Bylaws in conjunction with Development Permit No. 100577.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4760

Bylaw No. 4760 amends the Murrayville Community Plan by redesignating three lots with a
total area of 1.77 ha / 4.37 acres (located on the north side of the 21800 block of 50
Avenue) and a portion of Lot 26, Plan 33872 (located north of the proposed connection of
50 Avenue and 220 Street) from “Single Family Two” to “Multi Family One”. The bylaw also
designates the lands as part Development Permit Area A. The amendment will facilitate
development of 146 strata townhouse units. Page 7 of 11
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development of 146 strata townhouse units.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4761

Bylaw No. 4761 rezones five properties with a total area of 3.37 ha (8.33 acres) located in the
21800 block of 50 Avenue from Suburban Residential SR-1 to Comprehensive Development
Zone CD-33 to permit development of 146 strata townhouse units.
Parklane 50 Ave RZ.pdf




1. Fees and Charges Bylaw 2007 No. 4616 Amendment Bylaw
Bylaw No. 4762
Report 09-97
File FIN 1810-20

Recommendation that Council give final reading to the "Langley Fees and Charges Bylaw 2007
No. 4616 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4762".

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4762

Bylaw No. 4762 amends the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2007 No. 4616 and its amendments, to
add new fees to Recreation, Culture, and Parks Cemetery Fees and Charges - Schedule 1 and
Fire Division Fees and Charges – Schedule 7; to address new or enhanced municipal services,
and continues the consolidation of the Township of Langley’s various fees and charges bylaws.
Fees and Charges Bylaw 2009_No. 4762.pdf
2. Langley Cemetery Bylaw 1994 No. 3202 Amendment Bylaw
Bylaw No. 4765
Report 09-98
File RCP 3900-20

Recommendation that Council give final reading to "Langley Cemetery Bylaw 1994 No. 3202
Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4765".

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4765

Bylaw 4765 revises the Langley Cemetery Bylaw 1994 No. 3202 to remove all references to
Fees and Charges. These changes will be effective the day following adoption of Amendment
Bylaw 2009 No. 4765.

All references to Fees and Charges pertaining to cemetery operations can now be found in
Corporation’s Fees and Charges Bylaw.
Langley Cemetery Bylaw Amendment.pdf Page 8 of 11
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3. Fire Prevention Bylaw 2005 No. 4410 Amendment Bylaw

Bylaw No. 4766
Report 09-103
File FIN 3900-20

Recommendation that Council give final reading to "Fire Prevention Bylaw 2005 No. 4410
Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4766".

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4766

This Bylaw repeals and replaces Fire Prevention Bylaw 2005 No. 4410 by deleting Schedule
“A” Fees and Charges – Cost Recovery and other housekeeping amendments. The primary
focus is to regulate fire prevention and suppression, specifically dealing with fire risks, alarms,
hazardous activities, fire emergency planning, signage, egress, flammable and combustible
liquids, fire hydrants and connections, open air burning, fees and costs, and enforcement.
All references to Fees and Charges pertaining to fire prevention can now be found in the Langley
Fees and Charges Bylaw.
Fire Prevention Bylaw.pdf
4. Rezoning Application No. 100304
Development Permit No. 100532
Bylaw No. 4657
(Vo / Tran)
Report No. 08-73
File CD 08-23-0106

Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987
No. 2500 Amendment (Vo / Tran) Bylaw 2008 No. 4657”.

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4657

Bylaw No. 4657 rezones a 0.2 ha (0.5 acre) parcel located at 7211 – 202A Street to Residential
Compact Lot Zone R-CL to accommodate a single family subdivision of approximately 4 lots.

Development Permit No. 100532

Recommendation that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit

No. 100532 (Vo / Tran) for property located at 7211 - 202A Street in accordance with
Attachment B subject to the following condition:

a) an exterior design control agreement shall be entered into for all Residential
zoned lands ensuring that building design and site development standards
are high quality, consistent and compatible with other lots and development.

Clerk's Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division
report to Council of April 28, 2008 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public
Hearing for the Bylaw was held on May 12, 2008 with third reading given on May 26, 2008. In accordance
with Council policy, staff advises that the public hearing for the Bylaw was held more than a year prior to the
proposed final reading date. Although resolution of the development prerequisite items was on-going and the
on-site rezoning sign remained in place, the Bylaws were delayed by resolution of servicing agreement Page 9 of 11
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matters which were complicated due to works being done adjacent to the site associated with the realignment
project for the 72 Avenue / 202A Street intersection.

Vo Tran_Rezoning Application 100304 Development Permit 100532.pdf

5. Rezoning Application RZ100261
Development Permit DP100455
(Platinum - Phase 2)
Report 08-29
File CD 08-25-0074

Recommendation that Council give final reading to "Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987
No. 2500 Amendment (Platinum - Phase 2) Bylaw 2008 No. 4595".

Explanation - Bylaw No. 4595

Bylaw No. 4595 rezones property located at 21097– 80 Avenue,

21133 – 80 Avenue, 21130 – 81A Avenue and 21174 – 81A Avenue to Residential Compact Lot
Zone R-CL (A), Residential Compact Lot Zone R-CL (B) to accommodate the subdivision of
approximately seventy (70) fee simple single family lots and Comprehensive Development Zone
(CD-67) to accommodate the creation forty (40) fee simple row house units.

Development Permit DP100455

Recommendation that Council authorize the issuance of Development Permit DP100455

(Platinum – Phase 2) for the proposed single family development subject to the following

a) an exterior design control agreement shall be entered into for all Residential
Compact Lot (R-CL (A) and R-CL(B)) zoned lands, ensuring that building
design and site development standards are high quality, consistent and
compatible with other lots and development, and conform to the single family
development permit guidelines contained in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan

i. no residential units shall back onto a public road or street greenway

other than 212 Street between 76 and 80 Avenues;
ii. Where a single family lot abuts an arterial road or a street greenway
vehicular access and parking shall be provided via a rear lane or any
other vehicular access from the rear of the property while retaining the
front pedestrian access of the building facing the street;
iii. Homes must have a pitched roof and shall have architectural grade roof
material, including ridge caps and shadow lines; and

b) section 405.9 of the Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw, 1987, is varied so that the minimum
lot depth of lot 82 and lot 83 is reduced from 25.0 metres to 23.0 metres to accommodate the
211 Street road alignment and the adjacent greenway.

Clerk's Note: Community Development advises that all development prerequisites in the Community
Development Division report to Council of February 18, 2008 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily
addressed. The Public Hearing for the Bylaw(s) was held on March 10, 2008 with 3 rd reading given on April Page 10 of 11
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7, 2008. In accordance with Council policy, staff advise that the public hearing for the Bylaw(s) was held
more than a year prior to the proposed final reading date. Although resolution of the development
prerequisite items was on-going and the on-site rezoning sign(s) remained in place, the Bylaws were
delayed due to the time needed to resolve the engineering, environmental and other development
prerequisites necessary for opening development in the Southeast Phase of Yorkson.

Platinum - 4595.pdf












S. TERMINATE Page 11 of 11

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