Annual Report Diya Foundation

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Annual Report & Audit 2008

A Vocational Centre for the Differently Abled
Report of Expansion of our Projects: 2008 the opening of our two new income
generating projects:
Managing Trustee At the start of this year we took a look at
Chocolyn, the Chocolate Project was started
2007-2008 what we need to put in place to make
in August ’07 on an exciting note with sad
Diya Foundation more professional. The
following highlights show how we have overtones. We lost Carolyn Arulappan, one
achieved this: of our very first trainees to cancer on May
3, 2007. At her funeral, instead of buying

he year 2007-08 marks a year where 4 The financial projections for the year to
flowers, friends and family donated money
our vision and mission took on real make Diya self sustaining.
to Diya Foundation. This enabled us start
shape in the activities of the year. We 4 The hosting of our website – www. the Chocolate project in her memory and
take joy in sharing our accomplishments honor. We, at Diya are very grateful to her
and dreams with you that have taken us family for their generosity of spirit and
to a whole new level. 4 The Annual Report for the year 2006-
The Sheltered Workshop: The Candle Project: Working to order has
4 A documentary on Diya titled 'STEPPING
been a great experience. It meant team work,
We began the year with an increase in STONES'.
meeting deadlines while being supportive
strength. We admitted four new trainees, 4 A sales tax registration and VAT through times of stress and pressure and most
one new service staff, one new physically certificate. importantly understanding our strengths.
challenged person, impacted five clients
4 A membership with Credibility Social skills improved tremendously, as also
from the Medico Pastoral Association and
Alliance. all round well being – the thrill of coming to
trained six women from Oasis through the
work and knowing that you are needed.
candle project. We projected and achieved by March
sponsoring the snacks for our Christmas
party and Charity Bazar. We also thank
Chung Wah for sponsoring Chinese food
for the Charity Bazar and being a big
support to Diya Foundation.

Future Plans:
In order to comply with transparency
norms a few things are an absolute must:
Our Annual Report, a Personnel Policy, a
strong & interactive Board and a supportive
Advisory Committee. We are also looking
In the coming year 2008-09, our initiative is at a more permanent space for Diya and a
to launch environmentally friendly candles residential plan within the community.
and contribute to the reduction of carbon The past year has been wonderful. We
emission. thank all our benefactors, beneficiaries,
The Greeting Card Project, a sneak family, friends, patrons, volunteers for their
preview: The art workshop on Saturday, unstinted support, time and belief in Diya
March 1, 2008 in partnership with Via Foundation and its work. We thank God
Design, and the Diya trainees paved the for the year past and pray that He remains
way for the creation of greeting cards with us through the challenges of the
which we hope to market in the corporate coming year.
world. Sincerely,
Funding: Our very sincere thanks to OPUS Maria S. Santamaria
for their surprise Christmas gift: a CD titled Managing Trustee
'The Opus Christmas Card ' in aid of Diya
Foundation. Sale of this CD generated
Rs.58,000. We thank OPUS for always
being there for us from surprise gifts to
Staff Details As on March 31st, 2008 GOVERNANCE
There were 10 staff members, out of whom 4 were men with a disability. Details of Board Members As on 31st March,2008
Gender Paid full time Paid part time Paid Consultants Volunteers
Name Position on Board
Male 5 Nil 1 2
Maria S. Santamaria Chairperson
Female 5 Nil Nil 9
Suman John Secretary
Harish Ramakrishnan Treasurer
Distribution of Staff according to salary levels as on
Gerard Santamaria Member
March 31st, 2008
Marguerita Lobo Member
Slab of gross salary plus benefits Male Female Total
paid to staff (in INR) Anup Soans Member

< 5,000 5 3 8
Total Staff 5 5 10
4 No remuneration, sitting fees or any other form of compensation was paid to any
board member.
4 No national or international travel was undertaken by any staff or board member
Staff Remuneration Gross monthly salary +benefits (in INR)
during the year.
Head of the Organization Nil 4 Diya Foundation is registered as a Trust under Income Tax Act of 1961. Registration
Highest paid Staff member 8,000 No. 386/98-99, Bk IV Vol. 407 pages 87-96 dated 23rd March, 1999.
Lowest paid Staff member 800 4 Diya Foundation is registered with Income Tax Department under section 12A (a);
No. Trust/718/10A/Vol I/ D-261/2000-2001/CIT-II.
4 All contributions to Diya Foundation are exempted under Section 80(G) of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 no. DIT(E) 80G(R) /269/W-I/2005-2006 valid from 01.04.2005 to
31.03.2008. Presently under renewal.
4 Income Tax Permanent Account No. AAATD3446M
4 This Annual Report conforms to the minimum norms prescribed by the Credibility
Training, Employment and Empowerment During the last year 14 mentally challenged adults were trained at Diya Foundation.They
went through training on various tasks in the different units based on their skills and
List of activities: achievement levels. Each was paid a stipend on a regular basis.
With the setting up of 2 new units, namely the Candle and Chocolate units, 3 staff members
Material Products Tasks Number of Staff
were trained specifically to take care of production and quality control.
Trainees Support

Paper bags, pens,

Cutting, folding,
Paper bowls, pen stands
5 2 Review of Progress
Bowls, baskets, Mould/design Year Units No. of Mentally No. of Sales through Individuals
Resin, Papier Challenged Staff in-house Trained through
fridge magnets, creation, Production, 5 3
mache Trainees Production Outreach
flower vases etc. painting
2006 - 2007 4 11 8 INR 1,49,820.00 4
Cleaning Citronella based Measuring, pouring, 2007 - 2008 6 14 10 INR 7,52,899.81 11
3 1
liquid liquid bottling

Mould preparation,
Wax Designer candles production, 13 7 Work to order Projects, 2007 - 2008
Products Units
Dosa mix/ginger-
Food Candles 40,000 Nos.
garlic paste (only to Cleaning, grinding 7 1
order) Paper Pens 3,800 Nos.
Preparation, Cleaning liquid 600 Lts.
Premium assorted Dosa mix/ginger-garlic paste 225 Kgs
Chocolate production, 2 2
packaging Chocolate 200 Kgs
Diya Foundation seeks to enrich the quality of life of differently abled adults by training CONSULTANTS
them in vocational skills and empowering them to live a fulfilling and productive life.
Chocolate Unit: Amy D'souza
To create awareness in society and engage people in programmes that uphold and
Anisha Chacko
recognize the essential dignity and humanity of mentally challenged persons.
Ravi Prabhakar, Origami
DIYA'S Vision Oscar D'souza, Saju Abraham, Sameer Mittal,
Shantanu Chattopadhyay
Diya Foundation envisions differently abled individuals and their families alive with dignity Melissa Mathew
and pride in the present and hope in the future, Dolores Arulappan
Candle Unit: Paul Dass and Senthil Kumar, Pro – Vision India
Values and Beliefs
Website hosting and management : Geordee N. George, Rinji Varghese
Diya is committed to the belief that every differently abled individual is trainable, to work
and earn, and be independent to the extent possible. People with mental retardation are Accounts: Vikram Pai
not surplus citizens. Auditors: Shanthakumar and Co.
Every time Diya brings self esteem, self dependance and pride to a differently abled Bankers: Canara Bank, D’Costa Sq.
person, we bring it into our lives as well.
HDFC Bank, Ulsoor
Objectives Documentary on Diya: Fr. Biju, Christ College.
4 To train and support persons with disability to live life independently to the extent Debbie Rodricks
possible within and as close to the community to which they belong.
4 To provide support to persons with disability to live within their own families.
America-on-Line, Hassan Gems & Jewellers, Christel House, Nava Spoorthi Kendra, Sobha
4 In cases where family support is not available to provide support with respect to care Developers, Himalaya Drug Co., Salveo Life Sciences, Employees of Tesco ,KPMG, and
and protection by way of a residential set-up or group home set up. Sonata Software, Jack and Jill School and Kiddy's Nursery.
4 To provide support to families where none other exists by way of a day-care center.
4 To promote awareness measures within the community to create a circle of support
by lieu of volunteers, consultants, professionals in the field. Chung Wah chain of restaurants and Opus.
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all our donors , volunteers, parents of our trainees and
well wishers whose service and support has enabled Diya touch and transform the lives
of the differently abled.
Audit Report
Contact Us:
Diya Foundation
# 19/1 Gospel Street
St Thomas Town P.o.
Bangalore 560084

Tel: +91 80 65719148

Artwork: Art workshop held
Mobile: 0 9880052833
at Diya Foundation
Concept, Design & Layout: Website:

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