Gat Preparation Test

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QUANTITATIVE PORTION Question: 1 If the age of girl is x and her father's age is 5x.

when the age of girl will be 3x what will be the age of father? Solution: Let x = 5 then 5x = 25 and 3x = 15 then father age will be 35 which is 7x Question: 2 Someone traveled to his office in 75 Minutes at speed of 50 mph, if his speed increases to 62.5 mph. What will be the time required reaching the office? Solution: S = VT then 75*50 = 62.5 x then x = (75*50) / 62.5 = 60 Minutes Question: 3 In a class of 46 students, the Number of Boys in a class is 6 more than 3 times the girls, the number of girls will be? Solution: B+G = 46 as B = 3G+6 then Girls or G = 10 Question: 4 If 75% of a number is added to 75, the result is again number, what is that number? Solution: 75%of x +75 = x then 75x + 7500 = 100x then x = 7500 / 25 = 300 Question: 5 If 3/8 of population is adult, 1/2 of adult are male, 5/8 of the females adult are illiterate, if the illiterate females are 400. What is total population? Solution: (5/8)(1/2)(3/8) P=400 then (15/128) P = 400 then = (400*128)/15 = 3413 Question: 6 In an industry the average pay of total employees is 70 rupees if there are 12 officers whose average is 400 rupees and the average of other employees is 60 rupees then what are the total numbers of employees? Solution: 70*408 = 28560, (60*396 = 23760) + (12*400 = 4800) (408 Employee) Question: 7 If 3m < 48 and 2m > 24, then m could equal which of the following? Solution: m < 48/3 = m < 16 and m > 24/2 = m>12 It means value of m lies between 12 to16 it can be 13, 14, 15 then Answer is 14.

Question: 8 If (2^x). (2^y) = 3^z, find (x + y)/z =? Solution: As Bases are same so the exponents can be added together so 2^(x+y) = 3^z Here 2^1.5 = 3 so 2^(x+y) = 2^ (1.5*z) Now the Bases are same then exponents can be compared x+y = 1.5*z we get (x+y)/z = 1.5 Question: 9 During a certain week, a post office sold Rs.280 worth of 14-paisas stamps. How many of these stamps did they sell? Solution: 2000*0.14 = 280, Answer: 2000 Question: 10 13. A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that at least one head appears? Solution: HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT. Answer: 7/8 Question: 11 What is 50 percent of 75 percent of 200? Solution: 75% of 200 = 200*75/100 = 150 Now 50% of 150 = 150*50/100 = 75 Question: 12 A shop offers a discount of 15% for a DVD set with a regular price of $100. What is the final cost to the customer to purchase this DVD set, if a sales tax of 4% needs to be added to the discounted price? Solution: 100%-15% = 85% that is 85 100*4/100 = 4 85+4= 89 Question: 13 A contractor has to build a bridge in 50 days. Initially he employed 20 men, but found that only half of the work has been completed in 30 days. How many more men he has to employ to finish the job in time?

Solution: If 20 Man can do the half work in 30 days than remaining work should be done in 20 days so 20 : 30 : x : 20 20*30/20 = 30 = x 20 Men are working 10 more should be hired so Answer is 10 Question: 14 In a certain cake, two straight cuts succeed in removing 4/15 of the total cake. What is the central angle in degrees of the piece cut? Solution: A cake is round means circle, & circle = 360o then 360*4/15 = 96 Question: 15 The first term of a series is 5 and each subsequent term is 2 times the previous term. What will be the sum of the first 5 terms of this series? Solution: As series is 5,-10, 20,-40, 80 now adding all gives 55 Question: 16 Given the digits 1, 2 and 3, how many 3-digit numbers can you make such that no digit is repeated? Solution: 123,213,312,321,132,231 that is equal to 6 combinations Question: 17 A set A contains 5 numbers with an arithmetic mean of 50. Another set B contains 10 numbers with an arithmetic mean of 100. What is the ratio of the sum of all numbers of set B to the sum of all numbers of set A? Solution: Sum of set A = 5*50 = 250 Sum of set B=100*10 = 1000 1000:250 = 4:1 Question: 18 If 27^n=9^8 then n=? Solution: 33*n = 32*8 as bases are equal so we get 3*n=2*8 or 3n=16 or n=16/3 so correct answer is option Answer: None of the Above Question: 19 A & B do a job together in two hours. Working alone A does the job in 5 hours. How long will it take B to do the job alone?

Solution: A+B = 2 A = 5, B =? 1/A + 1/B = 1/2 1/2 1/5 = 1/ B 5 2 / 10 = 3/10 =3.33 or 3-1/3 Question: The difference between two consecutive numbers will be. (Dont remember exactly) Solution: The difference between square of two consecutive numbers is equal to the sum of the two consecutive number i.e. 32 - 22 = 9 4 = 5 which is equal to 3+2 = 5 Question: I think a prime number between 70 and 80, whose sum is base of the decimal system, what is prime number? Answer: 73 Question: A discount of 15 percent from a marked price produces a net price which is what percent of the marked price. Answer: 85% Question: What is the effect on area of circle if its radius is cut down to half? Answer: Becomes Quarter Question: If n is an integer, then which one of the following expressions must be even? Answer: n (n + 1) Question: If 4 men or 7 boys can do a wok in 29 days, then 12 men and 8 boys will do the same work in: To Be Solved: A-29.B-17, C-7, D-21, and E-30

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