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Moments.. Harry Stayles FanFic By Noura Quzani Chapter 1 FLASH! 'baby..' FLASH! '.. I'm sorry.. FLASH! '..

but we can't be together like this!' FLASH! FLASH! ' what do you mean?!' FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! 'I'm sorry...I have to go' FLASH! FLASH! 'no wait!!' FLASH! FLASH! 'I love you Harry.. goodbye' FLASH! FLSAH! FLASH! FLASH!....... And thats when my world came to an end... I looked at the paps as they took pictures of the boys and I. Flashes went off in a matter of seconds as I stood there staring at nothing in particular. The words hunted me. ' ...can't be together...' I shook my head pushing the thought away and another flash went off. 'I'm sorry' I felt a pang of pain as the words echoed in my head. ' I love you Harry.. goodbye' I looked over at Louis, my face expression gave nothing away as he smiled reassuringly, waving the paps away with the boys as I did nothing only walking away. Every step I took deepened the pain. Every pain I felt made me

numb. FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!FLASH! Then everything went silent and dark.... Chapter 2 ' WAIT! DON'T GO!!' I stood there pathetically. I wasn't able to move my legs as I shouted for her to come back. She only turned around with a broken smile as a group of giants with black suits took her away from me. Pulling her ruthlessly by her arm, shoving her inside a big black GMS. Each giant held a machen gun and had black glasses over there eyes. ' NO!! WAIT PLEASE!!' I begged as one aimed the machen gun at me and smirked, placing his finger over the trigger. *** HARRY! Get up! I was jolted awake with Louis's voice filling my head. Cold sweat was dripping down my forehead as I looked up and found him staring down at me with a worried expression. I can't be dreaming about this.. I thought, but why am I? If that flashback was a sign... No it cant be, nothing like that ever happens to anyone let alone me! How are you feeling, mate? I ignored his question as I looked around us. I was in a unfamiliar room with white walls and door. There was a small T.V on a small table infront of me, then there was a small window over a couch on the right with all the boys sitting there looking at me with worried expressions. I looked back at Louis and asked Where am I? my voice was hoarse. your in the hospital Haz he said looking down at his shoes finding it interesting as he answered me. why? I asked plainly as I sat up and a waive of dizziness hets me then looked at the lads. They all lowered there heads and didn't answer me and as I was about to ask again the door swung open and the doctor came in. Mr. Styles how are you feeling? he asked cheerfully. Fine I said sternly as he took a medical chart and examined it then turned to Louis. He's good to go after we run some tests to make sure there wont be another attack Attack? What attack? What is he talking about?!

okay, thank you doctor Lou answered. what attack? What are you talking about? I blurted out confused. The doctor looked at Louis as if asking permission to talk and Lou nodded then the doctor turned around to me and said You got a clot in the blood due to extreme sadness Mr. Styles, but thankfully the boys here got you intime for me to remove it without surgery and not cause any damage I stared at the doctor not believing what I heard. This cant be happening!! Then shoved it off as I looked over the T.V hearing something that caught my attention. It was us. I stared at it looking for something that wasn't even there, then everything came back to me as I saw my figure stumble forward and the boys hurrying to my side as the paps snapped more pictures. Liam was quick as he shoved all of them aside and Zayn, Louis, and Niall carried me to my black Range Rover as Louis drove off..... What might have happened to Harry Styles you ask? Well ladies and-.. Liam closed the T.V and I looked up at the doctor and shoved the covers off and pulled out the I.V needles from inside my arm and stood up ignoring the shot of dizziness, then said I'm leaving, thank you doctor and after that I stormed off. Harry wait! Louis half shouted as I exited the room and way half way down the hall way. I looked at the main entrence and jogged my way there as I saw the paps. One of them tried to come close to me and succeeded placing his hand on my left shoulder and swung me around saying What happened Styles? Too girly for a break up with an anorexic bitch? He smirked. 'I'm sorry.... I have to go'. Her words echoed in my head and then all I could see was red! I fisted my hand as I looked at him and then landed a smooth punch on his face feeling his noes crack under the force of my punch and said in a calm, deep, low, voice as the pap fell backwards Call her an anorexic bitch again and you'll wish your mother never gave birth to you.. I didn't bother looking at him or any other reporter as I jogged to my black Range Rover and spead away. Going where you ask? Well thats for me to know and you to find out. ' I love you Harry... Goodbye'

Chapter 3 Anonymous POV: She stood there alone, looking out the window from the dark empty room. The only light in it was from the moon. Thank god todays a full moon, otherwise I'd be stuck in the dark.. she said as she sat down in the middle of the cold floor, hugging her legs looking out the window as she started weeping. I'm so sor-ry Harr-y She stuttered, whipping her tear stained cheeks. He stood there alone, looking up at the sky with a broken heart. He then looked around him as he took in the familier scenery and found what he was looking for. He trotted his way to the titanic oak tree and looked for the writings they carved on the tree. ' Forever & Always H & I ' He then fell to his knees sobbing.


"HARRY!!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling me, and each time it shouted my name it got louder and louder. I was laying on my back under the oak tree staring at the stars with tear stained cheeks. Both of my hands were spread out beside me. How long have I been here you ask? Well... I don't have a clue my self. " Harry?!" I turned my head to the left meeting a panting Louis with both of his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. " Mate, You really got US worried after you stormed off like that! Do you know for how long the lads and I have been looking for you?!" He scolded me more of questioning me as I turned my head again to look up at the stars. I stayed quite for a moment and then felt Lou sit down beside me and said " I'm sorry..." Then he surprised me when he turned my head to face him and said " Where you.. Crying Hazza?" I looked him in the eyes and then all over again the pain stabbed me deep and it felt all new, but this time it cut through me even further and deeper. I took in a deep breath to calm my self and looked away hiding my now tearful eyes.


"STOOP!!!" I cried in pain as I felt another blow making contact with my back. I opened my eyes and looked at my uncle sitting on a buff black one-person couch holding his cigar in his left hand and resting his right hand on the arm rest. I struggled trying to move and thankfully succeeded taking a few steps forward but then a wave of dizziness hits me and pain shot all over my back. Two men came in front of me and my uncle said " My dear, dear little Isabel. Who said you can move?" I looked at him, throwing daggers from my eyes as my knees gave out, they were only a few inches away from the ground. Thankfully the chains over my writes held me up. Both men moved from my view as they saw my weakened state then I said "I said I can." I spat out breathing hard trying to calm down the pain in my back. " tesk, tesk, tesk. Tighten the chains around her hand and legs, and they are not to be removed unless I give you the orders." He smirked evilly and stood up laughing at me. " But boss, what if she wants the bathroom?" The Irish one said looking at my uncle " you got to go when you got to go boss" he shrugged. " You idiot, shut up these are orders " the American one said hitting the Irish man on the head. " If she needs to go, then you must go with her" my uncle said disgustingly and walked out of the room mumbling to himself and cursing. " let's get to work man" the American elbowed the Irish. They both started to tighten the chains round my hands and legs, the action caused to lift me from the ground to the air. I ground in pain as the muscles in my back flexed. I looked at them and said in a weak voice " Can I please have my shirt?" I tried being nice because I needed something to cover my bra covered chest. Well I know that's stupid but sometimes being kind is the key for everything. They looked at each other then looked at me and the Irish said " No, can't do that, like the view they're big" I looked at him shocked! " ASHOLE!!" I shouted at him and he laughed. If only Harry was here and then I felt a hard blow to my back that caused me to scream in agony and fresh tears started making there way down my cheeks. 'no wait!!'.... His voice echoed in my head and I passed out. Chapter 4 " Wake up you little bitch!!" I was jolted awake feeling a hard cold leather meeting my back. I arched my back in pain, crying out as I felt my skin getting ripped apart and a worm moister sliding down.

" Hey man come over so you can show him " said the Irish one. Him? Who r they talking about. I looked up my eyes barley open and found the American holding an iPhone and smirking at it then said " So Harry what do you think? " my eyes widened as a size of a baseball and whispered with tears brimming in my eyes " what..? " *** I punched the punching bag causing it to fall down the ceiling. " FUCK! " I punched the wall " not again! " I said frustrated. " Harry! Calm down man! That must be your third one you broke in less than 2 hours.". Louis said coming to stand beside me. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm in the gym punching my anger out on a punishing bag . My trainer gave me a look of disbelieve then sighed and marched to me shaking his head. He stood in front of me placing his hands on his hips and said " Harry, you have to control your anger. Your scaring the new trainees, and they all know of your reputation in boxing ". I sighed and looked around me, the whole gym looked at me scared. I smirked then grabbed my water and headed to the locker room. Louis was right on my heals as he said " Have you heard anything new about... A-about Isabel?" He stuttered. " No.." I forced my self to say and then my phone started ringing. I looked at it and found an unknown number face-timing me. " who is it?" Lou asked, I shrugged and answered who ever is calling me. A black haired man showed up and said " Hello Harry, I believe we have something of yours here. ". He smirked at me and flipped the camera. I froze when I saw what he meant by something of mine. It was Isabel she was chained up, her hair was all messy and she was only wearing her jeans and bra, but when I looked closer around her stomach I saw... Bruises ? " Wake up you little bitch!" Another man said hitting her with a Cain. " aaaaggghhhhhhhh " she screamed. I fell to my knees and Louis rushed to my side and looked at my phone then I said " touch her again and I swear ill find you and hunt you!!! " he laughed at my threat " Hey man come over so you can show him " said the Irish one then he showed me her back.


Anonymous POV "so Harry what do you think? " said the American. You could actually see the furry coming out of Harry as he lost control screaming at them telling them to leave her and not touch her. The American only laughed as he handed the phone to his boss. " Hello, Harry. It's been awhile don't you think?" Chapter 5 I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw the blood trickle down her small back and heard her faintly say what?. My blood boiled as I lost control. How the fuck could they do this to her! She doesn't desirve this! Release her now! I commanded shouting, but that only made the American laugh harder than he was before. Louis sat beside me shocked at what he just saw, but tried not to show it as he placed his hand over my left shoulder. In a weird way he tried to comfort me, and in a weird way I accepted it... If it wasn't Lou or any of the other lads I wouldn't let anyone comfort me like this. I looked down at my phone again trying to figure out were they are keeping her by looking at her surroundings. It looked like a deserted warehouse with crumbled walls and one window. Only the sky is what I could see. Then I returned my attention back to Isabel. I could hear her sobbing telling them to release her but they only laughed and joked. I captured the screen hopping to find clues later so I can get to her. She didn't leave me! I'm sure of it.. and the dream has to be a sign!! Suddenly I heard an all too familier voice that I wasn't fond of. I looked down at the phone. " Hello, Harry. It's been awhile don't you think?" I froze in place for a good 2 minutes as I stared at Michael Smith, the group leader of one of the most strongest mafias in England. I snapped out of my trance as he smirked at me. Awhile that I'm thankful for. I said calmly, What do you want with Isabel? I asked, my voice dangerously low to try and hide my anger and disgust. She's my niece, Harry. It's only fair to split the prize dont you think? he said it too slowly for my liking and started laughing at his cruelty. My blood started to boil, feeling my body getting wormer as the seconds ticked by slowly. My grip tightened around my black iPhone, I gulped trying to swallow my heightened anger. You sick old bastered! What do you plan on doing to her?! My voice started to shake, Louis tightened his grip on my shoulder but I couldn't care less if the new trainees were scared out of there pants! They should man up! I felt my heartbeat starting to increase and ache. The camera was pointed at Isabel giving me a full view of her beautiful face and body both covered in brusis. I then heard her faintly say He has nothing to do with this uncle... leave H-harry alone and out of this! I felt tears brimming my eyes as I took in what she said and the slight crack i heard when she said my name. Smith laughed Why Isabel.. are you trying to tell me that your boyfriend Harry Styles has got nothing to do with what your father did? Her eyes widened and I couldn't breath. HOW IN HELL DID HE FIND OUT?!! My sub-concise screamed at me. I took in a deep breath trying to calm the suden ache in my heart.

Hey boss-ss.. gi'me da phone and do the honers an Irish said laughing as he took the phone from Michael. I looked confused at the screen waiting anxiously for what he meant by do the honors. With pleasure, Josh. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Michael hitting Isabel on the stomach with a long wooden stick. I flinched when it made contact with her skin, she bite her lips trying to hold her screams as another blow after blow made contact with her stomach and back. I started screaming and shouting tilling him to stop but he only ended up breaking the wooden stick on her back. I felt dizzy looking at her bloody body with widened eyes speechless. Michael took the phone back from Josh and ordered him to take her away to the usual place which left me wondering what it is. This is only the beging Harry, for both you and my brothers cute little princess and then he hung up. *** I struggled to hold Harry in place as he through his phone at the wall and punched it cracking a whole as big as his fist. He started screaming and crying and saying IT'S ALL MY FOULT! ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF ME! I rushed to his side to try and calm him down, as soon as I was face to face with him he collapsed on me. Taking me by surprise. Harry what are--- Harry?! Get up! I took in his appearance, his face was white as the wall and he was hardly breathing. Panic washed over me as his lips started to change color slowly turning to purple, and his face turned red. ANGELO!! I shouted for Harry's trainer, he rushed in the room angered by my suden outburst. What Loui- WHAT HAPPENED?! Angelo rushed to my aid and he help carrying Harry to my car. Long story short it was Michael Smith. I said on our way out. All the trainees gave us a weird look, wondering what happened to Harry. FLASH! SNAP! FLAFH! Paparazzi's swarmed around us like we were the sugar cube and they are the ants. We shoved them away as we got to my car and started it, wasting no time as Angelo placed Harry inside my car and hoped in the passenger seat. I took off the hospital as Angelo asked Why did Michael call?

I stayed silent for a few minutes and then made up my mind to tell him what happened from the moment we entered the locker room till Harry collapsed. Angelo stayed quite the whole time listening to me as I told him everything in detail. I finished telling him everything as we arrived to the local hospital. We rushed Harry inside and the doctor asked us to wait outside the surgery room. After an hour of anxiously waiting, the doctor appeared and said Ms. Styles has suffered from Arrhythmia, or in other words An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm, and some times it stops beating at all. My eyes widened as a size of a baseball, but that wasn't all that the doctor wanted to say as he opened his mouth and continued with his explanation. This condition is called Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). SCA causes loss of consciousness and death if it's not treated right away. I took in a deep breath to try and calm down. This is way to much drama in one day.. I sighed as I looked at the doctor and then at Angelo who said When will he be released from the hospital doctor? A few days. Not more than 2. Angelo nodded and the doctor smiled then walked away.

*** It was a cold rainy night. The wend howled, the treas rattled, and the electricity died. She sat in my room waiting for me to come. Which I found wired because I'm standing right infront of her. ' Isabel! Look at me, I'm standing here!' But there was no use. She couldn't see or hear me. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! She stood up from her place and went down the hall and into the entrance, peeping thru the peep hole. But there was no use, the storm caused to blur it. So she simply opened the door and there he was. Standing with a cain in his left hand. She took a step back as she took in his appearance, and gasped in shock. He was wearing a long black tight shirt and black pants. He held his black mask in his right hand with a small red bag.

She looked up at her uncle and saw him half smirk. She tried closing the door but he stopped it before it closed placing his right and left foot on the door pushing it open. Why is he here?! Why can't I do anything ?! She ran up the hall and rushed into our room and shoved her self inside the closet taking her heavy robe off of her body. She then placed her hands on over her mouth, trying to calm her breathing down as she heard heavy foot steps. Isabel looked up and found the opening for the central air conditioner and climbed into it. BANG!! The closet door was yanked open as she entered the small space. He grabbed her by her shirt and shoved her out of the small space to the floor. He opened the red bag and took out a small knife and held it with the cain in his right hand and said It was you from the start Isabel, and when Harry comes back... all he'll see is you and red!

Chapter 6 Recap:He grabbed her by her shirt and shoved her out of the small space to the floor. He opened the red bag, took out a small knife and held it with the cain in his right hand and said It was you from the start Isabel... When Harry comes back... all he'll see is you and red! NO! I opened my eyes feeling a sudden pain in my chest. I squinted my eyes as I welcomed in the lights. What... What happened? I thought and looked around the room, Not the hospital again... Oh god.. I feel so tired and sleepy. I sighed in defeat and didn't bother moving from the bed. I lay back down carefully and stared up at the ceiling, feeling the pain in my chest getting stronger by the second. I closed my eyes taking in a sharp breath thru my teeth and held my hand over my heart. What the... I opened my eyes then looked down at my chest and found a big white bandage covering it. I didn't bother calling for the nures because she bursted in the room as I pulled my IV out and the machine started to make that annoying noise it did when the heart stopped beating. Why did you take it out?! she asked angry, and placed her hand over her heart and sighed. Then three other people burst into the room running to me and stopped in their tracks as they saw me half sitting on the bed, half out of it. Oh god! Harry! Don't you ever do that again!! Angelo and louis said in union. The doctor looked like he wants to punch me and I couldn't help the smirk that played on my lips. I'm sorry, I said raising my right hand up with a sorry smile I wont do that again. I

promised as I stood up. Mr.Styles, please don't move and lay back on the bed. Hell I wont do that! No thanks I smirked at him. I looked at Angelo and louis then asked Where's my stuff?... No, more importantly where is my phone? No! No! No! Forget about that now, and go back to bed. Angelo ordered me. What the hell!? Angelo.. Where is my phone? I asked. My voice dropped in volume to a low growl. He looked at me hesitant as I felt the pain in my chest growing. He then straightened up and crossed if arms around his chest and said I wont give it to you. Sigh.. He know's batter than to provoke me. I punched the wall beside my bed cussing it to crack under the force of my attack. Ignore the pain! They all jumped, fear was visible in there eyes. I gave him a side glance and said one last time Give me my phone Angelo! Or god help me with what I'm going to do to you! He sighed in defeat and handed me my phone. I switched it on, opened photos, then looked for some hints. As my eyes roamed the pictures I captured. I began to replay everything that happened in my head and then remembered Michael saying ' Take her to the usual place'. BA-DUM! I took in a deep breath ignoring the pain my heart beat caused. BA-DUM! BA-DUM! I felt my knees getting jelly. Leaning on the wall Angelo, Louis, the nurse, and the doctor eyed me carefully. BA-DUM! BA-DUM! BA-DUM! I painted placing my hand over my heart as my legs gave out and then I blacked out. *** Just dump her in here. I'll go get the things the boss ordered for her.

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